.TH BLOWFISH 3 .SH NAME setupBFstate, bfCBCencrypt, bfCBCdecrypt, bfECBencrypt, bfECBdecrypt - blowfish encryption .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .br .B #include .br .B #include .br .B #include .PP .B void setupBFstate(BFstate *s, uchar key[], int keybytes, .B uchar *ivec) .PP .B void bfCBCencrypt(uchar *data, int len, BFstate *s) .PP .B void bfCBCdecrypt(uchar *data, int len, BFstate *s) .PP .B void bfECBencrypt(uchar *data, int len, BFstate *s) .PP .B void bfECBdecrypt(uchar *data, int len, BFstate *s) .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Blowfish is Bruce Schneier's symmetric block cipher. It supports variable length keys from 32 to 448 bits and has a block size of 64 bits. Both CBC and ECB modes are supported. .PP setupBFstate takes a BFstate structure, a key of at most 56 bytes, the length of the key in bytes, and an initialization vector of 8 bytes (set to all zeroes if argument is nil). The encryption and decryption functions take a BFstate structure, a data buffer, and a length, which must be a multiple of eight bytes as padding is currently unsupported. .SH SOURCE .B /sys/src/libsec .SH SEE ALSO .IR mp (2), .IR aes (2), .IR des (2), .IR dsa (2), .IR elgamal (2), .IR rc4 (2), .IR rsa (2), .IR sechash (2), .IR prime (2), .IR rand (2)