/* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Lucent Technologies; see LICENSE */ #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include "plan9.h" #include "fmt.h" #include "fmtdef.h" /* format the output into f->to and return the number of characters fmted */ /* BUG: THIS FILE IS NOT UPDATED TO THE NEW SPEC */ int dorfmt(Fmt *f, const Rune *fmt) { Rune *rt, *rs; int r; char *t, *s; int nfmt; nfmt = f->nfmt; for(;;){ if(f->runes){ rt = (Rune*)f->to; rs = (Rune*)f->stop; while((r = *fmt++) && r != '%'){ FMTRCHAR(f, rt, rs, r); } f->nfmt += rt - (Rune *)f->to; f->to = rt; if(!r) return f->nfmt - nfmt; f->stop = rs; }else{ t = (char*)f->to; s = (char*)f->stop; while((r = *fmt++) && r != '%'){ FMTRUNE(f, t, f->stop, r); } f->nfmt += t - (char *)f->to; f->to = t; if(!r) return f->nfmt - nfmt; f->stop = s; } fmt = (Rune*)__fmtdispatch(f, (Rune*)fmt, 1); if(fmt == nil) return -1; } return 0; /* not reached */ }