/* * Window system protocol server. */ #include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include "cocoa-thread.h" #include <draw.h> #include <memdraw.h> #include <keyboard.h> #include <mouse.h> #include <cursor.h> #include <drawfcall.h> #include "cocoa-screen.h" #include "devdraw.h" typedef struct Kbdbuf Kbdbuf; typedef struct Mousebuf Mousebuf; typedef struct Fdbuf Fdbuf; typedef struct Tagbuf Tagbuf; struct Kbdbuf { Rune r[256]; int ri; int wi; int stall; }; struct Mousebuf { Mouse m[256]; Mouse last; int ri; int wi; int stall; }; struct Tagbuf { int t[256]; int ri; int wi; }; Kbdbuf kbd; Mousebuf mouse; Tagbuf kbdtags; Tagbuf mousetags; void runmsg(Wsysmsg*); void replymsg(Wsysmsg*); void matchkbd(void); void matchmouse(void); QLock lk; void zlock(void) { qlock(&lk); } void zunlock(void) { qunlock(&lk); } int trace = 0; void servep9p(void) { uchar buf[4], *mbuf; int nmbuf, n, nn; Wsysmsg m; fmtinstall('W', drawfcallfmt); mbuf = nil; nmbuf = 0; while((n = read(3, buf, 4)) == 4){ GET(buf, n); if(n > nmbuf){ free(mbuf); mbuf = malloc(4+n); if(mbuf == nil) sysfatal("malloc: %r"); nmbuf = n; } memmove(mbuf, buf, 4); nn = readn(3, mbuf+4, n-4); if(nn != n-4) sysfatal("eof during message"); /* pick off messages one by one */ if(convM2W(mbuf, nn+4, &m) <= 0) sysfatal("cannot convert message"); if(trace) fprint(2, "%ud [%d] <- %W\n", nsec()/1000000, threadid(), &m); runmsg(&m); } } void replyerror(Wsysmsg *m) { char err[256]; rerrstr(err, sizeof err); m->type = Rerror; m->error = err; replymsg(m); } /* * Handle a single wsysmsg. * Might queue for later (kbd, mouse read) */ void runmsg(Wsysmsg *m) { static uchar buf[65536]; int n; Memimage *i; switch(m->type){ case Tinit: memimageinit(); i = attachscreen(m->label, m->winsize); _initdisplaymemimage(i); replymsg(m); break; case Trdmouse: zlock(); mousetags.t[mousetags.wi++] = m->tag; if(mousetags.wi == nelem(mousetags.t)) mousetags.wi = 0; if(mousetags.wi == mousetags.ri) sysfatal("too many queued mouse reads"); mouse.stall = 0; matchmouse(); zunlock(); break; case Trdkbd: zlock(); kbdtags.t[kbdtags.wi++] = m->tag; if(kbdtags.wi == nelem(kbdtags.t)) kbdtags.wi = 0; if(kbdtags.wi == kbdtags.ri) sysfatal("too many queued keyboard reads"); kbd.stall = 0; matchkbd(); zunlock(); break; case Tmoveto: setmouse(m->mouse.xy); replymsg(m); break; case Tcursor: if(m->arrowcursor) setcursor(nil, nil); else setcursor(&m->cursor, nil); replymsg(m); break; case Tcursor2: if(m->arrowcursor) setcursor(nil, nil); else setcursor(&m->cursor, &m->cursor2); replymsg(m); break; case Tbouncemouse: // _xbouncemouse(&m->mouse); replymsg(m); break; case Tlabel: kicklabel(m->label); replymsg(m); break; case Trdsnarf: m->snarf = getsnarf(); replymsg(m); free(m->snarf); break; case Twrsnarf: putsnarf(m->snarf); replymsg(m); break; case Trddraw: zlock(); n = m->count; if(n > sizeof buf) n = sizeof buf; n = _drawmsgread(buf, n); if(n < 0) replyerror(m); else{ m->count = n; m->data = buf; replymsg(m); } zunlock(); break; case Twrdraw: zlock(); if(_drawmsgwrite(m->data, m->count) < 0) replyerror(m); else replymsg(m); zunlock(); break; case Ttop: topwin(); replymsg(m); break; case Tresize: resizewindow(m->rect); replymsg(m); break; } } /* * Reply to m. */ QLock replylock; void replymsg(Wsysmsg *m) { int n; static uchar *mbuf; static int nmbuf; /* T -> R msg */ if(m->type%2 == 0) m->type++; if(trace) fprint(2, "%ud [%d] -> %W\n", nsec()/1000000, threadid(), m); /* copy to output buffer */ n = sizeW2M(m); qlock(&replylock); if(n > nmbuf){ free(mbuf); mbuf = malloc(n); if(mbuf == nil) sysfatal("out of memory"); nmbuf = n; } convW2M(m, mbuf, n); if(write(4, mbuf, n) != n) sysfatal("write: %r"); qunlock(&replylock); } /* * Match queued kbd reads with queued kbd characters. */ void matchkbd(void) { Wsysmsg m; if(kbd.stall) return; while(kbd.ri != kbd.wi && kbdtags.ri != kbdtags.wi){ m.type = Rrdkbd; m.tag = kbdtags.t[kbdtags.ri++]; if(kbdtags.ri == nelem(kbdtags.t)) kbdtags.ri = 0; m.rune = kbd.r[kbd.ri++]; if(kbd.ri == nelem(kbd.r)) kbd.ri = 0; replymsg(&m); } } /* * Match queued mouse reads with queued mouse events. */ void matchmouse(void) { Wsysmsg m; while(mouse.ri != mouse.wi && mousetags.ri != mousetags.wi){ m.type = Rrdmouse; m.tag = mousetags.t[mousetags.ri++]; if(mousetags.ri == nelem(mousetags.t)) mousetags.ri = 0; m.mouse = mouse.m[mouse.ri]; m.resized = mouseresized; mouseresized = 0; /* if(m.resized) fprint(2, "sending resize\n"); */ mouse.ri++; if(mouse.ri == nelem(mouse.m)) mouse.ri = 0; replymsg(&m); } } void mousetrack(int x, int y, int b, uint ms) { Mouse *m; if(x < mouserect.min.x) x = mouserect.min.x; if(x > mouserect.max.x) x = mouserect.max.x; if(y < mouserect.min.y) y = mouserect.min.y; if(y > mouserect.max.y) y = mouserect.max.y; zlock(); // If reader has stopped reading, don't bother. // If reader is completely caught up, definitely queue. // Otherwise, queue only button change events. if(!mouse.stall) if(mouse.wi == mouse.ri || mouse.last.buttons != b){ m = &mouse.last; m->xy.x = x; m->xy.y = y; m->buttons = b; m->msec = ms; mouse.m[mouse.wi] = *m; if(++mouse.wi == nelem(mouse.m)) mouse.wi = 0; if(mouse.wi == mouse.ri){ mouse.stall = 1; mouse.ri = 0; mouse.wi = 1; mouse.m[0] = *m; } matchmouse(); } zunlock(); } void kputc(int c) { zlock(); kbd.r[kbd.wi++] = c; if(kbd.wi == nelem(kbd.r)) kbd.wi = 0; if(kbd.ri == kbd.wi) kbd.stall = 1; matchkbd(); zunlock(); } static int alting; void abortcompose(void) { if(alting) keystroke(Kalt); } void keystroke(int c) { static Rune k[10]; static int nk; int i; if(c == Kalt){ alting = !alting; nk = 0; return; } if(c == Kcmd+'r') { if(forcedpi) forcedpi = 0; else if(displaydpi >= 200) forcedpi = 100; else forcedpi = 225; resizeimg(); return; } if(!alting){ kputc(c); return; } if(nk >= nelem(k)) // should not happen nk = 0; k[nk++] = c; c = _latin1(k, nk); if(c > 0){ alting = 0; kputc(c); nk = 0; return; } if(c == -1){ alting = 0; for(i=0; i<nk; i++) kputc(k[i]); nk = 0; return; } // need more input return; }