.TH MOUSESCROLLSIZE 3 .SH NAME mousescrollsize \- compute mouse scroll increment .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .PP int mousescrollsize(int maxlines) .SH DESCRIPTION .I Mousescrollsize computes the number of lines of text that should be scrolled in response to a mouse scroll wheel click. .I Maxlines is the number of lines visible in the text window. .PP The default scroll increment is one line. This default can be overridden by setting the .B $mousescrollsize environment variable to an integer, which specifies a constant number of lines, or to a real number followed by a percent character, indicating that the scroll increment should be a percentage of the total number of lines in the window. For example, setting .B $mousescrollsize to .B 50% causes a half-window scroll increment. .PP .I Mousescrollsize is used by .IR 9term (1) and .IR acme (1) to set their scrolling behavior. .SH SOURCE .B /usr/local/plan9/src/libdraw/scroll.c .SH SEE ALSO .IR 9term (1), .IR acme (1) .SH BUGS .I Libdraw expects up and down scroll wheel events to be expressed as clicks of mouse buttons 4 and 5, but the XFree86 default is to ignore the scroll wheel. To enable the scroll wheel, change your .B InputDevice section of .B XF86Config-4 to look like: .IP .EX Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Mouse0" Driver "mouse" Option "Device" "/dev/psaux" # next four lines enable scroll wheel as buttons 4 and 5 Option "Buttons" "5" Option "Emulate3Buttons" "off" Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2" Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" EndSection .EE