path: root/src/cmd/page/gfx.c
diff options
authorrsc <devnull@localhost>2005-01-04 21:23:50 +0000
committerrsc <devnull@localhost>2005-01-04 21:23:50 +0000
commit24c02865d8fcc97d1fb5cb9281810d8074aa5eb1 (patch)
tree3bb16794ded14341ee58d9f1f173ce92fb4d2be7 /src/cmd/page/gfx.c
parentd1e9002f81f14fbfef1ebc4261edccd9eb97b72c (diff)
placeholder; does not yet build
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cmd/page/gfx.c')
1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cmd/page/gfx.c b/src/cmd/page/gfx.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72254de8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/page/gfx.c
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+ * graphics file reading for page
+ */
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <draw.h>
+#include <event.h>
+#include <bio.h>
+#include "page.h"
+typedef struct Convert Convert;
+typedef struct GfxInfo GfxInfo;
+typedef struct Graphic Graphic;
+struct Convert {
+ char *name;
+ char *cmd;
+ char *truecmd; /* cmd for true color */
+struct GfxInfo {
+ Graphic *g;
+struct Graphic {
+ int type;
+ char *name;
+ uchar *buf; /* if stdin */
+ int nbuf;
+enum {
+ Ipic,
+ Itiff,
+ Ijpeg,
+ Igif,
+ Iinferno,
+ Ifax,
+ Icvt2pic,
+ Iplan9bm,
+ Iccittg4,
+ Ippm,
+ Ipng,
+ Iyuv,
+ Ibmp,
+ * N.B. These commands need to read stdin if %a is replaced
+ * with an empty string.
+ */
+Convert cvt[] = {
+[Ipic] { "plan9", "fb/3to1 rgbv %a |fb/pcp -tplan9" },
+[Itiff] { "tiff", "fb/tiff2pic %a | fb/3to1 rgbv | fb/pcp -tplan9" },
+[Iplan9bm] { "plan9bm", nil },
+[Ijpeg] { "jpeg", "jpg -9 %a", "jpg -t9 %a" },
+[Igif] { "gif", "gif -9 %a", "gif -t9 %a" },
+[Iinferno] { "inferno", nil },
+[Ifax] { "fax", "aux/g3p9bit -g %a" },
+[Icvt2pic] { "unknown", "fb/cvt2pic %a |fb/3to1 rgbv" },
+[Ippm] { "ppm", "ppm -9 %a", "ppm -t9 %a" },
+/* ``temporary'' hack for hobby */
+[Iccittg4] { "ccitt-g4", "cat %a|rx nslocum /usr/lib/ocr/bin/bcp -M|fb/pcp -tcompressed -l0" },
+[Ipng] { "png", "png -9 %a", "png -t9 %a" },
+[Iyuv] { "yuv", "yuv -9 %a", "yuv -t9 %a" },
+[Ibmp] { "bmp", "bmp -9 %a", "bmp -t9 %a" },
+static Image* convert(Graphic*);
+static Image* gfxdrawpage(Document *d, int page);
+static char* gfxpagename(Document*, int);
+static int spawnrc(char*, uchar*, int);
+static int addpage(Document*, char*);
+static int rmpage(Document*, int);
+static int genaddpage(Document*, char*, uchar*, int);
+static char*
+gfxpagename(Document *doc, int page)
+ GfxInfo *gfx = doc->extra;
+ return gfx->g[page].name;
+static Image*
+gfxdrawpage(Document *doc, int page)
+ GfxInfo *gfx = doc->extra;
+ return convert(gfx->g+page);
+initgfx(Biobuf *b, int argc, char **argv, uchar *buf, int nbuf)
+ GfxInfo *gfx;
+ Document *doc;
+ int i;
+ USED(b);
+ doc = emalloc(sizeof(*doc));
+ gfx = emalloc(sizeof(*gfx));
+ gfx->g = nil;
+ doc->npage = 0;
+ doc->drawpage = gfxdrawpage;
+ doc->pagename = gfxpagename;
+ doc->addpage = addpage;
+ doc->rmpage = rmpage;
+ doc->extra = gfx;
+ doc->fwdonly = 0;
+ fprint(2, "reading through graphics...\n");
+ if(argc==0 && buf)
+ genaddpage(doc, nil, buf, nbuf);
+ else{
+ for(i=0; i<argc; i++)
+ if(addpage(doc, argv[i]) < 0)
+ fprint(2, "warning: not including %s: %r\n", argv[i]);
+ }
+ return doc;
+static int
+genaddpage(Document *doc, char *name, uchar *buf, int nbuf)
+ Graphic *g;
+ GfxInfo *gfx;
+ Biobuf *b;
+ uchar xbuf[32];
+ int i, l;
+ l = 0;
+ gfx = doc->extra;
+ assert((name == nil) ^ (buf == nil));
+ assert(name != nil || doc->npage == 0);
+ for(i=0; i<doc->npage; i++)
+ if(strcmp(gfx->g[i].name, name) == 0)
+ return i;
+ if(name){
+ l = strlen(name);
+ if((b = Bopen(name, OREAD)) == nil) {
+ werrstr("Bopen: %r");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(Bread(b, xbuf, sizeof xbuf) != sizeof xbuf) {
+ werrstr("short read: %r");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ Bterm(b);
+ buf = xbuf;
+ nbuf = sizeof xbuf;
+ }
+ gfx->g = erealloc(gfx->g, (doc->npage+1)*(sizeof(*gfx->g)));
+ g = &gfx->g[doc->npage];
+ memset(g, 0, sizeof *g);
+ if(memcmp(buf, "GIF", 3) == 0)
+ g->type = Igif;
+ else if(memcmp(buf, "\111\111\052\000", 4) == 0)
+ g->type = Itiff;
+ else if(memcmp(buf, "\115\115\000\052", 4) == 0)
+ g->type = Itiff;
+ else if(memcmp(buf, "\377\330\377", 3) == 0)
+ g->type = Ijpeg;
+ else if(memcmp(buf, "\211PNG\r\n\032\n", 3) == 0)
+ g->type = Ipng;
+ else if(memcmp(buf, "compressed\n", 11) == 0)
+ g->type = Iinferno;
+ else if(memcmp(buf, "\0PC Research, Inc", 17) == 0)
+ g->type = Ifax;
+ else if(memcmp(buf, "TYPE=ccitt-g31", 14) == 0)
+ g->type = Ifax;
+ else if(memcmp(buf, "II*", 3) == 0)
+ g->type = Ifax;
+ else if(memcmp(buf, "TYPE=ccitt-g4", 13) == 0)
+ g->type = Iccittg4;
+ else if(memcmp(buf, "TYPE=", 5) == 0)
+ g->type = Ipic;
+ else if(buf[0] == 'P' && '0' <= buf[1] && buf[1] <= '9')
+ g->type = Ippm;
+ else if(memcmp(buf, "BM", 2) == 0)
+ g->type = Ibmp;
+ else if(memcmp(buf, " ", 10) == 0 &&
+ '0' <= buf[10] && buf[10] <= '9' &&
+ buf[11] == ' ')
+ g->type = Iplan9bm;
+ else if(strtochan((char*)buf) != 0)
+ g->type = Iplan9bm;
+ else if (l > 4 && strcmp(name + l -4, ".yuv") == 0)
+ g->type = Iyuv;
+ else
+ g->type = Icvt2pic;
+ if(name)
+ g->name = estrdup(name);
+ else{
+ g->name = estrdup("stdin"); /* so it can be freed */
+ g->buf = buf;
+ g->nbuf = nbuf;
+ }
+ if(chatty) fprint(2, "classified \"%s\" as \"%s\"\n", g->name, cvt[g->type].name);
+ return doc->npage++;
+static int
+addpage(Document *doc, char *name)
+ return genaddpage(doc, name, nil, 0);
+static int
+rmpage(Document *doc, int n)
+ int i;
+ GfxInfo *gfx;
+ if(n < 0 || n >= doc->npage)
+ return -1;
+ gfx = doc->extra;
+ doc->npage--;
+ free(gfx->g[n].name);
+ for(i=n; i<doc->npage; i++)
+ gfx->g[i] = gfx->g[i+1];
+ if(n < doc->npage)
+ return n;
+ if(n == 0)
+ return 0;
+ return n-1;
+static Image*
+convert(Graphic *g)
+ int fd;
+ Convert c;
+ char *cmd;
+ char *name, buf[1000];
+ Image *im;
+ int rcspawned = 0;
+ Waitmsg *w;
+ c = cvt[g->type];
+ if(c.cmd == nil) {
+ if(chatty) fprint(2, "no conversion for bitmap \"%s\"...\n", g->name);
+ if(g->buf == nil){ /* not stdin */
+ fd = open(g->name, OREAD);
+ if(fd < 0) {
+ fprint(2, "cannot open file: %r\n");
+ wexits("open");
+ }
+ }else
+ fd = stdinpipe(g->buf, g->nbuf);
+ } else {
+ cmd = c.cmd;
+ if(truecolor && c.truecmd)
+ cmd = c.truecmd;
+ if(g->buf != nil) /* is stdin */
+ name = "";
+ else
+ name = g->name;
+ if(strlen(cmd)+strlen(name) > sizeof buf) {
+ fprint(2, "command too long\n");
+ wexits("convert");
+ }
+ snprint(buf, sizeof buf, cmd, name);
+ if(chatty) fprint(2, "using \"%s\" to convert \"%s\"...\n", buf, g->name);
+ fd = spawnrc(buf, g->buf, g->nbuf);
+ rcspawned++;
+ if(fd < 0) {
+ fprint(2, "cannot spawn converter: %r\n");
+ wexits("convert");
+ }
+ }
+ im = readimage(display, fd, 0);
+ if(im == nil) {
+ fprint(2, "warning: couldn't read image: %r\n");
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ /* for some reason rx doesn't work well with wait */
+ /* for some reason 3to1 exits on success with a non-null status of |3to1 */
+ if(rcspawned && g->type != Iccittg4) {
+ if((w=wait())!=nil && w->msg[0] && !strstr(w->msg, "3to1"))
+ fprint(2, "slave wait error: %s\n", w->msg);
+ free(w);
+ }
+ return im;
+static int
+spawnrc(char *cmd, uchar *stdinbuf, int nstdinbuf)
+ int pfd[2];
+ int pid;
+ if(chatty) fprint(2, "spawning(%s)...", cmd);
+ if(pipe(pfd) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if((pid = fork()) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if(pid == 0) {
+ close(pfd[1]);
+ if(stdinbuf)
+ dup(stdinpipe(stdinbuf, nstdinbuf), 0);
+ else
+ dup(open("/dev/null", OREAD), 0);
+ dup(pfd[0], 1);
+ //dup(pfd[0], 2);
+ execl("/bin/rc", "rc", "-c", cmd, nil);
+ wexits("exec");
+ }
+ close(pfd[0]);
+ return pfd[1];