#include <u.h> #include <thread_db.h> #include <sys/ptrace.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/procfs.h> /* psaddr_t */ #include <libc.h> #include <mach.h> static char *tderrstr[] = { [TD_OK] "no error", [TD_ERR] "some error", [TD_NOTHR] "no matching thread found", [TD_NOSV] "no matching synchronization handle found", [TD_NOLWP] "no matching light-weight process found", [TD_BADPH] "invalid process handle", [TD_BADTH] "invalid thread handle", [TD_BADSH] "invalid synchronization handle", [TD_BADTA] "invalid thread agent", [TD_BADKEY] "invalid key", [TD_NOMSG] "no event available", [TD_NOFPREGS] "no floating-point register content available", [TD_NOLIBTHREAD] "application not linked with thread library", [TD_NOEVENT] "requested event is not supported", [TD_NOEVENT] "requested event is not supported", [TD_NOCAPAB] "capability not available", [TD_DBERR] "internal debug library error", [TD_NOAPLIC] "operation is not applicable", [TD_NOTSD] "no thread-specific data available", [TD_MALLOC] "out of memory", [TD_PARTIALREG] "not entire register set was read or written", [TD_NOXREGS] "X register set not available for given threads", [TD_TLSDEFER] "thread has not yet allocated TLS for given module", [TD_VERSION] "version mismatch twixt libpthread and libthread_db", [TD_NOTLS] "there is no TLS segment in the given module", }; static char* terr(int e) { static char buf[50]; if(e < 0 || e >= nelem(tderrstr) || tderrstr[e] == nil){ snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "thread err %d", e); return buf; } return tderrstr[e]; }