path: root/src/cmd/fossil/Ccons.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cmd/fossil/Ccons.c')
1 files changed, 398 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cmd/fossil/Ccons.c b/src/cmd/fossil/Ccons.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65b9a409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/fossil/Ccons.c
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+#include "stdinc.h"
+#include "9.h"
+enum {
+ Nl = 256, /* max. command line length */
+ Nq = 8*1024, /* amount of I/O buffered */
+typedef struct Q {
+ VtLock* lock;
+ VtRendez* full;
+ VtRendez* empty;
+ char q[Nq];
+ int n;
+ int r;
+ int w;
+} Q;
+typedef struct Cons {
+ VtLock* lock;
+ int ref;
+ int closed;
+ int fd;
+ int srvfd;
+ int ctlfd;
+ Q* iq; /* points to console.iq */
+ Q* oq; /* points to console.oq */
+} Cons;
+char *currfsysname;
+static struct {
+ Q* iq; /* input */
+ Q* oq; /* output */
+ char l[Nl]; /* command line assembly */
+ int nl; /* current line length */
+ int nopens;
+ char* prompt;
+ int np;
+} console;
+static void
+consClose(Cons* cons)
+ vtLock(cons->lock);
+ cons->closed = 1;
+ cons->ref--;
+ if(cons->ref > 0){
+ vtLock(cons->iq->lock);
+ vtWakeup(cons->iq->full);
+ vtUnlock(cons->iq->lock);
+ vtLock(cons->oq->lock);
+ vtWakeup(cons->oq->empty);
+ vtUnlock(cons->oq->lock);
+ vtUnlock(cons->lock);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(cons->ctlfd != -1){
+ close(cons->ctlfd);
+ cons->srvfd = -1;
+ }
+ if(cons->srvfd != -1){
+ close(cons->srvfd);
+ cons->srvfd = -1;
+ }
+ if(cons->fd != -1){
+ close(cons->fd);
+ cons->fd = -1;
+ }
+ vtUnlock(cons->lock);
+ vtLockFree(cons->lock);
+ vtMemFree(cons);
+ console.nopens--;
+static void
+consIProc(void* v)
+ Q *q;
+ Cons *cons;
+ int n, w;
+ char buf[Nq/4];
+ vtThreadSetName("consI");
+ cons = v;
+ q = cons->iq;
+ for(;;){
+ /*
+ * Can't tell the difference between zero-length read
+ * and eof, so keep calling read until we get an error.
+ */
+ if(cons->closed || (n = read(cons->fd, buf, Nq/4)) < 0)
+ break;
+ vtLock(q->lock);
+ while(Nq - q->n < n && !cons->closed)
+ vtSleep(q->full);
+ w = Nq - q->w;
+ if(w < n){
+ memmove(&q->q[q->w], buf, w);
+ memmove(&q->q[0], buf + w, n - w);
+ }
+ else
+ memmove(&q->q[q->w], buf, n);
+ q->w = (q->w + n) % Nq;
+ q->n += n;
+ vtWakeup(q->empty);
+ vtUnlock(q->lock);
+ }
+ consClose(cons);
+static void
+consOProc(void* v)
+ Q *q;
+ Cons *cons;
+ char buf[Nq];
+ int lastn, n, r;
+ vtThreadSetName("consO");
+ cons = v;
+ q = cons->oq;
+ vtLock(q->lock);
+ lastn = 0;
+ for(;;){
+ while(lastn == q->n && !cons->closed)
+ vtSleep(q->empty);
+ if((n = q->n - lastn) > Nq)
+ n = Nq;
+ if(n > q->w){
+ r = n - q->w;
+ memmove(buf, &q->q[Nq - r], r);
+ memmove(buf+r, &q->q[0], n - r);
+ }
+ else
+ memmove(buf, &q->q[q->w - n], n);
+ lastn = q->n;
+ vtUnlock(q->lock);
+ if(cons->closed || write(cons->fd, buf, n) < 0)
+ break;
+ vtLock(q->lock);
+ vtWakeup(q->empty);
+ }
+ consClose(cons);
+consOpen(int fd, int srvfd, int ctlfd)
+ Cons *cons;
+ cons = vtMemAllocZ(sizeof(Cons));
+ cons->lock = vtLockAlloc();
+ cons->fd = fd;
+ cons->srvfd = srvfd;
+ cons->ctlfd = ctlfd;
+ cons->iq = console.iq;
+ cons->oq = console.oq;
+ console.nopens++;
+ vtLock(cons->lock);
+ cons->ref = 2;
+ cons->closed = 0;
+ if(vtThread(consOProc, cons) < 0){
+ cons->ref--;
+ vtUnlock(cons->lock);
+ consClose(cons);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ vtUnlock(cons->lock);
+ if(ctlfd >= 0)
+ consIProc(cons);
+ else if(vtThread(consIProc, cons) < 0){
+ consClose(cons);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int
+qWrite(Q* q, char* p, int n)
+ int w;
+ vtLock(q->lock);
+ if(n > Nq - q->w){
+ w = Nq - q->w;
+ memmove(&q->q[q->w], p, w);
+ memmove(&q->q[0], p + w, n - w);
+ q->w = n - w;
+ }
+ else{
+ memmove(&q->q[q->w], p, n);
+ q->w += n;
+ }
+ q->n += n;
+ vtWakeup(q->empty);
+ vtUnlock(q->lock);
+ return n;
+static Q*
+ Q *q;
+ q = vtMemAllocZ(sizeof(Q));
+ q->lock = vtLockAlloc();
+ q->full = vtRendezAlloc(q->lock);
+ q->empty = vtRendezAlloc(q->lock);
+ q->n = q->r = q->w = 0;
+ return q;
+static void
+ Q *q;
+ int argc, i, n, r;
+ char *argv[20], buf[Nq], *lp, *wbuf;
+ char procname[64];
+ snprint(procname, sizeof procname, "cons %s", currfsysname);
+ vtThreadSetName(procname);
+ q = console.iq;
+ qWrite(console.oq, console.prompt, console.np);
+ vtLock(q->lock);
+ for(;;){
+ while((n = q->n) == 0)
+ vtSleep(q->empty);
+ r = Nq - q->r;
+ if(r < n){
+ memmove(buf, &q->q[q->r], r);
+ memmove(buf + r, &q->q[0], n - r);
+ }
+ else
+ memmove(buf, &q->q[q->r], n);
+ q->r = (q->r + n) % Nq;
+ q->n -= n;
+ vtWakeup(q->full);
+ vtUnlock(q->lock);
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
+ switch(buf[i]){
+ case '\004': /* ^D */
+ if(console.nl == 0){
+ qWrite(console.oq, "\n", 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ if(console.nl < Nl-1){
+ qWrite(console.oq, &buf[i], 1);
+ console.l[console.nl++] = buf[i];
+ }
+ continue;
+ case '\b':
+ if(console.nl != 0){
+ qWrite(console.oq, &buf[i], 1);
+ console.nl--;
+ }
+ continue;
+ case '\n':
+ qWrite(console.oq, &buf[i], 1);
+ break;
+ case '\025': /* ^U */
+ qWrite(console.oq, "^U\n", 3);
+ console.nl = 0;
+ break;
+ case '\027': /* ^W */
+ console.l[console.nl] = '\0';
+ wbuf = vtMemAlloc(console.nl+1);
+ memmove(wbuf, console.l, console.nl+1);
+ argc = tokenize(wbuf, argv, nelem(argv));
+ if(argc > 0)
+ argc--;
+ console.nl = 0;
+ lp = console.l;
+ for(i = 0; i < argc; i++)
+ lp += sprint(lp, "%q ", argv[i]);
+ console.nl = lp - console.l;
+ vtMemFree(wbuf);
+ qWrite(console.oq, "^W\n", 3);
+ if(console.nl == 0)
+ break;
+ qWrite(console.oq, console.l, console.nl);
+ continue;
+ case '\177':
+ qWrite(console.oq, "\n", 1);
+ console.nl = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ console.l[console.nl] = '\0';
+ if(console.nl != 0)
+ cliExec(console.l);
+ console.nl = 0;
+ qWrite(console.oq, console.prompt, console.np);
+ }
+ vtLock(q->lock);
+ }
+consWrite(char* buf, int len)
+ if(console.oq == nil)
+ return write(2, buf, len);
+ if(console.nopens == 0)
+ write(2, buf, len);
+ return qWrite(console.oq, buf, len);
+consPrompt(char* prompt)
+ char buf[ERRMAX];
+ if(prompt == nil)
+ prompt = "prompt";
+ vtMemFree(console.prompt);
+ console.np = snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s: ", prompt);
+ console.prompt = vtStrDup(buf);
+ return console.np;
+ int ctl, fd;
+ char *name, *p;
+ name = "/dev/cons";
+ if((fd = open(name, ORDWR)) < 0){
+ name = "#c/cons";
+ if((fd = open(name, ORDWR)) < 0){
+ vtSetError("consTTY: open %s: %r", name);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ p = smprint("%sctl", name);
+ if((ctl = open(p, OWRITE)) < 0){
+ close(fd);
+ vtSetError("consTTY: open %s: %r", p);
+ free(p);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(write(ctl, "rawon", 5) < 0){
+ close(ctl);
+ close(fd);
+ vtSetError("consTTY: write %s: %r", p);
+ free(p);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ free(p);
+ if(consOpen(fd, fd, ctl) == 0){
+ close(ctl);
+ close(fd);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ console.iq = qAlloc();
+ console.oq = qAlloc();
+ console.nl = 0;
+ consPrompt(nil);
+ if(vtThread(consProc, nil) < 0){
+ vtFatal("can't start console proc");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;