a
about
above
according
across
act
action
after
again
against
ago
air
all
allowed
almost
along
already
also
although
always
american
among
an
and
another
any
anything
appear
appears
appropriate
are
area
areas
argument
arguments
around
as
asked
associated
at
available
away
b
back
be
became
because
become
been
before
began
begin
beginning
begins
behind
being
below
best
better
between
big
board
body
both
boy
brought
business
but
by
c
call
called
calls
came
can
cannot
car
case
cause
causes
certain
change
changed
changes
changing
children
church
city
close
college
come
command
commands
community
company
contain
containing
contents
corresponding
could
country
course
court
currently
d
day
days
death
depending
description
development
did
didnt
different
do
does
doesnt
done
dont
door
down
during
e
each
early
economic
effect
either
element
elements
else
empty
encountered
end
enough
even
ever
every
example
examples
experience
eyes
f
face
fact
family
far
federal
feet
felt
few
field
find
first
five
followed
following
follows
for
force
form
found
four
free
from
function
functions
g
gave
general
get
give
given
gives
giving
go
god
going
good
got
government
great
group
h
had
half
hand
hands
has
have
having
he
head
heard
held
help
her
here
high
him
himself
his
history
home
house
how
however
human
i
if
ignored
im
immediately
implemented
important
in
including
individual
information
initial
instead
interest
interpreted
into
is
it
its
itself
j
job
john
just
k
keep
kind
knew
know
known
l
large
last
later
law
least
left
less
let
life
light
like
line
little
local
long
look
looked
love
m
made
major
make
makes
making
man
many
marked
matter
may
me
meaning
means
members
men
might
mind
miss
moment
money
more
most
mr
mrs
much
multiple
must
my
n
name
named
national
need
never
new
next
night
no
nonzero
normal
normally
not
nothing
now
number
numbers
o
of
off
office
often
old
on
once
one
only
open
or
order
other
others
otherwise
our
out
over
own
p
part
passed
past
people
per
perhaps
period
place
placed
point
political
position
possible
power
preceded
present
president
previous
probably
problem
problems
program
public
put
q
question
quite
r
rather
really
reason
represented
respectively
result
right
room
s
said
same
saw
say
school
second
see
seemed
seems
seen
sense
separate
separated
sequence
service
set
sets
several
shall
she
should
show
side
simple
since
single
small
so
social
society
some
something
south
special
specified
start
starting
state
states
still
street
study
subsequent
such
supplied
sure
synopsis
system
t
take
taken
tell
terminated
terminating
than
that
the
their
them
themselves
then
there
these
they
thing
things
think
this
those
though
thought
three
through
thus
to
today
together
told
too
took
top
toward
trailing
treated
true
turn
turned
two
u
under
united
until
up
upon
us
use
used
useful
uses
usually
v
very
w
want
war
was
water
way
we
week
well
went
were
west
what
when
where
whether
which
while
white
who
whole
whose
why
will
with
within
without
word
words
work
world
would
x
y
year
years
yet
york
you
young
your
z
zero
zeros