#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <bio.h> #include <regexp.h> #include <thread.h> #include <fcall.h> #include <plumb.h> #include "plumber.h" enum { Stack = 32*1024 }; typedef struct Dirtab Dirtab; typedef struct Fid Fid; typedef struct Holdq Holdq; typedef struct Readreq Readreq; typedef struct Sendreq Sendreq; struct Dirtab { char *name; uchar type; uint qid; uint perm; int nopen; /* #fids open on this port */ Fid *fopen; Holdq *holdq; Readreq *readq; Sendreq *sendq; }; struct Fid { int fid; int busy; int open; int mode; Qid qid; Dirtab *dir; long offset; /* zeroed at beginning of each message, read or write */ char *writebuf; /* partial message written so far; offset tells how much */ Fid *next; Fid *nextopen; }; struct Readreq { Fid *fid; Fcall *fcall; uchar *buf; Readreq *next; }; struct Sendreq { int nfid; /* number of fids that should receive this message */ int nleft; /* number left that haven't received it */ Fid **fid; /* fid[nfid] */ Plumbmsg *msg; char *pack; /* plumbpack()ed message */ int npack; /* length of pack */ Sendreq *next; }; struct Holdq { Plumbmsg *msg; Holdq *next; }; struct /* needed because incref() doesn't return value */ { Lock lk; int ref; } rulesref; enum { NDIR = 50, Nhash = 16, Qdir = 0, Qrules = 1, Qsend = 2, Qport = 3, NQID = Qport }; static Dirtab dir[NDIR] = { { ".", QTDIR, Qdir, 0500|DMDIR }, { "rules", QTFILE, Qrules, 0600 }, { "send", QTFILE, Qsend, 0200 } }; static int ndir = NQID; static int srvfd; #define clock plumbclock /* SunOS name clash */ static int clock; static Fid *fids[Nhash]; static QLock readlock; static QLock queue; static int messagesize = 8192+IOHDRSZ; /* good start */ static void fsysproc(void*); static void fsysrespond(Fcall*, uchar*, char*); static Fid* newfid(int); static Fcall* fsysflush(Fcall*, uchar*, Fid*); static Fcall* fsysversion(Fcall*, uchar*, Fid*); static Fcall* fsysauth(Fcall*, uchar*, Fid*); static Fcall* fsysattach(Fcall*, uchar*, Fid*); static Fcall* fsyswalk(Fcall*, uchar*, Fid*); static Fcall* fsysopen(Fcall*, uchar*, Fid*); static Fcall* fsyscreate(Fcall*, uchar*, Fid*); static Fcall* fsysread(Fcall*, uchar*, Fid*); static Fcall* fsyswrite(Fcall*, uchar*, Fid*); static Fcall* fsysclunk(Fcall*, uchar*, Fid*); static Fcall* fsysremove(Fcall*, uchar*, Fid*); static Fcall* fsysstat(Fcall*, uchar*, Fid*); static Fcall* fsyswstat(Fcall*, uchar*, Fid*); Fcall* (*fcall[Tmax])(Fcall*, uchar*, Fid*); static void initfcall(void) { fcall[Tflush] = fsysflush; fcall[Tversion] = fsysversion; fcall[Tauth] = fsysauth; fcall[Tattach] = fsysattach; fcall[Twalk] = fsyswalk; fcall[Topen] = fsysopen; fcall[Tcreate] = fsyscreate; fcall[Tread] = fsysread; fcall[Twrite] = fsyswrite; fcall[Tclunk] = fsysclunk; fcall[Tremove]= fsysremove; fcall[Tstat] = fsysstat; fcall[Twstat] = fsyswstat; } char Ebadfcall[] = "bad fcall type"; char Eperm[] = "permission denied"; char Enomem[] = "malloc failed for buffer"; char Enotdir[] = "not a directory"; char Enoexist[] = "plumb file does not exist"; char Eisdir[] = "file is a directory"; char Ebadmsg[] = "bad plumb message format"; char Enosuchport[] ="no such plumb port"; char Enoport[] = "couldn't find destination for message"; char Einuse[] = "file already open"; /* * Add new port. A no-op if port already exists or is the null string */ void addport(char *port) { int i; if(port == nil) return; for(i=NQID; i<ndir; i++) if(strcmp(port, dir[i].name) == 0) return; if(i == NDIR){ fprint(2, "plumb: too many ports; max %d\n", NDIR); return; } ndir++; dir[i].name = estrdup(port); dir[i].qid = i; dir[i].perm = 0400; nports++; ports = erealloc(ports, nports*sizeof(char*)); ports[nports-1] = dir[i].name; } static ulong getclock(void) { return time(0); } void startfsys(void) { int p[2]; fmtinstall('F', fcallfmt); clock = getclock(); if(pipe(p) < 0) error("can't create pipe: %r"); /* 0 will be server end, 1 will be client end */ srvfd = p[0]; if(post9pservice(p[1], "plumb", nil) < 0) sysfatal("post9pservice plumb: %r"); close(p[1]); proccreate(fsysproc, nil, Stack); } static void fsysproc(void *v) { int n; Fcall *t; Fid *f; uchar *buf; USED(v); initfcall(); t = nil; for(;;){ buf = malloc(messagesize); /* avoid memset of emalloc */ if(buf == nil) error("malloc failed: %r"); qlock(&readlock); n = read9pmsg(srvfd, buf, messagesize); if(n <= 0){ if(n < 0) error("i/o error on server channel"); threadexitsall("unmounted"); } /* * can give false positive (create an extra fsysproc) once in a while, * but no false negatives, so good enough. once we have one extra * we'll never have more. */ if(readlock.waiting.head == nil) /* no other processes waiting to read; start one */ proccreate(fsysproc, nil, Stack); qunlock(&readlock); if(t == nil) t = emalloc(sizeof(Fcall)); if(convM2S(buf, n, t) != n) error("convert error in convM2S"); if(debug) fprint(2, "<= %F\n", t); if(fcall[t->type] == 0) fsysrespond(t, buf, Ebadfcall); else{ if(t->type==Tversion || t->type==Tauth) f = nil; else f = newfid(t->fid); t = (*fcall[t->type])(t, buf, f); } } } static void fsysrespond(Fcall *t, uchar *buf, char *err) { int n; if(err){ t->type = Rerror; t->ename = err; }else t->type++; if(buf == nil) buf = emalloc(messagesize); n = convS2M(t, buf, messagesize); if(n < 0) error("convert error in convS2M"); if(write(srvfd, buf, n) != n) error("write error in respond"); if(debug) fprint(2, "=> %F\n", t); free(buf); } static Fid* newfid(int fid) { Fid *f, *ff, **fh; qlock(&queue); ff = nil; fh = &fids[fid&(Nhash-1)]; for(f=*fh; f; f=f->next) if(f->fid == fid) goto Return; else if(ff==nil && !f->busy) ff = f; if(ff){ ff->fid = fid; f = ff; goto Return; } f = emalloc(sizeof *f); f->fid = fid; f->next = *fh; *fh = f; Return: qunlock(&queue); return f; } static uint dostat(Dirtab *dir, uchar *buf, uint nbuf, uint clock) { Dir d; d.qid.type = dir->type; d.qid.path = dir->qid; d.qid.vers = 0; d.mode = dir->perm; d.length = 0; /* would be nice to do better */ d.name = dir->name; d.uid = user; d.gid = user; d.muid = user; d.atime = clock; d.mtime = clock; return convD2M(&d, buf, nbuf); } static void queuesend(Dirtab *d, Plumbmsg *m) { Sendreq *s, *t; Fid *f; int i; s = emalloc(sizeof(Sendreq)); s->nfid = d->nopen; s->nleft = s->nfid; s->fid = emalloc(s->nfid*sizeof(Fid*)); i = 0; /* build array of fids open on this channel */ for(f=d->fopen; f!=nil; f=f->nextopen) s->fid[i++] = f; s->msg = m; s->next = nil; /* link to end of queue; drainqueue() searches in sender order so this implements a FIFO */ for(t=d->sendq; t!=nil; t=t->next) if(t->next == nil) break; if(t == nil) d->sendq = s; else t->next = s; } static void queueread(Dirtab *d, Fcall *t, uchar *buf, Fid *f) { Readreq *r; r = emalloc(sizeof(Readreq)); r->fcall = t; r->buf = buf; r->fid = f; r->next = d->readq; d->readq = r; } static void drainqueue(Dirtab *d) { Readreq *r, *nextr, *prevr; Sendreq *s, *nexts, *prevs; int i, n; prevs = nil; for(s=d->sendq; s!=nil; s=nexts){ nexts = s->next; for(i=0; i<s->nfid; i++){ prevr = nil; for(r=d->readq; r!=nil; r=nextr){ nextr = r->next; if(r->fid == s->fid[i]){ /* pack the message if necessary */ if(s->pack == nil) s->pack = plumbpack(s->msg, &s->npack); /* exchange the stuff... */ r->fcall->data = s->pack+r->fid->offset; n = s->npack - r->fid->offset; if(n > messagesize-IOHDRSZ) n = messagesize-IOHDRSZ; if(n > r->fcall->count) n = r->fcall->count; r->fcall->count = n; fsysrespond(r->fcall, r->buf, nil); r->fid->offset += n; if(r->fid->offset >= s->npack){ /* message transferred; delete this fid from send queue */ r->fid->offset = 0; s->fid[i] = nil; s->nleft--; } /* delete read request from queue */ if(prevr) prevr->next = r->next; else d->readq = r->next; free(r->fcall); free(r); break; }else prevr = r; } } /* if no fids left, delete this send from queue */ if(s->nleft == 0){ free(s->fid); plumbfree(s->msg); free(s->pack); if(prevs) prevs->next = s->next; else d->sendq = s->next; free(s); }else prevs = s; } } /* can't flush a send because they are always answered synchronously */ static void flushqueue(Dirtab *d, int oldtag) { Readreq *r, *prevr; prevr = nil; for(r=d->readq; r!=nil; r=r->next){ if(oldtag == r->fcall->tag){ /* delete read request from queue */ if(prevr) prevr->next = r->next; else d->readq = r->next; free(r->fcall); free(r->buf); free(r); return; } prevr = r; } } /* remove messages awaiting delivery to now-closing fid */ static void removesenders(Dirtab *d, Fid *fid) { Sendreq *s, *nexts, *prevs; int i; prevs = nil; for(s=d->sendq; s!=nil; s=nexts){ nexts = s->next; for(i=0; i<s->nfid; i++) if(fid == s->fid[i]){ /* delete this fid from send queue */ s->fid[i] = nil; s->nleft--; break; } /* if no fids left, delete this send from queue */ if(s->nleft == 0){ free(s->fid); plumbfree(s->msg); free(s->pack); if(prevs) prevs->next = s->next; else d->sendq = s->next; free(s); }else prevs = s; } } static void hold(Plumbmsg *m, Dirtab *d) { Holdq *h, *q; h = emalloc(sizeof(Holdq)); h->msg = m; /* add to end of queue */ if(d->holdq == nil) d->holdq = h; else{ for(q=d->holdq; q->next!=nil; q=q->next) ; q->next = h; } } static void queueheld(Dirtab *d) { Holdq *h; while(d->holdq != nil){ h = d->holdq; d->holdq = h->next; queuesend(d, h->msg); /* no need to drain queue because we know no-one is reading yet */ free(h); } } static void dispose(Fcall *t, uchar *buf, Plumbmsg *m, Ruleset *rs, Exec *e) { int i; char *err; qlock(&queue); err = nil; if(m->dst==nil || m->dst[0]=='\0'){ err = Enoport; if(rs != nil) err = startup(rs, e); plumbfree(m); }else for(i=NQID; i<ndir; i++) if(strcmp(m->dst, dir[i].name) == 0){ if(dir[i].nopen == 0){ err = startup(rs, e); if(e!=nil && e->holdforclient) hold(m, &dir[i]); else plumbfree(m); }else{ queuesend(&dir[i], m); drainqueue(&dir[i]); } break; } freeexec(e); qunlock(&queue); fsysrespond(t, buf, err); free(t); } static Fcall* fsysversion(Fcall *t, uchar *buf, Fid *fid) { USED(fid); if(t->msize < 256){ fsysrespond(t, buf, "version: message size too small"); return t; } if(t->msize < messagesize) messagesize = t->msize; t->msize = messagesize; if(strncmp(t->version, "9P2000", 6) != 0){ fsysrespond(t, buf, "unrecognized 9P version"); return t; } t->version = "9P2000"; fsysrespond(t, buf, nil); return t; } static Fcall* fsysauth(Fcall *t, uchar *buf, Fid *fid) { USED(fid); fsysrespond(t, buf, "plumber: authentication not required"); return t; } static Fcall* fsysattach(Fcall *t, uchar *buf, Fid *f) { Fcall out; /* if(strcmp(t->uname, user) != 0){ fsysrespond(&out, buf, Eperm); return t; } */ f->busy = 1; f->open = 0; f->qid.type = QTDIR; f->qid.path = Qdir; f->qid.vers = 0; f->dir = dir; memset(&out, 0, sizeof(Fcall)); out.type = t->type; out.tag = t->tag; out.fid = f->fid; out.qid = f->qid; fsysrespond(&out, buf, nil); return t; } static Fcall* fsysflush(Fcall *t, uchar *buf, Fid *fid) { int i; USED(fid); qlock(&queue); for(i=NQID; i<ndir; i++) flushqueue(&dir[i], t->oldtag); qunlock(&queue); fsysrespond(t, buf, nil); return t; } static Fcall* fsyswalk(Fcall *t, uchar *buf, Fid *f) { Fcall out; Fid *nf; ulong path; Dirtab *d, *dir; Qid q; int i; uchar type; char *err; if(f->open){ fsysrespond(t, buf, "clone of an open fid"); return t; } nf = nil; if(t->fid != t->newfid){ nf = newfid(t->newfid); if(nf->busy){ fsysrespond(t, buf, "clone to a busy fid"); return t; } nf->busy = 1; nf->open = 0; nf->dir = f->dir; nf->qid = f->qid; f = nf; /* walk f */ } out.nwqid = 0; err = nil; dir = f->dir; q = f->qid; if(t->nwname > 0){ for(i=0; i<t->nwname; i++){ if((q.type & QTDIR) == 0){ err = Enotdir; break; } if(strcmp(t->wname[i], "..") == 0){ type = QTDIR; path = Qdir; Accept: q.type = type; q.vers = 0; q.path = path; out.wqid[out.nwqid++] = q; continue; } d = dir; d++; /* skip '.' */ for(; d->name; d++) if(strcmp(t->wname[i], d->name) == 0){ type = d->type; path = d->qid; dir = d; goto Accept; } err = Enoexist; break; } } out.type = t->type; out.tag = t->tag; if(err!=nil || out.nwqid<t->nwname){ if(nf) nf->busy = 0; }else if(out.nwqid == t->nwname){ f->qid = q; f->dir = dir; } fsysrespond(&out, buf, err); return t; } static Fcall* fsysopen(Fcall *t, uchar *buf, Fid *f) { int m, clearrules, mode; clearrules = 0; if(t->mode & OTRUNC){ if(f->qid.path != Qrules) goto Deny; clearrules = 1; } /* can't truncate anything, so just disregard */ mode = t->mode & ~(OTRUNC|OCEXEC); /* can't execute or remove anything */ if(mode==OEXEC || (mode&ORCLOSE)) goto Deny; switch(mode){ default: goto Deny; case OREAD: m = 0400; break; case OWRITE: m = 0200; break; case ORDWR: m = 0600; break; } if(((f->dir->perm&~(DMDIR|DMAPPEND))&m) != m) goto Deny; if(f->qid.path==Qrules && (mode==OWRITE || mode==ORDWR)){ lock(&rulesref.lk); if(rulesref.ref++ != 0){ rulesref.ref--; unlock(&rulesref.lk); fsysrespond(t, buf, Einuse); return t; } unlock(&rulesref.lk); } if(clearrules){ writerules(nil, 0); rules[0] = nil; } t->qid = f->qid; t->iounit = 0; qlock(&queue); f->mode = mode; f->open = 1; f->dir->nopen++; f->nextopen = f->dir->fopen; f->dir->fopen = f; queueheld(f->dir); qunlock(&queue); fsysrespond(t, buf, nil); return t; Deny: fsysrespond(t, buf, Eperm); return t; } static Fcall* fsyscreate(Fcall *t, uchar *buf, Fid *fid) { USED(fid); fsysrespond(t, buf, Eperm); return t; } static Fcall* fsysreadrules(Fcall *t, uchar *buf) { char *p; int n; p = printrules(); n = strlen(p); t->data = p; if(t->offset >= n) t->count = 0; else{ t->data = p+t->offset; if(t->offset+t->count > n) t->count = n-t->offset; } fsysrespond(t, buf, nil); free(p); return t; } static Fcall* fsysread(Fcall *t, uchar *buf, Fid *f) { uchar *b; int i, n, o, e; uint len; Dirtab *d; uint clock; if(f->qid.path != Qdir){ if(f->qid.path == Qrules) return fsysreadrules(t, buf); /* read from port */ if(f->qid.path < NQID){ fsysrespond(t, buf, "internal error: unknown read port"); return t; } qlock(&queue); queueread(f->dir, t, buf, f); drainqueue(f->dir); qunlock(&queue); return nil; } o = t->offset; e = t->offset+t->count; clock = getclock(); b = malloc(messagesize-IOHDRSZ); if(b == nil){ fsysrespond(t, buf, Enomem); return t; } n = 0; d = dir; d++; /* first entry is '.' */ for(i=0; d->name!=nil && i<e; i+=len){ len = dostat(d, b+n, messagesize-IOHDRSZ-n, clock); if(len <= BIT16SZ) break; if(i >= o) n += len; d++; } t->data = (char*)b; t->count = n; fsysrespond(t, buf, nil); free(b); return t; } static Fcall* fsyswrite(Fcall *t, uchar *buf, Fid *f) { Plumbmsg *m; int i, n; long count; char *data; Exec *e; switch((int)f->qid.path){ case Qdir: fsysrespond(t, buf, Eisdir); return t; case Qrules: clock = getclock(); fsysrespond(t, buf, writerules(t->data, t->count)); return t; case Qsend: if(f->offset == 0){ data = t->data; count = t->count; }else{ /* partial message already assembled */ f->writebuf = erealloc(f->writebuf, f->offset + t->count); memmove(f->writebuf+f->offset, t->data, t->count); data = f->writebuf; count = f->offset+t->count; } m = plumbunpackpartial(data, count, &n); if(m == nil){ if(n == 0){ f->offset = 0; free(f->writebuf); f->writebuf = nil; fsysrespond(t, buf, Ebadmsg); return t; } /* can read more... */ if(f->offset == 0){ f->writebuf = emalloc(t->count); memmove(f->writebuf, t->data, t->count); } /* else buffer has already been grown */ f->offset += t->count; fsysrespond(t, buf, nil); return t; } /* release partial buffer */ f->offset = 0; free(f->writebuf); f->writebuf = nil; for(i=0; rules[i]; i++) if((e=matchruleset(m, rules[i])) != nil){ dispose(t, buf, m, rules[i], e); return nil; } if(m->dst != nil){ dispose(t, buf, m, nil, nil); return nil; } fsysrespond(t, buf, "no matching plumb rule"); return t; } fsysrespond(t, buf, "internal error: write to unknown file"); return t; } static Fcall* fsysstat(Fcall *t, uchar *buf, Fid *f) { t->stat = emalloc(messagesize-IOHDRSZ); t->nstat = dostat(f->dir, t->stat, messagesize-IOHDRSZ, clock); fsysrespond(t, buf, nil); free(t->stat); t->stat = nil; return t; } static Fcall* fsyswstat(Fcall *t, uchar *buf, Fid *fid) { USED(fid); fsysrespond(t, buf, Eperm); return t; } static Fcall* fsysremove(Fcall *t, uchar *buf, Fid *fid) { USED(fid); fsysrespond(t, buf, Eperm); return t; } static Fcall* fsysclunk(Fcall *t, uchar *buf, Fid *f) { Fid *prev, *p; Dirtab *d; qlock(&queue); if(f->open){ d = f->dir; d->nopen--; if(d->qid==Qrules && (f->mode==OWRITE || f->mode==ORDWR)){ /* * just to be sure last rule is parsed; error messages will be lost, though, * unless last write ended with a blank line */ writerules(nil, 0); lock(&rulesref.lk); rulesref.ref--; unlock(&rulesref.lk); } prev = nil; for(p=d->fopen; p; p=p->nextopen){ if(p == f){ if(prev) prev->nextopen = f->nextopen; else d->fopen = f->nextopen; removesenders(d, f); break; } prev = p; } } f->busy = 0; f->open = 0; f->offset = 0; if(f->writebuf != nil){ free(f->writebuf); f->writebuf = nil; } qunlock(&queue); fsysrespond(t, buf, nil); return t; }