path: root/src/libmp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libmp')
5 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libmp/386/mpdigdiv-Darwin.s b/src/libmp/386/mpdigdiv-Darwin.s
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be96bf38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmp/386/mpdigdiv-Darwin.s
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+.p2align 2,0x90
+.globl _mpdigdiv
+ /* Prelude */
+ pushl %ebp /* save on stack */
+ pushl %ebx
+ leal 12(%esp), %ebp /* %ebp = FP for now */
+ movl 0(%ebp), %ebx /* dividend */
+ movl 0(%ebx), %eax
+ movl 4(%ebx), %edx
+ movl 4(%ebp), %ebx /* divisor */
+ movl 8(%ebp), %ebp /* quotient */
+ xorl %ecx, %ecx
+ cmpl %ebx, %edx /* dividend >= 2^32 * divisor */
+ jae divovfl
+ cmpl %ecx, %ebx /* divisor == 1 */
+ je divovfl
+ divl %ebx /* AX = DX:AX/BX */
+ movl %eax, (%ebp)
+ /* Postlude */
+ popl %ebx
+ popl %ebp
+ ret
+ /* return all 1's */
+ notl %ecx
+ movl %ecx, (%ebp)
+ jmp done
diff --git a/src/libmp/386/mpvecadd-Darwin.s b/src/libmp/386/mpvecadd-Darwin.s
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d892331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmp/386/mpvecadd-Darwin.s
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+/* mpvecadd(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen, mpdigit *sum) */
+/* sum[0:alen] = a[0:alen-1] + b[0:blen-1] */
+/* prereq: alen >= blen, sum has room for alen+1 digits */
+/* (very old gnu assembler doesn't allow multiline comments) */
+.p2align 2,0x90
+.globl _mpvecadd
+ /* Prelude */
+ pushl %ebp /* save on stack */
+ pushl %ebx
+ pushl %esi
+ pushl %edi
+ leal 20(%esp), %ebp /* %ebp = FP for now */
+ movl 4(%ebp), %edx /* alen */
+ movl 12(%ebp), %ecx /* blen */
+ movl 0(%ebp), %esi /* a */
+ movl 8(%ebp), %ebx /* b */
+ subl %ecx, %edx
+ movl 16(%ebp), %edi /* sum */
+ xorl %ebp, %ebp /* this also sets carry to 0 */
+ /* skip addition if b is zero */
+ testl %ecx,%ecx
+ je _add1
+ /* sum[0:blen-1],carry = a[0:blen-1] + b[0:blen-1] */
+ movl (%esi, %ebp, 4), %eax
+ adcl (%ebx, %ebp, 4), %eax
+ movl %eax, (%edi, %ebp, 4)
+ incl %ebp
+ loop _addloop1
+ /* jump if alen > blen */
+ incl %edx
+ movl %edx, %ecx
+ loop _addloop2
+ /* sum[alen] = carry */
+ jb _addcarry
+ movl $0, (%edi, %ebp, 4)
+ jmp done
+ movl $1, (%edi, %ebp, 4)
+ jmp done
+ /* sum[blen:alen-1],carry = a[blen:alen-1] + 0 */
+ movl (%esi, %ebp, 4),%eax
+ adcl $0, %eax
+ movl %eax, (%edi, %ebp, 4)
+ incl %ebp
+ loop _addloop2
+ jmp _addend
+ /* Postlude */
+ popl %edi
+ popl %esi
+ popl %ebx
+ popl %ebp
+ ret
diff --git a/src/libmp/386/mpvecdigmuladd-Darwin.s b/src/libmp/386/mpvecdigmuladd-Darwin.s
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c88dded1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmp/386/mpvecdigmuladd-Darwin.s
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ * mpvecdigmul(mpdigit *b, int n, mpdigit m, mpdigit *p)
+ *
+ * p += b*m
+ *
+ * each step look like:
+ * hi,lo = m*b[i]
+ * lo += oldhi + carry
+ * hi += carry
+ * p[i] += lo
+ * oldhi = hi
+ *
+ * the registers are:
+ * hi = DX - constrained by hardware
+ * lo = AX - constrained by hardware
+ * b+n = SI - can't be BP
+ * p+n = DI - can't be BP
+ * i-n = BP
+ * m = BX
+ * oldhi = CX
+ *
+ */
+.p2align 2,0x90
+.globl _mpvecdigmuladd
+ /* Prelude */
+ pushl %ebp /* save on stack */
+ pushl %ebx
+ pushl %esi
+ pushl %edi
+ leal 20(%esp), %ebp /* %ebp = FP for now */
+ movl 0(%ebp), %esi /* b */
+ movl 4(%ebp), %ecx /* n */
+ movl 8(%ebp), %ebx /* m */
+ movl 12(%ebp), %edi /* p */
+ movl %ecx, %ebp
+ negl %ebp /* BP = -n */
+ shll $2, %ecx
+ addl %ecx, %esi /* SI = b + n */
+ addl %ecx, %edi /* DI = p + n */
+ xorl %ecx, %ecx
+ movl (%esi, %ebp, 4), %eax /* lo = b[i] */
+ mull %ebx /* hi, lo = b[i] * m */
+ addl %ecx,%eax /* lo += oldhi */
+ jae _muladdnocarry1
+ incl %edx /* hi += carry */
+ addl %eax, (%edi, %ebp, 4) /* p[i] += lo */
+ jae _muladdnocarry2
+ incl %edx /* hi += carry */
+ movl %edx, %ecx /* oldhi = hi */
+ incl %ebp /* i++ */
+ jnz _muladdloop
+ xorl %eax, %eax
+ addl %ecx, (%edi, %ebp, 4) /* p[n] + oldhi */
+ adcl %eax, %eax /* return carry out of p[n] */
+ /* Postlude */
+ popl %edi
+ popl %esi
+ popl %ebx
+ popl %ebp
+ ret
diff --git a/src/libmp/386/mpvecdigmulsub-Darwin.s b/src/libmp/386/mpvecdigmulsub-Darwin.s
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8aef933d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmp/386/mpvecdigmulsub-Darwin.s
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * mpvecdigmulsub(mpdigit *b, int n, mpdigit m, mpdigit *p)
+ *
+ * p -= b*m
+ *
+ * each step look like:
+ * hi,lo = m*b[i]
+ * lo += oldhi + carry
+ * hi += carry
+ * p[i] += lo
+ * oldhi = hi
+ *
+ * the registers are:
+ * hi = DX - constrained by hardware
+ * lo = AX - constrained by hardware
+ * b = SI - can't be BP
+ * p = DI - can't be BP
+ * i = BP
+ * n = CX - constrained by LOOP instr
+ * m = BX
+ * oldhi = EX
+ *
+ */
+.p2align 2,0x90
+.globl _mpvecdigmulsub
+ /* Prelude */
+ pushl %ebp /* save on stack */
+ pushl %ebx
+ pushl %esi
+ pushl %edi
+ leal 20(%esp), %ebp /* %ebp = FP for now */
+ movl 0(%ebp), %esi /* b */
+ movl 4(%ebp), %ecx /* n */
+ movl 8(%ebp), %ebx /* m */
+ movl 12(%ebp), %edi /* p */
+ xorl %ebp, %ebp
+ pushl %ebp
+ movl (%esi, %ebp, 4),%eax /* lo = b[i] */
+ mull %ebx /* hi, lo = b[i] * m */
+ addl 0(%esp), %eax /* lo += oldhi */
+ jae _mulsubnocarry1
+ incl %edx /* hi += carry */
+ subl %eax, (%edi, %ebp, 4)
+ jae _mulsubnocarry2
+ incl %edx /* hi += carry */
+ movl %edx, 0(%esp)
+ incl %ebp
+ loop _mulsubloop
+ popl %eax
+ subl %eax, (%edi, %ebp, 4)
+ jae _mulsubnocarry3
+ movl $-1, %eax
+ jmp done
+ movl $1, %eax
+ /* Postlude */
+ popl %edi
+ popl %esi
+ popl %ebx
+ popl %ebp
+ ret
diff --git a/src/libmp/386/mpvecsub-Darwin.s b/src/libmp/386/mpvecsub-Darwin.s
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dcda49bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmp/386/mpvecsub-Darwin.s
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+/* mpvecsub(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen, mpdigit *diff) */
+/* diff[0:alen-1] = a[0:alen-1] - b[0:blen-1] */
+/* prereq: alen >= blen, diff has room for alen digits */
+/* (very old gnu assembler doesn't allow multiline comments) */
+.p2align 2,0x90
+.globl _mpvecsub
+ /* Prelude */
+ pushl %ebp /* save on stack */
+ pushl %ebx
+ pushl %esi
+ pushl %edi
+ leal 20(%esp), %ebp /* %ebp = FP for now */
+ movl 0(%ebp), %esi /* a */
+ movl 8(%ebp), %ebx /* b */
+ movl 4(%ebp), %edx /* alen */
+ movl 12(%ebp), %ecx /* blen */
+ movl 16(%ebp), %edi /* diff */
+ subl %ecx,%edx
+ xorl %ebp,%ebp /* this also sets carry to 0 */
+ /* skip subraction if b is zero */
+ testl %ecx,%ecx
+ jz _sub1
+ /* diff[0:blen-1],borrow = a[0:blen-1] - b[0:blen-1] */
+ movl (%esi, %ebp, 4), %eax
+ sbbl (%ebx, %ebp, 4), %eax
+ movl %eax, (%edi, %ebp, 4)
+ incl %ebp
+ loop _subloop1
+ incl %edx
+ movl %edx,%ecx
+ loop _subloop2
+ jmp done
+ /* diff[blen:alen-1] = a[blen:alen-1] - 0 */
+ movl (%esi, %ebp, 4), %eax
+ sbbl $0, %eax
+ movl %eax, (%edi, %ebp, 4)
+ incl %ebp
+ loop _subloop2
+ /* Postlude */
+ popl %edi
+ popl %esi
+ popl %ebx
+ popl %ebp
+ ret