/* tc.c: find character not in table to delimit fields */ # include "t.h" void choochar(void) { /* choose funny characters to delimit fields */ int had[128], ilin, icol, k; char *s; for (icol = 0; icol < 128; icol++) had[icol] = 0; F1 = F2 = 0; for (ilin = 0; ilin < nlin; ilin++) { if (instead[ilin]) continue; if (fullbot[ilin]) continue; for (icol = 0; icol < ncol; icol++) { k = ctype(ilin, icol); if (k == 0 || k == '-' || k == '=') continue; s = table[ilin][icol].col; if (point(s)) while (*s) had[*s++] = 1; s = table[ilin][icol].rcol; if (point(s)) while (*s) had[*s++] = 1; } } /* choose first funny character */ for ( s = "\002\003\005\006\007!%&#/?,:;<=>@`^~_{}+-*ABCDEFGHIJKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefgjkoqrstwxyz"; *s; s++) { if (had[*s] == 0) { F1 = *s; had[F1] = 1; break; } } /* choose second funny character */ for ( s = "\002\003\005\006\007:_~^`@;,<=>#%&!/?{}+-*ABCDEFGHIJKMNOPQRSTUVWXZabcdefgjkoqrstuwxyz"; *s; s++) { if (had[*s] == 0) { F2 = *s; break; } } if (F1 == 0 || F2 == 0) error("couldn't find characters to use for delimiters"); return; } int point(char *s) { int ss = (int)s; return(ss >= 128 || ss < 0); }