path: root/src/cmd/secstore/secstore.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cmd/secstore/secstore.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 585 deletions
diff --git a/src/cmd/secstore/secstore.c b/src/cmd/secstore/secstore.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 864aa88d..00000000
--- a/src/cmd/secstore/secstore.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,585 +0,0 @@
-/* network login client */
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <mp.h>
-#include <libsec.h>
-#include <authsrv.h>
-#include "SConn.h"
-#include "secstore.h"
-enum{ CHK = 16, MAXFILES = 100 };
-typedef struct AuthConn{
- SConn *conn;
- char pass[64];
- int passlen;
-} AuthConn;
-int verbose;
-Nvrsafe nvr;
- fprint(2, "usage: secstore [-cin] [-g getfile] [-p putfile] [-r rmfile] [-s tcp!server!5356] [-u user] [-v]\n");
- exits("usage");
-static int
-getfile(SConn *conn, char *gf, uchar **buf, ulong *buflen, uchar *key, int nkey)
- int fd = -1;
- int i, n, nr, nw, len;
- char s[Maxmsg+1];
- uchar skey[SHA1dlen], ib[Maxmsg+CHK], *ibr, *ibw, *bufw, *bufe;
- AESstate aes;
- DigestState *sha;
- if(strchr(gf, '/')){
- fprint(2, "simple filenames, not paths like %s\n", gf);
- return -1;
- }
- memset(&aes, 0, sizeof aes);
- snprint(s, Maxmsg, "GET %s\n", gf);
- conn->write(conn, (uchar*)s, strlen(s));
- /* get file size */
- s[0] = '\0';
- bufw = bufe = nil;
- if(readstr(conn, s) < 0){
- fprint(2, "remote: %s\n", s);
- return -1;
- }
- len = atoi(s);
- if(len == -1){
- fprint(2, "remote file %s does not exist\n", gf);
- return -1;
- }else if(len == -3){
- fprint(2, "implausible filesize for %s\n", gf);
- return -1;
- }else if(len < 0){
- fprint(2, "GET refused for %s\n", gf);
- return -1;
- }
- if(buf != nil){
- *buflen = len - AESbsize - CHK;
- *buf = bufw = emalloc(len);
- bufe = bufw + len;
- }
- /* directory listing */
- if(strcmp(gf,".")==0){
- if(buf != nil)
- *buflen = len;
- for(i=0; i < len; i += n){
- if((n = conn->read(conn, (uchar*)s, Maxmsg)) <= 0){
- fprint(2, "empty file chunk\n");
- return -1;
- }
- if(buf == nil)
- write(1, s, n);
- else
- memmove((*buf)+i, s, n);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* conn is already encrypted against wiretappers,
- but gf is also encrypted against server breakin. */
- if(buf == nil && (fd =create(gf, OWRITE, 0600)) < 0){
- fprint(2, "can't open %s: %r\n", gf);
- return -1;
- }
- ibr = ibw = ib;
- for(nr=0; nr < len;){
- if((n = conn->read(conn, ibw, Maxmsg)) <= 0){
- fprint(2, "empty file chunk n=%d nr=%d len=%d: %r\n", n, nr, len);
- return -1;
- }
- nr += n;
- ibw += n;
- if(!aes.setup){ /* first time, read 16 byte IV */
- if(n < AESbsize){
- fprint(2, "no IV in file\n");
- return -1;
- }
- sha = sha1((uchar*)"aescbc file", 11, nil, nil);
- sha1(key, nkey, skey, sha);
- setupAESstate(&aes, skey, AESbsize, ibr);
- memset(skey, 0, sizeof skey);
- ibr += AESbsize;
- n -= AESbsize;
- }
- aesCBCdecrypt(ibw-n, n, &aes);
- n = ibw-ibr-CHK;
- if(n > 0){
- if(buf == nil){
- nw = write(fd, ibr, n);
- if(nw != n){
- fprint(2, "write error on %s", gf);
- return -1;
- }
- }else{
- assert(bufw+n <= bufe);
- memmove(bufw, ibr, n);
- bufw += n;
- }
- ibr += n;
- }
- memmove(ib, ibr, ibw-ibr);
- ibw = ib + (ibw-ibr);
- ibr = ib;
- }
- if(buf == nil)
- close(fd);
- n = ibw-ibr;
- if((n != CHK) || (memcmp(ib, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", CHK) != 0)){
- fprint(2,"decrypted file failed to authenticate!\n");
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-// This sends a file to the secstore disk that can, in an emergency, be
-// decrypted by the program aescbc.c.
-static int
-putfile(SConn *conn, char *pf, uchar *buf, ulong len, uchar *key, int nkey)
- int i, n, fd, ivo, bufi, done;
- char s[Maxmsg];
- uchar skey[SHA1dlen], b[CHK+Maxmsg], IV[AESbsize];
- AESstate aes;
- DigestState *sha;
- /* create initialization vector */
- srand(time(0)); /* doesn't need to be unpredictable */
- for(i=0; i<AESbsize; i++)
- IV[i] = 0xff & rand();
- sha = sha1((uchar*)"aescbc file", 11, nil, nil);
- sha1(key, nkey, skey, sha);
- setupAESstate(&aes, skey, AESbsize, IV);
- memset(skey, 0, sizeof skey);
- snprint(s, Maxmsg, "PUT %s\n", pf);
- conn->write(conn, (uchar*)s, strlen(s));
- if(buf == nil){
- /* get file size */
- if((fd = open(pf, OREAD)) < 0){
- fprint(2, "can't open %s: %r\n", pf);
- return -1;
- }
- len = seek(fd, 0, 2);
- seek(fd, 0, 0);
- } else {
- fd = -1;
- }
- if(len > MAXFILESIZE){
- fprint(2, "implausible filesize %ld for %s\n", len, pf);
- return -1;
- }
- /* send file size */
- snprint(s, Maxmsg, "%ld", len+AESbsize+CHK);
- conn->write(conn, (uchar*)s, strlen(s));
- /* send IV and file+XXXXX in Maxmsg chunks */
- ivo = AESbsize;
- bufi = 0;
- memcpy(b, IV, ivo);
- for(done = 0; !done; ){
- if(buf == nil){
- n = read(fd, b+ivo, Maxmsg-ivo);
- if(n < 0){
- fprint(2, "read error on %s: %r\n", pf);
- return -1;
- }
- }else{
- if((n = len - bufi) > Maxmsg-ivo)
- n = Maxmsg-ivo;
- memcpy(b+ivo, buf+bufi, n);
- bufi += n;
- }
- n += ivo;
- ivo = 0;
- if(n < Maxmsg){ /* EOF on input; append XX... */
- memset(b+n, 'X', CHK);
- n += CHK; // might push n>Maxmsg
- done = 1;
- }
- aesCBCencrypt(b, n, &aes);
- if(n > Maxmsg){
- assert(done==1);
- conn->write(conn, b, Maxmsg);
- n -= Maxmsg;
- memmove(b, b+Maxmsg, n);
- }
- conn->write(conn, b, n);
- }
- if(buf == nil)
- close(fd);
- fprint(2, "saved %ld bytes\n", len);
- return 0;
-static int
-removefile(SConn *conn, char *rf)
- char buf[Maxmsg];
- if(strchr(rf, '/')){
- fprint(2, "simple filenames, not paths like %s\n", rf);
- return -1;
- }
- snprint(buf, Maxmsg, "RM %s\n", rf);
- conn->write(conn, (uchar*)buf, strlen(buf));
- return 0;
-static int
-cmd(AuthConn *c, char **gf, int *Gflag, char **pf, char **rf)
- ulong len;
- int rv = -1;
- uchar *memfile, *memcur, *memnext;
- while(*gf != nil){
- if(verbose)
- fprint(2, "get %s\n", *gf);
- if(getfile(c->conn, *gf, *Gflag ? &memfile : nil, &len, (uchar*)c->pass, c->passlen) < 0)
- goto Out;
- if(*Gflag){
- // write one line at a time, as required by /mnt/factotum/ctl
- memcur = memfile;
- while(len>0){
- memnext = (uchar*)strchr((char*)memcur, '\n');
- if(memnext){
- write(1, memcur, memnext-memcur+1);
- len -= memnext-memcur+1;
- memcur = memnext+1;
- }else{
- write(1, memcur, len);
- break;
- }
- }
- free(memfile);
- }
- gf++;
- Gflag++;
- }
- while(*pf != nil){
- if(verbose)
- fprint(2, "put %s\n", *pf);
- if(putfile(c->conn, *pf, nil, 0, (uchar*)c->pass, c->passlen) < 0)
- goto Out;
- pf++;
- }
- while(*rf != nil){
- if(verbose)
- fprint(2, "rm %s\n", *rf);
- if(removefile(c->conn, *rf) < 0)
- goto Out;
- rf++;
- }
- c->conn->write(c->conn, (uchar*)"BYE", 3);
- rv = 0;
- c->conn->free(c->conn);
- return rv;
-static int
-chpasswd(AuthConn *c, char *id)
- ulong len;
- int rv = -1, newpasslen = 0;
- mpint *H, *Hi;
- uchar *memfile;
- char *newpass, *passck;
- char *list, *cur, *next, *hexHi;
- char *f[8], prompt[128];
- H = mpnew(0);
- Hi = mpnew(0);
- // changing our password is vulnerable to connection failure
- for(;;){
- snprint(prompt, sizeof(prompt), "new password for %s: ", id);
- newpass = readcons(prompt, nil, 1);
- if(newpass == nil)
- goto Out;
- if(strlen(newpass) >= 7)
- break;
- else if(strlen(newpass) == 0){
- fprint(2, "!password change aborted\n");
- goto Out;
- }
- print("!password must be at least 7 characters\n");
- }
- newpasslen = strlen(newpass);
- snprint(prompt, sizeof(prompt), "retype password: ");
- passck = readcons(prompt, nil, 1);
- if(passck == nil){
- fprint(2, "readcons failed\n");
- goto Out;
- }
- if(strcmp(passck, newpass) != 0){
- fprint(2, "passwords didn't match\n");
- goto Out;
- }
- c->conn->write(c->conn, (uchar*)"CHPASS", strlen("CHPASS"));
- hexHi = PAK_Hi(id, newpass, H, Hi);
- c->conn->write(c->conn, (uchar*)hexHi, strlen(hexHi));
- free(hexHi);
- mpfree(H);
- mpfree(Hi);
- if(getfile(c->conn, ".", (uchar **)(void*)&list, &len, nil, 0) < 0){
- fprint(2, "directory listing failed.\n");
- goto Out;
- }
- /* Loop over files and reencrypt them; try to keep going after error */
- for(cur=list; (next=strchr(cur, '\n')) != nil; cur=next+1){
- *next = '\0';
- if(tokenize(cur, f, nelem(f))< 1)
- break;
- fprint(2, "reencrypting '%s'\n", f[0]);
- if(getfile(c->conn, f[0], &memfile, &len, (uchar*)c->pass, c->passlen) < 0){
- fprint(2, "getfile of '%s' failed\n", f[0]);
- continue;
- }
- if(putfile(c->conn, f[0], memfile, len, (uchar*)newpass, newpasslen) < 0)
- fprint(2, "putfile of '%s' failed\n", f[0]);
- free(memfile);
- }
- free(list);
- c->conn->write(c->conn, (uchar*)"BYE", 3);
- rv = 0;
- if(newpass != nil){
- memset(newpass, 0, newpasslen);
- free(newpass);
- }
- c->conn->free(c->conn);
- return rv;
-static AuthConn*
-login(char *id, char *dest, int pass_stdin, int pass_nvram)
- AuthConn *c;
- int fd, n, ntry = 0;
- char *S, *PINSTA = nil, *nl, s[Maxmsg+1], *pass;
- if(dest == nil){
- fprint(2, "tried to login with nil dest\n");
- exits("nil dest");
- }
- c = emalloc(sizeof(*c));
- if(pass_nvram){
- /* if(readnvram(&nvr, 0) < 0) */
- exits("readnvram: %r");
- strecpy(c->pass, c->pass+sizeof c->pass, nvr.config);
- }
- if(pass_stdin){
- n = readn(0, s, Maxmsg-2); // so len(PINSTA)<Maxmsg-3
- if(n < 1)
- exits("no password on standard input");
- s[n] = 0;
- nl = strchr(s, '\n');
- if(nl){
- *nl++ = 0;
- PINSTA = estrdup(nl);
- nl = strchr(PINSTA, '\n');
- if(nl)
- *nl = 0;
- }
- strecpy(c->pass, c->pass+sizeof c->pass, s);
- }
- while(1){
- if(verbose)
- fprint(2, "dialing %s\n", dest);
- if((fd = dial(dest, nil, nil, nil)) < 0){
- fprint(2, "can't dial %s\n", dest);
- free(c);
- return nil;
- }
- if((c->conn = newSConn(fd)) == nil){
- free(c);
- return nil;
- }
- ntry++;
- if(!pass_stdin && !pass_nvram){
- pass = readcons("secstore password", nil, 1);
- if(pass == nil)
- pass = estrdup("");
- if(strlen(pass) >= sizeof c->pass){
- fprint(2, "password too long, skipping secstore login\n");
- exits("password too long");
- }
- strcpy(c->pass, pass);
- memset(pass, 0, strlen(pass));
- free(pass);
- }
- if(c->pass[0]==0){
- fprint(2, "null password, skipping secstore login\n");
- exits("no password");
- }
- if(PAKclient(c->conn, id, c->pass, &S) >= 0)
- break;
- c->conn->free(c->conn);
- if(pass_stdin)
- exits("invalid password on standard input");
- if(pass_nvram)
- exits("invalid password in nvram");
- // and let user try retyping the password
- if(ntry==3)
- fprint(2, "Enter an empty password to quit.\n");
- }
- c->passlen = strlen(c->pass);
- fprint(2, "server: %s\n", S);
- free(S);
- if(readstr(c->conn, s) < 0){
- c->conn->free(c->conn);
- free(c);
- return nil;
- }
- if(strcmp(s, "STA") == 0){
- long sn;
- if(pass_stdin){
- if(PINSTA)
- strncpy(s+3, PINSTA, (sizeof s)-3);
- else
- exits("missing PIN+SecureID on standard input");
- free(PINSTA);
- }else{
- pass = readcons("STA PIN+SecureID", nil, 1);
- if(pass == nil)
- pass = estrdup("");
- strncpy(s+3, pass, (sizeof s)-4);
- memset(pass, 0, strlen(pass));
- free(pass);
- }
- sn = strlen(s+3);
- if(verbose)
- fprint(2, "%ld\n", sn);
- c->conn->write(c->conn, (uchar*)s, sn+3);
- readstr(c->conn, s);
- }
- if(strcmp(s, "OK") != 0){
- fprint(2, "%s\n", s);
- c->conn->free(c->conn);
- free(c);
- return nil;
- }
- return c;
-main(int argc, char **argv)
- int chpass = 0, pass_stdin = 0, pass_nvram = 0, rc;
- int ngfile = 0, npfile = 0, nrfile = 0, Gflag[MAXFILES+1];
- char *gfile[MAXFILES], *pfile[MAXFILES], *rfile[MAXFILES];
- char *serve, *tcpserve, *user;
- AuthConn *c;
- serve = "$auth";
- user = getuser();
- memset(Gflag, 0, sizeof Gflag);
- fmtinstall('B', mpfmt);
- fmtinstall('H', encodefmt);
- case 'c':
- chpass = 1;
- break;
- case 'G':
- Gflag[ngfile]++;
- /* fall through */
- case 'g':
- if(ngfile >= MAXFILES)
- exits("too many gfiles");
- gfile[ngfile++] = ARGF();
- if(gfile[ngfile-1] == nil)
- usage();
- break;
- case 'i':
- pass_stdin = 1;
- break;
- case 'n':
- pass_nvram = 1;
- break;
- case 'p':
- if(npfile >= MAXFILES)
- exits("too many pfiles");
- pfile[npfile++] = ARGF();
- if(pfile[npfile-1] == nil)
- usage();
- break;
- case 'r':
- if(nrfile >= MAXFILES)
- exits("too many rfiles");
- rfile[nrfile++] = ARGF();
- if(rfile[nrfile-1] == nil)
- usage();
- break;
- case 's':
- serve = EARGF(usage());
- break;
- case 'u':
- user = EARGF(usage());
- break;
- case 'v':
- verbose++;
- break;
- default:
- usage();
- break;
- gfile[ngfile] = nil;
- pfile[npfile] = nil;
- rfile[nrfile] = nil;
- if(argc!=0 || user==nil)
- usage();
- if(chpass && (ngfile || npfile || nrfile)){
- fprint(2, "Get, put, and remove invalid with password change.\n");
- exits("usage");
- }
- rc = strlen(serve)+sizeof("tcp!!99990");
- tcpserve = emalloc(rc);
- if(strchr(serve,'!'))
- strcpy(tcpserve, serve);
- else
- snprint(tcpserve, rc, "tcp!%s!5356", serve);
- c = login(user, tcpserve, pass_stdin, pass_nvram);
- free(tcpserve);
- if(c == nil){
- fprint(2, "secstore authentication failed\n");
- exits("secstore authentication failed");
- }
- if(chpass)
- rc = chpasswd(c, user);
- else
- rc = cmd(c, gfile, Gflag, pfile, rfile);
- if(rc < 0){
- fprint(2, "secstore cmd failed\n");
- exits("secstore cmd failed");
- }
- exits("");
- return 0;