.TH SEEK 3 .SH NAME seek \- change file offset .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .br .B #include .PP .B vlong seek(int fd, vlong n, int type) .SH DESCRIPTION .I Seek sets the offset for the file associated with .I fd as follows: .IP If .I type is 0, the offset is set to .I n bytes. .IP If .I type is 1, the pointer is set to its current location plus .IR n . .IP If .I type is 2, the pointer is set to the size of the file plus .IR n . .PP The new file offset value is returned. .PP Seeking in a directory is not allowed. Seeking in a pipe is a no-op. .SH SOURCE .B /sys/src/libc/9syscall .SH SEE ALSO .IR intro (2), .IR open (2) .SH DIAGNOSTICS Sets .IR errstr .