#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <diskfs.h> /* * Disk cache. Caches by offset, so higher levels have * to deal with alignment issues (if we get asked for the * blocks at offsets 0 and 1, we'll do two reads. */ typedef struct DiskCache DiskCache; typedef struct DiskCacheBlock DiskCacheBlock; struct DiskCache { Disk disk; Disk *subdisk; DiskCacheBlock **h; DiskCacheBlock *lruhead; DiskCacheBlock *lrutail; int nhash; int blocksize; Lock lk; }; struct DiskCacheBlock { Block block; Block *subblock; Lock lk; int ref; DiskCache *dc; DiskCacheBlock *next; DiskCacheBlock *lrunext; DiskCacheBlock *lruprev; u64int offset; }; static void addtohash(DiskCache *d, DiskCacheBlock *b, u64int offset) { int h; if(b->offset != ~(u64int)0){ fprint(2, "bad offset in addtohash\n"); return; } b->offset = offset; h = offset % d->nhash; b->next = d->h[h]; d->h[h] = b; } static void delfromhash(DiskCache *d, DiskCacheBlock *b) { int h; DiskCacheBlock **l; if(b->offset == ~(u64int)0) return; h = b->offset % d->nhash; for(l=&d->h[h]; *l; l=&(*l)->next) if(*l == b){ *l = b->next; b->offset = ~(u64int)0; return; } fprint(2, "delfromhash: didn't find in hash table\n"); return; } static void putmru(DiskCache *d, DiskCacheBlock *b) { b->lruprev = nil; b->lrunext = d->lruhead; d->lruhead = b; if(b->lrunext == nil) d->lrutail = b; else b->lrunext->lruprev = b; } static void putlru(DiskCache *d, DiskCacheBlock *b) { b->lruprev = d->lrutail; b->lrunext = nil; d->lrutail = b; if(b->lruprev == nil) d->lruhead = b; else b->lruprev->lrunext = b; } static void delfromlru(DiskCache *d, DiskCacheBlock *b) { if(b->lruprev) b->lruprev->lrunext = b->lrunext; else d->lruhead = b->lrunext; if(b->lrunext) b->lrunext->lruprev = b->lruprev; else d->lrutail = b->lruprev; } static DiskCacheBlock* getlru(DiskCache *d) { DiskCacheBlock *b; b = d->lrutail; if(b){ delfromlru(d, b); delfromhash(d, b); blockput(b->subblock); b->subblock = nil; } return b; } static DiskCacheBlock* findblock(DiskCache *d, u64int offset) { int h; DiskCacheBlock *b; h = offset % d->nhash; for(b=d->h[h]; b; b=b->next) if(b->offset == offset) return b; return nil; } static DiskCacheBlock* diskcachereadbig(DiskCache *d, u64int offset) { Block *b; DiskCacheBlock *dcb; lock(&d->lk); dcb = findblock(d, offset); if(dcb){ //fprint(2, "found %llud in cache %p\n", (uvlong)offset, dcb); if(dcb->ref++ == 0) delfromlru(d, dcb); unlock(&d->lk); return dcb; } dcb = getlru(d); unlock(&d->lk); if(dcb == nil){ fprint(2, "diskcacheread: all blocks in use\n"); return nil; } b = diskread(d->subdisk, d->blocksize, offset); lock(&d->lk); if(b == nil){ putlru(d, dcb); dcb = nil; }else{ //fprint(2, "read %llud from disk %p\n", (uvlong)offset, dcb); dcb->subblock = b; dcb->ref++; addtohash(d, dcb, offset); } unlock(&d->lk); return dcb; } static void diskcacheblockclose(Block *bb) { DiskCacheBlock *b = bb->priv; lock(&b->dc->lk); if(--b->ref == 0) putmru(b->dc, b); unlock(&b->dc->lk); free(bb); } static Block* diskcacheread(Disk *dd, u32int len, u64int offset) { int frag, dlen; DiskCache *d = (DiskCache*)dd; DiskCacheBlock *dcb; Block *b; if(offset/d->blocksize != (offset+len-1)/d->blocksize){ fprint(2, "diskBigRead: request for block crossing big block boundary\n"); return nil; } b = mallocz(sizeof(Block), 1); if(b == nil) return nil; frag = offset%d->blocksize; dcb = diskcachereadbig(d, offset-frag); if(dcb == nil){ free(b); return nil; } b->priv = dcb; b->_close = diskcacheblockclose; b->data = dcb->subblock->data+frag; dlen = dcb->subblock->len; if(frag+len >= dlen){ if(frag >= dlen){ blockput(b); return nil; } len = dlen-frag; } b->len = len; //fprint(2, "offset %llud at pointer %p %lux\n", (uvlong)offset, b->data, *(ulong*)(b->data+4)); return b; } /* * It's okay to remove these from the hash table. * Either the block is in use by someone or it is on * the lru list. If it's in use it will get put on the lru * list once the refs go away. */ static int diskcachesync(Disk *dd) { DiskCache *d = (DiskCache*)dd; DiskCacheBlock *b, *nextb; int i; lock(&d->lk); for(i=0; i<d->nhash; i++){ for(b=d->h[i]; b; b=nextb){ nextb = b->next; b->next = nil; b->offset = ~(u64int)0; } d->h[i] = nil; } unlock(&d->lk); return disksync(d->subdisk); } static void diskcacheclose(Disk *dd) { DiskCacheBlock *b; DiskCache *d = (DiskCache*)dd; diskclose(d->subdisk); for(b=d->lruhead; b; b=b->lrunext) blockput(b->subblock); free(d); } /* needn't be fast */ static int isprime(int n) { int i; for(i=2; i*i<=n; i++) if(n%i == 0) return 0; return 1; } Disk* diskcache(Disk *subdisk, uint blocksize, uint ncache) { int nhash, i; DiskCache *d; DiskCacheBlock *b; nhash = ncache; while(nhash > 1 && !isprime(nhash)) nhash--; d = mallocz(sizeof(DiskCache)+ncache*sizeof(DiskCacheBlock)+nhash*sizeof(DiskCacheBlock*), 1); if(d == nil) return nil; b = (DiskCacheBlock*)&d[1]; d->h = (DiskCacheBlock**)&b[ncache]; d->nhash = nhash; d->blocksize = blocksize; d->subdisk = subdisk; d->disk._read = diskcacheread; d->disk._sync = diskcachesync; d->disk._close = diskcacheclose; for(i=0; i<ncache; i++){ b[i].block._close = diskcacheblockclose; b[i].offset = ~(u64int)0; b[i].dc = d; putlru(d, &b[i]); } return &d->disk; }