.TH MKTEMP 3 .SH NAME mktemp \- make a unique file name .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .br .B #include .PP .nf .B char* mktemp(char *template) .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .I Mktemp replaces .I template by a unique file name, and returns the address of the template. The template should look like a file name with eleven trailing .LR X s. The .LR X s are replaced by a letter followed by the current process id. Letters from .L a to .L z are tried until a name that can be accessed (see .IR access (2)) is generated. If no such name can be generated, .I mktemp returns \f5"/"\f1 . .SH SOURCE .B /sys/src/libc/port/mktemp.c .SH "SEE ALSO" .IR getpid (2), .IR access (2)