.TH COLORS 1 .SH NAME colors, cmapcube \- display color map .SH SYNOPSIS .PP .B colors [ .B -r .B -x ] .PP .B cmapcube [ .B -nbw ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Colors presents a grid showing the colors in the RGBV color map (see .IM color (7) ). .PP Clicking mouse button 1 over a color in the grid will display the map index for that color, its red, green, and blue components, and the 32-bit hexadecimal color value as defined in .IM allocimage (3) . If the .B -x option is specified, the components will also be listed in hexadecimal. .PP The .B -r option instead shows, in the same form, a grey-scale ramp. .PP A menu on mouse button 3 contains a single entry, to exit the program. .PP .I Cmapcube presents the same colors but in a 3-dimensional cube. Dragging with button 1 rotates the cube. Clicking on a color with button 2 displays the map index for that color. Clicking button 3 exits. .PP The .B -n option disables drawing of the color squares. The .B -b and .B -w options set the background (default grey) to black or white. .SH SOURCE .B \*9/src/cmd/draw/colors.c .SH SEE ALSO .IM color (7)