#include "misc.h" #include "slug.h" #include "range.h" #include "page.h" const int MAXRANGES = 1000; static range *ptemp[MAXRANGES]; // for movefloats() static void swapright(int n) // used by movefloats() { range *t = ptemp[n]; ptemp[n] = ptemp[n+1]; ptemp[n+1] = t; ptemp[n]->setaccum( ptemp[n+1]->accum() - ptemp[n+1]->rawht() + ptemp[n]->rawht() ); ptemp[n+1]->setaccum( ptemp[n]->accum() + ptemp[n+1]->rawht() ); } // Figure out the goal position for each floating range on scratch, // and move it past stream ranges until it's as close to its goal as possible. static void movefloats(stream *scratch, double scale) { int nranges, i; const int Huge = 100000; for (nranges = 0; scratch->more(); scratch->advance()) ptemp[nranges++] = scratch->current(); scratch->freeall(); ufrange rtemp; ptemp[nranges] = &rtemp; rtemp.setgoal(Huge); int accumV = 0; // compute accum values and for (i = 0; i < nranges; i++) { // pick closest goal for floats ptemp[i]->pickgoal(accumV, scale); ptemp[i]->setaccum(accumV += ptemp[i]->rawht()); } int j; // index for inner loop below: for (i = nranges; --i >= 0; ) // stably sort floats to bottom for (j = i; j < nranges; j++) if (ptemp[j]->goal() > ptemp[j+1]->goal()) swapright(j); else break; if (dbg & 16) printf("#movefloats: before floating, from bottom:\n"); for (i = nranges; --i >= 0; ) { // find topmost float if (ptemp[i]->goal() == NOGOAL) break; if (dbg & 16) printf("# serialno %d goal %d height %d\n", ptemp[i]->serialno(), ptemp[i]->goal(), ptemp[i]->rawht()); } // i+1 is topmost float for (i++ ; i < nranges; i++) // move each float up the page for (j = i; j > 0; j--) // as long as closer to its goal if (ptemp[j]->goal() <= ptemp[j-1]->accum() + ptemp[j]->rawht()/2 && ptemp[j-1]->goal() == NOGOAL) swapright(j-1); else break; if (ptemp[nranges] != &rtemp) ERROR "goal sentinel has disappeared from movefloats" FATAL; for (i = 0; i < nranges; i++) // copy sorted list back scratch->append(ptemp[i]); } // Traverse the leaves of a tree of ranges, filtering out only SP and VBOX. static range *filter(generator *g) { range *r; while ((r = g->next()) != 0) if (r->isvbox() || r->issp()) break; return r; } // Zero out leading and trailing spaces; coalesce adjacent SP's. static void trimspace(stream *scratch) { generator g; range *r, *prevr = 0; for (g = scratch; (r = filter(&g)) != 0 && r->issp(); prevr = r) r->setheight(0); // zap leading SP for ( ; (r = filter(&g)) != 0; prevr = r) if (r->issp()) if (prevr && prevr->issp()) { // coalesce adjacent SPs r->setheight(max(r->rawht(), prevr->height())); prevr->setheight(0); } else // a VBOX intervened r->setheight(r->rawht()); if (prevr && prevr->issp()) // zap *all* trailing space prevr->setheight(0); // (since it all coalesced // into the last one) } // Pad the non-zero SP's in scratch so the total height is wantht. // Note that the SP values in scratch are not the raw values, and // indeed may already have been padded. static void justify(stream *scratch, int wantht) { range *r; int nsp = 0, hsp = 0; int adjht = scratch->height(); // Find all the spaces. generator g; for (g = scratch; (r = g.next()) != 0; ) if (r->issp() && r->height() > 0) { nsp++; hsp += r->height(); } int excess = wantht - adjht; if (excess < 0) ERROR "something on page %d is oversize by %d\n", userpn, -excess WARNING; if (dbg & 16) printf("# justify %d: excess %d nsp %d hsp %d adjht %d\n", userpn, excess, nsp, hsp, adjht); if (excess <= 0 || nsp == 0) return; // Redistribute the excess space. for (g = scratch; (r = g.next()) != 0; ) if (r->issp() && r->height() > 0) { int delta = (int) ((float)(r->height()*excess)/hsp + 0.5); if (dbg & 16) printf("# pad space %d by %d: hsp %d excess %d\n", r->height(), delta, hsp, excess); r->setheight(r->height() + delta); } } // If r were added to s, would the height of the composed result be at most maxht? int wouldfit(range *r, stream *s, int maxht) { if (r->rawht() + s->rawht() <= maxht) return 1; // the conservative test succeeded stream scratch; // local playground for costly test for (stream cd = *s; cd.more(); cd.advance()) scratch.append(cd.current()); scratch.append(r); movefloats(&scratch, ((double) scratch.rawht())/maxht); trimspace(&scratch); int retval = scratch.height() <= maxht; scratch.freeall(); return retval; } // If s1 were added to s, would the height of the composed result be at most maxht? // The computational structure is similar to that above. int wouldfit(stream *s1, stream *s, int maxht) { if (s1->rawht() + s->rawht() <= maxht) return 1; stream scratch, cd; for (cd = *s; cd.more(); cd.advance()) scratch.append(cd.current()); for (cd = *s1; cd.more(); cd.advance()) scratch.append(cd.current()); movefloats(&scratch, ((double) scratch.rawht())/maxht); trimspace(&scratch); int retval = scratch.height() <= maxht; scratch.freeall(); return retval; } // All of stream *s is destined for one column or the other; which is it to be? void multicol::choosecol(stream *s, int goalht) { stream *dest; if (!leftblocked && wouldfit(s, &(column[0]), goalht)) dest = &(column[0]); else { dest = &(column[1]); if (!s->current()->floatable()) // a stream item is going into the right // column, so no more can go into the left. leftblocked = 1; } for (stream cd = *s; cd.more(); cd.advance()) dest->append(cd.current()); } double coltol = 0.5; // Try, very hard, to put everything in the multicol into two columns // so that the total height is at most htavail. void multicol::compose(int defonly) { if (!nonempty()) { setheight(0); return; } scratch.freeall(); // fill scratch with everything destined // for either column stream cd; for (cd = definite; cd.more(); cd.advance()) scratch.append(cd.current()); if (!defonly) for (cd = *(currpage->stage); cd.more(); cd.advance()) if (cd.current()->numcol() == 2) scratch.append(cd.current()); scratch.restoreall(); // in particular, floatables' goals int i; int rawht = scratch.rawht(); int halfheight = (int)(coltol*rawht); // choose a goal height int maxht = defonly ? halfheight : htavail; secondtry: for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) column[i].freeall(); leftblocked = 0; cd = scratch; while (cd.more()) { queue ministage; // for the minimally acceptable chunks ministage.freeall(); // that are to be added to either column while (cd.more() && !cd.current()->issentinel()) { ministage.enqueue(cd.current()); cd.advance(); } choosecol(&ministage, maxht); if (cd.more() && cd.current()->issentinel()) cd.advance(); // past sentinel } if (height() > htavail && maxht != htavail) { // We tried to balance the columns, but // the result was too tall. Go back // and try again with the less ambitious // goal of fitting the space available. maxht = htavail; goto secondtry; } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { movefloats(&(column[i]), ((double) column[i].rawht())/currpage->pagesize); trimspace(&(column[i])); } if (dbg & 32) { printf("#multicol::compose: htavail %d maxht %d dv %d\n", htavail, maxht, height()); dump(); } if (defonly) stretch(height()); } // A sequence of two-column ranges waits on the stage. // So long as the page's skeleton hasn't changed--that is, the maximum height // available to the two-column chunk is the same--we just use the columns that // have been built up so far, and choose a column into which to put the stage. // If the skeleton has changed, however, then we may need to make entirely // new decisions about which column gets what, so we recompose the whole page. void multicol::tryout() { if (htavail == prevhtavail) choosecol(currpage->stage, htavail); else currpage->compose(DRAFT); prevhtavail = htavail; } // Make both columns the same height. // (Maybe this should also be governed by minfull, // to prevent padding very underfull columns.) void multicol::stretch(int wantht) { if (wantht < height()) ERROR "page %d: two-column chunk cannot shrink\n", userpn FATAL; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) justify(&(column[i]), wantht); if (dbg & 16) printf("#col hts: left %d right %d\n", column[0].height(), column[1].height()); } // Report an upper bound on how tall the current two-column object is. // The (possibly composed) heights of the two columns give a crude upper // bound on the total height. If the result is more than the height // available for the two-column object, then the columns are each // composed to give a better estimate of their heights. int multicol::height() { int retval = max(column[0].height(), column[1].height()); if (retval < htavail) return retval; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { movefloats(&(column[i]), ((double) column[i].height())/currpage->pagesize); trimspace(&(column[i])); } return max(column[0].height(), column[1].height()); } void multicol::dump() { printf("####2COL dv %d\n", height()); printf("# left column:\n"); column[0].dump(); printf("# right column:\n"); column[1].dump(); } // From the head of queue qp, peel off a piece whose raw height is at most space. int peeloff(stream *qp, int space) { stream *s1 = qp->current()->children(); if (!(s1 && s1->more() && s1->current()->height() <= space)) // in other words, either qp's head is // not nested, or its first subrange return 0; // is also too big, so we give up qp->split(); s1 = qp->current()->children(); stream *s2 = qp->next()->children(); while (s2->more() && s2->current()->rawht() <= space) { s1->append(s2->current()); space -= s2->current()->rawht(); s2->advance(); } return 1; } // There are four possibilities for consecutive calls to tryout(). // If we're processing a sequence of single-column ranges, tryout() // uses the original algorithm: (1) conservative test; (2) costly test; // (3) split a breakable item. // If we're processing a sequence of double-column ranges, tryout() // defers to twocol->tryout(), which gradually builds up the contents // of the two columns until they're as tall as they can be without // exceeding twocol->htavail. // If we're processing a sequence of single-column ranges and we // get a double-column range, then we use compose() to build a // skeleton page and set twocol->htavail, the maximum height that // should be occupied by twocol. // If we're processing a sequence of double-column ranges and we // get a single-column range, then we should go back and squish // the double-column chunk as short as possible before we see if // we can fit the single-column range. void page::tryout() { if (!stage->more()) ERROR "empty stage in page::tryout()\n" FATAL; int curnumcol = stage->current()->numcol(); if (dbg & 32) { printf("#page::tryout(): ncol = %d, prevncol = %d; on stage:\n", curnumcol, prevncol); stage->dump(); printf("#END of stage contents\n"); } switch(curnumcol) { default: ERROR "unexpected number of columns in tryout(): %d\n", stage->current()->numcol() FATAL; break; case 1: if (prevncol == 2) compose(FINAL); if (wouldfit(stage, &definite, pagesize - twocol->height())) commit(); else if (stage->current()->breakable() || blank() && peeloff(stage, pagesize - (definite.height() + twocol->height()))) { // first add the peeled-off part that fits adddef(stage->dequeue()); // then send the rest back for later stage->current()->setbreaking(); welsh(); } else if (blank()) { stage->current()->rdump(); ERROR "A %s is too big to continue.\n", stage->current()->typename() FATAL; } else welsh(); break; case 2: if (prevncol == 1) compose(DRAFT); else twocol->tryout(); if (scratch.height() <= pagesize) commit(); else welsh(); break; } prevncol = curnumcol; } // To compose the page, we (1) fill scratch with the stuff that's meant to // go on the page; (2) compose scratch as best we can; (3) set the maximum // height available to the two-column part of the page; (4) have the two- // column part compose itself. // In the computation of twocol->htavail, it does not matter that // twocol->height() is merely an upper bound, because it is merely being // subtracted out to give the exact total height of the single-column stuff. void page::compose(int final) { makescratch(final); int adjht = scratch.rawht(); if (dbg & 16) printf("# page %d measure %d\n", userpn, adjht); movefloats(&scratch, ((double) adjht)/pagesize); trimspace(&scratch); twocol->htavail = pagesize - (scratch.height() - twocol->height()); twocol->compose(final); adjht = scratch.height(); if (dbg & 16) printf("# page %d measure %d after trim\n", userpn, adjht); } // Fill the scratch area with ranges destined for the page. // If defonly == 0, then add anything that's on stage--this is a trial run. // If defonly != 0, use only what's definitely on the page. void page::makescratch(int defonly) { scratch.freeall(); stream cd; for (cd = definite; cd.more(); cd.advance()) scratch.append(cd.current()); if (!defonly) for (cd = *stage; cd.more(); cd.advance()) if (cd.current()->numcol() == 1) scratch.append(cd.current()); if (twocol->nonempty()) scratch.append(twocol); } // Accept the current contents of the stage. // If the stage contains two-column ranges, add a sentinel to indicate the end // of a chunk of stage contents. void page::commit() { if (dbg & 4) printf("#entering page::commit()\n"); int numcol = 0; while (stage->more()) { numcol = stage->current()->numcol(); adddef(stage->dequeue()); } if (numcol == 2) adddef(new sentrange); } // Send the current contents of the stage back to its source. void page::welsh() { if (dbg & 4) printf("#entering page::welsh()\n"); while (stage->more()) { range *r = stage->dequeue(); r->enqueue(ANDBLOCK); } } enum { USonly = 1 }; // So long as anything is eligible to go onto the page, keep trying. // Once nothing is eligible, compose and justify the page. void page::fill() { while (stage->prime()) stage->pend(); compose(FINAL); if (dbg & 16) scratch.dump(); if (anymore()) { int adjht = scratch.height(); if (adjht > minfull*pagesize) { justify(&scratch, pagesize); adjht = scratch.height(); int stretchamt = max(pagesize - adjht, 0); twocol->stretch(twocol->height() + stretchamt); // in case the page's stretchability lies // entirely in its two-column part } else ERROR "page %d only %.0f%% full; will not be adjusted\n", userpn, 100*(double) adjht/pagesize WARNING; } } void page::adddef(range *r) { if (dbg & 4) printf("#entering page::adddef()\n"); switch (r->numcol()) { case 1: definite.append(r); break; case 2: twocol->definite.append(r); break; default: ERROR "%d-column range unexpected\n", r->numcol() FATAL; } } int multicol::print(int cv, int col) { if (col != 0) ERROR "multicolumn output must start in left column\n" FATAL; int curv = cv, maxv = cv; // print left column for ( ; column[0].more(); column[0].advance()) { curv = column[0].current()->print(curv, 0); maxv = max(maxv, curv); } curv = cv; // print right column for ( ; column[1].more(); column[1].advance()) { curv = column[1].current()->print(curv, 1); maxv = max(maxv, curv); } return maxv; } void page::print() { static int tops = 1, bots = 1; if (!scratch.more()) { ERROR "## Here's what's left on squeue:\n" WARNING; squeue.dump(); ERROR "## Here's what's left on bfqueue:\n" WARNING; bfqueue.dump(); ERROR "## Here's what's left on ufqueue:\n" WARNING; ufqueue.dump(); ERROR "page %d appears to be empty\n", userpn WARNING; fflush(stderr), fflush(stdout), exit(0); // something is very wrong if this happens } printf("p%d\n", userpn); // print troff output page number if (ptlist.more()) { // print page header ptlist.current()->print(0, 0); ptlist.advance(); } else if (tops) { ERROR "ran out of page titles at %d\n", userpn WARNING; tops = 0; } int curv = 0; printf("V%d\n", curv = pagetop);// print page contents for ( ; scratch.more(); scratch.advance()) { curv = scratch.current()->print(curv, 0); } if (btlist.more()) { // print page footer btlist.current()->print(0, 0); btlist.advance(); } else if (bots) { ERROR "ran out of page bottoms at %d\n", userpn WARNING; bots = 0; } printf("V%d\n", physbot); // finish troff output page } int pagetop = 0; // top printing margin int pagebot = 0; // bottom printing margin int physbot = 0; // physical bottom of page double minfull = 0.9; // minimum fullness before padding int pn = 0; // cardinal page number int userpn = 0; // page number derived from PT slugs static void makepage() { page pg(pagebot - pagetop); ++pn; userpn = ptlist.more() ? ptlist.current()->pn() : pn; pg.fill(); pg.print(); } static void conv(FILE *fp) { startup(fp); // read slugs, etc. while (anymore()) makepage(); lastrange->print(0, 0); // trailer checkout(); // check that everything was printed } int main(int argc, char **argv) { static FILE *fp = stdin; progname = argv[0]; while (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-') { switch (argv[1][1]) { case 'd': dbg = atoi(&argv[1][2]); if (dbg == 0) dbg = ~0; break; case 'm': minfull = 0.01*atof(&argv[1][2]); break; case 'c': coltol = 0.01*atof(&argv[1][2]); break; case 'w': wantwarn = 1; break; } argc--; argv++; } if (argc <= 1) conv(stdin); else while (--argc > 0) { if (strcmp(*++argv, "-") == 0) fp = stdin; else if ((fp = fopen(*argv, "r")) == NULL) ERROR "can't open %s\n", *argv FATAL; conv(fp); fclose(fp); } exit(0); return 0; /* gcc */ }