#include "rc.h" #include "io.h" #include "fns.h" static tree* body(int tok, int *ptok); static tree* brace(int tok); static tree* cmd(int tok, int *ptok); static tree* cmd2(int tok, int *ptok); static tree* cmd3(int tok, int *ptok); static tree* cmd4(int tok, int *ptok); static tree* cmds(int tok, int *ptok, int nlok); static tree* epilog(int tok, int *ptok); static int iswordtok(int tok); static tree* line(int tok, int *ptok); static tree* paren(int tok); static tree* yyredir(int tok, int *ptok); static tree* yyword(int tok, int *ptok, int eqok); static tree* word1(int tok, int *ptok); static tree* words(int tok, int *ptok); static jmp_buf yyjmp; static int dropnl(int tok) { while(tok == ' ' || tok == '\n') tok = yylex(); return tok; } static int dropsp(int tok) { while(tok == ' ') tok = yylex(); return tok; } static void syntax(int tok) { char buf[100]; snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "syntax error %d", tok); yyerror(buf); longjmp(yyjmp, 1); } int parse(void) { tree *t; int tok; if(setjmp(yyjmp)) return 1; // rc: { return 1;} // | line '\n' {return !compile($1);} tok = dropsp(yylex()); if(tok == EOF) return 1; t = line(tok, &tok); if(tok != '\n') yyerror("missing newline at end of line"); yylval.tree = t; return !compile(t); } static tree* line(int tok, int *ptok) { return cmds(tok, ptok, 0); } static tree* body(int tok, int *ptok) { return cmds(tok, ptok, 1); } static tree* cmds(int tok, int *ptok, int nlok) { tree *t, **last, *t2; // line: cmd // | cmdsa line {$$=tree2(';', $1, $2);} // cmdsa: cmd ';' // | cmd '&' {$$=tree1('&', $1);} // body: cmd // | cmdsan body {$$=tree2(';', $1, $2);} // cmdsan: cmdsa // | cmd '\n' t = nil; last = nil; for(;;) { t2 = cmd(tok, &tok); if(tok == '&') t2 = tree1('&', t2); if(t2 != nil) { // slot into list t if(last == nil) { t = t2; last = &t; } else { *last = tree2(';', *last, t2); last = &(*last)->child[1]; } } if(tok != ';' && tok != '&' && (!nlok || tok != '\n')) break; tok = yylex(); } *ptok = tok; return t; } static tree* brace(int tok) { tree *t; // brace: '{' body '}' {$$=tree1(BRACE, $2);} tok = dropsp(tok); if(tok != '{') syntax(tok); t = body(yylex(), &tok); if(tok != '}') syntax(tok); return tree1(BRACE, t); } static tree* paren(int tok) { tree *t; // paren: '(' body ')' {$$=tree1(PCMD, $2);} tok = dropsp(tok); if(tok != '(') syntax(tok); t = body(yylex(), &tok); if(tok != ')') syntax(tok); return tree1(PCMD, t); } static tree* epilog(int tok, int *ptok) { tree *t, *r; // epilog: {$$=0;} // | redir epilog {$$=mung2($1, $1->child[0], $2);} if(tok != REDIR && tok != DUP) { *ptok = tok; return nil; } r = yyredir(tok, &tok); t = epilog(tok, &tok); *ptok = tok; return mung2(r, r->child[0], t); } static tree* yyredir(int tok, int *ptok) { tree *r, *w; // redir: REDIR word {$$=mung1($1, $1->rtype==HERE?heredoc($2):$2);} // | DUP switch(tok) { default: syntax(tok); case DUP: r = yylval.tree; *ptok = dropsp(yylex()); break; case REDIR: r = yylval.tree; w = yyword(yylex(), &tok, 1); *ptok = dropsp(tok); r = mung1(r, r->rtype==HERE?heredoc(w):w); break; } return r; } static tree* cmd(int tok, int *ptok) { tok = dropsp(tok); switch(tok) { default: return cmd2(tok, ptok); } } static tree* cmd2(int tok, int *ptok) { int op; tree *t1, *t2; // | cmd ANDAND cmd {$$=tree2(ANDAND, $1, $3);} // | cmd OROR cmd {$$=tree2(OROR, $1, $3);} t1 = cmd3(tok, &tok); while(tok == ANDAND || tok == OROR) { op = tok; t2 = cmd3(dropnl(yylex()), &tok); t1 = tree2(op, t1, t2); } *ptok = tok; return t1; } static tree* cmd3(int tok, int *ptok) { tree *t1, *t2, *t3; // | cmd PIPE cmd {$$=mung2($2, $1, $3);} t1 = cmd4(tok, &tok); while(tok == PIPE) { t2 = yylval.tree; t3 = cmd4(dropnl(yylex()), &tok); t1 = mung2(t2, t1, t3); } *ptok = tok; return t1; } static tree* cmd4(int tok, int *ptok) { tree *t1, *t2, *t3, *t4; tok = dropsp(tok); switch(tok) { case ';': case '&': case '\n': *ptok = tok; return nil; case IF: // | IF paren {skipnl();} cmd {$$=mung2($1, $2, $4);} // | IF NOT {skipnl();} cmd {$$=mung1($2, $4);} t1 = yylval.tree; tok = dropsp(yylex()); if(tok == NOT) { t1 = yylval.tree; t2 = cmd(dropnl(yylex()), ptok); return mung1(t1, t2); } t2 = paren(tok); t3 = cmd(dropnl(yylex()), ptok); return mung2(t1, t2, t3); case FOR: // | FOR '(' word IN words ')' {skipnl();} cmd // {$$=mung3($1, $3, $5 ? $5 : tree1(PAREN, $5), $8);} // | FOR '(' word ')' {skipnl();} cmd // {$$=mung3($1, $3, (tree *)0, $6);} t1 = yylval.tree; tok = dropsp(yylex()); if(tok != '(') syntax(tok); t2 = yyword(yylex(), &tok, 1); switch(tok) { default: syntax(tok); case ')': t3 = nil; break; case IN: t3 = words(yylex(), &tok); if(t3 == nil) t3 = tree1(PAREN, nil); if(tok != ')') syntax(tok); break; } t4 = cmd(dropnl(yylex()), ptok); return mung3(t1, t2, t3, t4); case WHILE: // | WHILE paren {skipnl();} cmd // {$$=mung2($1, $2, $4);} t1 = yylval.tree; t2 = paren(yylex()); t3 = cmd(dropnl(yylex()), ptok); return mung2(t1, t2, t3); case SWITCH: // | SWITCH word {skipnl();} brace // {$$=tree2(SWITCH, $2, $4);} t1 = yyword(yylex(), &tok, 1); tok = dropnl(tok); // doesn't work in yacc grammar but works here! t2 = brace(tok); *ptok = dropsp(yylex()); return tree2(SWITCH, t1, t2); // Note: cmd: a && for(x) y && b is a && {for (x) {y && b}}. return cmd(tok, ptok); case FN: // | FN words brace {$$=tree2(FN, $2, $3);} // | FN words {$$=tree1(FN, $2);} t1 = words(yylex(), &tok); if(tok != '{') { *ptok = tok; return tree1(FN, t1); } t2 = brace(tok); *ptok = dropsp(yylex()); return tree2(FN, t1, t2); case TWIDDLE: // | TWIDDLE word words {$$=mung2($1, $2, $3);} t1 = yylval.tree; t2 = yyword(yylex(), &tok, 1); t3 = words(tok, ptok); return mung2(t1, t2, t3); case BANG: case SUBSHELL: // | BANG cmd {$$=mung1($1, $2);} // | SUBSHELL cmd {$$=mung1($1, $2);} // Note: cmd3: ! x | y is !{x | y} not {!x} | y. t1 = yylval.tree; return mung1(t1, cmd3(yylex(), ptok)); case REDIR: case DUP: // | redir cmd %prec BANG {$$=mung2($1, $1->child[0], $2);} // Note: cmd3: {>x echo a | tr a-z A-Z} writes A to x. t1 = yyredir(tok, &tok); t2 = cmd3(tok, ptok); return mung2(t1, t1->child[0], t2); case '{': // | brace epilog {$$=epimung($1, $2);} t1 = brace(tok); tok = dropsp(yylex()); t2 = epilog(tok, ptok); return epimung(t1, t2); } if(!iswordtok(tok)) { *ptok = tok; return nil; } // cmd: ... // | simple {$$=simplemung($1);} // | assign cmd %prec BANG {$$=mung3($1, $1->child[0], $1->child[1], $2);} // assign: first '=' word {$$=tree2('=', $1, $3);} // Note: first is same as word except for disallowing all the leading keywords, // but all those keywords have been picked off in the switch above. // Except NOT, but disallowing that in yacc was likely a mistake anyway: // there's no ambiguity in not=1 or not x y z. t1 = yyword(tok, &tok, 0); if(tok == '=') { // assignment // Note: cmd3: {x=1 true | echo $x} echoes 1. t1 = tree2('=', t1, yyword(yylex(), &tok, 1)); t2 = cmd3(tok, ptok); return mung3(t1, t1->child[0], t1->child[1], t2); } // simple: first // | simple word {$$=tree2(ARGLIST, $1, $2);} // | simple redir {$$=tree2(ARGLIST, $1, $2);} for(;;) { if(tok == REDIR || tok == DUP) { t1 = tree2(ARGLIST, t1, yyredir(tok, &tok)); } else if(iswordtok(tok)) { t1 = tree2(ARGLIST, t1, yyword(tok, &tok, 1)); } else { break; } } *ptok = tok; return simplemung(t1); } static tree* words(int tok, int *ptok) { tree *t; // words: {$$=(tree*)0;} // | words word {$$=tree2(WORDS, $1, $2);} t = nil; tok = dropsp(tok); while(iswordtok(tok)) t = tree2(WORDS, t, yyword(tok, &tok, 1)); *ptok = tok; return t; } static tree* yyword(int tok, int *ptok, int eqok) { tree *t; // word: keyword {lastword=1; $1->type=WORD;} // | comword // | word '^' word {$$=tree2('^', $1, $3);} // comword: '$' word {$$=tree1('$', $2);} // | '$' word SUB words ')' {$$=tree2(SUB, $2, $4);} // | '"' word {$$=tree1('"', $2);} // | COUNT word {$$=tree1(COUNT, $2);} // | WORD // | '`' brace {$$=tree1('`', $2);} // | '(' words ')' {$$=tree1(PAREN, $2);} // | REDIR brace {$$=mung1($1, $2); $$->type=PIPEFD;} // keyword: FOR|IN|WHILE|IF|NOT|TWIDDLE|BANG|SUBSHELL|SWITCH|FN // // factored into: // // word: word1 // | word '^' word1 // // word1: keyword | comword t = word1(tok, &tok); if(tok == '=' && !eqok) goto out; for(;;) { if(iswordtok(tok)) { t = tree2('^', t, word1(tok, &tok)); continue; } tok = dropsp(tok); if(tok == '^') { t = tree2('^', t, word1(yylex(), &tok)); continue; } break; } out: *ptok = dropsp(tok); return t; } static tree* word1(int tok, int *ptok) { tree *w, *sub, *t; tok = dropsp(tok); switch(tok) { default: syntax(tok); case WORD: case FOR: case IN: case WHILE: case IF: case NOT: case TWIDDLE: case BANG: case SUBSHELL: case SWITCH: case FN: // | WORD // keyword: FOR|IN|WHILE|IF|NOT|TWIDDLE|BANG|SUBSHELL|SWITCH|FN t = yylval.tree; t->type = WORD; *ptok = yylex(); return t; case '=': *ptok = yylex(); return token("=", WORD); case '$': // comword: '$' word1 {$$=tree1('$', $2);} // | '$' word1 SUB words ')' {$$=tree2(SUB, $2, $4);} w = word1(yylex(), &tok); if(tok == '(') { sub = words(yylex(), &tok); if(tok != ')') syntax(tok); *ptok = yylex(); return tree2(SUB, w, sub); } *ptok = tok; return tree1('$', w); case '"': // | '"' word1 {$$=tree1('"', $2);} return tree1('"', word1(yylex(), ptok)); case COUNT: // | COUNT word1 {$$=tree1(COUNT, $2);} return tree1(COUNT, word1(yylex(), ptok)); case '`': // | '`' brace {$$=tree1('`', $2);} t = tree1('`', brace(yylex())); *ptok = yylex(); return t; case '(': // | '(' words ')' {$$=tree1(PAREN, $2);} t = tree1(PAREN, words(yylex(), &tok)); if(tok != ')') syntax(tok); *ptok = yylex(); return t; case REDIRW: // | REDIRW brace {$$=mung1($1, $2); $$->type=PIPEFD;} t = yylval.tree; t = mung1(t, brace(yylex())); t->type = PIPEFD; *ptok = yylex(); return t; } } static int iswordtok(int tok) { switch(tok) { case FOR: case IN: case WHILE: case IF: case NOT: case TWIDDLE: case BANG: case SUBSHELL: case SWITCH: case FN: case '$': case '"': case COUNT: case WORD: case '`': case '(': case REDIRW: case '=': return 1; } return 0; }