/* * Archiver. In charge of sending blocks to Venti. */ #include "stdinc.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "error.h" #include "9.h" /* for consPrint */ #define DEBUG 0 static void archThread(void*); struct Arch { int ref; uint blockSize; uint diskSize; Cache *c; Fs *fs; VtConn *z; QLock lk; Rendez starve; Rendez die; }; Arch * archInit(Cache *c, Disk *disk, Fs *fs, VtConn *z) { Arch *a; a = vtmallocz(sizeof(Arch)); a->c = c; a->z = z; a->fs = fs; a->blockSize = diskBlockSize(disk); a->starve.l = &a->lk; a->ref = 2; proccreate(archThread, a, STACK); return a; } void archFree(Arch *a) { /* kill slave */ qlock(&a->lk); a->die.l = &a->lk; rwakeup(&a->starve); while(a->ref > 1) rsleep(&a->die); qunlock(&a->lk); vtfree(a); } static int ventiSend(Arch *a, Block *b, uchar *data) { uint n; uchar score[VtScoreSize]; if(DEBUG > 1) fprint(2, "ventiSend: sending %#ux %L to venti\n", b->addr, &b->l); n = vtzerotruncate(vtType[b->l.type], data, a->blockSize); if(DEBUG > 1) fprint(2, "ventiSend: truncate %d to %d\n", a->blockSize, n); if(vtwrite(a->z, score, vtType[b->l.type], data, n) < 0){ fprint(2, "ventiSend: vtwrite block %#ux failed: %r\n", b->addr); return 0; } if(vtsha1check(score, data, n) < 0){ uchar score2[VtScoreSize]; vtsha1(score2, data, n); fprint(2, "ventiSend: vtwrite block %#ux failed vtsha1check %V %V\n", b->addr, score, score2); return 0; } if(vtsync(a->z) < 0) return 0; return 1; } /* * parameters for recursion; there are so many, * and some only change occasionally. this is * easier than spelling things out at each call. */ typedef struct Param Param; struct Param { /* these never change */ uint snapEpoch; /* epoch for snapshot being archived */ uint blockSize; Cache *c; Arch *a; /* changes on every call */ uint depth; /* statistics */ uint nfixed; uint nsend; uint nvisit; uint nfailsend; uint maxdepth; uint nreclaim; uint nfake; uint nreal; /* these occasionally change (must save old values and put back) */ uint dsize; uint psize; /* return value; avoids using stack space */ Label l; uchar score[VtScoreSize]; }; static void shaBlock(uchar score[VtScoreSize], Block *b, uchar *data, uint bsize) { vtsha1(score, data, vtzerotruncate(vtType[b->l.type], data, bsize)); } static uint etype(Entry *e) { uint t; if(e->flags&_VtEntryDir) t = BtDir; else t = BtData; return t+e->depth; } static uchar* copyBlock(Block *b, u32int blockSize) { uchar *data; data = vtmalloc(blockSize); if(data == nil) return nil; memmove(data, b->data, blockSize); return data; } /* * Walk over the block tree, archiving it to Venti. * * We don't archive the snapshots. Instead we zero the * entries in a temporary copy of the block and archive that. * * Return value is: * * ArchFailure some error occurred * ArchSuccess block and all children archived * ArchFaked success, but block or children got copied */ enum { ArchFailure, ArchSuccess, ArchFaked, }; static int archWalk(Param *p, u32int addr, uchar type, u32int tag) { int ret, i, x, psize, dsize; uchar *data, score[VtScoreSize]; Block *b; Label l; Entry *e; WalkPtr w; char err[ERRMAX]; p->nvisit++; b = cacheLocalData(p->c, addr, type, tag, OReadWrite,0); if(b == nil){ fprint(2, "archive(%ud, %#ux): cannot find block: %r\n", p->snapEpoch, addr); rerrstr(err, sizeof err); if(strcmp(err, ELabelMismatch) == 0){ /* might as well plod on so we write _something_ to Venti */ memmove(p->score, vtzeroscore, VtScoreSize); return ArchFaked; } return ArchFailure; } if(DEBUG) fprint(2, "%*sarchive(%ud, %#ux): block label %L\n", p->depth*2, "", p->snapEpoch, b->addr, &b->l); p->depth++; if(p->depth > p->maxdepth) p->maxdepth = p->depth; data = b->data; if((b->l.state&BsVenti) == 0){ initWalk(&w, b, b->l.type==BtDir ? p->dsize : p->psize); for(i=0; nextWalk(&w, score, &type, &tag, &e); i++){ if(e){ if(!(e->flags&VtEntryActive)) continue; if((e->snap && !e->archive) || (e->flags&VtEntryNoArchive)){ if(0) fprint(2, "snap; faking %#ux\n", b->addr); if(data == b->data){ data = copyBlock(b, p->blockSize); if(data == nil){ ret = ArchFailure; goto Out; } w.data = data; } memmove(e->score, vtzeroscore, VtScoreSize); e->depth = 0; e->size = 0; e->tag = 0; e->flags &= ~VtEntryLocal; entryPack(e, data, w.n-1); continue; } } addr = globalToLocal(score); if(addr == NilBlock) continue; dsize = p->dsize; psize = p->psize; if(e){ p->dsize= e->dsize; p->psize = e->psize; } qunlock(&b->lk); x = archWalk(p, addr, type, tag); qlock(&b->lk); if(e){ p->dsize = dsize; p->psize = psize; } while(b->iostate != BioClean && b->iostate != BioDirty) rsleep(&b->ioready); switch(x){ case ArchFailure: fprint(2, "archWalk %#ux failed; ptr is in %#ux offset %d\n", addr, b->addr, i); ret = ArchFailure; goto Out; case ArchFaked: /* * When we're writing the entry for an archive directory * (like /archive/2003/1215) then even if we've faked * any data, record the score unconditionally. * This way, we will always record the Venti score here. * Otherwise, temporary data or corrupted file system * would cause us to keep holding onto the on-disk * copy of the archive. */ if(e==nil || !e->archive) if(data == b->data){ if(0) fprint(2, "faked %#ux, faking %#ux (%V)\n", addr, b->addr, p->score); data = copyBlock(b, p->blockSize); if(data == nil){ ret = ArchFailure; goto Out; } w.data = data; } /* fall through */ if(0) fprint(2, "falling\n"); case ArchSuccess: if(e){ memmove(e->score, p->score, VtScoreSize); e->flags &= ~VtEntryLocal; entryPack(e, data, w.n-1); }else memmove(data+(w.n-1)*VtScoreSize, p->score, VtScoreSize); if(data == b->data){ blockDirty(b); /* * If b is in the active tree, then we need to note that we've * just removed addr from the active tree (replacing it with the * copy we just stored to Venti). If addr is in other snapshots, * this will close addr but not free it, since it has a non-empty * epoch range. * * If b is in the active tree but has been copied (this can happen * if we get killed at just the right moment), then we will * mistakenly leak its kids. * * The children of an archive directory (e.g., /archive/2004/0604) * are not treated as in the active tree. */ if((b->l.state&BsCopied)==0 && (e==nil || e->snap==0)) blockRemoveLink(b, addr, p->l.type, p->l.tag, 0); } break; } } if(!ventiSend(p->a, b, data)){ p->nfailsend++; ret = ArchFailure; goto Out; } p->nsend++; if(data != b->data) p->nfake++; if(data == b->data){ /* not faking it, so update state */ p->nreal++; l = b->l; l.state |= BsVenti; if(!blockSetLabel(b, &l, 0)){ ret = ArchFailure; goto Out; } } } shaBlock(p->score, b, data, p->blockSize); if(0) fprint(2, "ventisend %V %p %p %p\n", p->score, data, b->data, w.data); ret = data!=b->data ? ArchFaked : ArchSuccess; p->l = b->l; Out: if(data != b->data) vtfree(data); p->depth--; blockPut(b); return ret; } static void archThread(void *v) { Arch *a = v; Block *b; Param p; Super super; int ret; u32int addr; uchar rbuf[VtRootSize]; VtRoot root; threadsetname("arch"); for(;;){ /* look for work */ wlock(&a->fs->elk); b = superGet(a->c, &super); if(b == nil){ wunlock(&a->fs->elk); fprint(2, "archThread: superGet: %r\n"); sleep(60*1000); continue; } addr = super.next; if(addr != NilBlock && super.current == NilBlock){ super.current = addr; super.next = NilBlock; superPack(&super, b->data); blockDirty(b); }else addr = super.current; blockPut(b); wunlock(&a->fs->elk); if(addr == NilBlock){ /* wait for work */ qlock(&a->lk); rsleep(&a->starve); if(a->die.l != nil) goto Done; qunlock(&a->lk); continue; } sleep(10*1000); /* window of opportunity to provoke races */ /* do work */ memset(&p, 0, sizeof p); p.blockSize = a->blockSize; p.dsize = 3*VtEntrySize; /* root has three Entries */ p.c = a->c; p.a = a; ret = archWalk(&p, addr, BtDir, RootTag); switch(ret){ default: abort(); case ArchFailure: fprint(2, "archiveBlock %#ux: %r\n", addr); sleep(60*1000); continue; case ArchSuccess: case ArchFaked: break; } if(0) fprint(2, "archiveSnapshot 0x%#ux: maxdepth %ud nfixed %ud" " send %ud nfailsend %ud nvisit %ud" " nreclaim %ud nfake %ud nreal %ud\n", addr, p.maxdepth, p.nfixed, p.nsend, p.nfailsend, p.nvisit, p.nreclaim, p.nfake, p.nreal); if(0) fprint(2, "archiveBlock %V (%ud)\n", p.score, p.blockSize); /* tie up vac root */ memset(&root, 0, sizeof root); strecpy(root.type, root.type+sizeof root.type, "vac"); strecpy(root.name, root.name+sizeof root.name, "fossil"); memmove(root.score, p.score, VtScoreSize); memmove(root.prev, super.last, VtScoreSize); root.blocksize = a->blockSize; vtrootpack(&root, rbuf); if(vtwrite(a->z, p.score, VtRootType, rbuf, VtRootSize) < 0 || vtsha1check(p.score, rbuf, VtRootSize) < 0){ fprint(2, "vtWriteBlock %#ux: %r\n", addr); sleep(60*1000); continue; } /* record success */ wlock(&a->fs->elk); b = superGet(a->c, &super); if(b == nil){ wunlock(&a->fs->elk); fprint(2, "archThread: superGet: %r\n"); sleep(60*1000); continue; } super.current = NilBlock; memmove(super.last, p.score, VtScoreSize); superPack(&super, b->data); blockDirty(b); blockPut(b); wunlock(&a->fs->elk); consPrint("archive vac:%V\n", p.score); } Done: a->ref--; rwakeup(&a->die); qunlock(&a->lk); } void archKick(Arch *a) { if(a == nil){ fprint(2, "warning: archKick nil\n"); return; } qlock(&a->lk); rwakeup(&a->starve); qunlock(&a->lk); }