#ifndef _UTF_H_
#define _UTF_H_ 1
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" { 

typedef unsigned short Rune;	/* 16 bits */

	UTFmax		= 3,		/* maximum bytes per rune */
	Runesync	= 0x80,		/* cannot represent part of a UTF sequence (<) */
	Runeself	= 0x80,		/* rune and UTF sequences are the same (<) */
	Runeerror	= 0xFFFD,		/* decoding error in UTF */

/* Edit .+1,/^$/ | cfn $PLAN9/src/lib9/utf/?*.c | grep -v static |grep -v __ */
int		chartorune(Rune *rune, char *str);
int		fullrune(char *str, int n);
int		isalpharune(Rune c);
int		islowerrune(Rune c);
int		isspacerune(Rune c);
int		istitlerune(Rune c);
int		isupperrune(Rune c);
int		runelen(long c);
int		runenlen(Rune *r, int nrune);
Rune*		runestrcat(Rune *s1, Rune *s2);
Rune*		runestrchr(Rune *s, Rune c);
int		runestrcmp(Rune *s1, Rune *s2);
Rune*		runestrcpy(Rune *s1, Rune *s2);
Rune*		runestrdup(Rune *s) ;
Rune*		runestrecpy(Rune *s1, Rune *es1, Rune *s2);
long		runestrlen(Rune *s);
Rune*		runestrncat(Rune *s1, Rune *s2, long n);
int		runestrncmp(Rune *s1, Rune *s2, long n);
Rune*		runestrncpy(Rune *s1, Rune *s2, long n);
Rune*		runestrrchr(Rune *s, Rune c);
Rune*		runestrstr(Rune *s1, Rune *s2);
int		runetochar(char *str, Rune *rune);
Rune		tolowerrune(Rune c);
Rune		totitlerune(Rune c);
Rune		toupperrune(Rune c);
char*		utfecpy(char *to, char *e, char *from);
int		utflen(char *s);
int		utfnlen(char *s, long m);
char*		utfrrune(char *s, long c);
char*		utfrune(char *s, long c);
char*		utfutf(char *s1, char *s2);

#if defined(__cplusplus)