.TH DSA 3 .SH NAME dsagen, dsasign, dsaverify, dsapuballoc, dsapubfree, dsaprivalloc, dsaprivfree, dsasigalloc, dsasigfree, dsaprivtopub - digital signature algorithm .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .br .B #include .br .B #include .br .B #include .PP .B DSApriv* dsagen(DSApub *opub) .PP .B DSAsig* dsasign(DSApriv *k, mpint *m) .PP .B int dsaverify(DSApub *k, DSAsig *sig, mpint *m) .PP .B DSApub* dsapuballoc(void) .PP .B void dsapubfree(DSApub*) .PP .B DSApriv* dsaprivalloc(void) .PP .B void dsaprivfree(DSApriv*) .PP .B DSAsig* dsasigalloc(void) .PP .B void dsasigfree(DSAsig*) .PP .B DSApub* dsaprivtopub(DSApriv*) .SH DESCRIPTION .PP DSA is the NIST approved digital signature algorithm. The owner of a key publishes the public part of the key: .EX struct DSApub { mpint *p; // modulus mpint *q; // group order, q divides p-1 mpint *alpha; // group generator mpint *key; // alpha**secret mod p }; .EE This part can be used for verifying signatures (with .IR dsaverify ) created by the owner. The owner signs (with .IR dsasign ) using his private key: .EX struct DSApriv { DSApub pub; mpint *secret; // (decryption key) }; .EE .PP Keys are generated using .IR dsagen . If .IR dsagen 's argument .I opub is .BR nil , a key is created using a new .B p and .B q generated by .IR DSAprimes (2). Otherwise, .B p and .B q are copied from the old key. .PP .I Dsaprivtopub returns a newly allocated copy of the public key corresponding to the private key. .PP The routines .IR dsapuballoc , .IR dsapubfree , .IR dsaprivalloc , and .I dsaprivfree are provided to manage key storage. .PP .I Dsasign signs message .I m using a private key .I k yielding a .EX struct DSAsig { mpint *r, *s; }; .EE .I Dsaverify returns 0 if the signature is valid and \-1 if not. .PP The routines .I dsasigalloc and .I dsasigfree are provided to manage signature storage. .SH SOURCE .B /sys/src/libsec .SH SEE ALSO .IR mp (2), .IR aes (2), .IR blowfish (2), .IR des (2), .IR rc4 (2), .IR rsa (2), .IR sechash (2), .IR prime (2), .IR rand (2)