#include "stdinc.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include <draw.h> #include <event.h> /* --- tree.h */ typedef struct Tree Tree; typedef struct Tnode Tnode; struct Tree { Tnode *root; Point offset; Image *clipr; }; struct Tnode { Point offset; char *str; // char *(*strfn)(Tnode*); // uint (*draw)(Tnode*, Image*, Image*, Point); void (*expand)(Tnode*); void (*collapse)(Tnode*); uint expanded; Tnode **kid; int nkid; void *aux; }; typedef struct Atree Atree; struct Atree { int resizefd; Tnode *root; }; Atree *atreeinit(char*); /* --- visfossil.c */ Tnode *initxheader(void); Tnode *initxcache(char *name); Tnode *initxsuper(void); Tnode *initxlocalroot(char *name, u32int addr); Tnode *initxentry(Entry); Tnode *initxsource(Entry, int); Tnode *initxentryblock(Block*, Entry*); Tnode *initxdatablock(Block*, uint); Tnode *initxroot(char *name, uchar[VtScoreSize]); int fd; int mainstacksize = STACK; Header h; Super super; VtConn *z; VtRoot vac; int showinactive; /* * dumbed down versions of fossil routines */ char* bsStr(int state) { static char s[100]; if(state == BsFree) return "Free"; if(state == BsBad) return "Bad"; sprint(s, "%x", state); if(!(state&BsAlloc)) strcat(s, ",Free"); /* should not happen */ if(state&BsVenti) strcat(s, ",Venti"); if(state&BsClosed) strcat(s, ",Closed"); return s; } char *bttab[] = { "BtData", "BtData+1", "BtData+2", "BtData+3", "BtData+4", "BtData+5", "BtData+6", "BtData+7", "BtDir", "BtDir+1", "BtDir+2", "BtDir+3", "BtDir+4", "BtDir+5", "BtDir+6", "BtDir+7", }; char* btStr(int type) { if(type < nelem(bttab)) return bttab[type]; return "unknown"; } Block* allocBlock(void) { Block *b; b = mallocz(sizeof(Block)+h.blockSize, 1); b->data = (void*)&b[1]; return b; } void blockPut(Block *b) { free(b); } static u32int partStart(int part) { switch(part){ default: assert(0); case PartSuper: return h.super; case PartLabel: return h.label; case PartData: return h.data; } } static u32int partEnd(int part) { switch(part){ default: assert(0); case PartSuper: return h.super+1; case PartLabel: return h.data; case PartData: return h.end; } } Block* readBlock(int part, u32int addr) { u32int start, end; u64int offset; int n, nn; Block *b; uchar *buf; start = partStart(part); end = partEnd(part); if(addr >= end-start){ werrstr("bad addr 0x%.8ux; wanted 0x%.8ux - 0x%.8ux", addr, start, end); return nil; } b = allocBlock(); b->addr = addr; buf = b->data; offset = ((u64int)(addr+start))*h.blockSize; n = h.blockSize; while(n > 0){ nn = pread(fd, buf, n, offset); if(nn < 0){ blockPut(b); return nil; } if(nn == 0){ werrstr("short read"); blockPut(b); return nil; } n -= nn; offset += nn; buf += nn; } return b; } int vtType[BtMax] = { VtDataType, /* BtData | 0 */ VtDataType+1, /* BtData | 1 */ VtDataType+2, /* BtData | 2 */ VtDataType+3, /* BtData | 3 */ VtDataType+4, /* BtData | 4 */ VtDataType+5, /* BtData | 5 */ VtDataType+6, /* BtData | 6 */ VtDataType+7, /* BtData | 7 */ VtDirType, /* BtDir | 0 */ VtDirType+1, /* BtDir | 1 */ VtDirType+2, /* BtDir | 2 */ VtDirType+3, /* BtDir | 3 */ VtDirType+4, /* BtDir | 4 */ VtDirType+5, /* BtDir | 5 */ VtDirType+6, /* BtDir | 6 */ VtDirType+7, /* BtDir | 7 */ }; Block* ventiBlock(uchar score[VtScoreSize], uint type) { int n; Block *b; b = allocBlock(); memmove(b->score, score, VtScoreSize); b->addr = NilBlock; n = vtread(z, b->score, vtType[type], b->data, h.blockSize); if(n < 0){ fprint(2, "vtread returns %d: %r\n", n); blockPut(b); return nil; } vtzeroextend(vtType[type], b->data, n, h.blockSize); b->l.type = type; b->l.state = 0; b->l.tag = 0; b->l.epoch = 0; return b; } Block* dataBlock(uchar score[VtScoreSize], uint type, uint tag) { Block *b, *bl; int lpb; Label l; u32int addr; addr = globalToLocal(score); if(addr == NilBlock) return ventiBlock(score, type); lpb = h.blockSize/LabelSize; bl = readBlock(PartLabel, addr/lpb); if(bl == nil) return nil; if(!labelUnpack(&l, bl->data, addr%lpb)){ werrstr("%r"); blockPut(bl); return nil; } blockPut(bl); if(l.type != type){ werrstr("type mismatch; got %d (%s) wanted %d (%s)", l.type, btStr(l.type), type, btStr(type)); return nil; } if(tag && l.tag != tag){ werrstr("tag mismatch; got 0x%.8ux wanted 0x%.8ux", l.tag, tag); return nil; } b = readBlock(PartData, addr); if(b == nil) return nil; b->l = l; return b; } Entry* copyEntry(Entry e) { Entry *p; p = mallocz(sizeof *p, 1); *p = e; return p; } MetaBlock* copyMetaBlock(MetaBlock mb) { MetaBlock *p; p = mallocz(sizeof mb, 1); *p = mb; return p; } /* * visualizer */ #pragma varargck argpos stringnode 1 Tnode* stringnode(char *fmt, ...) { va_list arg; Tnode *t; t = mallocz(sizeof(Tnode), 1); va_start(arg, fmt); t->str = vsmprint(fmt, arg); va_end(arg); t->nkid = -1; return t; } void xcacheexpand(Tnode *t) { if(t->nkid >= 0) return; t->nkid = 1; t->kid = mallocz(sizeof(t->kid[0])*t->nkid, 1); t->kid[0] = initxheader(); } Tnode* initxcache(char *name) { Tnode *t; if((fd = open(name, OREAD)) < 0) sysfatal("cannot open %s: %r", name); t = stringnode("%s", name); t->expand = xcacheexpand; return t; } void xheaderexpand(Tnode *t) { if(t->nkid >= 0) return; t->nkid = 1; t->kid = mallocz(sizeof(t->kid[0])*t->nkid, 1); t->kid[0] = initxsuper(); //t->kid[1] = initxlabel(h.label); //t->kid[2] = initxdata(h.data); } Tnode* initxheader(void) { u8int buf[HeaderSize]; Tnode *t; if(pread(fd, buf, HeaderSize, HeaderOffset) < HeaderSize) return stringnode("error reading header: %r"); if(!headerUnpack(&h, buf)) return stringnode("error unpacking header: %r"); t = stringnode("header " "version=%#ux (%d) " "blockSize=%#ux (%d) " "super=%#lux (%ld) " "label=%#lux (%ld) " "data=%#lux (%ld) " "end=%#lux (%ld)", h.version, h.version, h.blockSize, h.blockSize, h.super, h.super, h.label, h.label, h.data, h.data, h.end, h.end); t->expand = xheaderexpand; return t; } void xsuperexpand(Tnode *t) { if(t->nkid >= 0) return; t->nkid = 1; t->kid = mallocz(sizeof(t->kid[0])*t->nkid, 1); t->kid[0] = initxlocalroot("active", super.active); // t->kid[1] = initxlocalroot("next", super.next); // t->kid[2] = initxlocalroot("current", super.current); } Tnode* initxsuper(void) { Block *b; Tnode *t; b = readBlock(PartSuper, 0); if(b == nil) return stringnode("reading super: %r"); if(!superUnpack(&super, b->data)){ blockPut(b); return stringnode("unpacking super: %r"); } blockPut(b); t = stringnode("super " "version=%#ux " "epoch=[%#ux,%#ux) " "qid=%#llux " "active=%#x " "next=%#x " "current=%#x " "last=%V " "name=%s", super.version, super.epochLow, super.epochHigh, super.qid, super.active, super.next, super.current, super.last, super.name); t->expand = xsuperexpand; return t; } void xvacrootexpand(Tnode *t) { if(t->nkid >= 0) return; t->nkid = 1; t->kid = mallocz(sizeof(t->kid[0])*t->nkid, 1); t->kid[0] = initxroot("root", vac.score); } Tnode* initxvacroot(uchar score[VtScoreSize]) { Tnode *t; uchar buf[VtRootSize]; int n; if((n = vtread(z, score, VtRootType, buf, VtRootSize)) < 0) return stringnode("reading root %V: %r", score); if(vtrootunpack(&vac, buf) < 0) return stringnode("unpack %d-byte root: %r", n); h.blockSize = vac.blocksize; t = stringnode("vac version=%#ux name=%s type=%s blocksize=%lud score=%V prev=%V", VtRootVersion, vac.name, vac.type, vac.blocksize, vac.score, vac.prev); t->expand = xvacrootexpand; return t; } Tnode* initxlabel(Label l) { return stringnode("label type=%s state=%s epoch=%#ux tag=%#ux", btStr(l.type), bsStr(l.state), l.epoch, l.tag); } typedef struct Xblock Xblock; struct Xblock { Tnode t; Block *b; int (*gen)(void*, Block*, int, Tnode**); void *arg; int printlabel; }; void xblockexpand(Tnode *tt) { int i, j; enum { Q = 32 }; Xblock *t = (Xblock*)tt; Tnode *nn; if(t->t.nkid >= 0) return; j = 0; if(t->printlabel){ t->t.kid = mallocz(Q*sizeof(t->t.kid[0]), 1); t->t.kid[0] = initxlabel(t->b->l); j = 1; } for(i=0;; i++){ switch((*t->gen)(t->arg, t->b, i, &nn)){ case -1: t->t.nkid = j; return; case 0: break; case 1: if(j%Q == 0) t->t.kid = realloc(t->t.kid, (j+Q)*sizeof(t->t.kid[0])); t->t.kid[j++] = nn; break; } } } int nilgen(void *v, Block *b, int o, Tnode **tp) { return -1; } Tnode* initxblock(Block *b, char *s, int (*gen)(void *v, Block *b, int o, Tnode **tp), void *arg) { Xblock *t; if(gen == nil) gen = nilgen; t = mallocz(sizeof(Xblock), 1); t->b = b; t->gen = gen; t->arg = arg; if(b->addr == NilBlock) t->t.str = smprint("Block %V: %s", b->score, s); else t->t.str = smprint("Block %#ux: %s", b->addr, s); t->printlabel = 1; t->t.nkid = -1; t->t.expand = xblockexpand; return (Tnode*)t; } int xentrygen(void *v, Block *b, int o, Tnode **tp) { Entry e; Entry *ed; ed = v; if(o >= ed->dsize/VtEntrySize) return -1; entryUnpack(&e, b->data, o); if(!showinactive && !(e.flags & VtEntryActive)) return 0; *tp = initxentry(e); return 1; } Tnode* initxentryblock(Block *b, Entry *ed) { return initxblock(b, "entry", xentrygen, ed); } typedef struct Xentry Xentry; struct Xentry { Tnode t; Entry e; }; void xentryexpand(Tnode *tt) { Xentry *t = (Xentry*)tt; if(t->t.nkid >= 0) return; t->t.nkid = 1; t->t.kid = mallocz(sizeof(t->t.kid[0])*t->t.nkid, 1); t->t.kid[0] = initxsource(t->e, 1); } Tnode* initxentry(Entry e) { Xentry *t; t = mallocz(sizeof *t, 1); t->t.nkid = -1; t->t.str = smprint("Entry gen=%#ux psize=%d dsize=%d depth=%d flags=%#ux size=%lld score=%V", e.gen, e.psize, e.dsize, e.depth, e.flags, e.size, e.score); if(e.flags & VtEntryLocal) t->t.str = smprint("%s archive=%d snap=%d tag=%#ux", t->t.str, e.archive, e.snap, e.tag); t->t.expand = xentryexpand; t->e = e; return (Tnode*)t; } int ptrgen(void *v, Block *b, int o, Tnode **tp) { Entry *ed; Entry e; ed = v; if(o >= ed->psize/VtScoreSize) return -1; e = *ed; e.depth--; memmove(e.score, b->data+o*VtScoreSize, VtScoreSize); if(memcmp(e.score, vtzeroscore, VtScoreSize) == 0) return 0; *tp = initxsource(e, 0); return 1; } static int etype(int flags, int depth) { uint t; if(flags&_VtEntryDir) t = BtDir; else t = BtData; return t+depth; } Tnode* initxsource(Entry e, int dowrap) { Block *b; Tnode *t, *tt; b = dataBlock(e.score, etype(e.flags, e.depth), e.tag); if(b == nil) return stringnode("dataBlock: %r"); if((e.flags & VtEntryActive) == 0) return stringnode("inactive Entry"); if(e.depth == 0){ if(e.flags & _VtEntryDir) tt = initxentryblock(b, copyEntry(e)); else tt = initxdatablock(b, e.dsize); }else{ tt = initxblock(b, smprint("%s+%d pointer", (e.flags & _VtEntryDir) ? "BtDir" : "BtData", e.depth), ptrgen, copyEntry(e)); } /* * wrap the contents of the Source in a Source node, * just so it's closer to what you see in the code. */ if(dowrap){ t = stringnode("Source"); t->nkid = 1; t->kid = mallocz(sizeof(Tnode*)*1, 1); t->kid[0] = tt; tt = t; } return tt; } int xlocalrootgen(void *v, Block *b, int o, Tnode **tp) { Entry e; if(o >= 1) return -1; entryUnpack(&e, b->data, o); *tp = initxentry(e); return 1; } Tnode* initxlocalroot(char *name, u32int addr) { uchar score[VtScoreSize]; Block *b; localToGlobal(addr, score); b = dataBlock(score, BtDir, RootTag); if(b == nil) return stringnode("read data block %#ux: %r", addr); return initxblock(b, smprint("'%s' fs root", name), xlocalrootgen, nil); } int xvacrootgen(void *v, Block *b, int o, Tnode **tp) { Entry e; if(o >= 3) return -1; entryUnpack(&e, b->data, o); *tp = initxentry(e); return 1; } Tnode* initxroot(char *name, uchar score[VtScoreSize]) { Block *b; b = dataBlock(score, BtDir, RootTag); if(b == nil) return stringnode("read data block %V: %r", score); return initxblock(b, smprint("'%s' fs root", name), xvacrootgen, nil); } Tnode* initxdirentry(MetaEntry *me) { DirEntry dir; Tnode *t; if(!deUnpack(&dir, me)) return stringnode("deUnpack: %r"); t = stringnode("dirEntry elem=%s size=%llud data=%#lux/%#lux meta=%#lux/%#lux", dir.elem, dir.size, dir.entry, dir.gen, dir.mentry, dir.mgen); t->nkid = 1; t->kid = mallocz(sizeof(t->kid[0])*1, 1); t->kid[0] = stringnode( "qid=%#llux\n" "uid=%s gid=%s mid=%s\n" "mtime=%lud mcount=%lud ctime=%lud atime=%lud\n" "mode=%luo\n" "plan9 %d p9path %#llux p9version %lud\n" "qidSpace %d offset %#llux max %#llux", dir.qid, dir.uid, dir.gid, dir.mid, dir.mtime, dir.mcount, dir.ctime, dir.atime, dir.mode, dir.plan9, dir.p9path, dir.p9version, dir.qidSpace, dir.qidOffset, dir.qidMax); return t; } int metaentrygen(void *v, Block *b, int o, Tnode **tp) { Tnode *t; MetaBlock *mb; MetaEntry me; mb = v; if(o >= mb->nindex) return -1; meUnpack(&me, mb, o); t = stringnode("MetaEntry %d bytes", mb->size); t->kid = mallocz(sizeof(t->kid[0])*1, 1); t->kid[0] = initxdirentry(&me); t->nkid = 1; *tp = t; return 1; } int metablockgen(void *v, Block *b, int o, Tnode **tp) { Xblock *t; MetaBlock *mb; if(o >= 1) return -1; /* hack: reuse initxblock as a generic iterator */ mb = v; t = (Xblock*)initxblock(b, "", metaentrygen, mb); t->t.str = smprint("MetaBlock %d/%d space used, %d add'l free %d/%d table used%s", mb->size, mb->maxsize, mb->free, mb->nindex, mb->maxindex, mb->botch ? " [BOTCH]" : ""); t->printlabel = 0; *tp = (Tnode*)t; return 1; } /* * attempt to guess at the type of data in the block. * it could just be data from a file, but we're hoping it's MetaBlocks. */ Tnode* initxdatablock(Block *b, uint n) { MetaBlock mb; if(n > h.blockSize) n = h.blockSize; if(mbUnpack(&mb, b->data, n)) return initxblock(b, "metadata", metablockgen, copyMetaBlock(mb)); return initxblock(b, "data", nil, nil); } int parseScore(uchar *score, char *buf, int n) { int i, c; memset(score, 0, VtScoreSize); if(n < VtScoreSize*2) return 0; for(i=0; i<VtScoreSize*2; i++){ if(buf[i] >= '0' && buf[i] <= '9') c = buf[i] - '0'; else if(buf[i] >= 'a' && buf[i] <= 'f') c = buf[i] - 'a' + 10; else if(buf[i] >= 'A' && buf[i] <= 'F') c = buf[i] - 'A' + 10; else{ return 0; } if((i & 1) == 0) c <<= 4; score[i>>1] |= c; } return 1; } int scoreFmt(Fmt *f) { uchar *v; int i; u32int addr; v = va_arg(f->args, uchar*); if(v == nil){ fmtprint(f, "*"); }else if((addr = globalToLocal(v)) != NilBlock) fmtprint(f, "0x%.8ux", addr); else{ for(i = 0; i < VtScoreSize; i++) fmtprint(f, "%2.2ux", v[i]); } return 0; } Atree* atreeinit(char *arg) { Atree *a; uchar score[VtScoreSize]; fmtinstall('V', scoreFmt); z = vtdial(nil); if(z == nil) fprint(2, "warning: cannot dial venti: %r\n"); else if(vtconnect(z) < 0){ fprint(2, "warning: cannot connect to venti: %r\n"); z = nil; } a = mallocz(sizeof(Atree), 1); if(strncmp(arg, "vac:", 4) == 0){ if(!parseScore(score, arg+4, strlen(arg+4))){ fprint(2, "cannot parse score\n"); return nil; } a->root = initxvacroot(score); }else a->root = initxcache(arg); a->resizefd = -1; return a; } /* --- tree.c */ enum { Nubwidth = 11, Nubheight = 11, Linewidth = Nubwidth*2+4, }; uint drawtext(char *s, Image *m, Image *clipr, Point o) { char *t, *nt, *e; uint dy; if(s == nil) s = "???"; dy = 0; for(t=s; t&&*t; t=nt){ if(nt = strchr(t, '\n')){ e = nt; nt++; }else e = t+strlen(t); _string(m, Pt(o.x, o.y+dy), display->black, ZP, display->defaultfont, t, nil, e-t, clipr->clipr, nil, ZP, SoverD); dy += display->defaultfont->height; } return dy; } void drawnub(Image *m, Image *clipr, Point o, Tnode *t) { clipr = nil; if(t->nkid == 0) return; if(t->nkid == -1 && t->expand == nil) return; o.y += (display->defaultfont->height-Nubheight)/2; draw(m, rectaddpt(Rect(0,0,1,Nubheight), o), display->black, clipr, ZP); draw(m, rectaddpt(Rect(0,0,Nubwidth,1), o), display->black, clipr, o); draw(m, rectaddpt(Rect(Nubwidth-1,0,Nubwidth,Nubheight), o), display->black, clipr, addpt(o, Pt(Nubwidth-1, 0))); draw(m, rectaddpt(Rect(0, Nubheight-1, Nubwidth, Nubheight), o), display->black, clipr, addpt(o, Pt(0, Nubheight-1))); draw(m, rectaddpt(Rect(0, Nubheight/2, Nubwidth, Nubheight/2+1), o), display->black, clipr, addpt(o, Pt(0, Nubheight/2))); if(!t->expanded) draw(m, rectaddpt(Rect(Nubwidth/2, 0, Nubwidth/2+1, Nubheight), o), display->black, clipr, addpt(o, Pt(Nubwidth/2, 0))); } uint drawnode(Tnode *t, Image *m, Image *clipr, Point o) { int i; char *fs, *s; uint dy; Point oo; if(t == nil) return 0; t->offset = o; oo = Pt(o.x+Nubwidth+2, o.y); // if(t->draw) // dy = (*t->draw)(t, m, clipr, oo); // else{ fs = nil; if(t->str) s = t->str; // else if(t->strfn) // fs = s = (*t->strfn)(t); else s = "???"; dy = drawtext(s, m, clipr, oo); free(fs); // } if(t->expanded){ if(t->nkid == -1 && t->expand) (*t->expand)(t); oo = Pt(o.x+Nubwidth+(Linewidth-Nubwidth)/2, o.y+dy); for(i=0; i<t->nkid; i++) oo.y += drawnode(t->kid[i], m, clipr, oo); dy = oo.y - o.y; } drawnub(m, clipr, o, t); return dy; } void drawtree(Tree *t, Image *m, Rectangle r) { Point p; draw(m, r, display->white, nil, ZP); replclipr(t->clipr, 1, r); p = addpt(t->offset, r.min); drawnode(t->root, m, t->clipr, p); } Tnode* findnode(Tnode *t, Point p) { int i; Tnode *tt; if(ptinrect(p, rectaddpt(Rect(0,0,Nubwidth, Nubheight), t->offset))) return t; if(!t->expanded) return nil; for(i=0; i<t->nkid; i++) if(tt = findnode(t->kid[i], p)) return tt; return nil; } void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: fossil/view /dev/sdC0/fossil\n"); threadexitsall("usage"); } Tree t; void eresized(int new) { if(new && getwindow(display, Refnone) < 0) fprint(2,"can't reattach to window"); drawtree(&t, screen, screen->r); } enum { Left = 1<<0, Middle = 1<<1, Right = 1<<2, MMenu = 2, }; char *items[] = { "exit", 0 }; enum { IExit, }; Menu menu; void threadmain(int argc, char **argv) { int n; char *dir; Event e; Point op, p; Tnode *tn; Mouse m; int Eready; Atree *fs; ARGBEGIN{ case 'a': showinactive = 1; break; default: usage(); }ARGEND switch(argc){ default: usage(); case 1: dir = argv[0]; break; } fs = atreeinit(dir); #ifdef PLAN9PORT initdraw(0, "/lib/font/bit/lucsans/unicode.8.font", "tree"); #else initdraw(0, "/lib/font/bit/lucidasans/unicode.8.font", "tree"); #endif t.root = fs->root; t.offset = ZP; t.clipr = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), GREY1, 1, DOpaque); eresized(0); flushimage(display, 1); einit(Emouse); menu.item = items; menu.gen = 0; menu.lasthit = 0; if(fs->resizefd > 0){ Eready = 1<<3; estart(Eready, fs->resizefd, 1); }else Eready = 0; for(;;){ switch(n=eread(Emouse|Eready, &e)){ default: if(Eready && n==Eready) eresized(0); break; case Emouse: m = e.mouse; switch(m.buttons){ case Left: op = t.offset; p = m.xy; do { t.offset = addpt(t.offset, subpt(m.xy, p)); p = m.xy; eresized(0); m = emouse(); }while(m.buttons == Left); if(m.buttons){ t.offset = op; eresized(0); } break; case Middle: n = emenuhit(MMenu, &m, &menu); if(n == -1) break; switch(n){ case IExit: threadexitsall(nil); } break; case Right: do m = emouse(); while(m.buttons == Right); if(m.buttons) break; tn = findnode(t.root, m.xy); if(tn){ tn->expanded = !tn->expanded; eresized(0); } break; } } } }