path: root/lib
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2 files changed, 39 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/fortunes b/lib/fortunes
index 12980ade..dcc37ae8 100644
--- a/lib/fortunes
+++ b/lib/fortunes
@@ -4005,3 +4005,41 @@ object-oriented design is the roman numerals of computing. - rob
Java is the f*cking COBOL of the 90s, and future generations of geeks are going to fly back from Mars to piss on our graves for inflicting it on them. - rasputnik@hellooperator.net
httpd_server* httpd_initialize(char* hostname, httpd_sockaddr* sa4P, httpd_sockaddr* sa6P, unsigned short port, char* cgi_pattern, int cgi_limit, char* charset, char* p3p, int max_age, char* cwd, int no_log, FILE* logfp, int no_symlink_check, int vhost, int global_passwd, char* url_pattern, char* local_pattern, int no_empty_referers )
it's easier to post to 9fans than to think. - boyd
+We assume familiarity with Rubik's Cube, the delights of which cannot be presented adequately in a textual description! - an algorithms textbook
+If you are idle for more than 1000 hours, the system will log you out. Please save reviews frequently.
+We lead by following standards. - sape
+-bash: /home/r/.bash_logout: Permission denied
+I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. - forsyth after Lennon on authentication
+Network services at the Murray Hill, NJ, location (100001) will be unavailable due to UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) maintenance from 8:00 p.m. EDT on Saturday, June 26, to 4:00 a.m. EDT on Sunday, June 27.
+Don't show this message again.
+Service error -27.
+Beauty is more important in computing than anywhere else in technology because software is so complicated. Beauty is the ultimate defence against complexity. - David Gelernter
+Zatoichi: in theaters December 31, 1969.
+recordio.h:992: type `__true_type' is not a base type for type `__false_type'
+Telephone number has to be 10 numbers. For example, enter '8002158482'. Please contact us at 1-800-215-8482 for any assitance.
+No one but a theorist believes his theory; everyone puts faith in a laboratory result but the experimenter himself. - Einstein
+(Okay, Plan 9 isn't Linux, but it's a close relative).
+Tux is not cute. Tux has the expression of someone right after knitting needles have been used to scramble the front side of their cerebral cortex. Tux scares me. - Ron Minnich
+Setting up your SIP account will allow you to call both other SIP users as well as pstn phones. - Wim Sweldens
+ntifs.c(202) : error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 25732904 arguments
+There's no "I" in team, but there's both a "me" and an "I" in media.
+Oh, I'm sorry, sir, go ahead. I didn't realize you were root.
+C++ is to C as lung cancer is to lung.
+Warning: bad syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See http://procps.sf.net/faq.html
+Those days [of "one tool doing one job well"] are dead and gone and the eulogy was delivered by Perl. - rob
+We have found that the Real Player plugin, which is used by the BBC Radio Player, may or may not function fully depending on a combination of what flavour of unix/linux you are using, which browser you are using, which version of browser you are using, and which version of GCC built the plugin during installation.
+Sheer [program] size is often an illusion, reflecting only a need for improvement. - Kernighan and Plauger
+bootsplash: silent mode.
+Trusting every aspect of our lives to a giant computer was the smartest thing we ever did! - Homer
+Courts are not equipped to execute the law. - John Ashcroft
+The Ken Thompson school of thought on expert systems: there's table lookup, fraud, and grand fraud. - Andrew Hume, quoted in ;login:
+I am Davros, my Daleks are my servers and plan9 is my control board mwahahaha - Matt
+What's grey? A melted penguin.
+Why don't cannibals eat clowns? Because they taste funny.
+Two goldfish are in a tank. One turns to the other and says, "Do you know how to drive one of these things?"
+What do software pirates say? CD-Arrrrrrr!
+Select only drivers expected to compile cleanly. - Linux kernel configuration option
+usage: tar [-][{ruxXtcC}acdefhlm{o|S}pqvwLUBDRV{O|K}fb] [dir] [tapefile] [blocksize] file ...
+/opt/exp/lib/firefox/bin/run-mozilla.sh: line 451: 16207 Segmentation fault "$prog" ${1+"$@"}
+LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /opt/net/exp/lib/mozilla/bin/plugins/j2re1.4.2/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so [/opt/net/exp/lib/mozilla/bin/plugins/j2re1.4.2/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so: undefined symbol: _ZdlPv]
+This 43 minute video FEATURES the 22 year-old, 6'6" (6'11" in heels) 300+ pound, size 14 shoe size Blythe
diff --git a/lib/moveplan9.files b/lib/moveplan9.files
index 51228134..249d75f0 100644
--- a/lib/moveplan9.files
+++ b/lib/moveplan9.files
@@ -5,5 +5,6 @@ bin/Getdir