.TH CODEREVIEW 1 .SH NAME codereview \- review of submitted changes (experimental) .SH SYNOPSIS .B git .B diff .B HEAD .I path ... .PP .B codereview [ .B -v ] .B create .I name [ .B -a ] .PP .B codereview [ .B -v ] .B commit [ .B -a ] .PP .B codereview [ .B -v ] .B upload .PP .B codereview [ .B -v ] .B pending .PP .B codereview [ .B -v ] .B sync .SH DESCRIPTION .I Codereview manages the review and submission of changes to the Plan 9 from User Space project. It must be used from within a Plan 9 from User Space tree checked out via Git (see .IR git (1)). .PP A developer makes changes to a local copy of the tree, reviews them by using .I git .I diff .IR HEAD and then commits them to a ``feature branch'' using .I codereview .IR create . .I Git requires that changes be added to a ``staging area'' before the initial commit, using commands such as .I git .I add and .I git .IR rm . The .B -a option causes .I codereview .I create to add all local modifications to the staging area as part of the initial commit. .PP Once a feature branch is created, files can still be edited, but they must then be incorporated into the change by using .I codereview .IR commit . .PP If other changes have been committed since the feature branch was created, .I codereview .I sync will update it to be based on the most recent copy of the repository. .PP When the code is ready for review, .I codereview .I upload uploads the change to .HR https://plan9port-review.googlesource.com/ for review. In order to upload, .I git must have access to a .I $HOME/.netrc that contains a password obtained from .HR https://plan9port-review.googlesource.com/#/settings/http-password . .PP The most likely initial result of a code review is suggestions for improving the code. After making those changes, repeat the .I codereview .I commit and .I codereview .I upload steps. .PP Once the code is ready, it will be submitted by the reviewer using the web interface. At that point, .I codereview .I sync .PP The .I codereview .I pending command lists the active feature branches. .PP All the .I codereview commands take a leading .B -v option, which causes them to print .I git commands being executed. This can be useful for debugging .IR codereview . .PP The .I codereview command depends on a .I git ``commit hook'' script being in place to add .L Change-Id lines to the commit messages. .I Codereview installs the hook at startup, if necessary, by adding a symbolic link from .B $PLAN9/.git/hooks/commit-msg to .BR $PLAN9/lib/git/commit-msg.hook . .SH SEE ALSO .IR git (1), .HR http://plan9port-review.googlesource.com/ .SH BUGS .I Git is too complicated to use. The .I codereview script helps, but a working understanding of .I git is still required.