/* * /dev/draw simulator -- handles the messages prepared by the draw library. * Includes all the memlayer code even though most programs don't use it. * This whole approach is overkill, but cpu is cheap and it keeps things simple. */ #include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <draw.h> #include <memdraw.h> #include <memlayer.h> extern void _flushmemscreen(Rectangle); #define NHASH (1<<5) #define HASHMASK (NHASH-1) typedef struct Client Client; typedef struct Draw Draw; typedef struct DImage DImage; typedef struct DScreen DScreen; typedef struct CScreen CScreen; typedef struct FChar FChar; typedef struct Refresh Refresh; typedef struct Refx Refx; typedef struct DName DName; struct Draw { QLock lk; int clientid; int nclient; Client* client[1]; int nname; DName* name; int vers; int softscreen; }; struct Client { /*Ref r;*/ DImage* dimage[NHASH]; CScreen* cscreen; Refresh* refresh; Rendez refrend; uchar* readdata; int nreaddata; int busy; int clientid; int slot; int refreshme; int infoid; int op; }; struct Refresh { DImage* dimage; Rectangle r; Refresh* next; }; struct Refx { Client* client; DImage* dimage; }; struct DName { char *name; Client *client; DImage* dimage; int vers; }; struct FChar { int minx; /* left edge of bits */ int maxx; /* right edge of bits */ uchar miny; /* first non-zero scan-line */ uchar maxy; /* last non-zero scan-line + 1 */ schar left; /* offset of baseline */ uchar width; /* width of baseline */ }; /* * Reference counts in DImages: * one per open by original client * one per screen image or fill * one per image derived from this one by name */ struct DImage { int id; int ref; char *name; int vers; Memimage* image; int ascent; int nfchar; FChar* fchar; DScreen* dscreen; /* 0 if not a window */ DImage* fromname; /* image this one is derived from, by name */ DImage* next; }; struct CScreen { DScreen* dscreen; CScreen* next; }; struct DScreen { int id; int public; int ref; DImage *dimage; DImage *dfill; Memscreen* screen; Client* owner; DScreen* next; }; static Draw sdraw; static Client *client0; static Memimage *screenimage; static Rectangle flushrect; static int waste; static DScreen* dscreen; static int drawuninstall(Client*, int); static Memimage* drawinstall(Client*, int, Memimage*, DScreen*); static void drawfreedimage(DImage*); void _initdisplaymemimage(Display *d, Memimage *m) { screenimage = m; m->screenref = 1; client0 = mallocz(sizeof(Client), 1); if(client0 == nil){ fprint(2, "initdraw: allocating client0: out of memory"); abort(); } client0->slot = 0; client0->clientid = ++sdraw.clientid; client0->op = SoverD; sdraw.client[0] = client0; sdraw.nclient = 1; sdraw.softscreen = 1; } void _drawreplacescreenimage(Memimage *m) { /* * Replace the screen image because the screen * was resized. * * In theory there should only be one reference * to the current screen image, and that's through * client0's image 0, installed a few lines above. * Once the client drops the image, the underlying backing * store freed properly. The client is being notified * about the resize through external means, so all we * need to do is this assignment. */ Memimage *om; qlock(&sdraw.lk); om = screenimage; screenimage = m; m->screenref = 1; if(om && --om->screenref == 0){ _freememimage(om); } qunlock(&sdraw.lk); } static void drawrefreshscreen(DImage *l, Client *client) { while(l != nil && l->dscreen == nil) l = l->fromname; if(l != nil && l->dscreen->owner != client) l->dscreen->owner->refreshme = 1; } static void drawrefresh(Memimage *m, Rectangle r, void *v) { Refx *x; DImage *d; Client *c; Refresh *ref; USED(m); if(v == 0) return; x = v; c = x->client; d = x->dimage; for(ref=c->refresh; ref; ref=ref->next) if(ref->dimage == d){ combinerect(&ref->r, r); return; } ref = mallocz(sizeof(Refresh), 1); if(ref){ ref->dimage = d; ref->r = r; ref->next = c->refresh; c->refresh = ref; } } static void addflush(Rectangle r) { int abb, ar, anbb; Rectangle nbb; if(sdraw.softscreen==0 || !rectclip(&r, screenimage->r)) return; if(flushrect.min.x >= flushrect.max.x){ flushrect = r; waste = 0; return; } nbb = flushrect; combinerect(&nbb, r); ar = Dx(r)*Dy(r); abb = Dx(flushrect)*Dy(flushrect); anbb = Dx(nbb)*Dy(nbb); /* * Area of new waste is area of new bb minus area of old bb, * less the area of the new segment, which we assume is not waste. * This could be negative, but that's OK. */ waste += anbb-abb - ar; if(waste < 0) waste = 0; /* * absorb if: * total area is small * waste is less than half total area * rectangles touch */ if(anbb<=1024 || waste*2<anbb || rectXrect(flushrect, r)){ flushrect = nbb; return; } /* emit current state */ if(flushrect.min.x < flushrect.max.x) _flushmemscreen(flushrect); flushrect = r; waste = 0; } static void dstflush(int dstid, Memimage *dst, Rectangle r) { Memlayer *l; if(dstid == 0){ combinerect(&flushrect, r); return; } /* how can this happen? -rsc, dec 12 2002 */ if(dst == 0){ print("nil dstflush\n"); return; } l = dst->layer; if(l == nil) return; do{ if(l->screen->image->data != screenimage->data) return; r = rectaddpt(r, l->delta); l = l->screen->image->layer; }while(l); addflush(r); } static void drawflush(void) { if(flushrect.min.x < flushrect.max.x) _flushmemscreen(flushrect); flushrect = Rect(10000, 10000, -10000, -10000); } static int drawcmp(char *a, char *b, int n) { if(strlen(a) != n) return 1; return memcmp(a, b, n); } static DName* drawlookupname(int n, char *str) { DName *name, *ename; name = sdraw.name; ename = &name[sdraw.nname]; for(; name<ename; name++) if(drawcmp(name->name, str, n) == 0) return name; return 0; } static int drawgoodname(DImage *d) { DName *n; /* if window, validate the screen's own images */ if(d->dscreen) if(drawgoodname(d->dscreen->dimage) == 0 || drawgoodname(d->dscreen->dfill) == 0) return 0; if(d->name == nil) return 1; n = drawlookupname(strlen(d->name), d->name); if(n==nil || n->vers!=d->vers) return 0; return 1; } static DImage* drawlookup(Client *client, int id, int checkname) { DImage *d; d = client->dimage[id&HASHMASK]; while(d){ if(d->id == id){ /* * BUG: should error out but too hard. * Return 0 instead. */ if(checkname && !drawgoodname(d)) return 0; return d; } d = d->next; } return 0; } static DScreen* drawlookupdscreen(int id) { DScreen *s; s = dscreen; while(s){ if(s->id == id) return s; s = s->next; } return 0; } static DScreen* drawlookupscreen(Client *client, int id, CScreen **cs) { CScreen *s; s = client->cscreen; while(s){ if(s->dscreen->id == id){ *cs = s; return s->dscreen; } s = s->next; } /* caller must check! */ return 0; } static Memimage* drawinstall(Client *client, int id, Memimage *i, DScreen *dscreen) { DImage *d; d = mallocz(sizeof(DImage), 1); if(d == 0) return 0; d->id = id; d->ref = 1; d->name = 0; d->vers = 0; d->image = i; if(i->screenref) ++i->screenref; d->nfchar = 0; d->fchar = 0; d->fromname = 0; d->dscreen = dscreen; d->next = client->dimage[id&HASHMASK]; client->dimage[id&HASHMASK] = d; return i; } static Memscreen* drawinstallscreen(Client *client, DScreen *d, int id, DImage *dimage, DImage *dfill, int public) { Memscreen *s; CScreen *c; c = mallocz(sizeof(CScreen), 1); if(dimage && dimage->image && dimage->image->chan == 0){ print("bad image %p in drawinstallscreen", dimage->image); abort(); } if(c == 0) return 0; if(d == 0){ d = mallocz(sizeof(DScreen), 1); if(d == 0){ free(c); return 0; } s = mallocz(sizeof(Memscreen), 1); if(s == 0){ free(c); free(d); return 0; } s->frontmost = 0; s->rearmost = 0; d->dimage = dimage; if(dimage){ s->image = dimage->image; dimage->ref++; } d->dfill = dfill; if(dfill){ s->fill = dfill->image; dfill->ref++; } d->ref = 0; d->id = id; d->screen = s; d->public = public; d->next = dscreen; d->owner = client; dscreen = d; } c->dscreen = d; d->ref++; c->next = client->cscreen; client->cscreen = c; return d->screen; } static void drawdelname(DName *name) { int i; i = name-sdraw.name; memmove(name, name+1, (sdraw.nname-(i+1))*sizeof(DName)); sdraw.nname--; } static void drawfreedscreen(DScreen *this) { DScreen *ds, *next; this->ref--; if(this->ref < 0) print("negative ref in drawfreedscreen\n"); if(this->ref > 0) return; ds = dscreen; if(ds == this){ dscreen = this->next; goto Found; } while(next = ds->next){ /* assign = */ if(next == this){ ds->next = this->next; goto Found; } ds = next; } /* * Should signal Enodrawimage, but too hard. */ return; Found: if(this->dimage) drawfreedimage(this->dimage); if(this->dfill) drawfreedimage(this->dfill); free(this->screen); free(this); } static void drawfreedimage(DImage *dimage) { int i; Memimage *l; DScreen *ds; dimage->ref--; if(dimage->ref < 0) print("negative ref in drawfreedimage\n"); if(dimage->ref > 0) return; /* any names? */ for(i=0; i<sdraw.nname; ) if(sdraw.name[i].dimage == dimage) drawdelname(sdraw.name+i); else i++; if(dimage->fromname){ /* acquired by name; owned by someone else*/ drawfreedimage(dimage->fromname); goto Return; } ds = dimage->dscreen; l = dimage->image; if(ds){ if(l->data == screenimage->data) addflush(l->layer->screenr); if(l->layer->refreshfn == drawrefresh) /* else true owner will clean up */ free(l->layer->refreshptr); l->layer->refreshptr = nil; if(drawgoodname(dimage)) memldelete(l); else memlfree(l); drawfreedscreen(ds); }else{ if(l->screenref==0) freememimage(l); else if(--l->screenref==0) _freememimage(l); } Return: free(dimage->fchar); free(dimage); } static void drawuninstallscreen(Client *client, CScreen *this) { CScreen *cs, *next; cs = client->cscreen; if(cs == this){ client->cscreen = this->next; drawfreedscreen(this->dscreen); free(this); return; } while(next = cs->next){ /* assign = */ if(next == this){ cs->next = this->next; drawfreedscreen(this->dscreen); free(this); return; } cs = next; } } static int drawuninstall(Client *client, int id) { DImage *d, *next; d = client->dimage[id&HASHMASK]; if(d == 0) return -1; if(d->id == id){ client->dimage[id&HASHMASK] = d->next; drawfreedimage(d); return 0; } while(next = d->next){ /* assign = */ if(next->id == id){ d->next = next->next; drawfreedimage(next); return 0; } d = next; } return -1; } static int drawaddname(Client *client, DImage *di, int n, char *str, char **err) { DName *name, *ename, *new, *t; char *ns; name = sdraw.name; ename = &name[sdraw.nname]; for(; name<ename; name++) if(drawcmp(name->name, str, n) == 0){ *err = "image name in use"; return -1; } t = mallocz((sdraw.nname+1)*sizeof(DName), 1); ns = malloc(n+1); if(t == nil || ns == nil){ free(t); free(ns); *err = "out of memory"; return -1; } memmove(t, sdraw.name, sdraw.nname*sizeof(DName)); free(sdraw.name); sdraw.name = t; new = &sdraw.name[sdraw.nname++]; new->name = ns; memmove(new->name, str, n); new->name[n] = 0; new->dimage = di; new->client = client; new->vers = ++sdraw.vers; return 0; } static int drawclientop(Client *cl) { int op; op = cl->op; cl->op = SoverD; return op; } static Memimage* drawimage(Client *client, uchar *a) { DImage *d; d = drawlookup(client, BGLONG(a), 1); if(d == nil) return nil; /* caller must check! */ return d->image; } static void drawrectangle(Rectangle *r, uchar *a) { r->min.x = BGLONG(a+0*4); r->min.y = BGLONG(a+1*4); r->max.x = BGLONG(a+2*4); r->max.y = BGLONG(a+3*4); } static void drawpoint(Point *p, uchar *a) { p->x = BGLONG(a+0*4); p->y = BGLONG(a+1*4); } static Point drawchar(Memimage *dst, Point p, Memimage *src, Point *sp, DImage *font, int index, int op) { FChar *fc; Rectangle r; Point sp1; fc = &font->fchar[index]; r.min.x = p.x+fc->left; r.min.y = p.y-(font->ascent-fc->miny); r.max.x = r.min.x+(fc->maxx-fc->minx); r.max.y = r.min.y+(fc->maxy-fc->miny); sp1.x = sp->x+fc->left; sp1.y = sp->y+fc->miny; memdraw(dst, r, src, sp1, font->image, Pt(fc->minx, fc->miny), op); p.x += fc->width; sp->x += fc->width; return p; } static uchar* drawcoord(uchar *p, uchar *maxp, int oldx, int *newx) { int b, x; if(p >= maxp) return nil; b = *p++; x = b & 0x7F; if(b & 0x80){ if(p+1 >= maxp) return nil; x |= *p++ << 7; x |= *p++ << 15; if(x & (1<<22)) x |= ~0<<23; }else{ if(b & 0x40) x |= ~0<<7; x += oldx; } *newx = x; return p; } int _drawmsgread(Display *d, void *a, int n) { Client *cl; qlock(&sdraw.lk); cl = client0; if(cl->readdata == nil){ werrstr("no draw data"); goto err; } if(n < cl->nreaddata){ werrstr("short read"); goto err; } n = cl->nreaddata; memmove(a, cl->readdata, cl->nreaddata); free(cl->readdata); cl->readdata = nil; qunlock(&sdraw.lk); return n; err: qunlock(&sdraw.lk); return -1; } int _drawmsgwrite(Display *d, void *v, int n) { char cbuf[40], *err, ibuf[12*12+1], *s; int c, ci, doflush, dstid, e0, e1, esize, j, m; int ni, nw, oesize, oldn, op, ox, oy, repl, scrnid, y; uchar *a, refresh, *u; u32int chan, value; Client *client; CScreen *cs; DImage *di, *ddst, *dsrc, *font, *ll; DName *dn; DScreen *dscrn; FChar *fc; Memimage *dst, *i, *l, **lp, *mask, *src; Memscreen *scrn; Point p, *pp, q, sp; Rectangle clipr, r; Refreshfn reffn; Refx *refx; qlock(&sdraw.lk); d->obufp = d->obuf; a = v; m = 0; oldn = n; client = client0; while((n-=m) > 0){ a += m; /*fprint(2, "msgwrite %d(%d)...", n, *a); */ switch(*a){ default: /*fprint(2, "bad command %d\n", *a); */ err = "bad draw command"; goto error; /* allocate: 'b' id[4] screenid[4] refresh[1] chan[4] repl[1] R[4*4] clipR[4*4] rrggbbaa[4] */ case 'b': m = 1+4+4+1+4+1+4*4+4*4+4; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; dstid = BGLONG(a+1); scrnid = BGSHORT(a+5); refresh = a[9]; chan = BGLONG(a+10); repl = a[14]; drawrectangle(&r, a+15); drawrectangle(&clipr, a+31); value = BGLONG(a+47); if(drawlookup(client, dstid, 0)) goto Eimageexists; if(scrnid){ dscrn = drawlookupscreen(client, scrnid, &cs); if(!dscrn) goto Enodrawscreen; scrn = dscrn->screen; if(repl || chan!=scrn->image->chan){ err = "image parameters incompatibile with screen"; goto error; } reffn = 0; switch(refresh){ case Refbackup: break; case Refnone: reffn = memlnorefresh; break; case Refmesg: reffn = drawrefresh; break; default: err = "unknown refresh method"; goto error; } l = memlalloc(scrn, r, reffn, 0, value); if(l == 0) goto Edrawmem; addflush(l->layer->screenr); l->clipr = clipr; rectclip(&l->clipr, r); if(drawinstall(client, dstid, l, dscrn) == 0){ memldelete(l); goto Edrawmem; } dscrn->ref++; if(reffn){ refx = nil; if(reffn == drawrefresh){ refx = mallocz(sizeof(Refx), 1); if(refx == 0){ if(drawuninstall(client, dstid) < 0) goto Enodrawimage; goto Edrawmem; } refx->client = client; refx->dimage = drawlookup(client, dstid, 1); } memlsetrefresh(l, reffn, refx); } continue; } i = allocmemimage(r, chan); if(i == 0) goto Edrawmem; if(repl) i->flags |= Frepl; i->clipr = clipr; if(!repl) rectclip(&i->clipr, r); if(drawinstall(client, dstid, i, 0) == 0){ freememimage(i); goto Edrawmem; } memfillcolor(i, value); continue; /* allocate screen: 'A' id[4] imageid[4] fillid[4] public[1] */ case 'A': m = 1+4+4+4+1; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; dstid = BGLONG(a+1); if(dstid == 0) goto Ebadarg; if(drawlookupdscreen(dstid)) goto Escreenexists; ddst = drawlookup(client, BGLONG(a+5), 1); dsrc = drawlookup(client, BGLONG(a+9), 1); if(ddst==0 || dsrc==0) goto Enodrawimage; if(drawinstallscreen(client, 0, dstid, ddst, dsrc, a[13]) == 0) goto Edrawmem; continue; /* set repl and clip: 'c' dstid[4] repl[1] clipR[4*4] */ case 'c': m = 1+4+1+4*4; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; ddst = drawlookup(client, BGLONG(a+1), 1); if(ddst == nil) goto Enodrawimage; if(ddst->name){ err = "can't change repl/clipr of shared image"; goto error; } dst = ddst->image; if(a[5]) dst->flags |= Frepl; drawrectangle(&dst->clipr, a+6); continue; /* draw: 'd' dstid[4] srcid[4] maskid[4] R[4*4] P[2*4] P[2*4] */ case 'd': m = 1+4+4+4+4*4+2*4+2*4; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; dst = drawimage(client, a+1); dstid = BGLONG(a+1); src = drawimage(client, a+5); mask = drawimage(client, a+9); if(!dst || !src || !mask) goto Enodrawimage; drawrectangle(&r, a+13); drawpoint(&p, a+29); drawpoint(&q, a+37); op = drawclientop(client); memdraw(dst, r, src, p, mask, q, op); dstflush(dstid, dst, r); continue; /* toggle debugging: 'D' val[1] */ case 'D': m = 1+1; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; drawdebug = a[1]; continue; /* ellipse: 'e' dstid[4] srcid[4] center[2*4] a[4] b[4] thick[4] sp[2*4] alpha[4] phi[4]*/ case 'e': case 'E': m = 1+4+4+2*4+4+4+4+2*4+2*4; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; dst = drawimage(client, a+1); dstid = BGLONG(a+1); src = drawimage(client, a+5); if(!dst || !src) goto Enodrawimage; drawpoint(&p, a+9); e0 = BGLONG(a+17); e1 = BGLONG(a+21); if(e0<0 || e1<0){ err = "invalid ellipse semidiameter"; goto error; } j = BGLONG(a+25); if(j < 0){ err = "negative ellipse thickness"; goto error; } drawpoint(&sp, a+29); c = j; if(*a == 'E') c = -1; ox = BGLONG(a+37); oy = BGLONG(a+41); op = drawclientop(client); /* high bit indicates arc angles are present */ if(ox & ((ulong)1<<31)){ if((ox & ((ulong)1<<30)) == 0) ox &= ~((ulong)1<<31); memarc(dst, p, e0, e1, c, src, sp, ox, oy, op); }else memellipse(dst, p, e0, e1, c, src, sp, op); dstflush(dstid, dst, Rect(p.x-e0-j, p.y-e1-j, p.x+e0+j+1, p.y+e1+j+1)); continue; /* free: 'f' id[4] */ case 'f': m = 1+4; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; ll = drawlookup(client, BGLONG(a+1), 0); if(ll && ll->dscreen && ll->dscreen->owner != client) ll->dscreen->owner->refreshme = 1; if(drawuninstall(client, BGLONG(a+1)) < 0) goto Enodrawimage; continue; /* free screen: 'F' id[4] */ case 'F': m = 1+4; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; if(!drawlookupscreen(client, BGLONG(a+1), &cs)) goto Enodrawscreen; drawuninstallscreen(client, cs); continue; /* initialize font: 'i' fontid[4] nchars[4] ascent[1] */ case 'i': m = 1+4+4+1; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; dstid = BGLONG(a+1); if(dstid == 0){ err = "can't use display as font"; goto error; } font = drawlookup(client, dstid, 1); if(font == 0) goto Enodrawimage; if(font->image->layer){ err = "can't use window as font"; goto error; } ni = BGLONG(a+5); if(ni<=0 || ni>4096){ err = "bad font size (4096 chars max)"; goto error; } free(font->fchar); /* should we complain if non-zero? */ font->fchar = mallocz(ni*sizeof(FChar), 1); if(font->fchar == 0){ err = "no memory for font"; goto error; } memset(font->fchar, 0, ni*sizeof(FChar)); font->nfchar = ni; font->ascent = a[9]; continue; /* set image 0 to screen image */ case 'J': m = 1; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; if(drawlookup(client, 0, 0)) goto Eimageexists; drawinstall(client, 0, screenimage, 0); client->infoid = 0; continue; /* get image info: 'I' */ case 'I': m = 1; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; if(client->infoid < 0) goto Enodrawimage; if(client->infoid == 0){ i = screenimage; if(i == nil) goto Enodrawimage; }else{ di = drawlookup(client, client->infoid, 1); if(di == nil) goto Enodrawimage; i = di->image; } ni = sprint(ibuf, "%11d %11d %11s %11d %11d %11d %11d %11d" " %11d %11d %11d %11d ", client->clientid, client->infoid, chantostr(cbuf, i->chan), (i->flags&Frepl)==Frepl, i->r.min.x, i->r.min.y, i->r.max.x, i->r.max.y, i->clipr.min.x, i->clipr.min.y, i->clipr.max.x, i->clipr.max.y); free(client->readdata); client->readdata = malloc(ni); if(client->readdata == nil) goto Enomem; memmove(client->readdata, ibuf, ni); client->nreaddata = ni; client->infoid = -1; continue; /* load character: 'l' fontid[4] srcid[4] index[2] R[4*4] P[2*4] left[1] width[1] */ case 'l': m = 1+4+4+2+4*4+2*4+1+1; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; font = drawlookup(client, BGLONG(a+1), 1); if(font == 0) goto Enodrawimage; if(font->nfchar == 0) goto Enotfont; src = drawimage(client, a+5); if(!src) goto Enodrawimage; ci = BGSHORT(a+9); if(ci >= font->nfchar) goto Eindex; drawrectangle(&r, a+11); drawpoint(&p, a+27); memdraw(font->image, r, src, p, memopaque, p, S); fc = &font->fchar[ci]; fc->minx = r.min.x; fc->maxx = r.max.x; fc->miny = r.min.y; fc->maxy = r.max.y; fc->left = a[35]; fc->width = a[36]; continue; /* draw line: 'L' dstid[4] p0[2*4] p1[2*4] end0[4] end1[4] radius[4] srcid[4] sp[2*4] */ case 'L': m = 1+4+2*4+2*4+4+4+4+4+2*4; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; dst = drawimage(client, a+1); dstid = BGLONG(a+1); drawpoint(&p, a+5); drawpoint(&q, a+13); e0 = BGLONG(a+21); e1 = BGLONG(a+25); j = BGLONG(a+29); if(j < 0){ err = "negative line width"; goto error; } src = drawimage(client, a+33); if(!dst || !src) goto Enodrawimage; drawpoint(&sp, a+37); op = drawclientop(client); memline(dst, p, q, e0, e1, j, src, sp, op); /* avoid memlinebbox if possible */ if(dstid==0 || dst->layer!=nil){ /* BUG: this is terribly inefficient: update maximal containing rect*/ r = memlinebbox(p, q, e0, e1, j); dstflush(dstid, dst, insetrect(r, -(1+1+j))); } continue; /* create image mask: 'm' newid[4] id[4] */ /* * case 'm': m = 4+4; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; break; * */ /* attach to a named image: 'n' dstid[4] j[1] name[j] */ case 'n': m = 1+4+1; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; j = a[5]; if(j == 0) /* give me a non-empty name please */ goto Eshortdraw; m += j; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; dstid = BGLONG(a+1); if(drawlookup(client, dstid, 0)) goto Eimageexists; dn = drawlookupname(j, (char*)a+6); if(dn == nil) goto Enoname; s = malloc(j+1); if(s == nil) goto Enomem; if(drawinstall(client, dstid, dn->dimage->image, 0) == 0) goto Edrawmem; di = drawlookup(client, dstid, 0); if(di == 0) goto Eoldname; di->vers = dn->vers; di->name = s; di->fromname = dn->dimage; di->fromname->ref++; memmove(di->name, a+6, j); di->name[j] = 0; client->infoid = dstid; continue; /* name an image: 'N' dstid[4] in[1] j[1] name[j] */ case 'N': m = 1+4+1+1; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; c = a[5]; j = a[6]; if(j == 0) /* give me a non-empty name please */ goto Eshortdraw; m += j; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; di = drawlookup(client, BGLONG(a+1), 0); if(di == 0) goto Enodrawimage; if(di->name) goto Enamed; if(c) if(drawaddname(client, di, j, (char*)a+7, &err) < 0) goto error; else{ dn = drawlookupname(j, (char*)a+7); if(dn == nil) goto Enoname; if(dn->dimage != di) goto Ewrongname; drawdelname(dn); } continue; /* position window: 'o' id[4] r.min [2*4] screenr.min [2*4] */ case 'o': m = 1+4+2*4+2*4; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; dst = drawimage(client, a+1); if(!dst) goto Enodrawimage; if(dst->layer){ drawpoint(&p, a+5); drawpoint(&q, a+13); r = dst->layer->screenr; ni = memlorigin(dst, p, q); if(ni < 0){ err = "image origin failed"; goto error; } if(ni > 0){ addflush(r); addflush(dst->layer->screenr); ll = drawlookup(client, BGLONG(a+1), 1); drawrefreshscreen(ll, client); } } continue; /* set compositing operator for next draw operation: 'O' op */ case 'O': m = 1+1; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; client->op = a[1]; continue; /* filled polygon: 'P' dstid[4] n[2] wind[4] ignore[2*4] srcid[4] sp[2*4] p0[2*4] dp[2*2*n] */ /* polygon: 'p' dstid[4] n[2] end0[4] end1[4] radius[4] srcid[4] sp[2*4] p0[2*4] dp[2*2*n] */ case 'p': case 'P': m = 1+4+2+4+4+4+4+2*4; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; dstid = BGLONG(a+1); dst = drawimage(client, a+1); ni = BGSHORT(a+5); if(ni < 0){ err = "negative cout in polygon"; goto error; } e0 = BGLONG(a+7); e1 = BGLONG(a+11); j = 0; if(*a == 'p'){ j = BGLONG(a+15); if(j < 0){ err = "negative polygon line width"; goto error; } } src = drawimage(client, a+19); if(!dst || !src) goto Enodrawimage; drawpoint(&sp, a+23); drawpoint(&p, a+31); ni++; pp = mallocz(ni*sizeof(Point), 1); if(pp == nil) goto Enomem; doflush = 0; if(dstid==0 || (dst->layer && dst->layer->screen->image->data == screenimage->data)) doflush = 1; /* simplify test in loop */ ox = oy = 0; esize = 0; u = a+m; for(y=0; y<ni; y++){ q = p; oesize = esize; u = drawcoord(u, a+n, ox, &p.x); if(!u) goto Eshortdraw; u = drawcoord(u, a+n, oy, &p.y); if(!u) goto Eshortdraw; ox = p.x; oy = p.y; if(doflush){ esize = j; if(*a == 'p'){ if(y == 0){ c = memlineendsize(e0); if(c > esize) esize = c; } if(y == ni-1){ c = memlineendsize(e1); if(c > esize) esize = c; } } if(*a=='P' && e0!=1 && e0 !=~0) r = dst->clipr; else if(y > 0){ r = Rect(q.x-oesize, q.y-oesize, q.x+oesize+1, q.y+oesize+1); combinerect(&r, Rect(p.x-esize, p.y-esize, p.x+esize+1, p.y+esize+1)); } if(rectclip(&r, dst->clipr)) /* should perhaps be an arg to dstflush */ dstflush(dstid, dst, r); } pp[y] = p; } if(y == 1) dstflush(dstid, dst, Rect(p.x-esize, p.y-esize, p.x+esize+1, p.y+esize+1)); op = drawclientop(client); if(*a == 'p') mempoly(dst, pp, ni, e0, e1, j, src, sp, op); else memfillpoly(dst, pp, ni, e0, src, sp, op); free(pp); m = u-a; continue; /* read: 'r' id[4] R[4*4] */ case 'r': m = 1+4+4*4; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; i = drawimage(client, a+1); if(!i) goto Enodrawimage; drawrectangle(&r, a+5); if(!rectinrect(r, i->r)) goto Ereadoutside; c = bytesperline(r, i->depth); c *= Dy(r); free(client->readdata); client->readdata = mallocz(c, 0); if(client->readdata == nil){ err = "readimage malloc failed"; goto error; } client->nreaddata = memunload(i, r, client->readdata, c); if(client->nreaddata < 0){ free(client->readdata); client->readdata = nil; err = "bad readimage call"; goto error; } continue; /* string: 's' dstid[4] srcid[4] fontid[4] P[2*4] clipr[4*4] sp[2*4] ni[2] ni*(index[2]) */ /* stringbg: 'x' dstid[4] srcid[4] fontid[4] P[2*4] clipr[4*4] sp[2*4] ni[2] bgid[4] bgpt[2*4] ni*(index[2]) */ case 's': case 'x': m = 1+4+4+4+2*4+4*4+2*4+2; if(*a == 'x') m += 4+2*4; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; dst = drawimage(client, a+1); dstid = BGLONG(a+1); src = drawimage(client, a+5); if(!dst || !src) goto Enodrawimage; font = drawlookup(client, BGLONG(a+9), 1); if(font == 0) goto Enodrawimage; if(font->nfchar == 0) goto Enotfont; drawpoint(&p, a+13); drawrectangle(&r, a+21); drawpoint(&sp, a+37); ni = BGSHORT(a+45); u = a+m; m += ni*2; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; clipr = dst->clipr; dst->clipr = r; op = drawclientop(client); if(*a == 'x'){ /* paint background */ l = drawimage(client, a+47); if(!l) goto Enodrawimage; drawpoint(&q, a+51); r.min.x = p.x; r.min.y = p.y-font->ascent; r.max.x = p.x; r.max.y = r.min.y+Dy(font->image->r); j = ni; while(--j >= 0){ ci = BGSHORT(u); if(ci<0 || ci>=font->nfchar){ dst->clipr = clipr; goto Eindex; } r.max.x += font->fchar[ci].width; u += 2; } memdraw(dst, r, l, q, memopaque, ZP, op); u -= 2*ni; } q = p; while(--ni >= 0){ ci = BGSHORT(u); if(ci<0 || ci>=font->nfchar){ dst->clipr = clipr; goto Eindex; } q = drawchar(dst, q, src, &sp, font, ci, op); u += 2; } dst->clipr = clipr; p.y -= font->ascent; dstflush(dstid, dst, Rect(p.x, p.y, q.x, p.y+Dy(font->image->r))); continue; /* use public screen: 'S' id[4] chan[4] */ case 'S': m = 1+4+4; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; dstid = BGLONG(a+1); if(dstid == 0) goto Ebadarg; dscrn = drawlookupdscreen(dstid); if(dscrn==0 || (dscrn->public==0 && dscrn->owner!=client)) goto Enodrawscreen; if(dscrn->screen->image->chan != BGLONG(a+5)){ err = "inconsistent chan"; goto error; } if(drawinstallscreen(client, dscrn, 0, 0, 0, 0) == 0) goto Edrawmem; continue; /* top or bottom windows: 't' top[1] nw[2] n*id[4] */ case 't': m = 1+1+2; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; nw = BGSHORT(a+2); if(nw < 0) goto Ebadarg; if(nw == 0) continue; m += nw*4; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; lp = mallocz(nw*sizeof(Memimage*), 1); if(lp == 0) goto Enomem; for(j=0; j<nw; j++){ lp[j] = drawimage(client, a+1+1+2+j*4); if(lp[j] == nil){ free(lp); goto Enodrawimage; } } if(lp[0]->layer == 0){ err = "images are not windows"; free(lp); goto error; } for(j=1; j<nw; j++) if(lp[j]->layer->screen != lp[0]->layer->screen){ err = "images not on same screen"; free(lp); goto error; } if(a[1]) memltofrontn(lp, nw); else memltorearn(lp, nw); if(lp[0]->layer->screen->image->data == screenimage->data) for(j=0; j<nw; j++) addflush(lp[j]->layer->screenr); free(lp); ll = drawlookup(client, BGLONG(a+1+1+2), 1); drawrefreshscreen(ll, client); continue; /* visible: 'v' */ case 'v': m = 1; drawflush(); continue; /* write: 'y' id[4] R[4*4] data[x*1] */ /* write from compressed data: 'Y' id[4] R[4*4] data[x*1] */ case 'y': case 'Y': m = 1+4+4*4; if(n < m) goto Eshortdraw; dstid = BGLONG(a+1); dst = drawimage(client, a+1); if(!dst) goto Enodrawimage; drawrectangle(&r, a+5); if(!rectinrect(r, dst->r)) goto Ewriteoutside; y = memload(dst, r, a+m, n-m, *a=='Y'); if(y < 0){ err = "bad writeimage call"; goto error; } dstflush(dstid, dst, r); m += y; continue; } } qunlock(&sdraw.lk); return oldn - n; Enodrawimage: err = "unknown id for draw image"; goto error; Enodrawscreen: err = "unknown id for draw screen"; goto error; Eshortdraw: err = "short draw message"; goto error; /* Eshortread: err = "draw read too short"; goto error; */ Eimageexists: err = "image id in use"; goto error; Escreenexists: err = "screen id in use"; goto error; Edrawmem: err = "image memory allocation failed"; goto error; Ereadoutside: err = "readimage outside image"; goto error; Ewriteoutside: err = "writeimage outside image"; goto error; Enotfont: err = "image not a font"; goto error; Eindex: err = "character index out of range"; goto error; /* Enoclient: err = "no such draw client"; goto error; Edepth: err = "image has bad depth"; goto error; Enameused: err = "image name in use"; goto error; */ Enoname: err = "no image with that name"; goto error; Eoldname: err = "named image no longer valid"; goto error; Enamed: err = "image already has name"; goto error; Ewrongname: err = "wrong name for image"; goto error; Enomem: err = "out of memory"; goto error; Ebadarg: err = "bad argument in draw message"; goto error; error: werrstr("%s", err); qunlock(&sdraw.lk); return -1; }