#include "stdinc.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "xml.h" typedef struct HttpObj HttpObj; extern QLock memdrawlock; enum { ObjNameSize = 64, MaxObjs = 16 }; struct HttpObj { char name[ObjNameSize]; int (*f)(HConnect*); }; static HttpObj objs[MaxObjs]; static char *webroot; static void listenproc(void*); static int estats(HConnect *c); static int dindex(HConnect *c); static int xindex(HConnect *c); static int xlog(HConnect *c); static int sindex(HConnect *c); static int hicacheflush(HConnect *c); static int hdcacheflush(HConnect *c); static int notfound(HConnect *c); static int httpdobj(char *name, int (*f)(HConnect*)); static int xgraph(HConnect *c); static int xset(HConnect *c); static int fromwebdir(HConnect *c); int httpdinit(char *address, char *dir) { fmtinstall('D', hdatefmt); /* fmtinstall('H', httpfmt); */ fmtinstall('U', hurlfmt); if(address == nil) address = "tcp!*!http"; webroot = dir; httpdobj("/stats", estats); httpdobj("/index", dindex); httpdobj("/storage", sindex); httpdobj("/xindex", xindex); httpdobj("/flushicache", hicacheflush); httpdobj("/flushdcache", hdcacheflush); httpdobj("/graph/", xgraph); httpdobj("/set/", xset); httpdobj("/log", xlog); httpdobj("/log/", xlog); if(vtproc(listenproc, address) < 0) return -1; return 0; } static int httpdobj(char *name, int (*f)(HConnect*)) { int i; if(name == nil || strlen(name) >= ObjNameSize) return -1; for(i = 0; i < MaxObjs; i++){ if(objs[i].name[0] == '\0'){ strcpy(objs[i].name, name); objs[i].f = f; return 0; } if(strcmp(objs[i].name, name) == 0) return -1; } return -1; } static HConnect* mkconnect(void) { HConnect *c; c = mallocz(sizeof(HConnect), 1); if(c == nil) sysfatal("out of memory"); c->replog = nil; c->hpos = c->header; c->hstop = c->header; return c; } void httpproc(void*); static void listenproc(void *vaddress) { HConnect *c; char *address, ndir[NETPATHLEN], dir[NETPATHLEN]; int ctl, nctl, data; //sleep(1000); /* let strace find us */ address = vaddress; ctl = announce(address, dir); if(ctl < 0){ fprint(2, "venti: httpd can't announce on %s: %r\n", address); return; } if(0) print("announce ctl %d dir %s\n", ctl, dir); for(;;){ /* * wait for a call (or an error) */ nctl = listen(dir, ndir); if(0) print("httpd listen %d %s...\n", nctl, ndir); if(nctl < 0){ fprint(2, "venti: httpd can't listen on %s: %r\n", address); return; } data = accept(ctl, ndir); if(0) print("httpd accept %d...\n", data); if(data < 0){ fprint(2, "venti: httpd accept: %r\n"); close(nctl); continue; } if(0) print("httpd close nctl %d\n", nctl); close(nctl); c = mkconnect(); hinit(&c->hin, data, Hread); hinit(&c->hout, data, Hwrite); vtproc(httpproc, c); } } void httpproc(void *v) { HConnect *c; int ok, i, n; //sleep(1000); /* let strace find us */ c = v; for(;;){ /* * No timeout because the signal appears to hit every * proc, not just us. */ if(hparsereq(c, 0) < 0) break; ok = -1; for(i = 0; i < MaxObjs && objs[i].name[0]; i++){ n = strlen(objs[i].name); if((objs[i].name[n-1] == '/' && strncmp(c->req.uri, objs[i].name, n) == 0) || (objs[i].name[n-1] != '/' && strcmp(c->req.uri, objs[i].name) == 0)){ ok = (*objs[i].f)(c); goto found; } } ok = fromwebdir(c); found: if(c->head.closeit) ok = -1; hreqcleanup(c); if(ok < 0) break; } hreqcleanup(c); close(c->hin.fd); free(c); } static int percent(long v, long total) { if(total == 0) total = 1; if(v < 1000*1000) return (v * 100) / total; total /= 100; if(total == 0) total = 1; return v / total; } static int preq(HConnect *c) { if(hparseheaders(c, 0) < 0) return -1; if(strcmp(c->req.meth, "GET") != 0 && strcmp(c->req.meth, "HEAD") != 0) return hunallowed(c, "GET, HEAD"); if(c->head.expectother || c->head.expectcont) return hfail(c, HExpectFail, nil); return 0; } static int preqtype(HConnect *c, char *type) { Hio *hout; int r; r = preq(c); if(r < 0) return r; hout = &c->hout; if(c->req.vermaj){ hokheaders(c); hprint(hout, "Content-type: %s\r\n", type); if(http11(c)) hprint(hout, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n"); hprint(hout, "\r\n"); } if(http11(c)) hxferenc(hout, 1); else c->head.closeit = 1; return 0; } static int preqtext(HConnect *c) { return preqtype(c, "text/plain"); } static int notfound(HConnect *c) { int r; r = preq(c); if(r < 0) return r; return hfail(c, HNotFound, c->req.uri); } struct { char *ext; char *type; } exttab[] = { ".html", "text/html", ".txt", "text/plain", ".xml", "text/xml", ".png", "image/png", ".gif", "image/gif", 0 }; static int fromwebdir(HConnect *c) { char buf[4096], *p, *ext, *type; int i, fd, n, defaulted; Dir *d; if(webroot == nil || strstr(c->req.uri, "..")) return notfound(c); snprint(buf, sizeof buf-20, "%s/%s", webroot, c->req.uri+1); defaulted = 0; reopen: if((fd = open(buf, OREAD)) < 0) return notfound(c); d = dirfstat(fd); if(d == nil){ close(fd); return notfound(c); } if(d->mode&DMDIR){ if(!defaulted){ defaulted = 1; strcat(buf, "/index.html"); free(d); close(fd); goto reopen; } free(d); return notfound(c); } free(d); p = buf+strlen(buf); type = "application/octet-stream"; for(i=0; exttab[i].ext; i++){ ext = exttab[i].ext; if(p-strlen(ext) >= buf && strcmp(p-strlen(ext), ext) == 0){ type = exttab[i].type; break; } } if(preqtype(c, type) < 0){ close(fd); return 0; } while((n = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0) if(hwrite(&c->hout, buf, n) < 0) break; close(fd); hflush(&c->hout); return 0; } static struct { char *name; int *p; } namedints[] = { "compress", &compressblocks, "devnull", &writestodevnull, "logging", &ventilogging, "stats", &collectstats, "icachesleeptime", &icachesleeptime, "arenasumsleeptime", &arenasumsleeptime, 0 }; static int xset(HConnect *c) { int i, nf, r; char *f[10], *s; s = estrdup(c->req.uri); nf = getfields(s+strlen("/set/"), f, nelem(f), 1, "/"); if(nf < 1) return notfound(c); for(i=0; namedints[i].name; i++){ if(strcmp(f[0], namedints[i].name) == 0){ if(nf >= 2) *namedints[i].p = atoi(f[1]); r = preqtext(c); if(r < 0) return r; hprint(&c->hout, "%s = %d\n", f[0], *namedints[i].p); hflush(&c->hout); return 0; } } return notfound(c); } static int estats(HConnect *c) { Hio *hout; int r; r = preqtext(c); if(r < 0) return r; hout = &c->hout; /* hprint(hout, "lump writes=%,ld\n", stats.lumpwrites); hprint(hout, "lump reads=%,ld\n", stats.lumpreads); hprint(hout, "lump cache read hits=%,ld\n", stats.lumphit); hprint(hout, "lump cache read misses=%,ld\n", stats.lumpmiss); hprint(hout, "clump disk writes=%,ld\n", stats.clumpwrites); hprint(hout, "clump disk bytes written=%,lld\n", stats.clumpbwrites); hprint(hout, "clump disk bytes compressed=%,lld\n", stats.clumpbcomp); hprint(hout, "clump disk reads=%,ld\n", stats.clumpreads); hprint(hout, "clump disk bytes read=%,lld\n", stats.clumpbreads); hprint(hout, "clump disk bytes uncompressed=%,lld\n", stats.clumpbuncomp); hprint(hout, "clump directory disk writes=%,ld\n", stats.ciwrites); hprint(hout, "clump directory disk reads=%,ld\n", stats.cireads); hprint(hout, "index disk writes=%,ld\n", stats.indexwrites); hprint(hout, "index disk reads=%,ld\n", stats.indexreads); hprint(hout, "index disk bloom filter hits=%,ld %d%% falsemisses=%,ld %d%%\n", stats.indexbloomhits, percent(stats.indexbloomhits, stats.indexreads), stats.indexbloomfalsemisses, percent(stats.indexbloomfalsemisses, stats.indexreads)); hprint(hout, "bloom filter bits=%,ld of %,ld %d%%\n", stats.bloomones, stats.bloombits, percent(stats.bloomones, stats.bloombits)); hprint(hout, "index disk reads for modify=%,ld\n", stats.indexwreads); hprint(hout, "index disk reads for allocation=%,ld\n", stats.indexareads); hprint(hout, "index block splits=%,ld\n", stats.indexsplits); hprint(hout, "index cache lookups=%,ld\n", stats.iclookups); hprint(hout, "index cache hits=%,ld %d%%\n", stats.ichits, percent(stats.ichits, stats.iclookups)); hprint(hout, "index cache fills=%,ld %d%%\n", stats.icfills, percent(stats.icfills, stats.iclookups)); hprint(hout, "index cache inserts=%,ld\n", stats.icinserts); hprint(hout, "disk cache hits=%,ld\n", stats.pchit); hprint(hout, "disk cache misses=%,ld\n", stats.pcmiss); hprint(hout, "disk cache reads=%,ld\n", stats.pcreads); hprint(hout, "disk cache bytes read=%,lld\n", stats.pcbreads); hprint(hout, "disk cache writes=%,ld\n", stats.dirtydblocks); hprint(hout, "disk cache writes absorbed=%,ld %d%%\n", stats.absorbedwrites, percent(stats.absorbedwrites, stats.dirtydblocks)); hprint(hout, "disk cache flushes=%,ld\n", stats.dcacheflushes); hprint(hout, "disk cache flush writes=%,ld (%,ld per flush)\n", stats.dcacheflushwrites, stats.dcacheflushwrites/(stats.dcacheflushes ? stats.dcacheflushes : 1)); hprint(hout, "disk writes=%,ld\n", stats.diskwrites); hprint(hout, "disk bytes written=%,lld\n", stats.diskbwrites); hprint(hout, "disk reads=%,ld\n", stats.diskreads); hprint(hout, "disk bytes read=%,lld\n", stats.diskbreads); */ hflush(hout); return 0; } static int sindex(HConnect *c) { Hio *hout; Index *ix; Arena *arena; vlong clumps, cclumps, uncsize, used, size; int i, r, active; r = preqtext(c); if(r < 0) return r; hout = &c->hout; ix = mainindex; hprint(hout, "index=%s\n", ix->name); active = 0; clumps = 0; cclumps = 0; uncsize = 0; used = 0; size = 0; for(i = 0; i < ix->narenas; i++){ arena = ix->arenas[i]; if(arena != nil && arena->memstats.clumps != 0){ active++; clumps += arena->memstats.clumps; cclumps += arena->memstats.cclumps; uncsize += arena->memstats.uncsize; used += arena->memstats.used; } size += arena->size; } hprint(hout, "total arenas=%,d active=%,d\n", ix->narenas, active); hprint(hout, "total space=%,lld used=%,lld\n", size, used + clumps * ClumpInfoSize); hprint(hout, "clumps=%,lld compressed clumps=%,lld data=%,lld compressed data=%,lld\n", clumps, cclumps, uncsize, used - clumps * ClumpSize); hflush(hout); return 0; } static void darena(Hio *hout, Arena *arena) { hprint(hout, "arena='%s' on %s at [%lld,%lld)\n\tversion=%d created=%d modified=%d", arena->name, arena->part->name, arena->base, arena->base + arena->size + 2 * arena->blocksize, arena->version, arena->ctime, arena->wtime); if(arena->memstats.sealed) hprint(hout, " mem=sealed"); if(arena->diskstats.sealed) hprint(hout, " disk=sealed"); hprint(hout, "\n"); if(scorecmp(zeroscore, arena->score) != 0) hprint(hout, "\tscore=%V\n", arena->score); hprint(hout, "\tmem: clumps=%d compressed clumps=%d data=%,lld compressed data=%,lld storage=%,lld\n", arena->memstats.clumps, arena->memstats.cclumps, arena->memstats.uncsize, arena->memstats.used - arena->memstats.clumps * ClumpSize, arena->memstats.used + arena->memstats.clumps * ClumpInfoSize); hprint(hout, "\tdisk: clumps=%d compressed clumps=%d data=%,lld compressed data=%,lld storage=%,lld\n", arena->diskstats.clumps, arena->diskstats.cclumps, arena->diskstats.uncsize, arena->diskstats.used - arena->diskstats.clumps * ClumpSize, arena->diskstats.used + arena->diskstats.clumps * ClumpInfoSize); } static int hicacheflush(HConnect *c) { Hio *hout; int r; r = preqtext(c); if(r < 0) return r; hout = &c->hout; flushicache(); hprint(hout, "flushed icache\n"); hflush(hout); return 0; } static int hdcacheflush(HConnect *c) { Hio *hout; int r; r = preqtext(c); if(r < 0) return r; hout = &c->hout; flushdcache(); hprint(hout, "flushed dcache\n"); hflush(hout); return 0; } static int dindex(HConnect *c) { Hio *hout; Index *ix; int i, r; r = preqtext(c); if(r < 0) return r; hout = &c->hout; ix = mainindex; hprint(hout, "index=%s version=%d blocksize=%d tabsize=%d\n", ix->name, ix->version, ix->blocksize, ix->tabsize); hprint(hout, "\tbuckets=%d div=%d\n", ix->buckets, ix->div); for(i = 0; i < ix->nsects; i++) hprint(hout, "\tsect=%s for buckets [%lld,%lld) buckmax=%d\n", ix->smap[i].name, ix->smap[i].start, ix->smap[i].stop, ix->sects[i]->buckmax); for(i = 0; i < ix->narenas; i++){ if(ix->arenas[i] != nil && ix->arenas[i]->memstats.clumps != 0){ hprint(hout, "arena=%s at index [%lld,%lld)\n\t", ix->amap[i].name, ix->amap[i].start, ix->amap[i].stop); darena(hout, ix->arenas[i]); } } hflush(hout); return 0; } typedef struct Arg Arg; struct Arg { int index; int index2; }; static long rawgraph(Stats *s, Stats *t, void *va) { Arg *a; a = va; return t->n[a->index]; } static long diffgraph(Stats *s, Stats *t, void *va) { Arg *a; a = va; return t->n[a->index] - s->n[a->index]; } static long pctgraph(Stats *s, Stats *t, void *va) { Arg *a; a = va; return percent(t->n[a->index], t->n[a->index2]); } static long pctdiffgraph(Stats *s, Stats *t, void *va) { Arg *a; a = va; return percent(t->n[a->index]-s->n[a->index], t->n[a->index2]-s->n[a->index2]); } static long netbw(Stats *s) { ulong *n; n = s->n; return n[StatRpcReadBytes]+n[StatRpcWriteBytes]; /* not exactly right */ } static long diskbw(Stats *s) { ulong *n; n = s->n; return n[StatApartReadBytes]+n[StatApartWriteBytes] + n[StatIsectReadBytes]+n[StatIsectWriteBytes] + n[StatSumReadBytes]; } static long iobw(Stats *s) { return netbw(s)+diskbw(s); } static long diskgraph(Stats *s, Stats *t, void *va) { USED(va); return diskbw(t)-diskbw(s); } static long netgraph(Stats *s, Stats *t, void *va) { USED(va); return netbw(t)-netbw(s); } static long iograph(Stats *s, Stats *t, void *va) { USED(va); return iobw(t)-iobw(s); } static char* graphname[] = { "rpctotal", "rpcread", "rpcreadok", "rpcreadfail", "rpcreadbyte", "rpcreadtime", "rpcreadcached", "rpcreadcachedtime", "rpcreaduncached", "rpcreaduncachedtime", "rpcwrite", "rpcwritenew", "rpcwriteold", "rpcwritefail", "rpcwritebyte", "rpcwritetime", "rpcwritenewtime", "rpcwriteoldtime", "lcachehit", "lcachemiss", "lcachelookup", "lcachewrite", "lcachesize", "lcachestall", "lcachelookuptime", "dcachehit", "dcachemiss", "dcachelookup", "dcacheread", "dcachewrite", "dcachedirty", "dcachesize", "dcacheflush", "dcachestall", "dcachelookuptime", "dblockstall", "lumpstall", "icachehit", "icachemiss", "icachelookup", "icachewrite", "icachefill", "icacheprefetch", "icachedirty", "icachesize", "icacheflush", "icachestall", "icachelookuptime", "bloomhit", "bloommiss", "bloomfalsemiss", "bloomlookup", "bloomones", "bloombits", "bloomlookuptime", "apartread", "apartreadbyte", "apartwrite", "apartwritebyte", "isectread", "isectreadbyte", "isectwrite", "isectwritebyte", "sumread", "sumreadbyte", }; static int findname(char *s) { int i; for(i=0; i<nelem(graphname); i++) if(strcmp(graphname[i], s) == 0) return i; fprint(2, "no name '%s'\n", s); return -1; } static void dotextbin(Hio *io, Graph *g) { int i, nbin; Statbin *b, bin[2000]; /* 32 kB, but whack is worse */ needstack(8192); /* double check that bin didn't kill us */ nbin = 100; binstats(g->fn, g->arg, g->t0, g->t1, bin, nbin); hprint(io, "stats\n\n"); for(i=0; i<nbin; i++){ b = &bin[i]; hprint(io, "%d: nsamp=%d min=%d max=%d avg=%d\n", i, b->nsamp, b->min, b->max, b->avg); } } static int xgraph(HConnect *c) { char *f[20], *s; Hio *hout; Memimage *m; int i, nf, dotext; Graph g; Arg arg; s = estrdup(c->req.uri); if(0) fprint(2, "graph %s\n" ,s); memset(&g, 0, sizeof g); nf = getfields(s+strlen("/graph/"), f, nelem(f), 1, "/"); if(nf < 1) goto notfound; if((arg.index = findname(f[0])) == -1 && strcmp(f[0], "*") != 0) goto notfound; g.arg = &arg; g.t0 = -120; g.t1 = 0; g.min = -1; g.max = -1; g.fn = rawgraph; g.wid = -1; g.ht = -1; dotext = 0; g.fill = -1; for(i=1; i<nf; i++){ if(strncmp(f[i], "t0=", 3) == 0) g.t0 = atoi(f[i]+3); else if(strncmp(f[i], "t1=", 3) == 0) g.t1 = atoi(f[i]+3); else if(strncmp(f[i], "min=", 4) == 0) g.min = atoi(f[i]+4); else if(strncmp(f[i], "max=", 4) == 0) g.max = atoi(f[i]+4); else if(strncmp(f[i], "pct=", 4) == 0){ if((arg.index2 = findname(f[i]+4)) == -1) goto notfound; g.fn = pctgraph; g.min = 0; g.max = 100; }else if(strncmp(f[i], "pctdiff=", 8) == 0){ if((arg.index2 = findname(f[i]+8)) == -1) goto notfound; g.fn = pctdiffgraph; g.min = 0; g.max = 100; }else if(strcmp(f[i], "diff") == 0) g.fn = diffgraph; else if(strcmp(f[i], "text") == 0) dotext = 1; else if(strncmp(f[i], "wid=", 4) == 0) g.wid = atoi(f[i]+4); else if(strncmp(f[i], "ht=", 3) == 0) g.ht = atoi(f[i]+3); else if(strncmp(f[i], "fill=", 5) == 0) g.fill = atoi(f[i]+5); else if(strcmp(f[i], "diskbw") == 0) g.fn = diskgraph; else if(strcmp(f[i], "iobw") == 0) g.fn = iograph; else if(strcmp(f[i], "netbw") == 0) g.fn = netgraph; } if(dotext){ preqtype(c, "text/plain"); dotextbin(&c->hout, &g); hflush(&c->hout); return 0; } m = statgraph(&g); if(m == nil) goto notfound; if(preqtype(c, "image/png") < 0) return -1; hout = &c->hout; writepng(hout, m); qlock(&memdrawlock); freememimage(m); qunlock(&memdrawlock); hflush(hout); free(s); return 0; notfound: free(s); return notfound(c); } static int xloglist(HConnect *c) { if(preqtype(c, "text/html") < 0) return -1; vtloghlist(&c->hout); hflush(&c->hout); return 0; } static int xlog(HConnect *c) { char *name; VtLog *l; if(strcmp(c->req.uri, "/log") == 0 || strcmp(c->req.uri, "/log/") == 0) return xloglist(c); if(strncmp(c->req.uri, "/log/", 5) != 0) return notfound(c); name = c->req.uri + strlen("/log/"); l = vtlogopen(name, 0); if(l == nil) return notfound(c); if(preqtype(c, "text/html") < 0){ vtlogclose(l); return -1; } vtloghdump(&c->hout, l); vtlogclose(l); hflush(&c->hout); return 0; } static int xindex(HConnect *c) { if(preqtype(c, "text/xml") < 0) return -1; xmlindex(&c->hout, mainindex, "index", 0); hflush(&c->hout); return 0; } void xmlindent(Hio *hout, int indent) { int i; for(i = 0; i < indent; i++) hputc(hout, '\t'); } void xmlaname(Hio *hout, char *v, char *tag) { hprint(hout, " %s=\"%s\"", tag, v); } void xmlscore(Hio *hout, u8int *v, char *tag) { if(scorecmp(zeroscore, v) == 0) return; hprint(hout, " %s=\"%V\"", tag, v); } void xmlsealed(Hio *hout, int v, char *tag) { if(!v) return; hprint(hout, " %s=\"yes\"", tag); } void xmlu32int(Hio *hout, u32int v, char *tag) { hprint(hout, " %s=\"%ud\"", tag, v); } void xmlu64int(Hio *hout, u64int v, char *tag) { hprint(hout, " %s=\"%llud\"", tag, v); } void vtloghdump(Hio *h, VtLog *l) { int i; VtLogChunk *c; char *name; name = l ? l->name : "<nil>"; fprint(2, "hdump xfer %d\n", h->xferenc); hprint(h, "<html><head>\n"); hprint(h, "<title>Venti Server Log: %s</title>\n", name); hprint(h, "</head><body>\n"); hprint(h, "<b>Venti Server Log: %s</b>\n<p>\n", name); if(l){ c = l->w; for(i=0; i<l->nchunk; i++){ if(++c == l->chunk+l->nchunk) c = l->chunk; hwrite(h, c->p, c->wp-c->p); } } hprint(h, "</body></html>\n"); } static int strpcmp(const void *va, const void *vb) { return strcmp(*(char**)va, *(char**)vb); } void vtloghlist(Hio *h) { char **p; int i, n; hprint(h, "<html><head>\n"); hprint(h, "<title>Venti Server Logs</title>\n"); hprint(h, "</head><body>\n"); hprint(h, "<b>Venti Server Logs</b>\n<p>\n"); p = vtlognames(&n); qsort(p, n, sizeof(p[0]), strpcmp); for(i=0; i<n; i++) hprint(h, "<a href=\"/log/%s\">%s</a><br>\n", p[i], p[i]); vtfree(p); hprint(h, "</body></html>\n"); }