/* input event and data structure translation */ #include <u.h> #include "x11-inc.h" #include <libc.h> #include <draw.h> #include <memdraw.h> #include <mouse.h> #include <cursor.h> #include <keyboard.h> #include "x11-memdraw.h" #include "x11-keysym2ucs.h" #undef time static KeySym __xtoplan9kbd(XEvent *e) { KeySym k; if(e->xany.type != KeyPress) return -1; needstack(64*1024); /* X has some *huge* buffers in openobject */ /* and they're even bigger on SuSE */ XLookupString((XKeyEvent*)e,NULL,0,&k,NULL); if(k == XK_Multi_key || k == NoSymbol) return -1; if(k&0xFF00){ switch(k){ case XK_BackSpace: case XK_Tab: case XK_Escape: case XK_Delete: case XK_KP_0: case XK_KP_1: case XK_KP_2: case XK_KP_3: case XK_KP_4: case XK_KP_5: case XK_KP_6: case XK_KP_7: case XK_KP_8: case XK_KP_9: case XK_KP_Divide: case XK_KP_Multiply: case XK_KP_Subtract: case XK_KP_Add: case XK_KP_Decimal: k &= 0x7F; break; case XK_Linefeed: k = '\r'; break; case XK_KP_Space: k = ' '; break; case XK_Home: case XK_KP_Home: k = Khome; break; case XK_Left: case XK_KP_Left: k = Kleft; break; case XK_Up: case XK_KP_Up: k = Kup; break; case XK_Down: case XK_KP_Down: k = Kdown; break; case XK_Right: case XK_KP_Right: k = Kright; break; case XK_Page_Down: case XK_KP_Page_Down: k = Kpgdown; break; case XK_End: case XK_KP_End: k = Kend; break; case XK_Page_Up: case XK_KP_Page_Up: k = Kpgup; break; case XK_Insert: case XK_KP_Insert: k = Kins; break; case XK_KP_Enter: case XK_Return: k = '\n'; break; case XK_Alt_L: case XK_Meta_L: /* Shift Alt on PCs */ case XK_Alt_R: case XK_Meta_R: /* Shift Alt on PCs */ k = Kalt; break; default: /* not ISO-1 or tty control */ if(k>0xff) { k = _p9keysym2ucs(k); if(k==-1) return -1; } } } /* Compensate for servers that call a minus a hyphen */ if(k == XK_hyphen) k = XK_minus; /* Do control mapping ourselves if translator doesn't */ if(e->xkey.state&ControlMask) k &= 0x9f; if(k == NoSymbol) { return -1; } return k+0; } static Rune* xtoplan9latin1(XEvent *e) { static Rune k[10]; static int alting, nk; int n; int r; r = __xtoplan9kbd(e); if(r < 0) return nil; if(alting){ /* * Kludge for Mac's X11 3-button emulation. * It treats Command+Button as button 3, but also * ends up sending XK_Meta_L twice. */ if(r == Kalt){ alting = 0; return nil; } k[nk++] = r; n = _latin1(k, nk); if(n > 0){ alting = 0; k[0] = n; k[1] = 0; return k; } if(n == -1){ alting = 0; k[nk] = 0; return k; } /* n < -1, need more input */ return nil; }else if(r == Kalt){ alting = 1; nk = 0; return nil; }else{ k[0] = r; k[1] = 0; return k; } } int _xtoplan9kbd(XEvent *e) { static Rune *r; if(e == (XEvent*)-1){ assert(r); r--; return 0; } if(e) r = xtoplan9latin1(e); if(r && *r) return *r++; return -1; } int _xtoplan9mouse(XDisplay *xd, XEvent *e, Mouse *m) { int s; XButtonEvent *be; XMotionEvent *me; if(_x.putsnarf != _x.assertsnarf){ _x.assertsnarf = _x.putsnarf; XSetSelectionOwner(_x.mousecon, XA_PRIMARY, _x.drawable, CurrentTime); if(_x.clipboard != None) XSetSelectionOwner(_x.mousecon, _x.clipboard, _x.drawable, CurrentTime); XFlush(xd); } switch(e->type){ case ButtonPress: be = (XButtonEvent*)e; /* * Fake message, just sent to make us announce snarf. * Apparently state and button are 16 and 8 bits on * the wire, since they are truncated by the time they * get to us. */ if(be->send_event && (~be->state&0xFFFF)==0 && (~be->button&0xFF)==0) return -1; /* BUG? on mac need to inherit these from elsewhere? */ m->xy.x = be->x; m->xy.y = be->y; s = be->state; m->msec = be->time; switch(be->button){ case 1: s |= Button1Mask; break; case 2: s |= Button2Mask; break; case 3: s |= Button3Mask; break; case 4: s |= Button4Mask; break; case 5: s |= Button5Mask; break; } break; case ButtonRelease: be = (XButtonEvent*)e; m->xy.x = be->x; m->xy.y = be->y; s = be->state; m->msec = be->time; switch(be->button){ case 1: s &= ~Button1Mask; break; case 2: s &= ~Button2Mask; break; case 3: s &= ~Button3Mask; break; case 4: s &= ~Button4Mask; break; case 5: s &= ~Button5Mask; break; } break; case MotionNotify: me = (XMotionEvent*)e; s = me->state; m->xy.x = me->x; m->xy.y = me->y; m->msec = me->time; break; default: return -1; } m->buttons = 0; if(s & Button1Mask) m->buttons |= 1; if(s & Button2Mask) m->buttons |= 2; if(s & Button3Mask) m->buttons |= 4; if(s & Button4Mask) m->buttons |= 8; if(s & Button5Mask) m->buttons |= 16; return 0; } void _xmoveto(Point p) { XWarpPointer(_x.display, None, _x.drawable, 0, 0, 0, 0, p.x, p.y); XFlush(_x.display); } static int revbyte(int b) { int r; r = 0; r |= (b&0x01) << 7; r |= (b&0x02) << 5; r |= (b&0x04) << 3; r |= (b&0x08) << 1; r |= (b&0x10) >> 1; r |= (b&0x20) >> 3; r |= (b&0x40) >> 5; r |= (b&0x80) >> 7; return r; } static void xcursorarrow(void) { if(_x.cursor != 0){ XFreeCursor(_x.display, _x.cursor); _x.cursor = 0; } XUndefineCursor(_x.display, _x.drawable); XFlush(_x.display); } void _xsetcursor(Cursor *c) { XColor fg, bg; XCursor xc; Pixmap xsrc, xmask; int i; uchar src[2*16], mask[2*16]; if(c == nil){ xcursorarrow(); return; } for(i=0; i<2*16; i++){ src[i] = revbyte(c->set[i]); mask[i] = revbyte(c->set[i] | c->clr[i]); } fg = _x.map[0]; bg = _x.map[255]; xsrc = XCreateBitmapFromData(_x.display, _x.drawable, (char*)src, 16, 16); xmask = XCreateBitmapFromData(_x.display, _x.drawable, (char*)mask, 16, 16); xc = XCreatePixmapCursor(_x.display, xsrc, xmask, &fg, &bg, -c->offset.x, -c->offset.y); if(xc != 0) { XDefineCursor(_x.display, _x.drawable, xc); if(_x.cursor != 0) XFreeCursor(_x.display, _x.cursor); _x.cursor = xc; } XFreePixmap(_x.display, xsrc); XFreePixmap(_x.display, xmask); XFlush(_x.display); } struct { char buf[SnarfSize]; QLock lk; } clip; char* _xgetsnarf(XDisplay *xd) { uchar *data, *xdata; Atom clipboard, type, prop; ulong len, lastlen, dummy; int fmt, i; XWindow w; qlock(&clip.lk); /* * Is there a primary selection (highlighted text in an xterm)? */ clipboard = XA_PRIMARY; w = XGetSelectionOwner(xd, XA_PRIMARY); if(w == _x.drawable){ mine: data = (uchar*)strdup(clip.buf); goto out; } /* * If not, is there a clipboard selection? */ if(w == None && _x.clipboard != None){ clipboard = _x.clipboard; w = XGetSelectionOwner(xd, _x.clipboard); if(w == _x.drawable) goto mine; } /* * If not, give up. */ if(w == None){ data = nil; goto out; } /* * We should be waiting for SelectionNotify here, but it might never * come, and we have no way to time out. Instead, we will clear * local property #1, request our buddy to fill it in for us, and poll * until he's done or we get tired of waiting. * * We should try to go for _x.utf8string instead of XA_STRING, * but that would add to the polling. */ prop = 1; XChangeProperty(xd, _x.drawable, prop, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, (uchar*)"", 0); XConvertSelection(xd, clipboard, XA_STRING, prop, _x.drawable, CurrentTime); XFlush(xd); lastlen = 0; for(i=0; i<10 || (lastlen!=0 && i<30); i++){ usleep(100*1000); XGetWindowProperty(xd, _x.drawable, prop, 0, 0, 0, AnyPropertyType, &type, &fmt, &dummy, &len, &data); if(lastlen == len && len > 0) break; lastlen = len; } if(i == 10){ data = nil; goto out; } /* get the property */ data = nil; XGetWindowProperty(xd, _x.drawable, prop, 0, SnarfSize/sizeof(ulong), 0, AnyPropertyType, &type, &fmt, &len, &dummy, &xdata); if((type != XA_STRING && type != _x.utf8string) || len == 0){ if(xdata) XFree(xdata); data = nil; }else{ if(xdata){ data = (uchar*)strdup((char*)xdata); XFree(xdata); }else data = nil; } out: qunlock(&clip.lk); return (char*)data; } void _xputsnarf(XDisplay *xd, char *data) { XButtonEvent e; if(strlen(data) >= SnarfSize) return; qlock(&clip.lk); strcpy(clip.buf, data); /* leave note for mouse proc to assert selection ownership */ _x.putsnarf++; /* send mouse a fake event so snarf is announced */ memset(&e, 0, sizeof e); e.type = ButtonPress; e.window = _x.drawable; e.state = ~0; e.button = ~0; XSendEvent(xd, _x.drawable, True, ButtonPressMask, (XEvent*)&e); XFlush(xd); qunlock(&clip.lk); } int _xselect(XEvent *e, XDisplay *xd) { char *name; XEvent r; XSelectionRequestEvent *xe; Atom a[4]; memset(&r, 0, sizeof r); xe = (XSelectionRequestEvent*)e; if(0) fprint(2, "xselect target=%d requestor=%d property=%d selection=%d\n", xe->target, xe->requestor, xe->property, xe->selection); r.xselection.property = xe->property; if(xe->target == _x.targets){ a[0] = XA_STRING; a[1] = _x.utf8string; a[2] = _x.text; a[3] = _x.compoundtext; XChangeProperty(xd, xe->requestor, xe->property, xe->target, 8, PropModeReplace, (uchar*)a, sizeof a); }else if(xe->target == XA_STRING || xe->target == _x.utf8string || xe->target == _x.text || xe->target == _x.compoundtext){ /* if the target is STRING we're supposed to reply with Latin1 XXX */ qlock(&clip.lk); XChangeProperty(xd, xe->requestor, xe->property, xe->target, 8, PropModeReplace, (uchar*)clip.buf, strlen(clip.buf)); qunlock(&clip.lk); }else{ name = XGetAtomName(xd, xe->target); if(strcmp(name, "TIMESTAMP") != 0) fprint(2, "%s: cannot handle selection request for '%s' (%d)\n", argv0, name, (int)xe->target); r.xselection.property = None; } r.xselection.display = xe->display; /* r.xselection.property filled above */ r.xselection.target = xe->target; r.xselection.type = SelectionNotify; r.xselection.requestor = xe->requestor; r.xselection.time = xe->time; r.xselection.send_event = True; r.xselection.selection = xe->selection; XSendEvent(xd, xe->requestor, False, 0, &r); XFlush(xd); return 0; } void putsnarf(char *data) { _xputsnarf(_x.snarfcon, data); } char* getsnarf(void) { return _xgetsnarf(_x.snarfcon); }