#include #include #include #include #include #define Extern extern #include "acid.h" static int fsize[] = { ['A'] 4, ['B'] 4, ['C'] 1, ['D'] 4, ['F'] 8, ['G'] 8, ['O'] 4, ['Q'] 4, ['R'] 4, ['S'] 4, ['U'] 4, ['V'] 8, ['X'] 4, ['Y'] 8, ['W'] 8, ['Z'] 8, ['a'] 4, ['b'] 1, ['c'] 1, ['d'] 2, ['f'] 4, ['g'] 4, ['o'] 2, ['q'] 2, ['r'] 2, ['s'] 4, ['u'] 2, ['x'] 2, }; int fmtsize(Value *v) { int ret; switch(v->store.fmt) { default: return fsize[(unsigned char)v->store.fmt]; case 'i': case 'I': if(v->type != TINT || mach == 0) error("no size for i fmt pointer ++/--"); ret = (*mach->instsize)(symmap, v->store.u.ival); if(ret < 0) { ret = (*mach->instsize)(symmap, v->store.u.ival); if(ret < 0) error("%r"); } return ret; } } void chklval(Node *lp) { if(lp->op != ONAME) error("need l-value"); } void olist(Node *n, Node *res) { expr(n->left, res); expr(n->right, res); } void oeval(Node *n, Node *res) { expr(n->left, res); if(res->type != TCODE) error("bad type for eval"); expr(res->store.u.cc, res); } void ocast(Node *n, Node *res) { if(n->sym->lt == 0) error("%s is not a complex type", n->sym->name); expr(n->left, res); res->store.comt = n->sym->lt; res->store.fmt = 'a'; } void oindm(Node *n, Node *res) { Map *m; Node l; m = cormap; if(m == 0) m = symmap; expr(n->left, &l); if(l.type != TINT) error("bad type for *"); if(m == 0) error("no map for *"); indir(m, l.store.u.ival, l.store.fmt, res); res->store.comt = l.store.comt; } void oindc(Node *n, Node *res) { Map *m; Node l; m = symmap; if(m == 0) m = cormap; expr(n->left, &l); if(l.type != TINT) error("bad type for @"); if(m == 0) error("no map for @"); indir(m, l.store.u.ival, l.store.fmt, res); res->store.comt = l.store.comt; } void oframe(Node *n, Node *res) { char *p; Node *lp; ulong ival; Frtype *f; p = n->sym->name; while(*p && *p == '$') p++; lp = n->left; if(localaddr(cormap, correg, p, lp->sym->name, &ival) < 0) error("colon: %r"); res->store.u.ival = ival; res->op = OCONST; res->store.fmt = 'X'; res->type = TINT; /* Try and set comt */ for(f = n->sym->local; f; f = f->next) { if(f->var == lp->sym) { res->store.comt = f->type; res->store.fmt = 'a'; break; } } } void oindex(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); if(r.type != TINT) error("bad type for []"); switch(l.type) { default: error("lhs[] has bad type"); case TINT: indir(cormap, l.store.u.ival+(r.store.u.ival*fsize[(unsigned char)l.store.fmt]), l.store.fmt, res); res->store.comt = l.store.comt; res->store.fmt = l.store.fmt; break; case TLIST: nthelem(l.store.u.l, r.store.u.ival, res); break; case TSTRING: res->store.u.ival = 0; if(r.store.u.ival >= 0 && r.store.u.ival < l.store.u.string->len) { int xx8; /* to get around bug in vc */ xx8 = r.store.u.ival; res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.string->string[xx8]; } res->op = OCONST; res->type = TINT; res->store.fmt = 'c'; break; } } void oappend(Node *n, Node *res) { Node r, l; expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); if(l.type != TLIST) error("must append to list"); append(res, &l, &r); } void odelete(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); if(l.type != TLIST) error("must delete from list"); if(r.type != TINT) error("delete index must be integer"); delete(l.store.u.l, r.store.u.ival, res); } void ohead(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l; expr(n->left, &l); if(l.type != TLIST) error("head needs list"); res->op = OCONST; if(l.store.u.l) { res->type = l.store.u.l->type; res->store = l.store.u.l->store; } else { res->type = TLIST; res->store.u.l = 0; } } void otail(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l; expr(n->left, &l); if(l.type != TLIST) error("tail needs list"); res->op = OCONST; res->type = TLIST; if(l.store.u.l) res->store.u.l = l.store.u.l->next; else res->store.u.l = 0; } void oconst(Node *n, Node *res) { res->op = OCONST; res->type = n->type; res->store = n->store; res->store.comt = n->store.comt; } void oname(Node *n, Node *res) { Value *v; v = n->sym->v; if(v->set == 0) error("%s used but not set", n->sym->name); res->op = OCONST; res->type = v->type; res->store = v->store; res->store.comt = v->store.comt; } void octruct(Node *n, Node *res) { res->op = OCONST; res->type = TLIST; res->store.u.l = construct(n->left); } void oasgn(Node *n, Node *res) { Node *lp, r; Value *v; lp = n->left; switch(lp->op) { case OINDM: windir(cormap, lp->left, n->right, res); break; case OINDC: windir(symmap, lp->left, n->right, res); break; default: chklval(lp); v = lp->sym->v; expr(n->right, &r); v->set = 1; v->type = r.type; v->store = r.store; res->op = OCONST; res->type = v->type; res->store = v->store; res->store.comt = v->store.comt; } } void oadd(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); res->store.fmt = l.store.fmt; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TFLOAT; switch(l.type) { default: error("bad lhs type +"); case TINT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->type = TINT; res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival+r.store.u.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->store.u.fval = l.store.u.ival+r.store.u.fval; break; default: error("bad rhs type +"); } break; case TFLOAT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->store.u.fval = l.store.u.fval+r.store.u.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->store.u.fval = l.store.u.fval+r.store.u.fval; break; default: error("bad rhs type +"); } break; case TSTRING: if(r.type == TSTRING) { res->type = TSTRING; res->store.fmt = 's'; res->store.u.string = stradd(l.store.u.string, r.store.u.string); break; } error("bad rhs for +"); case TLIST: res->type = TLIST; switch(r.type) { case TLIST: res->store.u.l = addlist(l.store.u.l, r.store.u.l); break; default: r.left = 0; r.right = 0; res->store.u.l = addlist(l.store.u.l, construct(&r)); break; } } } void osub(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); res->store.fmt = l.store.fmt; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TFLOAT; switch(l.type) { default: error("bad lhs type -"); case TINT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->type = TINT; res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival-r.store.u.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->store.u.fval = l.store.u.ival-r.store.u.fval; break; default: error("bad rhs type -"); } break; case TFLOAT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->store.u.fval = l.store.u.fval-r.store.u.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->store.u.fval = l.store.u.fval-r.store.u.fval; break; default: error("bad rhs type -"); } break; } } void omul(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); res->store.fmt = l.store.fmt; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TFLOAT; switch(l.type) { default: error("bad lhs type *"); case TINT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->type = TINT; res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival*r.store.u.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->store.u.fval = l.store.u.ival*r.store.u.fval; break; default: error("bad rhs type *"); } break; case TFLOAT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->store.u.fval = l.store.u.fval*r.store.u.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->store.u.fval = l.store.u.fval*r.store.u.fval; break; default: error("bad rhs type *"); } break; } } void odiv(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); res->store.fmt = l.store.fmt; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TFLOAT; switch(l.type) { default: error("bad lhs type /"); case TINT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->type = TINT; if(r.store.u.ival == 0) error("zero divide"); res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival/r.store.u.ival; break; case TFLOAT: if(r.store.u.fval == 0) error("zero divide"); res->store.u.fval = l.store.u.ival/r.store.u.fval; break; default: error("bad rhs type /"); } break; case TFLOAT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->store.u.fval = l.store.u.fval/r.store.u.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->store.u.fval = l.store.u.fval/r.store.u.fval; break; default: error("bad rhs type /"); } break; } } void omod(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); res->store.fmt = l.store.fmt; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TINT; if(l.type != TINT || r.type != TINT) error("bad expr type %"); res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival%r.store.u.ival; } void olsh(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); res->store.fmt = l.store.fmt; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TINT; if(l.type != TINT || r.type != TINT) error("bad expr type <<"); res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival<left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); res->store.fmt = l.store.fmt; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TINT; if(l.type != TINT || r.type != TINT) error("bad expr type >>"); res->store.u.ival = (unsigned)l.store.u.ival>>r.store.u.ival; } void olt(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); res->store.fmt = l.store.fmt; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TINT; switch(l.type) { default: error("bad lhs type <"); case TINT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival < r.store.u.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival < r.store.u.fval; break; default: error("bad rhs type <"); } break; case TFLOAT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.fval < r.store.u.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.fval < r.store.u.fval; break; default: error("bad rhs type <"); } break; } } void ogt(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); res->store.fmt = 'D'; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TINT; switch(l.type) { default: error("bad lhs type >"); case TINT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival > r.store.u.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival > r.store.u.fval; break; default: error("bad rhs type >"); } break; case TFLOAT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.fval > r.store.u.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.fval > r.store.u.fval; break; default: error("bad rhs type >"); } break; } } void oleq(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); res->store.fmt = 'D'; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TINT; switch(l.type) { default: error("bad expr type <="); case TINT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival <= r.store.u.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival <= r.store.u.fval; break; default: error("bad expr type <="); } break; case TFLOAT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.fval <= r.store.u.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.fval <= r.store.u.fval; break; default: error("bad expr type <="); } break; } } void ogeq(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); res->store.fmt = 'D'; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TINT; switch(l.type) { default: error("bad lhs type >="); case TINT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival >= r.store.u.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival >= r.store.u.fval; break; default: error("bad rhs type >="); } break; case TFLOAT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.fval >= r.store.u.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.fval >= r.store.u.fval; break; default: error("bad rhs type >="); } break; } } void oeq(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); res->store.fmt = 'D'; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TINT; res->store.u.ival = 0; switch(l.type) { default: break; case TINT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival == r.store.u.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival == r.store.u.fval; break; default: break; } break; case TFLOAT: switch(r.type) { case TINT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.fval == r.store.u.ival; break; case TFLOAT: res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.fval == r.store.u.fval; break; default: break; } break; case TSTRING: if(r.type == TSTRING) { res->store.u.ival = scmp(r.store.u.string, l.store.u.string); break; } break; case TLIST: if(r.type == TLIST) { res->store.u.ival = listcmp(l.store.u.l, r.store.u.l); break; } break; } if(n->op == ONEQ) res->store.u.ival = !res->store.u.ival; } void oland(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); res->store.fmt = l.store.fmt; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TINT; if(l.type != TINT || r.type != TINT) error("bad expr type &"); res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival&r.store.u.ival; } void oxor(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); res->store.fmt = l.store.fmt; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TINT; if(l.type != TINT || r.type != TINT) error("bad expr type ^"); res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival^r.store.u.ival; } void olor(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; expr(n->left, &l); expr(n->right, &r); res->store.fmt = l.store.fmt; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TINT; if(l.type != TINT || r.type != TINT) error("bad expr type |"); res->store.u.ival = l.store.u.ival|r.store.u.ival; } void ocand(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; res->store.fmt = l.store.fmt; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TINT; res->store.u.ival = 0; expr(n->left, &l); if(bool(&l) == 0) return; expr(n->right, &r); if(bool(&r) == 0) return; res->store.u.ival = 1; } void onot(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TINT; res->store.u.ival = 0; expr(n->left, &l); if(bool(&l) == 0) res->store.u.ival = 1; } void ocor(Node *n, Node *res) { Node l, r; res->op = OCONST; res->type = TINT; res->store.u.ival = 0; expr(n->left, &l); if(bool(&l)) { res->store.u.ival = 1; return; } expr(n->right, &r); if(bool(&r)) { res->store.u.ival = 1; return; } } void oeinc(Node *n, Node *res) { Value *v; chklval(n->left); v = n->left->sym->v; res->op = OCONST; res->type = v->type; switch(v->type) { case TINT: if(n->op == OEDEC) v->store.u.ival -= fmtsize(v); else v->store.u.ival += fmtsize(v); break; case TFLOAT: if(n->op == OEDEC) v->store.u.fval--; else v->store.u.fval++; break; default: error("bad type for pre --/++"); } res->store = v->store; } void opinc(Node *n, Node *res) { Value *v; chklval(n->left); v = n->left->sym->v; res->op = OCONST; res->type = v->type; res->store = v->store; switch(v->type) { case TINT: if(n->op == OPDEC) v->store.u.ival -= fmtsize(v); else v->store.u.ival += fmtsize(v); break; case TFLOAT: if(n->op == OPDEC) v->store.u.fval--; else v->store.u.fval++; break; default: error("bad type for post --/++"); } } void ocall(Node *n, Node *res) { Lsym *s; Rplace *rsav; res->op = OCONST; /* Default return value */ res->type = TLIST; res->store.u.l = 0; chklval(n->left); s = n->left->sym; if(n->builtin && !s->builtin){ error("no builtin %s", s->name); return; } if(s->builtin && (n->builtin || s->proc == 0)) { (*s->builtin)(res, n->right); return; } if(s->proc == 0) error("no function %s", s->name); rsav = ret; call(s->name, n->right, s->proc->left, s->proc->right, res); ret = rsav; } void ofmt(Node *n, Node *res) { expr(n->left, res); res->store.fmt = n->right->store.u.ival; } void owhat(Node *n, Node *res) { res->op = OCONST; /* Default return value */ res->type = TLIST; res->store.u.l = 0; whatis(n->sym); } void (*expop[])(Node*, Node*) = { [ONAME] oname, [OCONST] oconst, [OMUL] omul, [ODIV] odiv, [OMOD] omod, [OADD] oadd, [OSUB] osub, [ORSH] orsh, [OLSH] olsh, [OLT] olt, [OGT] ogt, [OLEQ] oleq, [OGEQ] ogeq, [OEQ] oeq, [ONEQ] oeq, [OLAND] oland, [OXOR] oxor, [OLOR] olor, [OCAND] ocand, [OCOR] ocor, [OASGN] oasgn, [OINDM] oindm, [OEDEC] oeinc, [OEINC] oeinc, [OPINC] opinc, [OPDEC] opinc, [ONOT] onot, [OIF] 0, [ODO] 0, [OLIST] olist, [OCALL] ocall, [OCTRUCT] octruct, [OWHILE] 0, [OELSE] 0, [OHEAD] ohead, [OTAIL] otail, [OAPPEND] oappend, [ORET] 0, [OINDEX] oindex, [OINDC] oindc, [ODOT] odot, [OLOCAL] 0, [OFRAME] oframe, [OCOMPLEX] 0, [ODELETE] odelete, [OCAST] ocast, [OFMT] ofmt, [OEVAL] oeval, [OWHAT] owhat, };