path: root/src/cmd/map/map.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cmd/map/map.c')
1 files changed, 1226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cmd/map/map.c b/src/cmd/map/map.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47109d43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/map/map.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1226 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "map.h"
+#include "iplot.h"
+#define NVERT 20 /* max number of vertices in a -v polygon */
+#define HALFWIDTH 8192 /* output scaled to fit in -HALFWIDTH,HALFWIDTH */
+#define LONGLINES (HALFWIDTH*4) /* permissible segment lengths */
+#define SCALERATIO 10 /* of abs to rel data (see map(5)) */
+#define RESOL 2. /* coarsest resolution for tracing grid (degrees) */
+#define TWO_THRD 0.66666666666666667
+int normproj(double, double, double *, double *);
+int posproj(double, double, double *, double *);
+int picut(struct place *, struct place *, double *);
+double reduce(double);
+short getshort(FILE *);
+char *mapindex(char *);
+proj projection;
+static char *mapdir = "/lib/map"; /* default map directory */
+struct file {
+ char *name;
+ char *color;
+ char *style;
+static struct file dfltfile = {
+ "world", BLACK, SOLID /* default map */
+static struct file *file = &dfltfile; /* list of map files */
+static int nfile = 1; /* length of list */
+static char *currcolor = BLACK; /* current color */
+static char *gridcolor = BLACK;
+static char *bordcolor = BLACK;
+extern struct index index[];
+int halfwidth = HALFWIDTH;
+static int (*cut)(struct place *, struct place *, double *);
+static int (*limb)(double*, double*, double);
+static void dolimb(void);
+static int onlimb;
+static int poles;
+static double orientation[3] = { 90., 0., 0. }; /* -o option */
+static int oriented; /* nonzero if -o option occurred */
+static int upright; /* 1 if orientation[0]==90, -1 if -90, else 0*/
+static int delta = 1; /* -d setting */
+static double limits[4] = { /* -l parameters */
+ -90., 90., -180., 180.
+static double klimits[4] = { /* -k parameters */
+ -90., 90., -180., 180.
+static int limcase;
+static double rlimits[4]; /* limits expressed in radians */
+static double lolat, hilat, lolon, hilon;
+static double window[4] = { /* option -w */
+ -90., 90., -180., 180.
+static int windowed; /* nozero if option -w */
+static struct vert { double x, y; } v[NVERT+2]; /*clipping polygon*/
+static struct edge { double a, b, c; } e[NVERT]; /* coeffs for linear inequality */
+static int nvert; /* number of vertices in clipping polygon */
+static double rwindow[4]; /* window, expressed in radians */
+static double params[2]; /* projection params */
+/* bounds on output values before scaling; found by coarse survey */
+static double xmin = 100.;
+static double xmax = -100.;
+static double ymin = 100.;
+static double ymax = -100.;
+static double xcent, ycent;
+static double xoff, yoff;
+double xrange, yrange;
+static int left = -HALFWIDTH;
+static int right = HALFWIDTH;
+static int bottom = -HALFWIDTH;
+static int top = HALFWIDTH;
+static int longlines = SHORTLINES; /* drop longer segments */
+static int shortlines = SHORTLINES;
+static int bflag = 1; /* 0 for option -b */
+static int s1flag = 0; /* 1 for option -s1 */
+static int s2flag = 0; /* 1 for option -s2 */
+static int rflag = 0; /* 1 for option -r */
+static int kflag = 0; /* 1 if option -k occurred */
+static int xflag = 0; /* 1 for option -x */
+ int vflag = 1; /* -1 if option -v occurred */
+static double position[3]; /* option -p */
+static double center[3] = {0., 0., 0.}; /* option -c */
+static struct coord crot; /* option -c */
+static double grid[3] = { 10., 10., RESOL }; /* option -g */
+static double dlat, dlon; /* resolution for tracing grid in lat and lon */
+static double scaling; /* to compute final integer output */
+static struct file *track; /* options -t and -u */
+static int ntrack; /* number of tracks present */
+static char *symbolfile; /* option -y */
+void clamp(double *px, double v);
+void clipinit(void);
+double diddle(struct place *, double, double);
+double diddle(struct place *, double, double);
+void dobounds(double, double, double, double, int);
+void dogrid(double, double, double, double);
+int duple(struct place *, double);
+double fmax(double, double);
+double fmin(double, double);
+void getdata(char *);
+int gridpt(double, double, int);
+int inpoly(double, double);
+int inwindow(struct place *);
+void pathnames(void);
+int pnorm(double);
+void radbds(double *w, double *rw);
+void revlon(struct place *, double);
+void satellite(struct file *);
+int seeable(double, double);
+void windlim(void);
+void realcut(void);
+option(char *s)
+ if(s[0]=='-' && (s[1]<'0'||s[1]>'9'))
+ return(s[1]!='.'&&s[1]!=0);
+ else
+ return(0);
+conv(int k, struct coord *g)
+ g->l = (0.0001/SCALERATIO)*k;
+ sincos(g);
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int i,k;
+ char *s, *t, *style;
+ double x, y;
+ double lat, lon;
+ double *wlim;
+ double dd;
+ if(sizeof(short)!=2)
+ abort(); /* getshort() won't work */
+ s = getenv("MAP");
+ if(s)
+ file[0].name = s;
+ s = getenv("MAPDIR");
+ if(s)
+ mapdir = s;
+ if(argc<=1)
+ error("usage: map projection params options");
+ for(k=0;index[k].name;k++) {
+ s = index[k].name;
+ t = argv[1];
+ while(*s == *t){
+ if(*s==0) goto found;
+ s++;
+ t++;
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr,"projections:\n");
+ for(i=0;index[i].name;i++) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s",index[i].name);
+ for(k=0; k<index[i].npar; k++)
+ fprintf(stderr," p%d", k);
+ fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+ }
+ exits("error");
+ argv += 2;
+ argc -= 2;
+ cut = index[k].cut;
+ limb = index[k].limb;
+ poles = index[k].poles;
+ for(i=0;i<index[k].npar;i++) {
+ if(i>=argc||option(argv[i])) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s needs %d params\n",index[k].name,index[k].npar);
+ exits("error");
+ }
+ params[i] = atof(argv[i]);
+ }
+ argv += i;
+ argc -= i;
+ while(argc>0&&option(argv[0])) {
+ argc--;
+ argv++;
+ switch(argv[-1][1]) {
+ case 'm':
+ if(file == &dfltfile) {
+ file = 0;
+ nfile = 0;
+ }
+ while(argc && !option(*argv)) {
+ file = realloc(file,(nfile+1)*sizeof(*file));
+ file[nfile].name = *argv;
+ file[nfile].color = currcolor;
+ file[nfile].style = SOLID;
+ nfile++;
+ argv++;
+ argc--;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ bflag = 0;
+ for(nvert=0;nvert<NVERT&&argc>=2;nvert++) {
+ if(option(*argv))
+ break;
+ v[nvert].x = atof(*argv++);
+ argc--;
+ if(option(*argv))
+ break;
+ v[nvert].y = atof(*argv++);
+ argc--;
+ }
+ if(nvert>=NVERT)
+ error("too many clipping vertices");
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ gridcolor = currcolor;
+ for(i=0;i<3&&argc>i&&!option(argv[i]);i++)
+ grid[i] = atof(argv[i]);
+ switch(i) {
+ case 0:
+ grid[0] = grid[1] = 0.;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ grid[1] = grid[0];
+ }
+ argc -= i;
+ argv += i;
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ style = SOLID;
+ goto casetu;
+ case 'u':
+ style = DOTDASH;
+ casetu:
+ while(argc && !option(*argv)) {
+ track = realloc(track,(ntrack+1)*sizeof(*track));
+ track[ntrack].name = *argv;
+ track[ntrack].color = currcolor;
+ track[ntrack].style = style;
+ ntrack++;
+ argv++;
+ argc--;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ rflag++;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ switch(argv[-1][2]) {
+ case '1':
+ s1flag++;
+ break;
+ case 0: /* compatibility */
+ case '2':
+ s2flag++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ for(i=0;i<3&&i<argc&&!option(argv[i]);i++)
+ orientation[i] = atof(argv[i]);
+ oriented++;
+ argv += i;
+ argc -= i;
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ bordcolor = currcolor;
+ for(i=0;i<argc&&i<4&&!option(argv[i]);i++)
+ limits[i] = atof(argv[i]);
+ argv += i;
+ argc -= i;
+ break;
+ case 'k':
+ kflag++;
+ for(i=0;i<argc&&i<4&&!option(argv[i]);i++)
+ klimits[i] = atof(argv[i]);
+ argv += i;
+ argc -= i;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ if(argc>0&&!option(argv[0])) {
+ delta = atoi(argv[0]);
+ argv++;
+ argc--;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ bordcolor = currcolor;
+ windowed++;
+ for(i=0;i<argc&&i<4&&!option(argv[i]);i++)
+ window[i] = atof(argv[i]);
+ argv += i;
+ argc -= i;
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ for(i=0;i<3&&argc>i&&!option(argv[i]);i++)
+ center[i] = atof(argv[i]);
+ argc -= i;
+ argv += i;
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ for(i=0;i<3&&argc>i&&!option(argv[i]);i++)
+ position[i] = atof(argv[i]);
+ argc -= i;
+ argv += i;
+ if(i!=3||position[2]<=0)
+ error("incomplete positioning");
+ break;
+ case 'y':
+ if(argc>0&&!option(argv[0])) {
+ symbolfile = argv[0];
+ argc--;
+ argv++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ if(index[k].limb == 0)
+ error("-v does not apply here");
+ vflag = -1;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ xflag = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'C':
+ if(argc && !option(*argv)) {
+ currcolor = colorcode(*argv);
+ argc--;
+ argv++;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(argc>0)
+ error("error in arguments");
+ pathnames();
+ clamp(&limits[0],-90.);
+ clamp(&limits[1],90.);
+ clamp(&klimits[0],-90.);
+ clamp(&klimits[1],90.);
+ clamp(&window[0],-90.);
+ clamp(&window[1],90.);
+ radbds(limits,rlimits);
+ limcase = limits[2]<-180.?0:
+ limits[3]>180.?2:
+ 1;
+ if(
+ window[0]>=window[1]||
+ window[2]>=window[3]||
+ window[0]>90.||
+ window[1]<-90.||
+ window[2]>180.||
+ window[3]<-180.)
+ error("unreasonable window");
+ windlim();
+ radbds(window,rwindow);
+ upright = orientation[0]==90? 1: orientation[0]==-90? -1: 0;
+ if(index[k].spheroid && !upright)
+ error("can't tilt the spheroid");
+ if(limits[2]>limits[3])
+ limits[3] += 360;
+ if(!oriented)
+ orientation[2] = (limits[2]+limits[3])/2;
+ orient(orientation[0],orientation[1],orientation[2]);
+ projection = (*index[k].prog)(params[0],params[1]);
+ if(projection == 0)
+ error("unreasonable projection parameters");
+ clipinit();
+ grid[0] = fabs(grid[0]);
+ grid[1] = fabs(grid[1]);
+ if(!kflag)
+ for(i=0;i<4;i++)
+ klimits[i] = limits[i];
+ if(klimits[2]>klimits[3])
+ klimits[3] += 360;
+ lolat = limits[0];
+ hilat = limits[1];
+ lolon = limits[2];
+ hilon = limits[3];
+ if(lolon>=hilon||lolat>=hilat||lolat<-90.||hilat>90.)
+ error("unreasonable limits");
+ wlim = kflag? klimits: window;
+ dlat = fmin(hilat-lolat,wlim[1]-wlim[0])/16;
+ dlon = fmin(hilon-lolon,wlim[3]-wlim[2])/32;
+ dd = fmax(dlat,dlon);
+ while(grid[2]>fmin(dlat,dlon)/2)
+ grid[2] /= 2;
+ realcut();
+ if(nvert<=0) {
+ for(lat=klimits[0];lat<klimits[1]+dd-FUZZ;lat+=dd) {
+ if(lat>klimits[1])
+ lat = klimits[1];
+ for(lon=klimits[2];lon<klimits[3]+dd-FUZZ;lon+=dd) {
+ i = (kflag?posproj:normproj)
+ (lat,lon+(lon<klimits[3]?FUZZ:-FUZZ),
+ &x,&y);
+ if(i*vflag <= 0)
+ continue;
+ if(x<xmin) xmin = x;
+ if(x>xmax) xmax = x;
+ if(y<ymin) ymin = y;
+ if(y>ymax) ymax = y;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(i=0; i<nvert; i++) {
+ x = v[i].x;
+ y = v[i].y;
+ if(x<xmin) xmin = x;
+ if(x>xmax) xmax = x;
+ if(y<ymin) ymin = y;
+ if(y>ymax) ymax = y;
+ }
+ }
+ xrange = xmax - xmin;
+ yrange = ymax - ymin;
+ if(xrange<=0||yrange<=0)
+ error("map seems to be empty");
+ scaling = 2; /*plotting area from -1 to 1*/
+ if(position[2]!=0) {
+ if(posproj(position[0]-.5,position[1],&xcent,&ycent)==0||
+ posproj(position[0]+.5,position[1],&x,&y)==0)
+ error("unreasonable position");
+ scaling /= (position[2]*hypot(x-xcent,y-ycent));
+ if(posproj(position[0],position[1],&xcent,&ycent)==0)
+ error("unreasonable position");
+ } else {
+ scaling /= (xrange>yrange?xrange:yrange);
+ xcent = (xmin+xmax)/2;
+ ycent = (ymin+ymax)/2;
+ }
+ xoff = center[0]/scaling;
+ yoff = center[1]/scaling;
+ crot.l = center[2]*RAD;
+ sincos(&crot);
+ scaling *= HALFWIDTH*0.9;
+ if(symbolfile)
+ getsyms(symbolfile);
+ if(!s2flag) {
+ openpl();
+ erase();
+ }
+ range(left,bottom,right,top);
+ comment("grid","");
+ colorx(gridcolor);
+ pen(DOTTED);
+ if(grid[0]>0.)
+ for(lat=ceil(lolat/grid[0])*grid[0];
+ lat<=hilat;lat+=grid[0])
+ dogrid(lat,lat,lolon,hilon);
+ if(grid[1]>0.)
+ for(lon=ceil(lolon/grid[1])*grid[1];
+ lon<=hilon;lon+=grid[1])
+ dogrid(lolat,hilat,lon,lon);
+ comment("border","");
+ colorx(bordcolor);
+ pen(SOLID);
+ if(bflag) {
+ dolimb();
+ dobounds(lolat,hilat,lolon,hilon,0);
+ dobounds(window[0],window[1],window[2],window[3],1);
+ }
+ lolat = floor(limits[0]/10)*10;
+ hilat = ceil(limits[1]/10)*10;
+ lolon = floor(limits[2]/10)*10;
+ hilon = ceil(limits[3]/10)*10;
+ if(lolon>hilon)
+ hilon += 360.;
+ /*do tracks first so as not to lose the standard input*/
+ for(i=0;i<ntrack;i++) {
+ longlines = LONGLINES;
+ satellite(&track[i]);
+ longlines = shortlines;
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<nfile;i++) {
+ comment("mapfile",file[i].name);
+ colorx(file[i].color);
+ pen(file[i].style);
+ getdata(file[i].name);
+ }
+ move(right,bottom);
+ if(!s1flag)
+ closepl();
+ return 0;
+/* Out of perverseness (really to recover from a dubious,
+ but documented, convention) the returns from projection
+ functions (-1 unplottable, 0 wrong sheet, 1 good) are
+ recoded into -1 wrong sheet, 0 unplottable, 1 good. */
+fixproj(struct place *g, double *x, double *y)
+ int i = (*projection)(g,x,y);
+ return i<0? 0: i==0? -1: 1;
+normproj(double lat, double lon, double *x, double *y)
+ int i;
+ struct place geog;
+ latlon(lat,lon,&geog);
+ printp(&geog);
+ normalize(&geog);
+ if(!inwindow(&geog))
+ return(-1);
+ i = fixproj(&geog,x,y);
+ if(rflag)
+ *x = -*x;
+ printp(&geog);
+ fprintf(stderr,"%d %.3f %.3f\n",i,*x,*y);
+ return(i);
+posproj(double lat, double lon, double *x, double *y)
+ int i;
+ struct place geog;
+ latlon(lat,lon,&geog);
+ normalize(&geog);
+ i = fixproj(&geog,x,y);
+ if(rflag)
+ *x = -*x;
+ return(i);
+inwindow(struct place *geog)
+ if(geog->nlat.l<rwindow[0]-FUZZ||
+ geog->nlat.l>rwindow[1]+FUZZ||
+ geog->wlon.l<rwindow[2]-FUZZ||
+ geog->wlon.l>rwindow[3]+FUZZ)
+ return(0);
+ else return(1);
+inlimits(struct place *g)
+ if(rlimits[0]-FUZZ>g->nlat.l||
+ rlimits[1]+FUZZ<g->nlat.l)
+ return(0);
+ switch(limcase) {
+ case 0:
+ if(rlimits[2]+TWOPI-FUZZ>g->wlon.l&&
+ rlimits[3]+FUZZ<g->wlon.l)
+ return(0);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if(rlimits[2]-FUZZ>g->wlon.l||
+ rlimits[3]+FUZZ<g->wlon.l)
+ return(0);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if(rlimits[2]>g->wlon.l&&
+ rlimits[3]-TWOPI+FUZZ<g->wlon.l)
+ return(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ return(1);
+long patch[18][36];
+getdata(char *mapfile)
+ char *indexfile;
+ int kx,ky,c;
+ int k;
+ long b;
+ long *p;
+ int ip, jp;
+ int n;
+ struct place g;
+ int i, j;
+ double lat, lon;
+ int conn;
+ FILE *ifile, *xfile;
+ indexfile = mapindex(mapfile);
+ xfile = fopen(indexfile,"r");
+ if(xfile==NULL)
+ filerror("can't find map index", indexfile);
+ free(indexfile);
+ for(i=0,p=patch[0];i<18*36;i++,p++)
+ *p = 1;
+ while(!feof(xfile) && fscanf(xfile,"%d%d%ld",&i,&j,&b)==3)
+ patch[i+9][j+18] = b;
+ fclose(xfile);
+ ifile = fopen(mapfile,"r");
+ if(ifile==NULL)
+ filerror("can't find map data", mapfile);
+ for(lat=lolat;lat<hilat;lat+=10.)
+ for(lon=lolon;lon<hilon;lon+=10.) {
+ if(!seeable(lat,lon))
+ continue;
+ i = pnorm(lat);
+ j = pnorm(lon);
+ if((b=patch[i+9][j+18])&1)
+ continue;
+ fseek(ifile,b,0);
+ while((ip=getc(ifile))>=0&&(jp=getc(ifile))>=0){
+ if(ip!=(i&0377)||jp!=(j&0377))
+ break;
+ n = getshort(ifile);
+ conn = 0;
+ if(n > 0) { /* absolute coordinates */
+ kx = ky = 0; /* set */
+ for(k=0;k<n;k++){
+ kx = SCALERATIO*getshort(ifile);
+ ky = SCALERATIO*getshort(ifile);
+ if (((k%delta) != 0) && (k != (n-1)))
+ continue;
+ conv(kx,&g.nlat);
+ conv(ky,&g.wlon);
+ conn = plotpt(&g,conn);
+ }
+ } else { /* differential, scaled by SCALERATI0 */
+ n = -n;
+ kx = SCALERATIO*getshort(ifile);
+ ky = SCALERATIO*getshort(ifile);
+ for(k=0; k<n; k++) {
+ c = getc(ifile);
+ if(c&0200) c|= ~0177;
+ kx += c;
+ c = getc(ifile);
+ if(c&0200) c|= ~0177;
+ ky += c;
+ if(k%delta!=0&&k!=n-1)
+ continue;
+ conv(kx,&g.nlat);
+ conv(ky,&g.wlon);
+ conn = plotpt(&g,conn);
+ }
+ }
+ if(k==1) {
+ conv(kx,&g.nlat);
+ conv(ky,&g.wlon);
+ plotpt(&g,conn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(ifile);
+seeable(double lat0, double lon0)
+ double x, y;
+ double lat, lon;
+ for(lat=lat0;lat<=lat0+10;lat+=2*grid[2])
+ for(lon=lon0;lon<=lon0+10;lon+=2*grid[2])
+ if(normproj(lat,lon,&x,&y)*vflag>0)
+ return(1);
+ return(0);
+satellite(struct file *t)
+ char sym[50];
+ char lbl[50];
+ double scale;
+ int conn;
+ double lat,lon;
+ struct place place;
+ static FILE *ifile;
+ if(ifile == nil)
+ ifile = stdin;
+ if(t->name[0]!='-'||t->name[1]!=0) {
+ fclose(ifile);
+ if((ifile=fopen(t->name,"r"))==NULL)
+ filerror("can't find track", t->name);
+ }
+ comment("track",t->name);
+ colorx(t->color);
+ pen(t->style);
+ for(;;) {
+ conn = 0;
+ while(!feof(ifile) && fscanf(ifile,"%lf%lf",&lat,&lon)==2){
+ latlon(lat,lon,&place);
+ if(fscanf(ifile,"%1s",lbl) == 1) {
+ if(strchr("+-.0123456789",*lbl)==0)
+ break;
+ ungetc(*lbl,ifile);
+ }
+ conn = plotpt(&place,conn);
+ }
+ if(feof(ifile))
+ return;
+ fscanf(ifile,"%[^\n]",lbl+1);
+ switch(*lbl) {
+ case '"':
+ if(plotpt(&place,conn))
+ text(lbl+1);
+ break;
+ case ':':
+ case '!':
+ if(sscanf(lbl+1,"%s %lf",sym,&scale) <= 1)
+ scale = 1;
+ if(plotpt(&place,conn?conn:-1)) {
+ int r = *lbl=='!'?0:rflag?-1:1;
+ pen(SOLID);
+ if(putsym(&place,sym,scale,r) == 0)
+ text(lbl);
+ pen(t->style);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(plotpt(&place,conn))
+ text(lbl);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+pnorm(double x)
+ int i;
+ i = x/10.;
+ i %= 36;
+ if(i>=18) return(i-36);
+ if(i<-18) return(i+36);
+ return(i);
+error(char *s)
+ fprintf(stderr,"map: \r\n%s\n",s);
+ exits("error");
+filerror(char *s, char *f)
+ fprintf(stderr,"\r\n%s %s\n",s,f);
+ exits("error");
+char *
+mapindex(char *s)
+ char *t = malloc(strlen(s)+3);
+ strcpy(t,s);
+ strcat(t,".x");
+ return t;
+#define NOPT 32767
+static int ox = NOPT;
+static int oy = NOPT;
+cpoint(int xi, int yi, int conn)
+ int dx = abs(ox-xi);
+ int dy = abs(oy-yi);
+ if(!xflag && (xi<left||xi>=right || yi<bottom||yi>=top)) {
+ ox = oy = NOPT;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(conn == -1) /* isolated plotting symbol */
+ {}
+ else if(!conn)
+ point(xi,yi);
+ else {
+ if(dx+dy>longlines) {
+ ox = oy = NOPT; /* don't leap across cuts */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(dx || dy)
+ vec(xi,yi);
+ }
+ ox = xi, oy = yi;
+ return dx+dy<=2? 2: 1; /* 2=very near; see dogrid */
+struct place oldg;
+plotpt(struct place *g, int conn)
+ int kx,ky;
+ int ret;
+ double cutlon;
+ if(!inlimits(g)) {
+ return(0);
+ normalize(g);
+ if(!inwindow(g)) {
+ return(0);
+ switch((*cut)(g,&oldg,&cutlon)) {
+ case 2:
+ if(conn) {
+ ret = duple(g,cutlon)|duple(g,cutlon);
+ oldg = *g;
+ return(ret);
+ }
+ case 0:
+ conn = 0;
+ default: /* prevent diags about bad return value */
+ case 1:
+ oldg = *g;
+ ret = doproj(g,&kx,&ky);
+ if(ret==0 || !onlimb && ret*vflag<=0)
+ return(0);
+ ret = cpoint(kx,ky,conn);
+ return ret;
+ }
+doproj(struct place *g, int *kx, int *ky)
+ int i;
+ double x,y,x1,y1;
+/*fprintf(stderr,"dopr1 %f %f \n",g->nlat.l,g->wlon.l);*/
+ i = fixproj(g,&x,&y);
+ if(i == 0)
+ return(0);
+ if(rflag)
+ x = -x;
+/*fprintf(stderr,"dopr2 %f %f\n",x,y);*/
+ if(!inpoly(x,y)) {
+ return 0;
+ x1 = x - xcent;
+ y1 = y - ycent;
+ x = (x1*crot.c - y1*crot.s + xoff)*scaling;
+ y = (x1*crot.s + y1*crot.c + yoff)*scaling;
+ *kx = x + (x>0?.5:-.5);
+ *ky = y + (y>0?.5:-.5);
+ return(i);
+duple(struct place *g, double cutlon)
+ int kx,ky;
+ int okx,oky;
+ struct place ig;
+ revlon(g,cutlon);
+ revlon(&oldg,cutlon);
+ ig = *g;
+ invert(&ig);
+ if(!inlimits(&ig))
+ return(0);
+ if(doproj(g,&kx,&ky)*vflag<=0 ||
+ doproj(&oldg,&okx,&oky)*vflag<=0)
+ return(0);
+ cpoint(okx,oky,0);
+ cpoint(kx,ky,1);
+ return(1);
+revlon(struct place *g, double cutlon)
+ g->wlon.l = reduce(cutlon-reduce(g->wlon.l-cutlon));
+ sincos(&g->wlon);
+/* recognize problems of cuts
+ * move a point across cut to side of its predecessor
+ * if its very close to the cut
+ * return(0) if cut interrupts the line
+ * return(1) if line is to be drawn normally
+ * return(2) if line is so close to cut as to
+ * be properly drawn on both sheets
+picut(struct place *g, struct place *og, double *cutlon)
+ *cutlon = PI;
+ return(ckcut(g,og,PI));
+nocut(struct place *g, struct place *og, double *cutlon)
+ USED(g);
+ USED(og);
+ USED(cutlon);
+#pragma ref g
+#pragma ref og
+#pragma ref cutlon
+ return(1);
+ckcut(struct place *g1, struct place *g2, double lon)
+ double d1, d2;
+ double f1, f2;
+ int kx,ky;
+ d1 = reduce(g1->wlon.l -lon);
+ d2 = reduce(g2->wlon.l -lon);
+ if((f1=fabs(d1))<FUZZ)
+ d1 = diddle(g1,lon,d2);
+ if((f2=fabs(d2))<FUZZ) {
+ d2 = diddle(g2,lon,d1);
+ if(doproj(g2,&kx,&ky)*vflag>0)
+ cpoint(kx,ky,0);
+ }
+ if(f1<FUZZ&&f2<FUZZ)
+ return(2);
+ if(f1>PI*TWO_THRD||f2>PI*TWO_THRD)
+ return(1);
+ return(d1*d2>=0);
+diddle(struct place *g, double lon, double d)
+ double d1;
+ d1 = FUZZ/2;
+ if(d<0)
+ d1 = -d1;
+ g->wlon.l = reduce(lon+d1);
+ sincos(&g->wlon);
+ return(d1);
+reduce(double lon)
+ if(lon>PI)
+ lon -= 2*PI;
+ else if(lon<-PI)
+ lon += 2*PI;
+ return(lon);
+double tetrapt = 35.26438968; /* atan(1/sqrt(2)) */
+dogrid(double lat0, double lat1, double lon0, double lon1)
+ double slat,slon,tlat,tlon;
+ register int conn, oconn;
+ slat = tlat = slon = tlon = 0;
+ if(lat1>lat0)
+ slat = tlat = fmin(grid[2],dlat);
+ else
+ slon = tlon = fmin(grid[2],dlon);;
+ conn = oconn = 0;
+ while(lat0<=lat1&&lon0<=lon1) {
+ conn = gridpt(lat0,lon0,conn);
+ if(projection==Xguyou&&slat>0) {
+ if(lat0<-45&&lat0+slat>-45)
+ conn = gridpt(-45.,lon0,conn);
+ else if(lat0<45&&lat0+slat>45)
+ conn = gridpt(45.,lon0,conn);
+ } else if(projection==Xtetra&&slat>0) {
+ if(lat0<-tetrapt&&lat0+slat>-tetrapt) {
+ gridpt(-tetrapt-.001,lon0,conn);
+ conn = gridpt(-tetrapt+.001,lon0,0);
+ }
+ else if(lat0<tetrapt&&lat0+slat>tetrapt) {
+ gridpt(tetrapt-.001,lon0,conn);
+ conn = gridpt(tetrapt+.001,lon0,0);
+ }
+ }
+ if(conn==0 && oconn!=0) {
+ if(slat+slon>.05) {
+ lat0 -= slat; /* steps too big */
+ lon0 -= slon; /* or near bdry */
+ slat /= 2;
+ slon /= 2;
+ conn = oconn = gridpt(lat0,lon0,conn);
+ } else
+ oconn = 0;
+ } else {
+ if(conn==2) {
+ slat = tlat;
+ slon = tlon;
+ conn = 1;
+ }
+ oconn = conn;
+ }
+ lat0 += slat;
+ lon0 += slon;
+ }
+ gridpt(lat1,lon1,conn);
+static int gridinv; /* nonzero when doing window bounds */
+gridpt(double lat, double lon, int conn)
+ struct place g;
+/*fprintf(stderr,"%f %f\n",lat,lon);*/
+ latlon(lat,lon,&g);
+ if(gridinv)
+ invert(&g);
+ return(plotpt(&g,conn));
+/* win=0 ordinary grid lines, win=1 window lines */
+dobounds(double lolat, double hilat, double lolon, double hilon, int win)
+ gridinv = win;
+ if(lolat>-90 || win && (poles&1)!=0)
+ dogrid(lolat+FUZZ,lolat+FUZZ,lolon,hilon);
+ if(hilat<90 || win && (poles&2)!=0)
+ dogrid(hilat-FUZZ,hilat-FUZZ,lolon,hilon);
+ if(hilon-lolon<360 || win && cut==picut) {
+ dogrid(lolat,hilat,lolon+FUZZ,lolon+FUZZ);
+ dogrid(lolat,hilat,hilon-FUZZ,hilon-FUZZ);
+ }
+ gridinv = 0;
+static void
+ double lat, lon;
+ double res = fmin(dlat, dlon)/4;
+ int conn = 0;
+ int newconn;
+ if(limb == 0)
+ return;
+ onlimb = gridinv = 1;
+ for(;;) {
+ newconn = (*limb)(&lat, &lon, res);
+ if(newconn == -1)
+ break;
+ conn = gridpt(lat, lon, conn*newconn);
+ }
+ onlimb = gridinv = 0;
+radbds(double *w, double *rw)
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<4;i++)
+ rw[i] = w[i]*RAD;
+ rw[0] -= FUZZ;
+ rw[1] += FUZZ;
+ rw[2] -= FUZZ;
+ rw[3] += FUZZ;
+ double center = orientation[0];
+ double colat;
+ if(center>90)
+ center = 180 - center;
+ if(center<-90)
+ center = -180 - center;
+ if(fabs(center)>90)
+ error("unreasonable orientation");
+ colat = 90 - window[0];
+ if(center-colat>limits[0])
+ limits[0] = center - colat;
+ if(center+colat<limits[1])
+ limits[1] = center + colat;
+getshort(FILE *f)
+ int c, r;
+ c = getc(f);
+ r = (c | getc(f)<<8);
+ if (r&0x8000)
+ r |= ~0xFFFF; /* in case short > 16 bits */
+ return r;
+fmin(double x, double y)
+ return(x<y?x:y);
+fmax(double x, double y)
+ return(x>y?x:y);
+clamp(double *px, double v)
+ *px = (v<0?fmax:fmin)(*px,v);
+ int i;
+ char *t, *indexfile, *name;
+ FILE *f, *fx;
+ for(i=0; i<nfile; i++) {
+ name = file[i].name;
+ if(*name=='/')
+ continue;
+ indexfile = mapindex(name);
+ /* ansi equiv of unix access() call */
+ f = fopen(name, "r");
+ fx = fopen(indexfile, "r");
+ if(f) fclose(f);
+ if(fx) fclose(fx);
+ free(indexfile);
+ if(f && fx)
+ continue;
+ t = malloc(strlen(name)+strlen(mapdir)+2);
+ strcpy(t,mapdir);
+ strcat(t,"/");
+ strcat(t,name);
+ file[i].name = t;
+ }
+ int i;
+ double s,t;
+ if(nvert<=0)
+ return;
+ for(i=0; i<nvert; i++) { /*convert latlon to xy*/
+ if(normproj(v[i].x,v[i].y,&v[i].x,&v[i].y)==0)
+ error("invisible clipping vertex");
+ }
+ if(nvert==2) { /*rectangle with diag specified*/
+ nvert = 4;
+ v[2] = v[1];
+ v[1].x=v[0].x, v[1].y=v[2].y, v[3].x=v[2].x, v[3].y=v[0].y;
+ }
+ v[nvert] = v[0];
+ v[nvert+1] = v[1];
+ s = 0;
+ for(i=1; i<=nvert; i++) { /*test for convexity*/
+ t = (v[i-1].x-v[i].x)*(v[i+1].y-v[i].y) -
+ (v[i-1].y-v[i].y)*(v[i+1].x-v[i].x);
+ if(t<-FUZZ && s>=0) s = 1;
+ if(t>FUZZ && s<=0) s = -1;
+ if(-FUZZ<=t&&t<=FUZZ || t*s>0) {
+ s = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(s==0)
+ error("improper clipping polygon");
+ for(i=0; i<nvert; i++) { /*edge equation ax+by=c*/
+ e[i].a = s*(v[i+1].y - v[i].y);
+ e[i].b = s*(v[i].x - v[i+1].x);
+ e[i].c = s*(v[i].x*v[i+1].y - v[i].y*v[i+1].x);
+ }
+inpoly(double x, double y)
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<nvert; i++) {
+ register struct edge *ei = &e[i];
+ double val = x*ei->a + y*ei->b - ei->c;
+ if(val>10*FUZZ)
+ return(0);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ struct place g;
+ double lat;
+ if(cut != picut) /* punt on unusual cuts */
+ return;
+ for(lat=window[0]; lat<=window[1]; lat+=grid[2]) {
+ g.wlon.l = PI;
+ sincos(&g.wlon);
+ g.nlat.l = lat*RAD;
+ sincos(&g.nlat);
+ if(!inwindow(&g)) {
+ break;
+ invert(&g);
+ if(inlimits(&g)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ longlines = shortlines = LONGLINES;
+ cut = nocut; /* not necessary; small eff. gain */