path: root/lib/units
diff options
authorrsc <devnull@localhost>2004-04-21 23:43:46 +0000
committerrsc <devnull@localhost>2004-04-21 23:43:46 +0000
commit7e42d210121c9c2898caddcfc09d7e8d836c252e (patch)
treef83363d352e4ecfd3ae4c2d0c166cfa955c41c5d /lib/units
parente12fa2a49ba303cee8d302f1911bd55545ada98e (diff)
odds and ends
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/units')
1 files changed, 597 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/units b/lib/units
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..106fc0f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/units
@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+/order of evaluation
+/ + -
+/ * /
+/ juxtaposition (meaning *)
+/ ¹ ² ³ ^
+/ | (meaning /)
+/ name number ()
+m #
+kg #
+sec #
+coul #
+candela #
+$ #
+radian #
+bit #
+erlang #
+°K #
+°C #
+°F #
+π 3.14159265358979323846
+pi π
+c 2.997925e+8 m/sec
+g 9.80665 m/sec²
+au 1.49597871e+11 m
+mole 6.022169e+23
+e 1.6021917e-19 coul
+energy c²
+force g
+mercury 1.33322e+5 kg/m²sec²
+hg mercury
+h 6.62620e-34 m²kg/sec
+ℏ h/2 π
+hbar ℏ
+nonillion 1e30
+octillion 1e27
+septillion 1e24
+sextillion 1e21
+pentillion 1e18
+quadrillion 1e15
+trillion 1e12
+billion 1e9
+million 1e6
+thousand 1e3
+hundred 1e2
+° 1|180 π radian
+degree °
+circle 2 π radian
+turn 2 π radian
+grad .9 °
+arcdeg 1 °
+arcmin 1|60 °
+arcsec 1|3600 °
+ccs 1|36 erlang
+steradian radian²
+sphere 4 π steradian
+sr steradian
+giga 1024 1024 1024
+second sec
+s sec
+minute 60 sec
+min minute
+hour 60 min
+hr hour
+day 24 hr
+da day
+week 7 day
+year 365.24219879 day
+yr year
+month 1|12 year
+ms millisec
+us microsec
+gram millikg
+gm gram
+mg milligram
+metricton kilokg
+lb .45359237 kg
+lbf lb g
+pound lb
+ounce 1|16 lb
+oz ounce
+dram 1|16 oz
+dr dram
+grain 1|7000 lb
+gr grain
+shortton 2000 lb
+ton shortton
+longton 2240 lb
+scruple 20 grain
+apdram 60 grain
+apounce 480 grain
+troyounce apounce
+appound 5760 grain
+troypound appound
+meter m
+cm centimeter
+mm millimeter
+km kilometer
+nm nanometer
+micron micrometer
+µ micrometer
+Å decinanometer
+angstrom Å
+inch 2.54 cm
+" inch
+in inch
+inches inch
+' 12"
+foot 12 in
+feet foot
+ft foot
+yard 3 ft
+yd yard
+rod 5.5 yd
+rd rod
+mile 5280 ft
+mi mile
+british 1200|3937 m/ft
+nmile 1852 m
+acre 4840 yd²
+cc cm³
+liter kilocc
+ml milliliter
+/US Liquid
+gallon 231 in³
+imperial 1.20095
+epa 0.8
+gal gallon
+quart 1|4 gal
+qt quart
+pint 1|2 qt
+pt pint
+floz 1|16 pt
+fldr 1|8 floz
+/US Dry
+dry 268.8025 in³/gallon
+peck 8 dry quart
+pk peck
+bushel 4 peck
+bu bushel
+brgallon 277.420 in³
+brquart 1|4 brgallon
+brpint 1|2 brquart
+brfloz 1|20 brpint
+brpeck 554.84 in³
+brbushel 4 brpeck
+/Energy Work
+newton kg m/sec²
+nt newton
+joule nt m
+cal 4.1868 joule
+coulomb coul
+ampere coul/sec
+amp ampere
+watt joule/sec
+volt watt/amp
+Ω volt/amp
+ohm Ω
+mho 1/Ω
+farad coul/volt
+henry sec²/farad
+weber volt sec
+cd candela
+lumen cd sr
+lux cd sr/m²
+/ Fri Oct 27 15:52:13 EDT 2000
+argentpeso 1 | .9998 $
+australiadollar 1 | 1.9175 $
+brazilreal 1 | 1.9300 $
+britainpound 1 | .6972 $
+canadadollar 1 | 1.5237 $
+chilepeso 1 | 576.45 $
+chinayuan 1 | 8.2782 $
+colombiapeso 1 | 2165.00 $
+czechrepkoruna 1 | 42.11 $
+denmarkkrone 1 | 9.0134 $
+dominicanpeso 1 | 16.00 $
+egyptpound 1 | 3.6750 $
+euro 1 | 1.08863 $
+hongkongdollar 1 | 7.7991 $
+hungaryforint 1 | 317.59 $
+indiarupee 1 | 46.600 $
+indnsiarupiah 1 | 9025.00 $
+israelshekel 1 | 4.1450 $
+japanyen 1 | 108.34 $
+jordandinar 1 | .71098 $
+lebanonpound 1 | 1514.00 $
+malaysiaringgit 1 | 3.7996 $
+mexicopeso 1 | 9.6850 $
+newzealanddollar 1 | 2.4938 $
+norwaykrone 1 | 9.5940 $
+pakistanrupee 1 | 57.75 $
+perunewsol 1 | 3.510 $
+philpinspeso 1 | 50.10 $
+polandzloty 1 | 4.70 $
+russiaruble 1 | 27.9200 $
+sdr 1 | .7841 $
+saudiarabriyal 1 | 3.7508 $
+singaporedollar 1 | 1.7546 $
+slovakrepkoruna 1 | 52.65 $
+southafricarand 1 | 7.6725 $
+southkoreawon 1 | 1137.20 $
+swedenkrona 1 | 10.2621 $
+switzerlndfranc 1 | 1.8195 $
+taiwandollar 1 | 32.09 $
+thailandbaht 1 | 43.58 $
+turkeylira 1 | 687860 $
+uaedirham 1 | 3.6728 $
+uruguaynewpeso 1 | 12.4180 $
+venezuelabolivar 1 | 693.2500 $
+€ euro
+£ britainpound
+¥ japanyen
+dollar $
+bef 1 | 40.3399 €
+belgiumfranc bef
+dem 1 | 1.95583 €
+germanymark dem
+grd 1 | 340.750 €
+greecedrachma grd
+esp 1 | 166.386 €
+spainpeseta esp
+frf 1 | 6.55957 €
+francefranc frf
+iep 1 | .787564 €
+irelandpunt iep
+itl 1 | 1936.27 €
+italylira itl
+luf 1 | 40.3399 €
+luxembourgfranc luf
+nlg 1 | 2.20371 €
+netherlandsguilder nlg
+ats 1 | 13.7603 €
+austriaschilling ats
+pte 1 | 200.482 €
+portugalescudo pte
+fim 1 | 5.94573 €
+finlandmark fim
+baht thailandbaht
+bolivar venezuelabolivar
+brpound britainpound
+dinar jordandinar
+dirham uaedirham
+drachma greecedrachma
+escudo portugalescudo
+forint hungaryforint
+franc francefranc
+guilder netherlandsguilder
+krona swedenkrona
+lira italylira
+mark germanymark
+peseta spainpeseta
+peso mexicopeso
+punt irelandpunt
+rand southafricarand
+real brazilreal
+yuan chinayuan
+ringgit malaysiaringgit
+riyal saudiarabriyal
+ruble russiaruble
+rupee indiarupee
+rupiah indnsiarupiah
+shekel israelshekel
+sol perunewsol
+won southkoreawon
+yen japanyen
+zloty polandzloty
+usdollar dollar
+sterling britainpound | pound
+poundsterling britainpound
+baud bit/sec
+byte 8 bit
+short 2 byte
+long 4 byte
+vlong 8 bytes
+frame 2352 byte
+/Australian liquid measure
+pony 7 brfloz
+midie 10 brfloz
+pot midie
+handle midie
+schooner 15 brfloz
+jug 40 brfloz
+resch midie
+alf midie
+tinny 13 brfloz
+stubby tinny
+twisty 250 ml
+longneck 2 tinny
+slab 24 tinny
+sixpack 6 tinny
+nip brfloz
+winebottle 750 ml
+balthazar 16 winebottle
+jeroboam 4 winebottle
+magnum 2 winebottle
+mathusalem 8 winebottle
+methuselah 8 winebottle
+nebuchadnezzar 20 winebottle
+rehoboam 6 winebottle
+salmanazar 12 winebottle
+split 0.25 winebottle
+jigger 1.5 floz
+% 1|100
+admiraltyknot 6080 ft/hr
+ε₀ (1e-9/36π) farad/m
+α (1/4π ε₀) e²/ℏ c
+alpha α
+apostilb cd/π m²
+are 1e+2 m²
+arpentcan 27.52 mi
+arpentlin 191.835 ft
+astronomicalunit au
+atmosphere 1.01325e+5 nt/m²
+atm atmosphere
+atomicmassunit 1.66044e-27 kg
+amu atomicmassunit
+bag 94 lb
+bakersdozen 13
+bar 1e+5 nt/m²
+barie 1e-1 nt/m²
+barleycorn 1|3 in
+barn 1e-28 m²
+barrel 42 gal
+barye 1e-1 nt/m²
+bev 1e+9 e volt
+biot 10 amp
+blondel cd/π m²
+boardfoot 144 in³
+bolt 40 yd
+bottommeasure 1|40 in
+britishthermalunit 1.05506e+3 joule
+btu britishthermalunit
+quad 1.0e+15 btu
+refrigeration 12000 btu/ton hour
+buck dollar
+cable 720 ft
+caliber 1e-2 in
+calorie cal
+carat 205 mg
+cent centidollar
+cental 100 lb
+centesimalminute 1e-2 grad
+centesimalsecond 1e-4 grad
+century 100 year
+cfs ft³/sec
+chain 66 ft
+circularinch 1|4 π in²
+circularmil 1e-6|4 π in²
+clusec 1e-8 mm hg m³/s
+coomb 4 bu
+cord 128 ft³
+cordfoot cord
+crith 9.06e-2 gm
+cubit 18 in
+cup 1|2 pt
+curie 3.7e+10/sec
+cusec ft³/sec
+dalton amu
+decade 10 yr
+degK °K
+degC °C
+degF °F
+dipotre 1/m
+displacementton 35 ft³
+doppelzentner 100 kg
+dozen 12
+drop .03 cm³
+dyne cm gm/sec²
+electronvolt e volt
+ell 45 in
+engineerschain 100 ft
+engineerslink 100|100 ft
+equivalentfootcandle lumen/π ft²
+equivalentlux lumen/π m²
+equivalentphot cd/π cm²
+erg cm²gm/sec²
+ev e volt
+faraday 9.652e+4 coul
+fathom 6 ft
+fermi 1e-15 m
+fifth 4|5 qt
+fin 5 dollar
+finger 7|8 in
+firkin 9 gal
+footcandle lumen/ft²
+footlambert cd/π ft²
+fortnight 14 da
+franklin 3.33564e-10 coul
+frigorie kilocal
+furlong 220 yd
+galileo 1e-2 m/sec²
+gamma 1e-9 weber/m²
+gauss 1e-4 weber/m²
+geodeticfoot british ft
+geographicalmile 1852 m
+gilbert 7.95775e-1 amp
+gill 1|4 pt
+gross 144
+gunterschain 22 yd
+hand 4 in
+hectare 1e+4 m²
+hefnercandle .92 cd
+hertz 1/sec
+hogshead 2 barrel
+hd hogshead
+homestead 1|4 mi²
+horsepower 550 ft lb g/sec
+hp horsepower
+hyl gm force sec²/m
+hz 1/sec
+imaginarycubicfoot 1.4 ft³
+karat 1|24
+kcal kilocal
+kcalorie kilocal
+kev 1e+3 e volt
+key kg
+khz 1e+3/sec
+kilderkin 18 gal
+knot nmile/hr
+kwh kilowatt hour
+lambert cd/π cm²
+langley cal/cm²
+last 80 bu
+league 3 mi
+lightyear c yr
+ly lightyear
+lightsecond c sec
+line 1|12 in
+link 66|100 ft
+longhundredweight 112 lb
+longquarter 28 lb
+lusec 1e-6 mm hg m³/s
+mach 331.46 m/sec
+marineleague 3 nmile
+maxwell 1e-8 weber
+metriccarat 200 mg
+mev 1e+6 e volt
+mgd megagal/day
+mh millihenry
+mhz 1e+6/sec
+mil 1e-3 in
+millenium 1000 year
+minersinch 1.5 ft³/min
+minim 1|60 fldr
+mo month
+mpg mile/gal
+mph mile/hr
+nail 1|16 yd
+nauticalmile nmile
+nit cd/m²
+noggin 1|8 qt
+nox 1e-3 lux
+ns nanosec
+oersted 2.5e+2 amp/m π
+oe oersted
+pace 36 in
+palm 3 in
+parasang 3.5 mi
+parsec au radian/arcsec
+pascal nt/m²
+pc parsec
+pennyweight 1|20 oz
+percent %
+perch rd
+pf picofarad
+phot lumen/cm²
+pica 1|6 in
+pieze 1e+3 nt/m²
+pipe 4 barrel
+point 1|72 in
+poise gm/cm sec
+pole rd
+poundal ft lb/sec²
+pdl poundal
+proof 1/200
+psi lb g/in²
+quarter 9 in
+quartersection 1|4 mi²
+quintal 100 kg
+quire 25
+rad 100 erg/gm
+ream 500
+registerton 100 ft³
+rhe 10 m²/nt sec
+rontgen 2.58e-4 curie/kg
+rood 1.21e+3 yd
+rope 20 ft
+rutherford 1e+6/sec
+rydberg 1.36054e+1 ev
+sabin 1 ft²
+sack 3 bu
+seam 8 bu
+section mi²
+shippington 40 ft³
+shorthundredweight 100 lb
+shortquarter 25 lb
+siemens 1/Ω
+σ 5.66956e-5 erg/cm² °K^4 sec
+sigma σ
+skein 120 yd
+skot 1e-3 apostilb
+slug lb g sec²/ft
+span 9 in
+spat 4 π sr
+spindle 14400 yd
+square 100 ft²
+squidge 1|972 inch
+catsquidge 1|432 inch
+stere m³
+sthene 1e+3 nt
+stilb cd/cm²
+stoke 1e-4 m²/sec
+stone 14 lb
+strike 2 bu
+surveyfoot british ft
+surveyorschain 66 ft
+surveyorslink 66|100 ft
+tablespoon 4 fldr
+teaspoon 4|3 fldr
+tesla weber/m²
+therm 1e+5 btu
+thermie 1e+6 cal
+timberfoot ft³
+tnt 4.6e+6 m²/sec²
+tonne 1e+6 gm
+torr mm hg
+township 36 mi²
+tun 8 barrel
+water .22491|2.54 kg/m²sec²
+wey 40 bu
+weymass 252 lb
+Xunit 1.00202e-13 m
+k 1.38047e-16 erg/°K
+foal 9223372036854775807