#include "e.h" int startcol(int type) /* mark start of column in lp[] array */ { int oct = ct; lp[ct++] = type; lp[ct++] = 0; /* count, to come */ lp[ct++] = 0; /* separation, to come */ return oct; } void column(int oct, int sep) /* remember end of column that started at lp[oct] */ { int i, type; lp[oct+1] = ct - oct - 3; lp[oct+2] = sep; type = lp[oct]; if (dbg) { printf(".\t%d column of", type); for (i = oct+3; i < ct; i++ ) printf(" S%d", lp[i]); printf(", rows=%d, sep=%d\n", lp[oct+1], lp[oct+2]); } } void matrix(int oct) /* matrix is list of columns */ { int nrow, ncol, i, j, k, val[100]; double b, hb; char *space; extern char *Matspace; space = Matspace; /* between columns of matrix */ nrow = lp[oct+1]; /* disaster if rows inconsistent */ /* also assumes just columns */ /* fix when add other things */ ncol = 0; for (i = oct+1; i < ct; i += lp[i]+3 ) { ncol++; dprintf(".\tcolct=%d\n", lp[i]); } for (k=1; k <= nrow; k++) { hb = b = 0; j = oct + k + 2; for (i=0; i < ncol; i++) { hb = max(hb, eht[lp[j]]-ebase[lp[j]]); b = max(b, ebase[lp[j]]); j += nrow + 3; } dprintf(".\trow %d: b=%g, hb=%g\n", k, b, hb); j = oct + k + 2; for (i=0; i