#include "stdinc.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" static void checkDirs(Fsck*); static void checkEpochs(Fsck*); static void checkLeak(Fsck*); static void closenop(Fsck*, Block*, u32int); static void clrenop(Fsck*, Block*, int); static void clrinop(Fsck*, char*, MetaBlock*, int, Block*); static void error(Fsck*, char*, ...); static int getBit(uchar*, u32int); static int printnop(char*, ...); static void setBit(uchar*, u32int); static int walkEpoch(Fsck *chk, Block *b, uchar score[VtScoreSize], int type, u32int tag, u32int epoch); static void warn(Fsck*, char*, ...); #pragma varargck argpos error 2 #pragma varargck argpos printnop 1 #pragma varargck argpos warn 2 static Fsck* checkInit(Fsck *chk) { chk->cache = chk->fs->cache; chk->nblocks = cacheLocalSize(chk->cache, PartData);; chk->bsize = chk->fs->blockSize; chk->walkdepth = 0; chk->hint = 0; chk->quantum = chk->nblocks/100; if(chk->quantum == 0) chk->quantum = 1; if(chk->print == nil) chk->print = printnop; if(chk->clre == nil) chk->clre = clrenop; if(chk->close == nil) chk->close = closenop; if(chk->clri == nil) chk->clri = clrinop; return chk; } /* * BUG: Should merge checkEpochs and checkDirs so that * bad blocks are only reported once, and so that errors in checkEpochs * can have the affected file names attached, and so that the file system * is only read once. * * Also should summarize the errors instead of printing for every one * (e.g., XXX bad or unreachable blocks in /active/usr/rsc/foo). */ void fsCheck(Fsck *chk) { Block *b; Super super; checkInit(chk); b = superGet(chk->cache, &super); if(b == nil){ chk->print("could not load super block: %r"); return; } blockPut(b); chk->hint = super.active; checkEpochs(chk); chk->smap = vtmallocz(chk->nblocks/8+1); checkDirs(chk); vtfree(chk->smap); } static void checkEpoch(Fsck*, u32int); /* * Walk through all the blocks in the write buffer. * Then we can look for ones we missed -- those are leaks. */ static void checkEpochs(Fsck *chk) { u32int e; uint nb; nb = chk->nblocks; chk->amap = vtmallocz(nb/8+1); chk->emap = vtmallocz(nb/8+1); chk->xmap = vtmallocz(nb/8+1); chk->errmap = vtmallocz(nb/8+1); for(e = chk->fs->ehi; e >= chk->fs->elo; e--){ memset(chk->emap, 0, chk->nblocks/8+1); memset(chk->xmap, 0, chk->nblocks/8+1); checkEpoch(chk, e); } checkLeak(chk); vtfree(chk->amap); vtfree(chk->emap); vtfree(chk->xmap); vtfree(chk->errmap); } static void checkEpoch(Fsck *chk, u32int epoch) { u32int a; Block *b; Entry e; Label l; chk->print("checking epoch %ud...\n", epoch); for(a=0; a<chk->nblocks; a++){ if(!readLabel(chk->cache, &l, (a+chk->hint)%chk->nblocks)){ error(chk, "could not read label for addr 0x%.8#ux", a); continue; } if(l.tag == RootTag && l.epoch == epoch) break; } if(a == chk->nblocks){ chk->print("could not find root block for epoch %ud", epoch); return; } a = (a+chk->hint)%chk->nblocks; b = cacheLocalData(chk->cache, a, BtDir, RootTag, OReadOnly, 0); if(b == nil){ error(chk, "could not read root block 0x%.8#ux: %r", a); return; } /* no one should point at root blocks */ setBit(chk->amap, a); setBit(chk->emap, a); setBit(chk->xmap, a); /* * First entry is the rest of the file system. * Second entry is link to previous epoch root, * just a convenience to help the search. */ if(!entryUnpack(&e, b->data, 0)){ error(chk, "could not unpack root block 0x%.8#ux: %r", a); blockPut(b); return; } walkEpoch(chk, b, e.score, BtDir, e.tag, epoch); if(entryUnpack(&e, b->data, 1)) chk->hint = globalToLocal(e.score); blockPut(b); } /* * When b points at bb, need to check: * * (i) b.e in [bb.e, bb.eClose) * (ii) if b.e==bb.e, then no other b' in e points at bb. * (iii) if !(b.state&Copied) and b.e==bb.e then no other b' points at bb. * (iv) if b is active then no other active b' points at bb. * (v) if b is a past life of b' then only one of b and b' is active * (too hard to check) */ static int walkEpoch(Fsck *chk, Block *b, uchar score[VtScoreSize], int type, u32int tag, u32int epoch) { int i, ret; u32int addr, ep; Block *bb; Entry e; if(b && chk->walkdepth == 0 && chk->printblocks) chk->print("%V %d %#.8ux %#.8ux\n", b->score, b->l.type, b->l.tag, b->l.epoch); if(!chk->useventi && globalToLocal(score) == NilBlock) return 1; chk->walkdepth++; bb = cacheGlobal(chk->cache, score, type, tag, OReadOnly); if(bb == nil){ error(chk, "could not load block %V type %d tag %ux: %r", score, type, tag); chk->walkdepth--; return 0; } if(chk->printblocks) chk->print("%*s%V %d %#.8ux %#.8ux\n", chk->walkdepth*2, "", score, type, tag, bb->l.epoch); ret = 0; addr = globalToLocal(score); if(addr == NilBlock){ ret = 1; goto Exit; } if(b){ /* (i) */ if(b->l.epoch < bb->l.epoch || bb->l.epochClose <= b->l.epoch){ error(chk, "walk: block %#ux [%ud, %ud) points at %#ux [%ud, %ud)", b->addr, b->l.epoch, b->l.epochClose, bb->addr, bb->l.epoch, bb->l.epochClose); goto Exit; } /* (ii) */ if(b->l.epoch == epoch && bb->l.epoch == epoch){ if(getBit(chk->emap, addr)){ error(chk, "walk: epoch join detected: addr %#ux %L", bb->addr, &bb->l); goto Exit; } setBit(chk->emap, addr); } /* (iii) */ if(!(b->l.state&BsCopied) && b->l.epoch == bb->l.epoch){ if(getBit(chk->xmap, addr)){ error(chk, "walk: copy join detected; addr %#ux %L", bb->addr, &bb->l); goto Exit; } setBit(chk->xmap, addr); } } /* (iv) */ if(epoch == chk->fs->ehi){ /* * since epoch==fs->ehi is first, amap is same as * ``have seen active'' */ if(getBit(chk->amap, addr)){ error(chk, "walk: active join detected: addr %#ux %L", bb->addr, &bb->l); goto Exit; } if(bb->l.state&BsClosed) error(chk, "walk: addr %#ux: block is in active tree but is closed", addr); }else if(!getBit(chk->amap, addr)) if(!(bb->l.state&BsClosed)){ // error(chk, "walk: addr %#ux: block is not in active tree, not closed (%d)", // addr, bb->l.epochClose); chk->close(chk, bb, epoch+1); chk->nclose++; } if(getBit(chk->amap, addr)){ ret = 1; goto Exit; } setBit(chk->amap, addr); if(chk->nseen++%chk->quantum == 0) chk->print("check: visited %d/%d blocks (%.0f%%)\n", chk->nseen, chk->nblocks, chk->nseen*100./chk->nblocks); b = nil; /* make sure no more refs to parent */ USED(b); switch(type){ default: /* pointer block */ for(i = 0; i < chk->bsize/VtScoreSize; i++) if(!walkEpoch(chk, bb, bb->data + i*VtScoreSize, type-1, tag, epoch)){ setBit(chk->errmap, bb->addr); chk->clrp(chk, bb, i); chk->nclrp++; } break; case BtData: break; case BtDir: for(i = 0; i < chk->bsize/VtEntrySize; i++){ if(!entryUnpack(&e, bb->data, i)){ // error(chk, "walk: could not unpack entry: %ux[%d]: %r", // addr, i); setBit(chk->errmap, bb->addr); chk->clre(chk, bb, i); chk->nclre++; continue; } if(!(e.flags & VtEntryActive)) continue; if(0) fprint(2, "%x[%d] tag=%x snap=%d score=%V\n", addr, i, e.tag, e.snap, e.score); ep = epoch; if(e.snap != 0){ if(e.snap >= epoch){ // error(chk, "bad snap in entry: %ux[%d] snap = %ud: epoch = %ud", // addr, i, e.snap, epoch); setBit(chk->errmap, bb->addr); chk->clre(chk, bb, i); chk->nclre++; continue; } continue; } if(e.flags & VtEntryLocal){ if(e.tag < UserTag) if(e.tag != RootTag || tag != RootTag || i != 1){ // error(chk, "bad tag in entry: %ux[%d] tag = %ux", // addr, i, e.tag); setBit(chk->errmap, bb->addr); chk->clre(chk, bb, i); chk->nclre++; continue; } }else if(e.tag != 0){ // error(chk, "bad tag in entry: %ux[%d] tag = %ux", // addr, i, e.tag); setBit(chk->errmap, bb->addr); chk->clre(chk, bb, i); chk->nclre++; continue; } if(!walkEpoch(chk, bb, e.score, entryType(&e), e.tag, ep)){ setBit(chk->errmap, bb->addr); chk->clre(chk, bb, i); chk->nclre++; } } break; } ret = 1; Exit: chk->walkdepth--; blockPut(bb); return ret; } /* * We've just walked the whole write buffer. Notice blocks that * aren't marked available but that we didn't visit. They are lost. */ static void checkLeak(Fsck *chk) { u32int a, nfree, nlost; Block *b; Label l; nfree = 0; nlost = 0; for(a = 0; a < chk->nblocks; a++){ if(!readLabel(chk->cache, &l, a)){ error(chk, "could not read label: addr 0x%ux %d %d: %r", a, l.type, l.state); continue; } if(getBit(chk->amap, a)) continue; if(l.state == BsFree || l.epochClose <= chk->fs->elo || l.epochClose == l.epoch){ nfree++; setBit(chk->amap, a); continue; } if(l.state&BsClosed) continue; nlost++; // warn(chk, "unreachable block: addr 0x%ux type %d tag 0x%ux " // "state %s epoch %ud close %ud", a, l.type, l.tag, // bsStr(l.state), l.epoch, l.epochClose); b = cacheLocal(chk->cache, PartData, a, OReadOnly); if(b == nil){ error(chk, "could not read block 0x%#.8ux", a); continue; } chk->close(chk, b, 0); chk->nclose++; setBit(chk->amap, a); blockPut(b); } chk->print("fsys blocks: total=%ud used=%ud(%.1f%%) free=%ud(%.1f%%) lost=%ud(%.1f%%)\n", chk->nblocks, chk->nblocks - nfree-nlost, 100.*(chk->nblocks - nfree - nlost)/chk->nblocks, nfree, 100.*nfree/chk->nblocks, nlost, 100.*nlost/chk->nblocks); } /* * Check that all sources in the tree are accessible. */ static Source * openSource(Fsck *chk, Source *s, char *name, uchar *bm, u32int offset, u32int gen, int dir, MetaBlock *mb, int i, Block *b) { Source *r; r = nil; if(getBit(bm, offset)){ warn(chk, "multiple references to source: %s -> %d", name, offset); goto Err; } setBit(bm, offset); r = sourceOpen(s, offset, OReadOnly, 0); if(r == nil){ warn(chk, "could not open source: %s -> %d: %r", name, offset); goto Err; } if(r->gen != gen){ warn(chk, "source has been removed: %s -> %d", name, offset); goto Err; } if(r->dir != dir){ warn(chk, "dir mismatch: %s -> %d", name, offset); goto Err; } return r; Err: chk->clri(chk, name, mb, i, b); chk->nclri++; if(r) sourceClose(r); return nil; } typedef struct MetaChunk MetaChunk; struct MetaChunk { ushort offset; ushort size; ushort index; }; static int offsetCmp(const void *s0, const void *s1) { MetaChunk *mc0, *mc1; mc0 = (MetaChunk*)s0; mc1 = (MetaChunk*)s1; if(mc0->offset < mc1->offset) return -1; if(mc0->offset > mc1->offset) return 1; return 0; } /* * Fsck that MetaBlock has reasonable header, sorted entries, */ static int chkMetaBlock(MetaBlock *mb) { MetaChunk *mc; int oo, o, n, i; uchar *p; mc = vtmalloc(mb->nindex*sizeof(MetaChunk)); p = mb->buf + MetaHeaderSize; for(i = 0; i < mb->nindex; i++){ mc[i].offset = p[0]<<8 | p[1]; mc[i].size = p[2]<<8 | p[3]; mc[i].index = i; p += MetaIndexSize; } qsort(mc, mb->nindex, sizeof(MetaChunk), offsetCmp); /* check block looks ok */ oo = MetaHeaderSize + mb->maxindex*MetaIndexSize; o = oo; n = 0; for(i = 0; i < mb->nindex; i++){ o = mc[i].offset; n = mc[i].size; if(o < oo) goto Err; oo += n; } if(o+n > mb->size || mb->size - oo != mb->free) goto Err; vtfree(mc); return 1; Err: if(0){ fprint(2, "metaChunks failed!\n"); oo = MetaHeaderSize + mb->maxindex*MetaIndexSize; for(i=0; i<mb->nindex; i++){ fprint(2, "\t%d: %d %d\n", i, mc[i].offset, mc[i].offset + mc[i].size); oo += mc[i].size; } fprint(2, "\tused=%d size=%d free=%d free2=%d\n", oo, mb->size, mb->free, mb->size - oo); } vtfree(mc); return 0; } static void scanSource(Fsck *chk, char *name, Source *r) { u32int a, nb, o; Block *b; Entry e; if(!chk->useventi && globalToLocal(r->score)==NilBlock) return; if(!sourceGetEntry(r, &e)){ error(chk, "could not get entry for %s", name); return; } a = globalToLocal(e.score); if(!chk->useventi && a==NilBlock) return; if(getBit(chk->smap, a)) return; setBit(chk->smap, a); nb = (sourceGetSize(r) + r->dsize-1) / r->dsize; for(o = 0; o < nb; o++){ b = sourceBlock(r, o, OReadOnly); if(b == nil){ error(chk, "could not read block in data file %s", name); continue; } if(b->addr != NilBlock && getBit(chk->errmap, b->addr)){ warn(chk, "previously reported error in block %ux is in file %s", b->addr, name); } blockPut(b); } } /* * Walk the source tree making sure that the BtData * sources containing directory entries are okay. */ static void chkDir(Fsck *chk, char *name, Source *source, Source *meta) { int i; u32int a1, a2, nb, o; char *s, *nn; uchar *bm; Block *b, *bb; DirEntry de; Entry e1, e2; MetaBlock mb; MetaEntry me; Source *r, *mr; if(!chk->useventi && globalToLocal(source->score)==NilBlock && globalToLocal(meta->score)==NilBlock) return; if(!sourceLock2(source, meta, OReadOnly)){ warn(chk, "could not lock sources for %s: %r", name); return; } if(!sourceGetEntry(source, &e1) || !sourceGetEntry(meta, &e2)){ warn(chk, "could not load entries for %s: %r", name); return; } a1 = globalToLocal(e1.score); a2 = globalToLocal(e2.score); if((!chk->useventi && a1==NilBlock && a2==NilBlock) || (getBit(chk->smap, a1) && getBit(chk->smap, a2))){ sourceUnlock(source); sourceUnlock(meta); return; } setBit(chk->smap, a1); setBit(chk->smap, a2); bm = vtmallocz(sourceGetDirSize(source)/8 + 1); nb = (sourceGetSize(meta) + meta->dsize - 1)/meta->dsize; for(o = 0; o < nb; o++){ b = sourceBlock(meta, o, OReadOnly); if(b == nil){ error(chk, "could not read block in meta file: %s[%ud]: %r", name, o); continue; } if(0) fprint(2, "source %V:%d block %d addr %d\n", source->score, source->offset, o, b->addr); if(b->addr != NilBlock && getBit(chk->errmap, b->addr)) warn(chk, "previously reported error in block %ux is in %s", b->addr, name); if(!mbUnpack(&mb, b->data, meta->dsize)){ error(chk, "could not unpack meta block: %s[%ud]: %r", name, o); blockPut(b); continue; } if(!chkMetaBlock(&mb)){ error(chk, "bad meta block: %s[%ud]: %r", name, o); blockPut(b); continue; } s = nil; for(i=mb.nindex-1; i>=0; i--){ meUnpack(&me, &mb, i); if(!deUnpack(&de, &me)){ error(chk, "could not unpack dir entry: %s[%ud][%d]: %r", name, o, i); continue; } if(s && strcmp(s, de.elem) <= 0) error(chk, "dir entry out of order: %s[%ud][%d] = %s last = %s", name, o, i, de.elem, s); vtfree(s); s = vtstrdup(de.elem); nn = smprint("%s/%s", name, de.elem); if(nn == nil){ error(chk, "out of memory"); continue; } if(chk->printdirs) if(de.mode&ModeDir) chk->print("%s/\n", nn); if(chk->printfiles) if(!(de.mode&ModeDir)) chk->print("%s\n", nn); if(!(de.mode & ModeDir)){ r = openSource(chk, source, nn, bm, de.entry, de.gen, 0, &mb, i, b); if(r != nil){ if(sourceLock(r, OReadOnly)){ scanSource(chk, nn, r); sourceUnlock(r); } sourceClose(r); } deCleanup(&de); free(nn); continue; } r = openSource(chk, source, nn, bm, de.entry, de.gen, 1, &mb, i, b); if(r == nil){ deCleanup(&de); free(nn); continue; } mr = openSource(chk, source, nn, bm, de.mentry, de.mgen, 0, &mb, i, b); if(mr == nil){ sourceClose(r); deCleanup(&de); free(nn); continue; } if(!(de.mode&ModeSnapshot) || chk->walksnapshots) chkDir(chk, nn, r, mr); sourceClose(mr); sourceClose(r); deCleanup(&de); free(nn); deCleanup(&de); } vtfree(s); blockPut(b); } nb = sourceGetDirSize(source); for(o=0; o<nb; o++){ if(getBit(bm, o)) continue; r = sourceOpen(source, o, OReadOnly, 0); if(r == nil) continue; warn(chk, "non referenced entry in source %s[%d]", name, o); if((bb = sourceBlock(source, o/(source->dsize/VtEntrySize), OReadOnly)) != nil){ if(bb->addr != NilBlock){ setBit(chk->errmap, bb->addr); chk->clre(chk, bb, o%(source->dsize/VtEntrySize)); chk->nclre++; } blockPut(bb); } sourceClose(r); } sourceUnlock(source); sourceUnlock(meta); vtfree(bm); } static void checkDirs(Fsck *chk) { Source *r, *mr; sourceLock(chk->fs->source, OReadOnly); r = sourceOpen(chk->fs->source, 0, OReadOnly, 0); mr = sourceOpen(chk->fs->source, 1, OReadOnly, 0); sourceUnlock(chk->fs->source); chkDir(chk, "", r, mr); sourceClose(r); sourceClose(mr); } static void setBit(uchar *bmap, u32int addr) { if(addr == NilBlock) return; bmap[addr>>3] |= 1 << (addr & 7); } static int getBit(uchar *bmap, u32int addr) { if(addr == NilBlock) return 0; return (bmap[addr>>3] >> (addr & 7)) & 1; } static void error(Fsck *chk, char *fmt, ...) { char buf[256]; va_list arg; va_start(arg, fmt); vseprint(buf, buf+sizeof buf, fmt, arg); va_end(arg); chk->print("error: %s\n", buf); // if(nerr++ > 20) // sysfatal("too many errors"); } static void warn(Fsck *chk, char *fmt, ...) { char buf[256]; va_list arg; va_start(arg, fmt); vseprint(buf, buf+sizeof buf, fmt, arg); va_end(arg); chk->print("error: %s\n", buf); } static void clrenop(Fsck *chk, Block *b, int i) { USED(chk); USED(b); USED(i); } static void closenop(Fsck *chk, Block *b, u32int i) { USED(chk); USED(b); USED(i); } static void clrinop(Fsck *chk, char *c, MetaBlock *mb, int i, Block *b) { USED(chk); USED(c); USED(mb); USED(i); USED(b); } static int printnop(char *c, ...) { USED(c); return 0; }