path: root/src/cmd/svgpic/plsvg.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cmd/svgpic/plsvg.c')
1 files changed, 328 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cmd/svgpic/plsvg.c b/src/cmd/svgpic/plsvg.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f342e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/svgpic/plsvg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "pic.h"
+extern int dbg;
+#define abs(n) (n >= 0 ? n : -(n))
+#define max(x,y) ((x)>(y) ? (x) : (y))
+char *textshift = "\\v'.2m'"; /* move text this far down */
+/* scaling stuff defined by s command as X0,Y0 to X1,Y1 */
+/* output dimensions set by -l,-w options to 0,0 to hmax, vmax */
+/* default output is 6x6 inches */
+double xscale;
+double yscale;
+double hpos = 0; /* current horizontal position in output coordinate system */
+double vpos = 0; /* current vertical position; 0 is top of page */
+double htrue = 0; /* where we really are */
+double vtrue = 0;
+double X0, Y0; /* left bottom of input */
+double X1, Y1; /* right top of input */
+double hmax; /* right end of output */
+double vmax; /* top of output (down is positive) */
+extern double deltx;
+extern double delty;
+extern double xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
+double xconv(double), yconv(double), xsc(double), ysc(double);
+void space(double, double, double, double);
+void hgoto(double), vgoto(double), hmot(double), vmot(double);
+void move(double, double), movehv(double, double);
+char svgfill[40] = "transparent";
+char svgstroke[40] = "black";
+void openpl(char *s) /* initialize device; s is residue of .PS invocation line */
+ double maxw, maxh, ratio = 1;
+ double odeltx = deltx, odelty = delty;
+ hpos = vpos = 0;
+ maxw = getfval("maxpswid");
+ maxh = getfval("maxpsht");
+ if (deltx > maxw) { /* shrink horizontal */
+ ratio = maxw / deltx;
+ deltx *= ratio;
+ delty *= ratio;
+ }
+ if (delty > maxh) { /* shrink vertical */
+ ratio = maxh / delty;
+ deltx *= ratio;
+ delty *= ratio;
+ }
+ if (ratio != 1) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "pic: %g X %g picture shrunk to", odeltx, odelty);
+ fprintf(stderr, " %g X %g\n", deltx, delty);
+ }
+ space(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
+ printf("<svg height=\"%.3f\" width=\"%.3f\"\n", yconv(ymin)+10, xconv(xmax)+10);
+ printf(" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\">\n");
+ printf("<g transform=\"translate(5 5)\">\n");
+ /*
+ printf("... %g %g %g %g\n", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
+ printf("... %.3fi %.3fi %.3fi %.3fi\n",
+ xconv(xmin), yconv(ymin), xconv(xmax), yconv(ymax));
+ printf(".nr 00 \\n(.u\n");
+ printf(".nf\n");
+ printf(".PS %.3fi %.3fi %s", yconv(ymin), xconv(xmax), s);
+ */
+void space(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) /* set limits of page */
+ X0 = x0;
+ Y0 = y0;
+ X1 = x1;
+ Y1 = y1;
+ xscale = deltx == 0.0 ? 1.0 : deltx / (X1-X0);
+ yscale = delty == 0.0 ? 1.0 : delty / (Y1-Y0);
+ xscale *= 144;
+ yscale *= 144;
+double xconv(double x) /* convert x from external to internal form */
+ return (x-X0) * xscale;
+double xsc(double x) /* convert x from external to internal form, scaling only */
+ return (x) * xscale;
+double yconv(double y) /* convert y from external to internal form */
+ return (Y1-y) * yscale;
+double ysc(double y) /* convert y from external to internal form, scaling only */
+ return (y) * yscale;
+void closepl(char *PEline) /* clean up after finished */
+ printf("</g>\n");
+ printf("</svg>\n");
+void move(double x, double y) /* go to position x, y in external coords */
+ hgoto(xconv(x));
+ vgoto(yconv(y));
+void movehv(double h, double v) /* go to internal position h, v */
+ hgoto(h);
+ vgoto(v);
+void hmot(double n) /* generate n units of horizontal motion */
+ hpos += n;
+void vmot(double n) /* generate n units of vertical motion */
+ vpos += n;
+void hgoto(double n)
+ hpos = n;
+void vgoto(double n)
+ vpos = n;
+void hvflush(void) /* get to proper point for output */
+ if (fabs(hpos-htrue) >= 0.0005) {
+ printf("\\h'%.3fi'", hpos - htrue);
+ htrue = hpos;
+ }
+ if (fabs(vpos-vtrue) >= 0.0005) {
+ printf("\\v'%.3fi'", vpos - vtrue);
+ vtrue = vpos;
+ }
+void printlf(int n, char *f)
+void troff(char *s) /* output troff right here */
+ printf("%s\n", s);
+void label(char *s, int t, int nh) /* text s of type t nh half-lines up */
+ char *anchor;
+ if (!s)
+ return;
+ if (t & ABOVE)
+ nh++;
+ else if (t & BELOW)
+ nh--;
+ t &= ~(ABOVE|BELOW);
+ anchor = 0;
+ if (t & LJUST) {
+ // default
+ } else if (t & RJUST) {
+ anchor = "end";
+ } else { /* CENTER */
+ anchor = "middle";
+ }
+ printf("<text x=\"%.3f\" y=\"%.3f\"", hpos, vpos-(double)(nh-0.4)*(12.0/72)/2*144);
+ if(anchor)
+ printf(" text-anchor=\"%s\"", anchor);
+ printf(">%s</text>\n", s);
+void line(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, int attr, double ddval) /* draw line from x0,y0 to x1,y1 */
+ printf("<path d=\"M %.3f %.3f L %.3f %.3f\" fill=\"transparent\" stroke=\"black\"", xconv(x0), yconv(y0), xconv(x1), yconv(y1));
+ if(attr & DASHBIT)
+ printf(" stroke-dasharray=\"%.3f, %.3f\"", xsc(ddval), xsc(ddval));
+ else if(attr & DOTBIT)
+ printf(" stroke-dasharray=\"1, %.3f\"", xsc(ddval));
+ printf("/>\n");
+void arrow(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double w, double h,
+ double ang, int nhead) /* draw arrow (without shaft) */
+ double alpha, rot, drot, hyp;
+ double dx, dy;
+ int i;
+ rot = atan2(w / 2, h);
+ hyp = sqrt(w/2 * w/2 + h * h);
+ alpha = atan2(y1-y0, x1-x0) + ang;
+ if (nhead < 2)
+ nhead = 2;
+ dprintf("rot=%g, hyp=%g, alpha=%g\n", rot, hyp, alpha);
+ printf("<path d=\"");
+ for (i = 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ drot = 2 * rot / (double) (2-1) * (double) i;
+ dx = hyp * cos(alpha + PI - rot + drot);
+ dy = hyp * sin(alpha + PI - rot + drot);
+ dprintf("dx,dy = %g,%g\n", dx, dy);
+ if(i == 1)
+ printf("M %.3f %.3f L %.3f %.3f", xconv(x1+dx), yconv(y1+dy), xconv(x1), yconv(y1));
+ else
+ printf(" L %.3f %.3f", xconv(x1+dx), yconv(y1+dy));
+ }
+ if (nhead > 2)
+ printf(" Z");
+ printf("\"");
+ if(nhead > 3)
+ printf(" fill=\"black\" stroke=\"black\"");
+ else if(nhead == 3)
+ printf(" fill=\"white\" stroke=\"black\"");
+ else
+ printf(" fill=\"transparent\" stroke=\"black\"");
+ printf("/>\n");
+double lastgray = 0;
+void fillstart(double v, int vis, int fill)
+ int x;
+ if(fill) {
+ x = (int)(v*255.0);
+ sprintf(svgfill, "#%02x%02x%02x", x, x, x);
+ } else
+ strcpy(svgfill, "transparent");
+ if(vis)
+ strcpy(svgstroke, "black");
+ else
+ strcpy(svgstroke, "transparent");
+void fillend(void)
+ strcpy(svgfill, "transparent");
+ strcpy(svgstroke, "black");
+void box(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, int attr, double ddval)
+ printf("<path d=\"M %.3f %.3f V %.3f H %.3f V %.3f Z\" fill=\"transparent\" stroke=\"black\"", xconv(x0), yconv(y0), yconv(y1), xconv(x1), yconv(y0));
+ if(attr & DASHBIT)
+ printf(" stroke-dasharray=\"%.3f, %.3f\"", xsc(ddval), xsc(ddval));
+ else if(attr & DOTBIT)
+ printf(" stroke-dasharray=\"1, %.3f\"", xsc(ddval));
+ printf("/>\n");
+void circle(double x, double y, double r)
+ printf("<circle cx=\"%.3f\" cy=\"%.3f\" r=\"%.3f\" fill=\"%s\" stroke=\"%s\"/>\n", xconv(x), yconv(y), xsc(r), svgfill, svgstroke);
+void spline(double x, double y, double n, ofloat *p, int attr, double ddval)
+ int i;
+ double x1, y1, x2, y2;
+ printf("<path d=\"M %.3f %.3f", xconv(x), yconv(y));
+ x1 = 0;
+ y1 = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 2 * n; i += 2) {
+ x2 = x1;
+ y2 = y1;
+ x1 = x;
+ y1 = y;
+ x += p[i];
+ y += p[i+1];
+ if(i == 0)
+ printf(" L %.3f %.3f", xconv((x+x1)/2), yconv((y+y1)/2));
+ else
+ printf(" Q %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f", xconv(x1), yconv(y1), xconv((x+x1)/2), yconv((y+y1)/2));
+ }
+ printf(" L %.3f %.3f", xconv(x), yconv(y));
+ printf("\" fill=\"%s\" stroke=\"%s\"", svgfill, svgstroke);
+ if(attr & DASHBIT)
+ printf(" stroke-dasharray=\"%.3f, %.3f\"", xsc(ddval), xsc(ddval));
+ else if(attr & DOTBIT)
+ printf(" stroke-dasharray=\"1, %.3f\"", xsc(ddval));
+ printf("/>\n");
+void ellipse(double x, double y, double r1, double r2)
+ printf("<ellipse cx=\"%.3f\" cy=\"%.3f\" rx=\"%.3f\" ry=\"%.3f\" fill=\"%s\" stroke=\"%s\"/>\n", xconv(x), yconv(y), xsc(r1), ysc(r2), svgfill, svgstroke);
+void arc(double x, double y, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double r) /* draw arc with center x,y */
+ printf("<path d=\"M %.3f %.3f A %.3f %.3f %d %d %d %.3f %.3f\" fill=\"%s\" stroke=\"%s\"/>\n",
+ xconv(x0), yconv(y0),
+ xsc(r), ysc(r), 0, 0, 0, xconv(x1), yconv(y1),
+ svgfill, svgstroke);