/* * Multiplexor for sftp sessions. * Assumes can parse session with sftp> prompts. * Assumes clients are well-behaved and don't hang up the system. * * Stupid sftp bug: sftp invokes ssh, which always set O_NONBLOCK * on 0, 1, and 2. Ssh inherits sftp's 2, so we can't use the output pipe * on fd 2, since it will get set O_NONBLOCK, sftp won't notice, and * writes will be lost. So instead we use a separate pipe for errors * and consult it after each command. Assume the pipe buffer is * big enough to hold the error output. */ #include #include #include #include #undef pipe int debug; #define dprint if(debug)print int sftpfd; int sftperr; Biobuf bin; void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: sftpcache system\n"); exits("usage"); } char* Brd(Biobuf *bin) { static char buf[1000]; int c, tot; tot = 0; while((c = Bgetc(bin)) >= 0 && tot ", 5) == 0){ buf[tot] = 0; dprint("%s\n", buf); return buf; } } if(tot == sizeof buf) sysfatal("response too long"); return nil; } int readstr(int fd, char *a, int n) { int i; for(i=0; i 0){ if(debug) write(1, buf, n); write(fd, buf, n); } } void bell(void *x, char *msg) { if(strcmp(msg, "sys: child") == 0 || strcmp(msg, "sys: write on closed pipe") == 0) sysfatal("sftp exited"); if(strcmp(msg, "alarm") == 0) noted(NCONT); noted(NDFLT); } void main(int argc, char **argv) { char buf[200], cmd[1000], *q, *s; char dir[100], ndir[100]; int p[2], px[2], pe[2], pid, ctl, nctl, fd, n; notify(bell); fmtinstall('H', encodefmt); ARGBEGIN{ case 'D': debug = 1; break; default: usage(); }ARGEND if(argc != 1) usage(); if(pipe(p) < 0 || pipe(px) < 0 || pipe(pe) < 0) sysfatal("pipe: %r"); pid = fork(); if(pid < 0) sysfatal("fork: %r"); if(pid == 0){ close(p[1]); close(px[0]); close(pe[0]); dup(p[0], 0); dup(px[1], 1); dup(pe[1], 2); if(p[0] > 2) close(p[0]); if(px[1] > 2) close(px[1]); if(pe[1] > 2) close(pe[1]); execl("sftp", "sftp", "-b", "/dev/stdin", argv[0], nil); sysfatal("exec sftp: %r"); } close(p[0]); close(px[1]); close(pe[1]); sftpfd = p[1]; sftperr = pe[0]; Binit(&bin, px[0], OREAD); fcntl(sftperr, F_SETFL, fcntl(sftperr, F_GETFL, 0)|O_NONBLOCK); do q = Brd(&bin); while(q && strcmp(q, "sftp> ") != 0); if(q == nil) sysfatal("unexpected eof"); snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "unix!%s/%s.sftp", getns(), argv[0]); ctl = announce(buf, dir); if(ctl < 0) sysfatal("announce %s: %r", buf); pid = fork(); if(pid < 0) sysfatal("fork"); if(pid != 0) exits(nil); for(;;){ nctl = listen(dir, ndir); if(nctl < 0) sysfatal("listen %s: %r", buf); fd = accept(ctl, ndir); close(nctl); if(fd < 0) continue; for(;;){ // alarm(1000); n = readstr(fd, cmd, sizeof cmd); // alarm(0); if(n <= 0) break; dprint("CMD %s\n", cmd); if(strcmp(cmd, "DONE") == 0) break; fprint(sftpfd, "%s\n", cmd); q = Brd(&bin); if(*q==0 || q[strlen(q)-1] != '\n') sysfatal("unexpected response"); q[strlen(q)-1] = 0; if(strcmp(q, cmd) != 0) sysfatal("unexpected response"); while((q = Brd(&bin)) != nil){ if(strcmp(q, "sftp> ") == 0){ doerrors(fd); break; } s = q+strlen(q); while(s > q && (s[-1] == ' ' || s[-1] == '\n' || s[-1] == '\t' || s[-1] == '\r')) s--; *s = 0; fprint(fd, "%s\n", q); } if(q == nil){ fprint(fd, "!!! unexpected eof\n"); sysfatal("unexpected eof"); } } close(fd); } }