#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <draw.h> #include "defont.h" /* * Default version: treat as file name */ int _fontpipe(char*); static int defaultpipe(void); static void scalesubfont(Subfont*, int); Subfont* _getsubfont(Display *d, char *name) { int fd; Subfont *f; int scale; char *fname; scale = parsefontscale(name, &fname); if(strcmp(fname, "*default*") == 0) fd = defaultpipe(); else fd = open(fname, OREAD); if(fd < 0 && strncmp(fname, "/mnt/font/", 10) == 0) fd = _fontpipe(fname+10); if(fd < 0){ fprint(2, "getsubfont: can't open %s: %r\n", fname); return 0; } /* * unlock display so i/o happens with display released, unless * user is doing his own locking, in which case this could break things. * _getsubfont is called only from string.c and stringwidth.c, * which are known to be safe to have this done. */ if(d && d->locking == 0) unlockdisplay(d); f = readsubfont(d, name, fd, d && d->locking==0); if(d && d->locking == 0) lockdisplay(d); if(f == 0) fprint(2, "getsubfont: can't read %s: %r\n", name); close(fd); if(scale > 1) scalesubfont(f, scale); return f; } static int defaultpipe(void) { int p[2], pid; // Used to assume that defontdata (<5k) fit in the // pipe buffer, especially since p9pipe is actually // a socket pair. But OpenBSD in particular saw hangs, // so feed the pipe it the "right" way with a subprocess. if(pipe(p) < 0) return -1; if((pid = fork()) < 0) { close(p[0]); close(p[1]); return -1; } if(pid == 0) { close(p[0]); write(p[1], defontdata, sizeof defontdata); close(p[1]); _exit(0); } return p[0]; } static void scalesubfont(Subfont *f, int scale) { Image *i; Rectangle r, r2; int y, x, x2, j; uchar *src, *dst; int srcn, dstn, n, mask, v, pack; r = f->bits->r; r2 = r; r2.min.x *= scale; r2.min.y *= scale; r2.max.x *= scale; r2.max.y *= scale; srcn = bytesperline(r, f->bits->depth); src = malloc(srcn); dstn = bytesperline(r2, f->bits->depth); dst = malloc(dstn+1); i = allocimage(f->bits->display, r2, f->bits->chan, 0, DBlack); for(y=r.min.y; y < r.max.y; y++) { n = unloadimage(f->bits, Rect(r.min.x, y, r.max.x, y+1), src, srcn); if(n != srcn) { abort(); sysfatal("scalesubfont: bad unload %R %R: %d < %d: %r", f->bits->r, Rect(r.min.x, y, r.max.x, y+1), n, srcn); } memset(dst, 0, dstn+1); pack = 8 / f->bits->depth; mask = (1<<f->bits->depth) - 1; for(x=0; x<Dx(r); x++) { v = ((src[x/pack] << ((x%pack)*f->bits->depth)) >> (8 - f->bits->depth)) & mask; for(j=0; j<scale; j++) { x2 = x*scale+j; dst[x2/pack] |= v << (8 - f->bits->depth) >> ((x2%pack)*f->bits->depth); } } if(dst[dstn] != 0) sysfatal("overflow dst"); for(j=0; j<scale; j++) loadimage(i, Rect(r2.min.x, y*scale+j, r2.max.x, y*scale+j+1), dst, dstn); } freeimage(f->bits); f->bits = i; f->height *= scale; f->ascent *= scale; for(j=0; j<f->n; j++) { f->info[j].x *= scale; f->info[j].top *= scale; f->info[j].bottom *= scale; f->info[j].left *= scale; f->info[j].width *= scale; } }