.TH CORE 1 .SH NAME core \- print information about dead processes .SH SYNOPSIS .B core [ .I dir | .I corefile ]... .SH DESCRIPTION .I Core prints information about dead processes that have been saved as core dumps. .PP Core reads its arguments in order. If a directory is encountered, .I core reads every core file named .B core.* or .B *.core in that directory. .PP For each core file read, .I core prints the command .B stack .IR file , the date and time the core was generated, and the command that generated it. The .B stack command, if run, prints a stack trace of the executing thread at the time of the core dump; see .IM db (1) . .PP If no arguments are given, .I core searches the directory .B $COREDIR for core files; if .B $COREDIR is not set, .I core searches the current directory. .SH SOURCE .B \*9/src/cmd/core.c .SH "SEE ALSO .IM acid (1) , .IM db (1) , .IM core (5)