AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2021-02-22DO NOT use global state for outputMode...HEADmasterPetter Rodhelind1-13/+15
2021-02-22Add a semi-hidden feature of GET /.cache.Petter Rodhelind1-16/+24
2021-02-22Responsive sizes for images.Petter Rodhelind1-2/+8
2021-02-22Use [] instead of () for links.Petter Rodhelind1-2/+2
2021-02-22Parse links and get better at hiding stuff.Petter Rodhelind1-2/+43
2021-02-21HTML meta tags for mobile and proper encoding.Petter Rodhelind1-0/+2
2021-02-21Update docs.Petter Rodhelind1-4/+6
2021-02-21Present usage on empty path.Petter Rodhelind1-1/+10
2021-02-21Cache cleanup on cacheTimeout.Petter Rodhelind1-1/+16
2021-02-21Implement concurrently safe caching of requests.Petter Rodhelind1-19/+55
2021-02-21Support images.Petter Rodhelind4-9/+60
2021-02-21Add RSS link in HTML footer.Petter Rodhelind2-1/+6
2021-02-21Remove debugging stuff and send proper RSS response.Petter Rodhelind1-1/+1
2021-02-21Fix newlines by parsing paragraphs better.Petter Rodhelind1-8/+21
2021-02-21doc: Add explicit address for showcasing API.Petter Rodhelind2-3/+6
2021-02-21RSS and HTML presentation of the feed.Petter Rodhelind5-26/+224
2021-02-21Functional parser printing plaintext to stdout.Petter Rodhelind2-0/+111
2021-02-21fmt text documents.Petter Rodhelind2-5/+21
2021-02-21Init.Petter Rodhelind3-0/+14