#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <bio.h> #include <regexp.h> #include <ctype.h> typedef struct Date Date; struct Date { Reprog *p; /* an RE to match this date */ Date *next; /* pointer to next in list */ }; enum{ Secondsperday = 24*60*60 }; Biobuf in; int debug, matchyear; Date *dates(Date**, Tm*); void upper2lower(char*, char*, int); void *alloc(unsigned int); void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, fd, ahead; long now; char *line; Tm *tm; Date *first, *last, *d; char buf[1024]; ahead = 0; ARGBEGIN{ case 'y': matchyear = 1; break; case 'd': debug = 1; break; case 'p': ahead = atoi(ARGF()); break; default: fprint(2, "usage: calendar [-y] [-d] [files ...]\n"); exits("usage"); }ARGEND; /* make a list of dates */ now = time(0); tm = localtime(now); last = nil; first = dates(&last, tm); now += Secondsperday; tm = localtime(now); dates(&last, tm); if(tm->wday == 6){ now += Secondsperday; tm = localtime(now); dates(&last, tm); } if(tm->wday == 0){ now += Secondsperday; tm = localtime(now); dates(&last, tm); } if(ahead){ now = time(0); now += ahead * Secondsperday; tm = localtime(now); dates(&last, tm); } for(i=0; i<argc || (i==0 && argc==0); i++){ if(i==0 && argc==0) snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "/usr/%s/lib/calendar", getuser()); else strcpy(buf, argv[i]); fd = open(buf, OREAD); if(fd<0 || Binit(&in, fd, OREAD)<0){ fprint(2, "calendar: can't open %s: %r\n", buf); exits("open"); } /* go through the file */ while(line = Brdline(&in, '\n')){ line[Blinelen(&in) - 1] = 0; upper2lower(buf, line, sizeof buf); for(d=first; d; d=d->next) if(regexec(d->p, buf, 0, 0)){ print("%s\n", line); break; } } close(fd); } exits(""); } char *months[] = { "january", "february", "march", "april", "may", "june", "july", "august", "september", "october", "november", "december" }; /* * Generate two Date structures. First has month followed by day; * second has day followed by month. Link them into list after * last, and return the first. */ Date* dates(Date **last, Tm *tm) { Date *first; Date *nd; char mo[128], buf[128]; if(utflen(months[tm->mon]) > 3) snprint(mo, sizeof mo, "%3.3s(%s)?", months[tm->mon], months[tm->mon]+3); else snprint(mo, sizeof mo, "%3.3s", months[tm->mon]); if (matchyear) snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "(^| |\t)((%s( |\t)+)|(%d/))%d( |\t|$)(((%d|%d)( |\t|$))|[^0-9]|([0-9]+[^0-9 \t]))", mo, tm->mon+1, tm->mday, tm->year+1900, tm->year%100); else snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "(^| |\t)((%s( |\t)+)|(%d/))%d( |\t|$)", mo, tm->mon+1, tm->mday); if(debug) print("%s\n", buf); first = alloc(sizeof(Date)); if(*last) (*last)->next = first; first->p = regcomp(buf); if (matchyear) snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "(^| |\t)%d( |\t)+(%s)( |\t|$)(((%d|%d)( |\t|$))|[^0-9]|([0-9]+[^0-9 \t]))", tm->mday, mo, tm->year+1900, tm->year%100); else snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "(^| |\t)%d( |\t)+(%s)( |\t|$)", tm->mday, mo); if(debug) print("%s\n", buf); nd = alloc(sizeof(Date)); nd->p = regcomp(buf); nd->next = 0; first->next = nd; *last = nd; return first; } /* * Copy 'from' to 'to', converting to lower case */ void upper2lower(char *to, char *from, int len) { while(--len>0 && *from!='\0') *to++ = tolower(*from++); *to = 0; } /* * Call malloc and check for errors */ void* alloc(unsigned int n) { void *p; p = malloc(n); if(p == 0){ fprint(2, "calendar: malloc failed: %r\n"); exits("malloc"); } return p; }