.TH KILL 1 .SH NAME kill, slay, start, stop \- print commands to manipulate processes .SH SYNOPSIS .B kill .I name ... .PP .B slay .I name ... .PP .B start .I name ... .PP .B stop .I name ... .SH DESCRIPTION .I Kill prints commands that will cause all processes with .I name and owned by the current user to be terminated. Each command is commented with an output line from .IM ps (1) describing the process that would be killed. Use the .B send command of .IM 9term (1) , or pipe the output of .I kill into .IM rc (1) or .IM sh (1) to execute the commands. .PP .I Kill suggests sending a Unix .B TERM signal to the process; sending a .B KILL signal is a surer, if heavy handed, kill, but is necessary if the offending process is ignoring signals. The .I slay command prints commands to do this. .PP .I Stop prints commands to pause execution of processes by sending them the .B STOP signal. .PP .I Start prints commands to restart stopped processes by sending them the .B CONT signal. .SH SOURCE .B \*9/bin .SH "SEE ALSO" .IM ps (1) , .IM notify (3) .SH BUGS .I Stop and .I start should limit themselves to currently running or stopped processes.