--- Makefile --- # New ports collection makefile for: libutf # Date Created: 11 Feb 2003 # Whom: rsc # # THIS LINE NEEDS REPLACING. IT'S HERE TO GET BY PORTLINT # $FreeBSD: ports/devel/libfmt/Makefile,v 1.1 2003/02/12 00:51:22 rsc Exp $ PORTNAME= libutf PORTVERSION= 2.0 CATEGORIES= devel MASTER_SITES= http://pdos.lcs.mit.edu/~rsc/software/ EXTRACT_SUFX= .tgz MAINTAINER= rsc@post.harvard.edu MAN3= rune.3 runestrcat.3 isalpharune.3 MAN7= utf.7 USE_REINPLACE=yes .include post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,$$(PREFIX),${PREFIX},g' ${WRKSRC}/Makefile .include --- pkg-comment --- UTF8 support library from Plan 9 --- pkg-descr --- UTF8 support library from Plan 9. WWW: http://pdos.lcs.mit.edu/~rsc/software/#libutf http://plan9.bell-labs.com/magic/man2html/3/rune Russ Cox rsc@post.harvard.edu --- pkg-plist --- lib/libutf.a include/utf.h --- /dev/null --- This is just a way to make sure blank lines don't creep into pkg-plist.