/* This code was taken from 9front repository (https://code.9front.org/hg/plan9front). It is subject to license from 9front, below is a reproduction of the license. Copyright (c) 20XX 9front Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <draw.h> #include <event.h> #include <keyboard.h> /* additional libdraw function needed - defined here to avoid API change */ extern int eenter(char*, char*, int, Mouse*); char *filename; int zoom = 1; int brush = 1; Point spos; /* position on screen */ Point cpos; /* position on canvas */ Image *canvas; Image *ink; Image *back; Image *pal[16]; /* palette */ Rectangle palr; /* palette rect on screen */ Rectangle penr; /* pen size rect on screen */ enum { NBRUSH = 10+1, }; int nundo = 0; Image *undo[1024]; int c64[] = { /* c64 color palette */ 0x000000, 0xFFFFFF, 0x68372B, 0x70A4B2, 0x6F3D86, 0x588D43, 0x352879, 0xB8C76F, 0x6F4F25, 0x433900, 0x9A6759, 0x444444, 0x6C6C6C, 0x9AD284, 0x6C5EB5, 0x959595, }; /* * get bounding rectnagle for stroke from r.min to r.max with * specified brush (size). */ static Rectangle strokerect(Rectangle r, int brush) { r = canonrect(r); return Rect(r.min.x-brush, r.min.y-brush, r.max.x+brush+1, r.max.y+brush+1); } /* * draw stroke from r.min to r.max to dst with color ink and * brush (size). */ static void strokedraw(Image *dst, Rectangle r, Image *ink, int brush) { if(!eqpt(r.min, r.max)) line(dst, r.min, r.max, Enddisc, Enddisc, brush, ink, ZP); fillellipse(dst, r.max, brush, brush, ink, ZP); } /* * A draw operation that touches only the area contained in bot but not in top. * mp and sp get aligned with bot.min. */ static void gendrawdiff(Image *dst, Rectangle bot, Rectangle top, Image *src, Point sp, Image *mask, Point mp, int op) { Rectangle r; Point origin; Point delta; if(Dx(bot)*Dy(bot) == 0) return; /* no points in bot - top */ if(rectinrect(bot, top)) return; /* bot - top ≡ bot */ if(Dx(top)*Dy(top)==0 || rectXrect(bot, top)==0){ gendrawop(dst, bot, src, sp, mask, mp, op); return; } origin = bot.min; /* split bot into rectangles that don't intersect top */ /* left side */ if(bot.min.x < top.min.x){ r = Rect(bot.min.x, bot.min.y, top.min.x, bot.max.y); delta = subpt(r.min, origin); gendrawop(dst, r, src, addpt(sp, delta), mask, addpt(mp, delta), op); bot.min.x = top.min.x; } /* right side */ if(bot.max.x > top.max.x){ r = Rect(top.max.x, bot.min.y, bot.max.x, bot.max.y); delta = subpt(r.min, origin); gendrawop(dst, r, src, addpt(sp, delta), mask, addpt(mp, delta), op); bot.max.x = top.max.x; } /* top */ if(bot.min.y < top.min.y){ r = Rect(bot.min.x, bot.min.y, bot.max.x, top.min.y); delta = subpt(r.min, origin); gendrawop(dst, r, src, addpt(sp, delta), mask, addpt(mp, delta), op); bot.min.y = top.min.y; } /* bottom */ if(bot.max.y > top.max.y){ r = Rect(bot.min.x, top.max.y, bot.max.x, bot.max.y); delta = subpt(r.min, origin); gendrawop(dst, r, src, addpt(sp, delta), mask, addpt(mp, delta), op); bot.max.y = top.max.y; } } int alphachan(ulong chan) { for(; chan; chan >>= 8) if(TYPE(chan) == CAlpha) return 1; return 0; } void zoomdraw(Image *d, Rectangle r, Rectangle top, Image *b, Image *s, Point sp, int f) { Rectangle dr; Image *t; Point a; int w; a = ZP; if(r.min.x < d->r.min.x){ sp.x += (d->r.min.x - r.min.x)/f; a.x = (d->r.min.x - r.min.x)%f; r.min.x = d->r.min.x; } if(r.min.y < d->r.min.y){ sp.y += (d->r.min.y - r.min.y)/f; a.y = (d->r.min.y - r.min.y)%f; r.min.y = d->r.min.y; } rectclip(&r, d->r); w = s->r.max.x - sp.x; if(w > Dx(r)) w = Dx(r); dr = r; dr.max.x = dr.min.x+w; if(!alphachan(s->chan)) b = nil; if(f <= 1){ if(b) gendrawdiff(d, dr, top, b, sp, nil, ZP, SoverD); gendrawdiff(d, dr, top, s, sp, nil, ZP, SoverD); return; } if((t = allocimage(display, dr, s->chan, 0, 0)) == nil) return; for(; dr.min.y < r.max.y; dr.min.y++){ dr.max.y = dr.min.y+1; draw(t, dr, s, nil, sp); if(++a.y == f){ a.y = 0; sp.y++; } } dr = r; for(sp=dr.min; dr.min.x < r.max.x; sp.x++){ dr.max.x = dr.min.x+1; if(b) gendrawdiff(d, dr, top, b, sp, nil, ZP, SoverD); gendrawdiff(d, dr, top, t, sp, nil, ZP, SoverD); for(dr.min.x++; ++a.x < f && dr.min.x < r.max.x; dr.min.x++){ dr.max.x = dr.min.x+1; gendrawdiff(d, dr, top, d, Pt(dr.min.x-1, dr.min.y), nil, ZP, SoverD); } a.x = 0; } freeimage(t); } Point s2c(Point p){ p = subpt(p, spos); if(p.x < 0) p.x -= zoom-1; if(p.y < 0) p.y -= zoom-1; return addpt(divpt(p, zoom), cpos); } Point c2s(Point p){ return addpt(mulpt(subpt(p, cpos), zoom), spos); } Rectangle c2sr(Rectangle r){ return Rpt(c2s(r.min), c2s(r.max)); } void update(Rectangle *rp){ if(canvas==nil) draw(screen, screen->r, back, nil, ZP); else { if(rp == nil) rp = &canvas->r; gendrawdiff(screen, screen->r, c2sr(canvas->r), back, ZP, nil, ZP, SoverD); zoomdraw(screen, c2sr(*rp), ZR, back, canvas, rp->min, zoom); } flushimage(display, 1); } void expand(Rectangle r) { Rectangle nr; Image *tmp; if(canvas==nil){ if((canvas = allocimage(display, r, screen->chan, 0, DNofill)) == nil) sysfatal("allocimage: %r"); draw(canvas, canvas->r, back, nil, ZP); return; } nr = canvas->r; combinerect(&nr, r); if(eqrect(nr, canvas->r)) return; if((tmp = allocimage(display, nr, canvas->chan, 0, DNofill)) == nil) return; draw(tmp, canvas->r, canvas, nil, canvas->r.min); gendrawdiff(tmp, tmp->r, canvas->r, back, ZP, nil, ZP, SoverD); freeimage(canvas); canvas = tmp; } void save(Rectangle r, int mark) { Image *tmp; int x; if(mark){ x = nundo++ % nelem(undo); if(undo[x]) freeimage(undo[x]); undo[x] = nil; } if(canvas==nil || nundo<0) return; if(!rectclip(&r, canvas->r)) return; if((tmp = allocimage(display, r, canvas->chan, 0, DNofill)) == nil) return; draw(tmp, r, canvas, nil, r.min); x = nundo++ % nelem(undo); if(undo[x]) freeimage(undo[x]); undo[x] = tmp; } void restore(int n) { Image *tmp; int x; while(nundo > 0){ if(n-- == 0) return; x = --nundo % nelem(undo); if((tmp = undo[x]) == nil) return; undo[x] = nil; if(canvas == nil || canvas->chan != tmp->chan){ freeimage(canvas); canvas = tmp; update(nil); } else { expand(tmp->r); draw(canvas, tmp->r, tmp, nil, tmp->r.min); update(&tmp->r); freeimage(tmp); } } } typedef struct { Rectangle r; Rectangle r0; Image* dst; int yscan; /* current scanline */ int wscan; /* bscan width in bytes */ Image* iscan; /* scanline image */ uchar* bscan; /* scanline buffer */ int nmask; /* size of bmask in bytes */ int wmask; /* width of bmask in bytes */ Image* imask; /* mask image */ uchar* bmask; /* mask buffer */ int ncmp; uchar bcmp[4]; } Filldata; void fillscan(Filldata *f, Point p0) { int x, y; uchar *b; x = p0.x; y = p0.y; b = f->bmask + y*f->wmask; if(b[x/8] & 0x80>>(x%8)) return; if(f->yscan != y){ draw(f->iscan, f->iscan->r, f->dst, nil, Pt(f->r.min.x, f->r.min.y+y)); if(unloadimage(f->iscan, f->iscan->r, f->bscan, f->wscan) < 0) return; f->yscan = y; } for(x = p0.x; x >= 0; x--){ if(memcmp(f->bscan + x*f->ncmp, f->bcmp, f->ncmp)) break; b[x/8] |= 0x80>>(x%8); } for(x = p0.x+1; x < f->r0.max.x; x++){ if(memcmp(f->bscan + x*f->ncmp, f->bcmp, f->ncmp)) break; b[x/8] |= 0x80>>(x%8); } y = p0.y-1; if(y >= 0){ for(x = p0.x; x >= 0; x--){ if((b[x/8] & 0x80>>(x%8)) == 0) break; fillscan(f, Pt(x, y)); } for(x = p0.x+1; x < f->r0.max.x; x++){ if((b[x/8] & 0x80>>(x%8)) == 0) break; fillscan(f, Pt(x, y)); } } y = p0.y+1; if(y < f->r0.max.y){ for(x = p0.x; x >= 0; x--){ if((b[x/8] & 0x80>>(x%8)) == 0) break; fillscan(f, Pt(x, y)); } for(x = p0.x+1; x < f->r0.max.x; x++){ if((b[x/8] & 0x80>>(x%8)) == 0) break; fillscan(f, Pt(x, y)); } } } void floodfill(Image *dst, Rectangle r, Point p, Image *src) { Filldata f; if(!rectclip(&r, dst->r)) return; if(!ptinrect(p, r)) return; memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); f.dst = dst; f.r = r; f.r0 = rectsubpt(r, r.min); f.wmask = bytesperline(f.r0, 1); f.nmask = f.wmask*f.r0.max.y; if((f.bmask = mallocz(f.nmask, 1)) == nil) goto out; if((f.imask = allocimage(display, f.r0, GREY1, 0, DNofill)) == nil) goto out; r = f.r0; r.max.y = 1; if((f.iscan = allocimage(display, r, RGB24, 0, DNofill)) == nil) goto out; f.yscan = -1; f.wscan = bytesperline(f.iscan->r, f.iscan->depth); if((f.bscan = mallocz(f.wscan, 0)) == nil) goto out; r = Rect(0,0,1,1); f.ncmp = (f.iscan->depth+7) / 8; draw(f.iscan, r, dst, nil, p); if(unloadimage(f.iscan, r, f.bcmp, sizeof(f.bcmp)) < 0) goto out; fillscan(&f, subpt(p, f.r.min)); loadimage(f.imask, f.imask->r, f.bmask, f.nmask); draw(f.dst, f.r, src, f.imask, f.imask->r.min); out: free(f.bmask); free(f.bscan); if(f.iscan) freeimage(f.iscan); if(f.imask) freeimage(f.imask); } void translate(Point d) { Rectangle r, nr; if(canvas==nil || d.x==0 && d.y==0) return; r = c2sr(canvas->r); nr = rectaddpt(r, d); rectclip(&r, screen->clipr); draw(screen, rectaddpt(r, d), screen, nil, r.min); zoomdraw(screen, nr, rectaddpt(r, d), back, canvas, canvas->r.min, zoom); gendrawdiff(screen, screen->r, nr, back, ZP, nil, ZP, SoverD); spos = addpt(spos, d); flushimage(display, 1); } void setzoom(Point o, int z) { if(z < 1) return; cpos = s2c(o); spos = o; zoom = z; update(nil); } void center(void) { cpos = ZP; if(canvas) cpos = addpt(canvas->r.min, divpt(subpt(canvas->r.max, canvas->r.min), 2)); spos = addpt(screen->r.min, divpt(subpt(screen->r.max, screen->r.min), 2)); update(nil); } void drawpal(void) { Rectangle r, rr; int i; r = screen->r; r.min.y = r.max.y - 20; replclipr(screen, 0, r); penr = r; penr.min.x = r.max.x - NBRUSH*Dy(r); palr = r; palr.max.x = penr.min.x; r = penr; draw(screen, r, back, nil, ZP); for(i=0; i<NBRUSH; i++){ r.max.x = penr.min.x + (i+1)*Dx(penr) / NBRUSH; rr = r; if(i == brush) rr.min.y += Dy(r)/3; if(i == NBRUSH-1){ /* last is special brush for fill draw */ draw(screen, rr, ink, nil, ZP); } else { rr.min = addpt(rr.min, divpt(subpt(rr.max, rr.min), 2)); rr.max = rr.min; strokedraw(screen, rr, ink, i); } r.min.x = r.max.x; } r = palr; for(i=1; i<=nelem(pal); i++){ r.max.x = palr.min.x + i*Dx(palr) / nelem(pal); rr = r; if(ink == pal[i-1]) rr.min.y += Dy(r)/3; draw(screen, rr, pal[i-1], nil, ZP); gendrawdiff(screen, r, rr, back, ZP, nil, ZP, SoverD); r.min.x = r.max.x; } r = screen->r; r.max.y -= Dy(palr); replclipr(screen, 0, r); } int hitpal(Mouse m) { if(ptinrect(m.xy, penr)){ if(m.buttons & 7){ brush = ((m.xy.x - penr.min.x) * NBRUSH) / Dx(penr); drawpal(); } return 1; } if(ptinrect(m.xy, palr)){ Image *col; col = pal[(m.xy.x - palr.min.x) * nelem(pal) / Dx(palr)]; switch(m.buttons & 7){ case 1: ink = col; drawpal(); break; case 2: back = col; drawpal(); update(nil); break; } return 1; } return 0; } void catch(void * _, char *msg) { USED(_); if(strstr(msg, "closed pipe")) noted(NCONT); noted(NDFLT); } int pipeline(char *fmt, ...) { char buf[1024]; va_list a; int p[2]; va_start(a, fmt); vsnprint(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, a); va_end(a); if(pipe(p) < 0) return -1; switch(rfork(RFPROC|RFMEM|RFFDG|RFNOTEG)){ // RFEND not available in libc port case -1: close(p[0]); close(p[1]); return -1; case 0: close(p[1]); dup(p[0], 0); dup(p[0], 1); close(p[0]); execl("/bin/rc", "rc", "-c", buf, nil); exits("exec"); } close(p[0]); return p[1]; } void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: %s [ file ]\n", argv0); exits("usage"); } void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *s, buf[1024]; Rectangle r; Image *img; int i, fd; Event e; Mouse m; Point p, d; ARGBEGIN { default: usage(); } ARGEND; if(argc == 1) filename = strdup(argv[0]); else if(argc != 0) usage(); if(initdraw(0, 0, "paint") < 0) sysfatal("initdraw: %r"); if(filename){ if((fd = open(filename, OREAD)) < 0) sysfatal("open: %r"); if((canvas = readimage(display, fd, 0)) == nil) sysfatal("readimage: %r"); close(fd); } /* palette initialization */ for(i=0; i<nelem(pal); i++){ pal[i] = allocimage(display, Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), RGB24, 1, c64[i % nelem(c64)]<<8 | 0xFF); if(pal[i] == nil) sysfatal("allocimage: %r"); } ink = pal[0]; back = pal[1]; drawpal(); center(); einit(Emouse | Ekeyboard); notify(catch); for(;;) { switch(event(&e)){ case Emouse: if(hitpal(e.mouse)) continue; img = ink; switch(e.mouse.buttons & 7){ case 2: img = back; /* no break */ case 1: p = s2c(e.mouse.xy); if(brush == NBRUSH-1){ /* flood fill brush */ if(canvas == nil || !ptinrect(p, canvas->r)){ back = img; drawpal(); update(nil); break; } r = canvas->r; save(r, 1); floodfill(canvas, r, p, img); update(&r); /* wait for mouse release */ while(event(&e) == Emouse && (e.mouse.buttons & 7) != 0) ; break; } r = strokerect(Rpt(p, p), brush); expand(r); save(r, 1); strokedraw(canvas, Rpt(p, p), img, brush); update(&r); for(;;){ m = e.mouse; if(event(&e) != Emouse) break; if((e.mouse.buttons ^ m.buttons) & 7) break; d = s2c(e.mouse.xy); if(eqpt(d, p)) continue; r = strokerect(Rpt(p, d), brush); expand(r); save(r, 0); strokedraw(canvas, Rpt(p, d), img, brush); update(&r); p = d; } break; case 4: for(;;){ m = e.mouse; if(event(&e) != Emouse) break; if((e.mouse.buttons & 7) != 4) break; translate(subpt(e.mouse.xy, m.xy)); } break; } break; case Ekeyboard: switch(e.kbdc){ case Kesc: zoom = 1; center(); break; case '+': if(zoom < 0x1000) setzoom(e.mouse.xy, zoom*2); break; case '-': if(zoom > 1) setzoom(e.mouse.xy, zoom/2); break; case 'c': if(canvas == nil) break; save(canvas->r, 1); freeimage(canvas); canvas = nil; update(nil); break; case 'u': restore(16); break; case 'f': brush = NBRUSH-1; drawpal(); break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': brush = e.kbdc - '0'; drawpal(); break; default: if(e.kbdc == Kdel) e.kbdc = 'q'; buf[0] = 0; if(filename && (e.kbdc == 'r' || e.kbdc == 'w')) snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%C %s", e.kbdc, filename); else if(e.kbdc > 0x20 && e.kbdc < 0x7f) snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%C", e.kbdc); if(eenter("Cmd", buf, sizeof(buf), &e.mouse) <= 0) break; if(strcmp(buf, "q") == 0) exits(nil); s = buf+1; while(*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') s++; if(*s == 0) break; switch(buf[0]){ case 'r': if((fd = open(s, OREAD)) < 0){ Error: snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%r"); eenter(buf, nil, 0, &e.mouse); break; } free(filename); filename = strdup(s); Readimage: unlockdisplay(display); img = readimage(display, fd, 1); close(fd); lockdisplay(display); if(img == nil){ werrstr("readimage: %r"); goto Error; } if(canvas){ save(canvas->r, 1); freeimage(canvas); } canvas = img; center(); break; case 'w': if((fd = create(s, OWRITE, 0660)) < 0) goto Error; free(filename); filename = strdup(s); Writeimage: if(canvas) if(writeimage(fd, canvas, 0) < 0){ close(fd); werrstr("writeimage: %r"); goto Error; } close(fd); break; case '<': if((fd = pipeline("%s", s)) < 0) goto Error; goto Readimage; case '>': if((fd = pipeline("%s", s)) < 0) goto Error; goto Writeimage; case '|': if(canvas == nil) break; if((fd = pipeline("%s", s)) < 0) goto Error; switch(rfork(RFMEM|RFPROC|RFFDG)){ case -1: close(fd); werrstr("rfork: %r"); goto Error; case 0: writeimage(fd, canvas, 1); exits(nil); } goto Readimage; } break; } break; } } } void eresized(int _) { USED(_); if(getwindow(display, Refnone) < 0) sysfatal("resize failed"); drawpal(); update(nil); }