/* * File map routines */ #include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <bio.h> #include <mach.h> static int fdrw(Map*, Seg*, ulong, void*, uint, int); static int zerorw(Map*, Seg*, ulong, void*, uint, int); static int mrw(Map*, ulong, void*, uint, int); static int datarw(Map*, Seg*, ulong, void*, uint, int); Map* allocmap(void) { return mallocz(sizeof(Map), 1); } void freemap(Map *map) { if(map == nil) return; free(map->seg); free(map); } int addseg(Map *map, Seg seg) { Seg *ss; if(map == 0){ werrstr("invalid map"); return -1; } ss = realloc(map->seg, (map->nseg+1)*sizeof(ss[0])); if(ss == nil) return -1; map->seg = ss; if(seg.rw == 0){ if(seg.name && strcmp(seg.name, "zero") == 0) seg.rw = zerorw; else if(seg.p) seg.rw = datarw; else seg.rw = fdrw; } map->seg[map->nseg] = seg; return map->nseg++; } int findseg(Map *map, char *name, char *file) { int i; if(map == 0) return -1; for(i=0; i<map->nseg; i++){ if(name && (!map->seg[i].name || strcmp(map->seg[i].name, name) != 0)) continue; if(file && (!map->seg[i].file || strcmp(map->seg[i].file, file) != 0)) continue; return i; } werrstr("segment %s in %s not found", name, file); return -1; } int addrtoseg(Map *map, ulong addr, Seg *sp) { int i; Seg *s; if(map == nil){ werrstr("no map"); return -1; } for(i=map->nseg-1; i>=0; i--){ s = &map->seg[i]; if(s->base <= addr && addr-s->base < s->size){ if(sp) *sp = *s; return i; } } werrstr("address 0x%lux is not mapped", addr); return -1; } int addrtosegafter(Map *map, ulong addr, Seg *sp) { int i; Seg *s, *best; ulong bdist; if(map == nil){ werrstr("no map"); return -1; } /* * If segments were sorted this would be easier, * but since segments may overlap, sorting also * requires splitting and rejoining, and that's just * too complicated. */ best = nil; bdist = 0; for(i=map->nseg-1; i>=0; i--){ s = &map->seg[i]; if(s->base > addr){ if(best==nil || s->base-addr < bdist){ bdist = s->base - addr; best = s; } } } if(best){ if(sp) *sp = *best; return best-map->seg; } werrstr("nothing mapped after address 0x%lux", addr); return -1; } void removeseg(Map *map, int i) { if(map == nil) return; if(i < 0 || i >= map->nseg) return; memmove(&map->seg[i], &map->seg[i+1], (map->nseg-(i+1))*sizeof(Seg)); map->nseg--; } int get1(Map *map, ulong addr, uchar *a, uint n) { return mrw(map, addr, a, n, 1); } int get2(Map *map, ulong addr, u16int *u) { u16int v; if(mrw(map, addr, &v, 2, 1) < 0) return -1; *u = mach->swap2(v); return 2; } int get4(Map *map, ulong addr, u32int *u) { u32int v; if(mrw(map, addr, &v, 4, 1) < 0) return -1; *u = mach->swap4(v); return 4; } int get8(Map *map, ulong addr, u64int *u) { u64int v; if(mrw(map, addr, &v, 8, 1) < 0) return -1; *u = mach->swap8(v); return 8; } int put1(Map *map, ulong addr, uchar *a, uint n) { return mrw(map, addr, a, n, 0); } int put2(Map *map, ulong addr, u16int u) { u = mach->swap2(u); return mrw(map, addr, &u, 2, 0); } int put4(Map *map, ulong addr, u32int u) { u = mach->swap4(u); return mrw(map, addr, &u, 4, 0); } int put8(Map *map, ulong addr, u64int u) { u = mach->swap8(u); return mrw(map, addr, &u, 8, 0); } static Seg* reloc(Map *map, ulong addr, uint n, ulong *off, uint *nn) { int i; ulong o; if(map == nil){ werrstr("invalid map"); return nil; } for(i=map->nseg-1; i>=0; i--){ if(map->seg[i].base <= addr){ o = addr - map->seg[i].base; if(o >= map->seg[i].size) continue; if(o+n > map->seg[i].size) *nn = map->seg[i].size - o; else *nn = n; *off = o; return &map->seg[i]; } } werrstr("address 0x%lux not mapped", addr); return nil; } static int mrw(Map *map, ulong addr, void *a, uint n, int r) { uint nn; uint tot; Seg *s; ulong off; for(tot=0; tot<n; tot+=nn){ s = reloc(map, addr+tot, n-tot, &off, &nn); if(s == nil) return -1; if(s->rw(map, s, off, a, nn, r) < 0) return -1; } return 0; } static int fdrw(Map *map, Seg *seg, ulong addr, void *a, uint n, int r) { int nn; uint tot; ulong off; USED(map); off = seg->offset + addr; for(tot=0; tot<n; tot+=nn){ if(r) nn = pread(seg->fd, a, n-tot, off+tot); else nn = pwrite(seg->fd, a, n-tot, off+tot); if(nn < 0) return -1; if(nn == 0){ werrstr("partial %s at address 0x%lux in %s", r ? "read" : "write", off+tot, seg->file); return -1; } } return 0; } static int zerorw(Map *map, Seg *seg, ulong addr, void *a, uint n, int r) { USED(map); USED(seg); USED(addr); if(r==0){ werrstr("cannot write zero segment"); return -1; } memset(a, 0, n); return 0; } static int datarw(Map *map, Seg *seg, ulong addr, void *a, uint n, int r) { USED(map); if(r) memmove(a, seg->p+addr, n); else memmove(seg->p+addr, a, n); return 0; }