.TH GIT 1 .SH NAME git, hg, cvs \- introduction to using plan9port Git repository .SH SYNOPSIS .B git .B clone .B http://code.swtch.com/plan9port .B plan9 .PP .B git .B pull .PP .B git .B diff .I revision [ .I path ... ] .PP .B gitk .PP .B web .B http://code.swtch.com/plan9port .SH DESCRIPTION The master source tree for Plan 9 from User Space is maintained using the source control system Git as a substitute for Plan 9's \fIreplica\fR(8) and dump file system. .PP The first argument to .I git is a command, which determines the form of the rest of the command line. .PP The .B clone command downloads a copy of the tree into the directory .BR plan9 , which it will create. After .B git .BR clone , the other commands listed should be run within the .B plan9 directory tree. .PP Git downloads the entire revision history of Plan 9 from User Space in addition to the current tree. .PP .I Git .I pull incorporates changes from the master repository into the local revision history and applies them to the current file tree. .PP .I Git .I diff runs Unix's .IR diff (1) to compare the files in the local tree with the corresponding files in the revision history. The special revision .B HEAD refers to the most recent version in the version history. .PP .I Gitk starts an interactive history viewer. .PP The Git tree can be inspected on the web at .HR http://code.swtch.com/plan9port/ "" . .SH FILES .TP .B \*9/.git directory containing Git local repository .TP .B .gitignore list of files and wildcards to exclude from Git operations .SH SEE ALSO .IR codereview (1) .PP Unix's \fIgit\fR(1), .HR http://git-scm.com/doc .PP .HR http://code.swtch.com/plan9port/ .SH BUGS Plan 9 from User Space is no longer accessible using CVS or Mercurial; you must use Git.