#include "stdinc.h" #include <ctype.h> #include "9.h" int Dflag; int mempcnt; /* for 9fsys.c */ char* none = "none"; char* foptname = "/none/such"; static void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: %s [-Dt] [-c cmd] [-f partition] [-m %%]\n", argv0); threadexitsall("usage"); } static void readCmdPart(char *file, char ***pcmd, int *pncmd) { char buf[1024+1], *f[1024]; char tbuf[1024]; int nf; int i, fd, n; char **cmd, *p; int ncmd; cmd = *pcmd; ncmd = *pncmd; if((fd = open(file, OREAD)) < 0) sysfatal("open %s: %r", file); if(seek(fd, 127*1024, 0) != 127*1024) sysfatal("seek %s 127kB: %r", file); n = readn(fd, buf, sizeof buf-1); if(n == 0) sysfatal("short read of %s at 127kB", file); if(n < 0) sysfatal("read %s: %r", file); buf[n] = 0; if(memcmp(buf, "fossil config\n", 6+1+6+1) != 0) sysfatal("bad config magic in %s", file); nf = getfields(buf+6+1+6+1, f, nelem(f), 1, "\n"); for(i=0; i<nf; i++){ if(f[i][0] == '#') continue; cmd = vtrealloc(cmd, (ncmd+1)*sizeof(char*)); /* expand argument '*' to mean current file */ if((p = strchr(f[i], '*')) && (p==f[i]||isspace(p[-1])) && (p[1]==0||isspace(p[1]))){ memmove(tbuf, f[i], p-f[i]); strecpy(tbuf+(p-f[i]), tbuf+sizeof tbuf, file); strecpy(tbuf+strlen(tbuf), tbuf+sizeof tbuf, p+1); f[i] = tbuf; } cmd[ncmd++] = vtstrdup(f[i]); } close(fd); *pcmd = cmd; *pncmd = ncmd; } int threadmaybackground(void) { return 1; } void threadmain(int argc, char* argv[]) { char **cmd, *p; int i, ncmd, tflag; fmtinstall('D', dirfmt); fmtinstall('F', fcallfmt); fmtinstall('M', dirmodefmt); quotefmtinstall(); /* * Insulate from the invoker's environment. */ #ifdef PLAN9PORT if(rfork(RFNAMEG) < 0) #else if(rfork(RFREND|RFNOTEG|RFNAMEG) < 0) #endif sysfatal("rfork: %r"); close(0); open("/dev/null", OREAD); close(1); open("/dev/null", OWRITE); cmd = nil; ncmd = tflag = 0; ARGBEGIN{ case '?': default: usage(); break; case 'c': p = EARGF(usage()); currfsysname = p; cmd = vtrealloc(cmd, (ncmd+1)*sizeof(char*)); cmd[ncmd++] = p; break; case 'D': Dflag ^= 1; break; case 'f': p = EARGF(usage()); currfsysname = foptname = p; readCmdPart(p, &cmd, &ncmd); break; case 'm': mempcnt = atoi(EARGF(usage())); if(mempcnt <= 0 || mempcnt >= 100) usage(); break; case 't': tflag = 1; break; }ARGEND if(argc != 0) usage(); consInit(); cliInit(); msgInit(); conInit(); cmdInit(); fsysInit(); exclInit(); fidInit(); srvInit(); lstnInit(); usersInit(); for(i = 0; i < ncmd; i++) if(cliExec(cmd[i]) == 0) fprint(2, "%s: %r\n", cmd[i]); vtfree(cmd); if(tflag && consTTY() == 0) consPrint("%r\n"); threadexits(0); }