path: root/man/man1/acme.html
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 481 deletions
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-<title>acme(1) - Plan 9 from User Space</title>
-<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv=Content-Type>
-<body bgcolor=#ffffff>
-<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%>
-<tr height=10><td>
-<tr><td width=20><td>
-<tr><td width=20><td><b>ACME(1)</b><td align=right><b>ACME(1)</b>
-<tr><td width=20><td colspan=2>
- <br>
-<p><font size=+1><b>NAME </b></font><br>
-<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- acme, win, awd &ndash; interactive text windows<br>
-<p><font size=+1><b>SYNOPSIS </b></font><br>
-<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- <tt><font size=+1>acme</font></tt> [ <tt><font size=+1>&#8722;f</font></tt> <i>varfont</i> ] [ <tt><font size=+1>&#8722;F</font></tt> <i>fixfont</i> ] [ <tt><font size=+1>&#8722;c</font></tt> <i>ncol</i> ] [ <tt><font size=+1>&#8722;br</font></tt> ] [ <tt><font size=+1>&#8722;l</font></tt> <i>file</i>
- | <i>file</i> ... ]
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- <tt><font size=+1>win</font></tt> [ <i>command</i> ]
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- <tt><font size=+1>awd</font></tt> [ <i>label</i> ]<br>
-<p><font size=+1><b>DESCRIPTION </b></font><br>
-<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- <i>Acme</i> manages windows of text that may be edited interactively
- or by external programs. The interactive interface uses the keyboard
- and mouse; external programs use a set of files served by <i>acme</i>;
- these are discussed in <a href="../man4/acme.html"><i>acme</i>(4)</a>.
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- Any named <i>files</i> are read into <i>acme</i> windows before <i>acme</i> accepts
- input. With the <tt><font size=+1>&#8722;l</font></tt> option, the state of the entire system is loaded
- from <i>file</i>, which should have been created by a <tt><font size=+1>Dump</font></tt> command (q.v.),
- and subsequent <i>file</i> names are ignored. Plain files display as
- text; directories display as columnated lists of the
- names of their components, as in <tt><font size=+1>ls &#8722;p directory|mc</font></tt> except that
- the names of subdirectories have a slash appended.
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- The <tt><font size=+1>&#8722;f</font></tt> (<tt><font size=+1>&#8722;F</font></tt>) option sets the main font, usually variable-pitch
- (alternate, usually fixed-pitch); the default is <tt><font size=+1>/usr/local/plan9/font/lucidasans/euro.8.font</font></tt>
- (<tt><font size=+1>.../lucm/unicode.9.font</font></tt>). Tab intervals are set to the width
- of 4 (or the value of <tt><font size=+1>$tabstop</font></tt>) numeral zeros in the appropriate
- font.
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- <p><font size=+1><b>Windows </b></font><br>
- <i>Acme</i> windows are in two parts: a one-line <i>tag</i> above a multi-line
- <i>body</i>. The body typically contains an image of a file, as in <a href="../man1/sam.html"><i>sam</i>(1)</a>,
- or the output of a program, as in an <a href="../man1/rio.html"><i>rio</i>(1)</a> window. The tag contains
- a number of blank-separated words, followed by a vertical bar
- character, followed by anything. The first word is the
- name of the window, typically the name of the associated file
- or directory, and the other words are commands available in that
- window. Any text may be added after the bar; examples are strings
- to search for or commands to execute in that window. Changes to
- the text left of the bar will be ignored, unless the result is
- to change the name of the window.
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- If a window holds a directory, the name (first word of the tag)
- will end with a slash.<br>
- <p><font size=+1><b>Scrolling </b></font><br>
- Each window has a scroll bar to the left of the body. The scroll
- bar behaves much as in <a href="../man1/sam.html"><i>sam</i>(1)</a> or <a href="../man1/rio.html"><i>rio</i>(1)</a> except that scrolling
- occurs when the button is pressed, rather than released, and continues
- as long as the mouse button is held down in the scroll bar. For
- example, to scroll slowly through a file, hold button 3
- down near the top of the scroll bar. Moving the mouse down the
- scroll bar speeds up the rate of scrolling. (The experimental
- option <tt><font size=+1>&#8722;r</font></tt> reverses the scrolling behavior of buttons 1 and 3,
- to behave more like <a href="../man1/xterm.html"><i>xterm</i>(1)</a>.)<br>
- <p><font size=+1><b>Layout </b></font><br>
- <i>Acme</i> windows are arranged in columns. By default, it creates two
- columns when starting; this can be overridden with the <tt><font size=+1>&#8722;c</font></tt> option.
- Placement is automatic but may be adjusted using the <i>layout box</i>
- in the upper left corner of each window and column. Pressing and
- holding any mouse button in the box drags the
- associated window or column. For windows, just clicking in the
- layout box grows the window in place: button 1 grows it a little,
- button 2 grows it as much as it can, still leaving all other tags
- in that column visible, and button 3 takes over the column completely,
- temporarily hiding other windows in the column. (They
- will return <i>en masse</i> if any of them needs attention.) The layout
- box in a window is normally white; when it is black in the center,
- it records that the file is &#8216;dirty&#8217;: <i>acme</i> believes it is modified
- from its original contents.
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- Tags exist at the top of each column and across the whole display.
- <i>Acme</i> pre-loads them with useful commands. Also, the tag across
- the top maintains a list of executing long-running commands.<br>
- <p><font size=+1><b>Typing </b></font><br>
- The behavior of typed text is similar to that in <a href="../man1/rio.html"><i>rio</i>(1)</a> except
- that the characters are delivered to the tag or body under the
- mouse; there is no &#8216;click to type&#8217;. (The experimental option <tt><font size=+1>&#8722;b</font></tt>
- causes typing to go to the most recently clicked-at or made window.)
- The usual backspacing conventions apply. As in <a href="../man1/sam.html"><i>sam</i>(1)</a> but not
- <i>rio</i>, the ESC key selects the text typed since the last mouse action,
- a feature particularly useful when executing commands. A side
- effect is that typing ESC with text already selected is identical
- to a <tt><font size=+1>Cut</font></tt> command (<i>q.v.</i>).
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- Most text, including the names of windows, may be edited uniformly.
- The only exception is that the command names to the left of the
- bar in a tag are maintained automatically; changes to them are
- repaired by <i>acme</i>.<br>
- <p><font size=+1><b>Directory context </b></font><br>
- Each window&#8217;s tag names a directory: explicitly if the window
- holds a directory; implicitly if it holds a regular file (e.g.
- the directory <tt><font size=+1>/adm</font></tt> if the window holds <tt><font size=+1>/adm/users</font></tt>). This directory
- provides a <i>context</i> for interpreting file names in that window.
- For example, the string <tt><font size=+1>users</font></tt> in a window labeled <tt><font size=+1>/adm/</font></tt> or
- <tt><font size=+1>/adm/keys</font></tt> will be interpreted as the file name <tt><font size=+1>/adm/users</font></tt>. The
- directory is defined purely textually, so it can be a non-existent
- directory or a real directory associated with a non-existent file
- (e.g. <tt><font size=+1>/adm/not&#8722;a&#8722;file</font></tt>). File names beginning with a slash are
- assumed to be absolute file names.
- <p><font size=+1><b>Errors </b></font><br>
- Windows whose names begin with <tt><font size=+1>&#8722;</font></tt> or <tt><font size=+1>+</font></tt> conventionally hold diagnostics
- and other data not directly associated with files. A window labeled
- <tt><font size=+1>+Errors</font></tt> receives all diagnostics produced by <i>acme</i> itself. Diagnostics
- from commands run by <i>acme</i> appear in a window named <i>directory</i><tt><font size=+1>/+Errors</font></tt>
- where <i>directory</i> is
- identified by the context of the command. These error windows
- are created when needed.<br>
- <p><font size=+1><b>Mouse button 1 </b></font><br>
- Mouse button 1 selects text just as in <a href="../man1/sam.html"><i>sam</i>(1)</a> or <a href="../man1/rio.html"><i>rio</i>(1)</a><i>,</i> including
- the usual double-clicking conventions.<br>
- <p><font size=+1><b>Mouse button 2 </b></font><br>
- By an action similar to selecting text with button 1, button 2
- indicates text to execute as a command. If the indicated text
- has multiple white-space-separated words, the first is the command
- name and the second and subsequent are its arguments. If button
- 2 is &#8216;clicked&#8217;--indicates a null string--<i>acme expands</i> the
- indicated text to find a command to run: if the click is within
- button-1-selected text, <i>acme</i> takes that selection as the command;
- otherwise it takes the largest string of valid file name characters
- containing the click. Valid file name characters are alphanumerics
- and <tt><font size=+1>_ . &#8722; + /</font></tt>. This behavior is similar to double-clicking
- with button 1 but, because a null command is meaningless, only
- a single click is required.
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- Some commands, all by convention starting with a capital letter,
- are <i>built-ins</i> that are executed directly by <i>acme</i>:<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>Cut</font></tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Delete most recently selected text and place in snarf buffer.<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>Del</font></tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Delete window. If window is dirty, instead print a warning;
- a second <tt><font size=+1>Del</font></tt> will succeed.<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>Delcol<br>
- </font></tt>
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- Delete column and all its windows, after checking that windows
- are not dirty.<br>
- </table>
- <tt><font size=+1>Delete<br>
- </font></tt>
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- Delete window without checking for dirtiness.<br>
- </table>
- <tt><font size=+1>Dump</font></tt>Write the state of <i>acme</i> to the file name, if specified, or
- <tt><font size=+1>$home/acme.dump</font></tt> by default.<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>Edit</font></tt>Treat the argument as a text editing command in the style
- of <a href="../man1/sam.html"><i>sam</i>(1)</a>. The full <tt><font size=+1>Sam</font></tt> language is implemented except for the
- commands <tt><font size=+1>k</font></tt>, <tt><font size=+1>n</font></tt>, <tt><font size=+1>q</font></tt>, and <tt><font size=+1>!</font></tt>. The <tt><font size=+1>=</font></tt> command is slightly different:
- it includes the file name and gives only the line address unless
- the command is explicitly <tt><font size=+1>=#</font></tt>. The &#8216;current window&#8217; for the
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- command is the body of the window in which the <tt><font size=+1>Edit</font></tt> command is
- executed. Usually the <tt><font size=+1>Edit</font></tt> command would be typed in a tag; longer
- commands may be prepared in a scratch window and executed, with
- <tt><font size=+1>Edit</font></tt> itself in the current window, using the 2-1 chord described
- below.
- </table>
- <tt><font size=+1>Exit</font></tt>Exit <i>acme</i> after checking that windows are not dirty.<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>Font</font></tt>With no arguments, change the font of the associated window
- from fixed-spaced to proportional-spaced or <i>vice versa</i>. Given
- a file name argument, change the font of the window to that stored
- in the named file. If the file name argument is prefixed by <tt><font size=+1>var</font></tt>
- (<tt><font size=+1>fix</font></tt>), also set the default proportional-spaced
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- (fixed-spaced) font for future use to that font. Other existing
- windows are unaffected.<br>
- </table>
- <tt><font size=+1>Get</font></tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Load file into window, replacing previous contents (after checking
- for dirtiness as in <tt><font size=+1>Del</font></tt>). With no argument, use the existing file
- name of the window. Given an argument, use that file but do not
- change the window&#8217;s file name.<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>ID</font></tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Print window ID number (<i>q.v.</i>).<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>Incl</font></tt>When opening &#8216;include&#8217; files (those enclosed in <tt><font size=+1>&lt;&gt;</font></tt>) with button
- 3, <i>acme</i> searches in directories <tt><font size=+1>/$objtype/include</font></tt> and <tt><font size=+1>/sys/include</font></tt>.
- <tt><font size=+1>Incl</font></tt> adds its arguments to a supplementary list of include directories,
- analogous to the <tt><font size=+1>&#8722;I</font></tt> option to the compilers. This list is per-window
- and is inherited when
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- windows are created by actions in that window, so <i>Incl</i> is most
- usefully applied to a directory containing relevant source. With
- no arguments, <i>Incl</i> prints the supplementary list. This command
- is largely superseded by plumbing (see <a href="../man7/plumb.html"><i>plumb</i>(7)</a>).<br>
- </table>
- <tt><font size=+1>Kill</font></tt>Send a <tt><font size=+1>kill</font></tt> note to <i>acme</i>-initiated commands named as arguments.<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>Local<br>
- </font></tt>
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- In the Plan 9 <i>acme</i>, this prefix causes a command to be run in
- <i>acme</i>&#8217;s<i>own</i> file name space and environment variable group. On Unix
- this is impossible. <tt><font size=+1>Local</font></tt> is recognized as a prefix, but has no
- effect on the command being executed.<br>
- </table>
- <tt><font size=+1>Load</font></tt>Restore the state of <i>acme</i> from a file (default <tt><font size=+1>$home/acme.dump</font></tt>)
- created by the <tt><font size=+1>Dump</font></tt> command.<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>Look</font></tt>Search in body for occurrence of literal text indicated by
- the argument or, if none is given, by the selected text in the
- body.<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>New</font></tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Make new window. With arguments, load the named files into
- windows.<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>Newcol<br>
- </font></tt>
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- Make new column.<br>
- </table>
- <tt><font size=+1>Paste<br>
- </font></tt>
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- Replace most recently selected text with contents of snarf buffer.<br>
- </table>
- <tt><font size=+1>Put</font></tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Write window to the named file. With no argument, write to
- the file named in the tag of the window.<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>Putall<br>
- </font></tt>
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- Write all dirty windows whose names indicate existing regular
- files.<br>
- </table>
- <tt><font size=+1>Redo</font></tt>Complement of <tt><font size=+1>Undo</font></tt>.<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>Send</font></tt>Append selected text or snarf buffer to end of body; used
- mainly with <i>win</i>.<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>Snarf<br>
- </font></tt>
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- Place selected text in snarf buffer.<br>
- </table>
- <tt><font size=+1>Sort</font></tt>Arrange the windows in the column from top to bottom in lexicographical
- order based on their names.<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>Tab</font></tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Set the width of tab stops for this window to the value of
- the argument, in units of widths of the zero character. With no
- arguments, it prints the current value.<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>Undo</font></tt>Undo last textual change or set of changes.<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>Zerox<br>
- </font></tt>
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- Create a copy of the window containing most recently selected
- text.
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- </table>
- A common place to store text for commands is in the tag; in fact
- <i>acme</i> maintains a set of commands appropriate to the state of the
- window to the left of the bar in the tag.
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- If the text indicated with button 2 is not a recognized built-in,
- it is executed as a shell command. For example, indicating <tt><font size=+1>date</font></tt>
- with button 2 runs <a href="../man1/date.html"><i>date</i>(1)</a>. The standard and error outputs of
- commands are sent to the error window associated with the directory
- from which the command was run, which will be created if
- necessary. For example, in a window <tt><font size=+1>/etc/passwd</font></tt> executing <tt><font size=+1>pwd</font></tt>
- will produce the output <tt><font size=+1>/etc</font></tt> in a (possibly newly-created) window
- labeled <tt><font size=+1>/etc/+Errors</font></tt>; in a window containing <tt><font size=+1>/home/rob/sam/sam.c</font></tt>
- executing <tt><font size=+1>mk</font></tt> will run <a href="../man1/mk.html"><i>mk</i>(1)</a> in <tt><font size=+1>/home/rob/sam</font></tt>, producing output
- in a window labeled
- <tt><font size=+1>/home/rob/sam/+Errors</font></tt>. The environment of such commands contains
- the variable <tt><font size=+1>$%</font></tt> with value set to the filename of the window in
- which the command is run, and <tt><font size=+1>$winid</font></tt> set to the window&#8217;s id number
- (see <a href="../man4/acme.html"><i>acme</i>(4)</a>).<br>
- <p><font size=+1><b>Mouse button 3 </b></font><br>
- Pointing at text with button 3 instructs <i>acme</i> to locate or acquire
- the file, string, etc. described by the indicated text and its
- context. This description follows the actions taken when button
- 3 is released after sweeping out some text. In the description,
- <i>text</i> refers to the text of the original sweep or, if it was null,
- the
- result of applying the same expansion rules that apply to button
- 2 actions.
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- If the text names an existing window, <i>acme</i> moves the mouse cursor
- to the selected text in the body of that window. If the text names
- an existing file with no associated window, <i>acme</i> loads the file
- into a new window and moves the mouse there. If the text is a
- file name contained in angle brackets, <i>acme</i> loads the
- indicated include file from the directory appropriate to the suffix
- of the file name of the window holding the text. (The <tt><font size=+1>Incl</font></tt> command
- adds directories to the standard list.)
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- If the text begins with a colon, it is taken to be an address,
- in the style of <a href="../man1/sam.html"><i>sam</i>(1)</a>, within the body of the window containing
- the text. The address is evaluated, the resulting text highlighted,
- and the mouse moved to it. Thus, in <i>acme</i>, one must type <tt><font size=+1>:/regexp</font></tt>
- or <tt><font size=+1>:127</font></tt> not just <tt><font size=+1>/regexp</font></tt> or <tt><font size=+1>127</font></tt>. (There is an easier
- way to locate literal text; see below.)
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- If the text is a file name followed by a colon and an address,
- <i>acme</i> loads the file and evaluates the address. For example, clicking
- button 3 anywhere in the text <tt><font size=+1>file.c:27</font></tt> will open <tt><font size=+1>file.c</font></tt>, select
- line 27, and put the mouse at the beginning of the line. The rules
- about Error files, directories, and so on all combine
- to make this an efficient way to investigate errors from compilers,
- etc.
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- If the text is not an address or file, it is taken to be literal
- text, which is then searched for in the body of the window in
- which button 3 was clicked. If a match is found, it is selected
- and the mouse is moved there. Thus, to search for occurrences
- of a word in a file, just click button 3 on the word. Because
- of the rule of
- using the selection as the button 3 action, subsequent clicks
- will find subsequent occurrences without moving the mouse.
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- In all these actions, the mouse motion is not done if the text
- is a null string within a non-null selected string in the tag,
- so that (for example) complex regular expressions may be selected
- and applied repeatedly to the body by just clicking button 3 over
- them.<br>
- <p><font size=+1><b>Chords of mouse buttons </b></font><br>
- Several operations are bound to multiple-button actions. After
- selecting text, with button 1 still down, pressing button 2 executes
- <tt><font size=+1>Cut</font></tt> and button 3 executes <tt><font size=+1>Paste</font></tt>. After clicking one button, the
- other undoes the first; thus (while holding down button 1) 2 followed
- by 3 is a <tt><font size=+1>Snarf</font></tt> that leaves the file undirtied; 3
- followed by 2 is a no-op. These actions also apply to text selected
- by double-clicking because the double-click expansion is made
- when the second click starts, not when it ends.
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- Commands may be given extra arguments by a mouse chord with buttons
- 2 and 1. While holding down button 2 on text to be executed as
- a command, clicking button 1 appends the text last pointed to
- by button 1 as a distinct final argument. For example, to search
- for literal <tt><font size=+1>text</font></tt> one may execute <tt><font size=+1>Look text</font></tt> with
- button 2 or instead point at <tt><font size=+1>text</font></tt> with button 1 in any window,
- release button 1, then execute <tt><font size=+1>Look</font></tt>, clicking button 1 while 2
- is held down.
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- When an external command (e.g. <a href="../man1/echo.html"><i>echo</i>(1)</a>) is executed this way,
- the extra argument is passed as expected and an environment variable
- <tt><font size=+1>$acmeaddr</font></tt> is created that holds, in the form interpreted by button
- 3, the fully-qualified address of the extra argument.<br>
- <p><font size=+1><b>Support programs </b></font><br>
- <i>Win</i> creates a new <i>acme</i> window and runs a <i>command</i> (default <tt><font size=+1>$SHELL</font></tt>)
- in it, turning the window into something analogous to an <a href="../man1/rio.html"><i>rio</i>(1)</a>
- window. Executing text in a <i>win</i> window with button 2 is similar
- to using <tt><font size=+1>Send</font></tt>.
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- <i>Awd</i> loads the tag line of its window with the directory in which
- it&#8217;s running, suffixed <tt><font size=+1>&#8722;</font></tt><i>label</i> (default <tt><font size=+1>rc</font></tt>); it is intended to
- be executed by a <tt><font size=+1>cd</font></tt> function for use in <i>win</i> windows. An example
- definition is<br>
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- <tt><font size=+1>fn cd { builtin cd $1 &amp;&amp; awd $sysname }<br>
- </font></tt>
- </table>
- <p><font size=+1><b>Applications and guide files </b></font><br>
- In the directory <tt><font size=+1>/acme</font></tt> live several subdirectories, each corresponding
- to a program or set of related programs that employ <i>acme&#8217;s</i> user
- interface. Each subdirectory includes source, binaries, and a
- <tt><font size=+1>readme</font></tt> file for further information. It also includes a <tt><font size=+1>guide</font></tt>,
- a text file holding sample commands to invoke the
- programs. The idea is to find an example in the guide that best
- matches the job at hand, edit it to suit, and execute it.
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=5><td></table>
- Whenever a command is executed by <i>acme</i>, the default search path
- includes the directory of the window containing the command and
- its subdirectory <tt><font size=+1>$cputype</font></tt>. The program directories in <tt><font size=+1>/acme</font></tt> contain
- appropriately labeled subdirectories of binaries, so commands
- named in the guide files will be found
- automatically when run. Also, <i>acme</i> binds the directories <tt><font size=+1>/acme/bin</font></tt>
- and <tt><font size=+1>/acme/bin/$cputype</font></tt> to the end of <tt><font size=+1>/bin</font></tt> when it starts; this
- is where <i>acme</i>-specific programs such as <i>win</i> and <i>awd</i> reside.<br>
-<p><font size=+1><b>FILES </b></font><br>
-<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- <tt><font size=+1>$home/acme.dump</font></tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;default file for <tt><font size=+1>Dump</font></tt> and <tt><font size=+1>Load</font></tt>; also where state
- is written if <i>acme</i> dies or is killed unexpectedly, e.g. by deleting
- its window.<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>/acme/*/guide</font></tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;template files for applications<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>/acme/*/readme</font></tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;informal documentation for applications<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>/acme/*/src</font></tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;source for applications<br>
- <tt><font size=+1>/acme/*/mips</font></tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MIPS-specific binaries for applications<br>
-<p><font size=+1><b>SOURCE </b></font><br>
-<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- <tt><font size=+1>/usr/local/plan9/src/cmd/acme<br>
- /usr/local/plan9/src/cmd/9term/win.c<br>
- /usr/local/plan9/bin/awd<br>
- </font></tt>
-<p><font size=+1><b>SEE ALSO </b></font><br>
-<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- <a href="../man4/acme.html"><i>acme</i>(4)</a><br>
- Rob Pike, <i>Acme: A User Interface for Programmers.<br>
- </i>
-<p><font size=+1><b>BUGS </b></font><br>
-<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr height=2><td><tr><td width=20><td>
- With the <tt><font size=+1>&#8722;l</font></tt> option or <tt><font size=+1>Load</font></tt> command, the recreation of windows
- under control of external programs such as <i>win</i> is just to rerun
- the command; information may be lost.<br>
-<td width=20>
-<tr height=20><td>
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-<a href="../../"><img src="../../dist/spaceglenda100.png" alt="Space Glenda" border=1></a>
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