#include "threadimpl.h" static pthread_mutex_t initmutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static void lockinit(Lock *lk) { pthread_mutexattr_t attr; pthread_mutex_lock(&initmutex); if(lk->init == 0){ pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr); pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL); pthread_mutex_init(&lk->mutex, &attr); pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&attr); lk->init = 1; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&initmutex); } int _threadlock(Lock *lk, int block, ulong pc) { int r; if(!lk->init) lockinit(lk); if(block){ if(pthread_mutex_lock(&lk->mutex) != 0) abort(); return 1; }else{ r = pthread_mutex_trylock(&lk->mutex); if(r == 0) return 1; if(r == EBUSY) return 0; abort(); return 0; } } void _threadunlock(Lock *lk, ulong pc) { if(pthread_mutex_unlock(&lk->mutex) != 0) abort(); } void _procsleep(_Procrendez *r) { /* r is protected by r->l, which we hold */ pthread_cond_init(&r->cond, 0); r->asleep = 1; pthread_cond_wait(&r->cond, &r->l->mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&r->cond); r->asleep = 0; } void _procwakeup(_Procrendez *r) { if(r->asleep){ r->asleep = 0; pthread_cond_signal(&r->cond); } } void _procwakeupandunlock(_Procrendez *r) { if(r->asleep){ r->asleep = 0; pthread_cond_signal(&r->cond); } unlock(r->l); } static void startprocfn(void *v) { void **a; void (*fn)(void*); Proc *p; a = (void**)v; fn = (void(*)(void*))a[0]; p = a[1]; free(a); p->osprocid = pthread_self(); pthread_detach(p->osprocid); (*fn)(p); pthread_exit(0); } void _procstart(Proc *p, void (*fn)(Proc*)) { void **a; a = malloc(2*sizeof a[0]); if(a == nil) sysfatal("_procstart malloc: %r"); a[0] = (void*)fn; a[1] = p; if(pthread_create(&p->osprocid, nil, (void*(*)(void*))startprocfn, (void*)a) < 0){ fprint(2, "pthread_create: %r\n"); abort(); } } static pthread_key_t prockey; Proc* _threadproc(void) { Proc *p; p = pthread_getspecific(prockey); return p; } void _threadsetproc(Proc *p) { pthread_setspecific(prockey, p); } void _pthreadinit(void) { static struct utsname un; pthread_t id; if(uname(&un) < 0){ fprint(2, "warning: uname failed: %r\n"); goto Okay; } if(strcmp(un.sysname, "Linux") == 0){ /* * Want to distinguish between the old LinuxThreads pthreads * and the new NPTL implementation. NPTL uses much bigger * thread IDs. */ id = pthread_self(); if(*(ulong*)&id < 1024*1024) sysfatal("cannot use LinuxThreads as pthread library; see %s/src/libthread/README.Linux", get9root()); } pthread_key_create(&prockey, 0); } void threadexitsall(char *msg) { exits(msg); } void _threadpexit(void) { pthread_exit(0); }