.TH RESAMPLE 1 .SH NAME resample \- resample a picture .SH SYNOPSIS .B resample [ .B -x .I size ] [ .B -y .I size ] [ .I file ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Resample resamples its input image (default standard input) to a new size. The image is decimated or interpolated using a Kaiser window. .PP The size of the resampled image can be specified with the .B -x and .B -y options. An unadorned value sets the number of pixels of that dimension; a suffixed percent sign specifies a percentage. If only one of .B -x or .B -y is given, the other dimension is scaled to preserve the aspect ratio of the original image. Thus, .B -x50% will reduce the image to half its original dimension in both .B x and .BR y . .PP The input should be a Plan 9 image as described in .IM image (7) , and the output will be a compressed 24-bit .B r8g8b8 image. To uncompress the image or change the pixel format, use .I iconv (see .IM crop (1) ). .PP .SH SOURCE .B \*9/src/cmd/resample.c .SH "SEE ALSO .IM crop (1) , .IM image (7) .SH BUGS Faster algorithms exist, but this implementation produces correct pictures.