.TH SYSFATAL 3 .SH NAME sysfatal \- system error messages .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .br .B #include .PP .B void sysfatal(char *fmt, ...) .SH DESCRIPTION .I Sysfatal prints to standard error the name of the running program, a colon and a space, the message described by the .IR print (3) format string .I fmt and subsequent arguments, and a newline. It then calls .IR exits (3) with the formatted message as argument. The program's name is the value of .BR argv0 , which will be set if the program uses the .IR arg (3) interface to process its arguments. If .B argv0 is null, it is ignored and the following colon and space are suppressed. .SH SOURCE .B /usr/local/plan9/src/lib9/sysfatal.c .SH "SEE ALSO" .IR intro (3), .IR errstr (3), the .B %r format in .IR print (3)