Plan 9 from User Space - Screen Shots

acme(1) editor, showing off Unicode capabilities

sam(1) editor, showing off Unicode capabilities

rio(1) window manager, running acme(1), 9term(1), Mozilla Firebird (sic), and Mozilla Thunderbird.

Mac OS X desktop runing acme(1) and man(1) (PS in Preview)

Mac OS X desktop runing acme(1) and man(1) (HTML in Firefox)

OpenSolaris desktop runing acme(1) and 9term(1)
(Thanks to Mon de Vera)

OpenBSD 3.8 runing acme(1), stats(1), and rio(1), with a few non-Plan 9 programs.
(Thanks to Luiz Gustavo)
Submissions welcomed. Email links to pictures to Russ Cox (
Space Glenda