#include "stdinc.h" #include <auth.h> #include <fcall.h> #include <thread.h> #include "vac.h" typedef struct Fid Fid; typedef struct DirBuf DirBuf; enum { OPERM = 0x3, /* mask of all permission types in open mode */ }; enum { DirBufSize = 20, }; struct Fid { short busy; short open; int fid; char *user; Qid qid; VacFile *file; DirBuf *db; Fid *next; }; struct DirBuf { VacDirEnum *vde; VacDir buf[DirBufSize]; int i, n; int eof; }; enum { Pexec = 1, Pwrite = 2, Pread = 4, Pother = 1, Pgroup = 8, Powner = 64, }; Fid *fids; uchar *data; int mfd[2]; char *user; uchar mdata[8192+IOHDRSZ]; int messagesize = sizeof mdata; Fcall rhdr; Fcall thdr; VacFs *fs; VtConn *conn; // VtSession *session; int noperm; int dotu; Fid * newfid(int); void error(char*); void io(void); void vacshutdown(void); void usage(void); int perm(Fid*, int); int permf(VacFile*, char*, int); ulong getl(void *p); void init(char*, char*, long, int); DirBuf *dirBufAlloc(VacFile*); VacDir *dirBufGet(DirBuf*); int dirBufUnget(DirBuf*); void dirBufFree(DirBuf*); int vacdirread(Fid *f, char *p, long off, long cnt); int vdStat(VacFile *parent, VacDir *vd, uchar *p, int np); void srv(void* a); char *rflush(Fid*), *rversion(Fid*), *rauth(Fid*), *rattach(Fid*), *rwalk(Fid*), *ropen(Fid*), *rcreate(Fid*), *rread(Fid*), *rwrite(Fid*), *rclunk(Fid*), *rremove(Fid*), *rstat(Fid*), *rwstat(Fid*); char *(*fcalls[Tmax])(Fid*); void initfcalls(void) { fcalls[Tflush]= rflush; fcalls[Tversion]= rversion; fcalls[Tattach]= rattach; fcalls[Tauth]= rauth; fcalls[Twalk]= rwalk; fcalls[Topen]= ropen; fcalls[Tcreate]= rcreate; fcalls[Tread]= rread; fcalls[Twrite]= rwrite; fcalls[Tclunk]= rclunk; fcalls[Tremove]= rremove; fcalls[Tstat]= rstat; fcalls[Twstat]= rwstat; } char Eperm[] = "permission denied"; char Enotdir[] = "not a directory"; char Enotexist[] = "file does not exist"; char Einuse[] = "file in use"; char Eexist[] = "file exists"; char Enotowner[] = "not owner"; char Eisopen[] = "file already open for I/O"; char Excl[] = "exclusive use file already open"; char Ename[] = "illegal name"; char Erdonly[] = "read only file system"; char Eio[] = "i/o error"; char Eempty[] = "directory is not empty"; char Emode[] = "illegal mode"; int dflag; void notifyf(void *a, char *s) { USED(a); if(strncmp(s, "interrupt", 9) == 0) noted(NCONT); noted(NDFLT); } void threadmain(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *defsrv, *q; int p[2], l; int stdio = 0; char *host = nil; long ncache = 1000; int readOnly = 1; fmtinstall('H', encodefmt); fmtinstall('V', vtscorefmt); fmtinstall('F', vtfcallfmt); defsrv = nil; ARGBEGIN{ case 'd': fmtinstall('F', fcallfmt); dflag = 1; break; case 'c': ncache = atoi(EARGF(usage())); break; case 'i': stdio = 1; mfd[0] = 0; mfd[1] = 1; break; case 'h': host = EARGF(usage()); break; case 's': defsrv = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'p': noperm = 1; break; case 'V': chattyventi = 1; break; default: usage(); }ARGEND if(argc != 1) usage(); initfcalls(); init(argv[0], host, ncache, readOnly); if(pipe(p) < 0) sysfatal("pipe failed: %r"); mfd[0] = p[0]; mfd[1] = p[0]; proccreate(srv, 0, 32 * 1024); if(defsrv == nil){ q = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if(q) q++; else q = argv[0]; defsrv = vtmalloc(6+strlen(q)+1); strcpy(defsrv, "vacfs."); strcat(defsrv, q); l = strlen(defsrv); if(strcmp(defsrv+l-4, ".vac") == 0) defsrv[l-4] = 0; } if(post9pservice(p[1], defsrv) != 0) sysfatal("post9pservice"); threadexits(0); } void srv(void *a) { io(); vacshutdown(); } void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: %s [-sd] [-h host] [-c ncache] [-m mountpoint] vacfile\n", argv0); threadexitsall("usage"); } char* rversion(Fid *unused) { Fid *f; USED(unused); for(f = fids; f; f = f->next) if(f->busy) rclunk(f); if(rhdr.msize < 256) return vtstrdup("version: message size too small"); messagesize = rhdr.msize; if(messagesize > sizeof mdata) messagesize = sizeof mdata; thdr.msize = messagesize; if(strncmp(rhdr.version, "9P2000", 6) != 0) return vtstrdup("unrecognized 9P version"); thdr.version = "9P2000"; if(strncmp(rhdr.version, "9P2000.u", 8) == 0){ dotu = 1; thdr.version = "9P2000.u"; } return nil; } char* rflush(Fid *f) { USED(f); return 0; } char* rauth(Fid *f) { USED(f); return vtstrdup("vacfs: authentication not required"); } char* rattach(Fid *f) { /* no authentication for the momment */ VacFile *file; char err[80]; file = vacfsgetroot(fs); if(file == nil) { rerrstr(err, sizeof err); return vtstrdup(err); } f->busy = 1; f->file = file; f->qid.path = vacfilegetid(f->file); f->qid.vers = 0; f->qid.type = QTDIR; thdr.qid = f->qid; if(rhdr.uname[0]) f->user = vtstrdup(rhdr.uname); else f->user = "none"; return 0; } VacFile* _vfWalk(VacFile *file, char *name) { VacFile *n; n = vacfilewalk(file, name); if(n) return n; if(strcmp(name, "SLASH") == 0) return vacfilewalk(file, "/"); return nil; } char* rwalk(Fid *f) { VacFile *file, *nfile; Fid *nf; int nqid, nwname; Qid qid; char *err = nil; if(f->busy == 0) return Enotexist; nf = nil; if(rhdr.fid != rhdr.newfid){ if(f->open) return vtstrdup(Eisopen); if(f->busy == 0) return vtstrdup(Enotexist); nf = newfid(rhdr.newfid); if(nf->busy) return vtstrdup(Eisopen); nf->busy = 1; nf->open = 0; nf->qid = f->qid; nf->file = vacfileincref(f->file); nf->user = vtstrdup(f->user); f = nf; } nwname = rhdr.nwname; /* easy case */ if(nwname == 0) { thdr.nwqid = 0; return 0; } file = f->file; vacfileincref(file); qid = f->qid; for(nqid = 0; nqid < nwname; nqid++){ if((qid.type & QTDIR) == 0){ err = Enotdir; break; } if(!permf(file, f->user, Pexec)) { err = Eperm; break; } nfile = _vfWalk(file, rhdr.wname[nqid]); if(nfile == nil) break; vacfiledecref(file); file = nfile; qid.type = QTFILE; if(vacfileisdir(file)) qid.type = QTDIR; if(vacfilegetmode(file)&ModeLink) qid.type = QTSYMLINK; qid.vers = vacfilegetmcount(file); qid.path = vacfilegetid(file); thdr.wqid[nqid] = qid; } thdr.nwqid = nqid; if(nqid == nwname){ /* success */ f->qid = thdr.wqid[nqid-1]; vacfiledecref(f->file); f->file = file; return 0; } vacfiledecref(file); if(nf != nil) rclunk(nf); /* only error on the first element */ if(nqid == 0) return vtstrdup(err); return 0; } char * ropen(Fid *f) { int mode, trunc; if(f->open) return vtstrdup(Eisopen); if(!f->busy) return vtstrdup(Enotexist); mode = rhdr.mode; thdr.iounit = messagesize - IOHDRSZ; if(f->qid.type & QTDIR){ if(mode != OREAD) return vtstrdup(Eperm); if(!perm(f, Pread)) return vtstrdup(Eperm); thdr.qid = f->qid; f->db = nil; f->open = 1; return 0; } if(mode & ORCLOSE) return vtstrdup(Erdonly); trunc = mode & OTRUNC; mode &= OPERM; if(mode==OWRITE || mode==ORDWR || trunc) if(!perm(f, Pwrite)) return vtstrdup(Eperm); if(mode==OREAD || mode==ORDWR) if(!perm(f, Pread)) return vtstrdup(Eperm); if(mode==OEXEC) if(!perm(f, Pexec)) return vtstrdup(Eperm); thdr.qid = f->qid; thdr.iounit = messagesize - IOHDRSZ; f->open = 1; return 0; } char* rcreate(Fid* fid) { VacFile *vf; ulong mode; if(fid->open) return vtstrdup(Eisopen); if(!fid->busy) return vtstrdup(Enotexist); if(fs->mode & ModeSnapshot) return vtstrdup(Erdonly); vf = fid->file; if(!vacfileisdir(vf)) return vtstrdup(Enotdir); if(!permf(vf, fid->user, Pwrite)) return vtstrdup(Eperm); mode = rhdr.perm & 0777; if(rhdr.perm & DMDIR){ if((rhdr.mode & OTRUNC) || (rhdr.perm & DMAPPEND)) return vtstrdup(Emode); switch(rhdr.mode & OPERM){ default: return vtstrdup(Emode); case OEXEC: case OREAD: break; case OWRITE: case ORDWR: return vtstrdup(Eperm); } mode |= ModeDir; } vf = vacfilecreate(vf, rhdr.name, mode, "none"); if(vf == nil) { char err[80]; rerrstr(err, sizeof err); return vtstrdup(err); } vacfiledecref(fid->file); fid->file = vf; fid->qid.type = QTFILE; if(vacfileisdir(vf)) fid->qid.type = QTDIR; fid->qid.vers = vacfilegetmcount(vf); fid->qid.path = vacfilegetid(vf); thdr.qid = fid->qid; thdr.iounit = messagesize - IOHDRSZ; return 0; } char* rread(Fid *f) { char *buf; vlong off; int cnt; VacFile *vf; char err[80]; int n; if(!f->busy) return vtstrdup(Enotexist); vf = f->file; thdr.count = 0; off = rhdr.offset; buf = thdr.data; cnt = rhdr.count; if(f->qid.type & QTDIR) n = vacdirread(f, buf, off, cnt); else if(vacfilegetmode(f->file)&ModeDevice) return vtstrdup("device"); else if(vacfilegetmode(f->file)&ModeLink) return vtstrdup("symbolic link"); else if(vacfilegetmode(f->file)&ModeNamedPipe) return vtstrdup("named pipe"); else n = vacfileread(vf, buf, cnt, off); if(n < 0) { rerrstr(err, sizeof err); return vtstrdup(err); } thdr.count = n; return 0; } char* rwrite(Fid *f) { char *buf; vlong off; int cnt; VacFile *vf; if(!f->busy) return vtstrdup(Enotexist); vf = f->file; thdr.count = 0; off = rhdr.offset; buf = rhdr.data; cnt = rhdr.count; if(f->qid.type & QTDIR) return "file is a directory"; thdr.count = vacfilewrite(vf, buf, cnt, off, "none"); if(thdr.count < 0) { char err[80]; rerrstr(err, sizeof err); fprint(2, "write failed: %s\n", err); return vtstrdup(err); } return 0; } char * rclunk(Fid *f) { f->busy = 0; f->open = 0; vtfree(f->user); f->user = nil; vacfiledecref(f->file); f->file = nil; dirBufFree(f->db); f->db = nil; return 0; } char * rremove(Fid *f) { VacFile *vf, *vfp; char errbuf[80]; char *err = nil; if(!f->busy) return vtstrdup(Enotexist); vf = f->file; vfp = vacfilegetparent(vf); if(!permf(vfp, f->user, Pwrite)) { err = Eperm; goto Exit; } if(!vacfileremove(vf, "none")) { rerrstr(errbuf, sizeof errbuf); print("vfRemove failed: %s\n", errbuf); err = errbuf; } Exit: vacfiledecref(vfp); rclunk(f); return vtstrdup(err); } char * rstat(Fid *f) { VacDir dir; static uchar statbuf[1024]; VacFile *parent; if(!f->busy) return vtstrdup(Enotexist); parent = vacfilegetparent(f->file); vacfilegetdir(f->file, &dir); thdr.stat = statbuf; thdr.nstat = vdStat(parent, &dir, thdr.stat, sizeof statbuf); vdcleanup(&dir); vacfiledecref(parent); return 0; } char * rwstat(Fid *f) { if(!f->busy) return vtstrdup(Enotexist); return vtstrdup(Erdonly); } int vdStat(VacFile *parent, VacDir *vd, uchar *p, int np) { char *ext; int n, ret; uvlong size; Dir dir; VacFile *vf; memset(&dir, 0, sizeof(dir)); ext = nil; /* * Where do path and version come from */ dir.qid.path = vd->qid; dir.qid.vers = vd->mcount; dir.mode = vd->mode & 0777; if(vd->mode & ModeAppend){ dir.qid.type |= QTAPPEND; dir.mode |= DMAPPEND; } if(vd->mode & ModeExclusive){ dir.qid.type |= QTEXCL; dir.mode |= DMEXCL; } if(vd->mode & ModeDir){ dir.qid.type |= QTDIR; dir.mode |= DMDIR; } if(vd->mode & (ModeLink|ModeDevice|ModeNamedPipe)){ vf = vacfilewalk(parent, vd->elem); if(vf == nil) return 0; vacfilegetsize(vf, &size); ext = malloc(size+1); if(ext == nil) return 0; n = vacfileread(vf, ext, size, 0); ext[size] = 0; vacfiledecref(vf); if(vd->mode & ModeLink){ dir.qid.type |= QTSYMLINK; dir.mode |= DMSYMLINK; } if(vd->mode & ModeDevice) dir.mode |= DMDEVICE; if(vd->mode & ModeNamedPipe) dir.mode |= DMNAMEDPIPE; } dir.atime = vd->atime; dir.mtime = vd->mtime; dir.length = vd->size; dir.name = vd->elem; dir.uid = vd->uid; dir.gid = vd->gid; dir.muid = vd->mid; dir.ext = ext; ret = convD2Mu(&dir, p, np, dotu); free(ext); return ret; } DirBuf* dirBufAlloc(VacFile *vf) { DirBuf *db; db = vtmallocz(sizeof(DirBuf)); db->vde = vdeopen(vf); return db; } VacDir * dirBufGet(DirBuf *db) { VacDir *vd; int n; if(db->eof) return nil; if(db->i >= db->n) { n = vderead(db->vde, db->buf); if(n < 0) return nil; db->i = 0; db->n = n; if(n == 0) { db->eof = 1; return nil; } } vd = db->buf + db->i; db->i++; return vd; } int dirBufUnget(DirBuf *db) { assert(db->i > 0); db->i--; return 1; } void dirBufFree(DirBuf *db) { int i; if(db == nil) return; for(i=db->i; i<db->n; i++) vdcleanup(db->buf + i); vdeclose(db->vde); vtfree(db); } int vacdirread(Fid *f, char *p, long off, long cnt) { int n, nb; VacDir *vd; /* * special case of rewinding a directory * otherwise ignore the offset */ if(off == 0 && f->db) { dirBufFree(f->db); f->db = nil; } if(f->db == nil) f->db = dirBufAlloc(f->file); for(nb = 0; nb < cnt; nb += n) { vd = dirBufGet(f->db); if(vd == nil) { if(!f->db->eof) return -1; break; } n = vdStat(f->file, vd, (uchar*)p, cnt-nb); if(n <= BIT16SZ) { dirBufUnget(f->db); break; } vdcleanup(vd); p += n; } return nb; } Fid * newfid(int fid) { Fid *f, *ff; ff = 0; for(f = fids; f; f = f->next) if(f->fid == fid) return f; else if(!ff && !f->busy) ff = f; if(ff){ ff->fid = fid; return ff; } f = vtmallocz(sizeof *f); f->fid = fid; f->next = fids; fids = f; return f; } void io(void) { char *err; int n; for(;;){ /* * reading from a pipe or a network device * will give an error after a few eof reads * however, we cannot tell the difference * between a zero-length read and an interrupt * on the processes writing to us, * so we wait for the error */ n = read9pmsg(mfd[0], mdata, sizeof mdata); if(n == 0) continue; if(n < 0) break; if(convM2Su(mdata, n, &rhdr, dotu) != n) sysfatal("convM2S conversion error"); if(dflag) fprint(2, "vacfs:<-%F\n", &rhdr); thdr.data = (char*)mdata + IOHDRSZ; if(!fcalls[rhdr.type]) err = "bad fcall type"; else err = (*fcalls[rhdr.type])(newfid(rhdr.fid)); if(err){ thdr.type = Rerror; thdr.ename = err; thdr.errornum = 0; }else{ thdr.type = rhdr.type + 1; thdr.fid = rhdr.fid; } thdr.tag = rhdr.tag; if(dflag) fprint(2, "vacfs:->%F\n", &thdr); n = convS2Mu(&thdr, mdata, messagesize, dotu); if (err) vtfree(err); if(write(mfd[1], mdata, n) != n) sysfatal("mount write: %r"); } } int permf(VacFile *vf, char *user, int p) { VacDir dir; ulong perm; if(vacfilegetdir(vf, &dir)) return 0; perm = dir.mode & 0777; if(noperm) goto Good; if((p*Pother) & perm) goto Good; if(strcmp(user, dir.gid)==0 && ((p*Pgroup) & perm)) goto Good; if(strcmp(user, dir.uid)==0 && ((p*Powner) & perm)) goto Good; vdcleanup(&dir); return 0; Good: vdcleanup(&dir); return 1; } int perm(Fid *f, int p) { return permf(f->file, f->user, p); } void init(char *file, char *host, long ncache, int readOnly) { notify(notifyf); user = getuser(); conn = vtdial(host); if(conn == nil) sysfatal("could not connect to server: %r"); if(vtconnect(conn) < 0) sysfatal("vtconnect: %r"); fs = vacfsopen(conn, file, /*readOnly ? ModeSnapshot :*/ VtOREAD, ncache); if(fs == nil) sysfatal("vfsOpen: %r"); } void vacshutdown(void) { Fid *f; for(f = fids; f; f = f->next) { if(!f->busy) continue; fprint(2, "open fid: %d\n", f->fid); rclunk(f); } vacfsclose(fs); vthangup(conn); }